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Right Or Wrong Happiness Quotes & Sayings

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Top Right Or Wrong Happiness Quotes

Right Or Wrong Happiness Quotes By Laurie Frankel

Not ever. Not once. You never know. You only guess. This is how it always is. You have to make these huge decisions on behalf of your kid, this tiny human whose fate and future is entirely in your hands, who trusts you to know what's good and right and then to be able to make that happen. You never have enough information. You don't get to see the future. And if you screw up, if with your incomplete, contradictory information you make the wrong call, well, nothing less than your child's entire future and happiness is at stake. It's impossible. It's heartbreaking. It's maddening. But there's no alternative. — Laurie Frankel

Right Or Wrong Happiness Quotes By John Kramer

Every decision is easy once you make it. The important thing is to think carefully, make your decision, and then work to make your choice the right one. That is the secret to a happy life. There are very few wrong decisions in life, but very few people who are willing to make the effort it takes to make their decisions the right ones. — John Kramer

Right Or Wrong Happiness Quotes By John Stuart Mill

The creed which accepts as the foundation of morals, Utility, or the Greatest-Happiness Principle, holds that actions are right in proportion as they tend to promote happiness, wrong as they tend to produce the reverse of happiness. By happiness is intended pleasure, and the absence of pain; by unhappiness, pain, and the privation of pleasure. — John Stuart Mill

Right Or Wrong Happiness Quotes By Frederick Lenz

Oh God, God, please come to me, please illumine me, please act in me and through me. I don't know what's right and what's wrong. I can't tell anymore. I could be doing what I feel is right and perhaps I'm deceiving myself. Perhaps it's all my ego and my vanity. Please show me what's right or don't even show me. Please just do it, whether it brings me happiness or unhappiness, riches or poverty, sorrow or joy. Please act in and through me. I love only you. — Frederick Lenz

Right Or Wrong Happiness Quotes By Janet Morris

Life was never simple, happiness never where you thought you'd left it, and right and wrong no more fixed than clouds in the sky. — Janet Morris

Right Or Wrong Happiness Quotes By Chuck Wendig

We come to the page with too many expectations. Each poor little story is like a trembling donkey upon which we heap tons of weight. We don't just want a good book, we want a bestseller. If it isn't perfect, we hate it. If it isn't 100% right, it's 1000% wrong. Problem: we care too damn much. It's all or nothing with us and that's the kind of dichotomy that shanks our happiness right in the kidneys. So: care less. Ease off the stress stick. Have more fun with what you're doing. When your kids and dogs play in the mud, you can either freak out that they're too dirty, or you can laugh and jump in the mud, too. So, fuck it: jump in the damn mud already. — Chuck Wendig

Right Or Wrong Happiness Quotes By Marian Keyes

It's not like you take the right turning and you get everlasting happiness and you take the wrong one and your life's a disaster. In real life it's often impossible to tell which decision is the one you should make because what you stand to gain and what you stand to lose are sometimes-often-neck and neck. — Marian Keyes

Right Or Wrong Happiness Quotes By Hosea Ballou

Suspicion is far more to be wrong than right; more often unjust than just. It is no friend to virtue, and always an enemy to happiness. — Hosea Ballou

Right Or Wrong Happiness Quotes By Debasish Mridha

There is no right; there is no wrong; there is only possibility. — Debasish Mridha

Right Or Wrong Happiness Quotes By Bill Bailey

Contentment is knowing you're right. Happiness is knowing someone else is wrong. — Bill Bailey

Right Or Wrong Happiness Quotes By Robert Green Ingersoll

By physical liberty I mean the right to do anything which does not interfere with the happiness of another. By intellectual liberty I mean the right to think and the right to think wrong. — Robert Green Ingersoll

Right Or Wrong Happiness Quotes By Devanshi Sharma

Why go with wrong, when right is an option? — Devanshi Sharma

Right Or Wrong Happiness Quotes By Laurence Sterne

Positiveness is a most absurd foible. If you are in the right, it lessens your triumph; if in the wrong, it adds shame to your defeat. — Laurence Sterne

Right Or Wrong Happiness Quotes By David Lloyd-Jones

There is no happiness finally, there is no peace, there is no joy except we be right with God. The miserable Christian is wrong in his ideas as to how this rightness with God is to be obtained. — David Lloyd-Jones

Right Or Wrong Happiness Quotes By Anthony Pan

If you do things right, NOTHING will go wrong. Conversely if you do things wrong, NOTHING will be right. — Anthony Pan

Right Or Wrong Happiness Quotes By Frederick Lenz

Happiness is separate from daily experience. If picking the right door on the game show makes you happy, then you will be unhappy in the future because eventually you will pick a wrong door. — Frederick Lenz

Right Or Wrong Happiness Quotes By John Stuart Mill

Actions are right in proportion as they tend to promote happiness; wrong as they tend to produce the reverse of happiness. By happiness is intended pleasure and the absence of pain. — John Stuart Mill

Right Or Wrong Happiness Quotes By Ayn Rand

A process of reason is a process of constant choice in answer to the question: True or False? - Right or Wrong? — Ayn Rand

Right Or Wrong Happiness Quotes By Catherine Ponder

The shocking truth about prosperity is that it is shockingly right instead of shockingly wrong for you to be prosperous. Please note that the word 'rich' means having an abundance of good or living a fuller, more satisfying life. Indeed, you are prosperous to the degree that you are experiencing peace, health, happiness and plenty in your world. There are honorable methods that can carry you quickly toward that goal. It is easier to accomplish than you may now think. That, too, is the shocking truth about prosperity. — Catherine Ponder

Right Or Wrong Happiness Quotes By Jeremy Bentham

Nature has placed mankind under the governance of two sovereign masters, pain and pleasure. It is for them alone to point out what we ought to do, as well as to determine what we shall do. On the one hand the standard of right and wrong, on the other the chain of causes and effects, are fastened to their throne. They govern us in all we do, in all we say, in all we think: every effort we can make to throw off our subjection, will serve but to demonstrate and confirm it. In words a man may pretend to abjure their empire: but in reality he will remain subject to it all the while. The principle of utility recognizes this subjection, and assumes it for the foundation of that system, the object of which is to rear the fabric of felicity by the hands of reason and of law. Systems which attempt to question it, deal in sounds instead of sense, in caprice instead of reason, in darkness instead of light. — Jeremy Bentham

Right Or Wrong Happiness Quotes By Randy Alcorn

Anyone who has tasted rotten fruit is right to object to rottenness. But they're wrong to object to fruit itself! There's good fruit and bad fruit. There's righteous happiness and sinful happiness. — Randy Alcorn

Right Or Wrong Happiness Quotes By Donna Ball

Motherhood is a choice you make everyday, to put someone else's happiness and well-being ahead of your own, to teach the hard lessons, to do the right thing even when you're not sure what the right thing is ... and to forgive yourself, over and over again, for doing everything wrong. — Donna Ball

Right Or Wrong Happiness Quotes By Edgar Rice Burroughs

In absolute and general perfection lies stifling monotony and death. Nature must have contrasts; she must have shadows as well as highlights; sorrow with happiness; both wrong and right; and sin as well as virtue. — Edgar Rice Burroughs

Right Or Wrong Happiness Quotes By Pema Chodron

The most complete and true happiness comes in moments when you feel right there, completely present, with no ideas about good and bad, right and wrong - just a sense of open heart and open mind. — Pema Chodron

Right Or Wrong Happiness Quotes By Girl234

I believe that in a way, sadness is happiness for there can be no wrong without right, no light without dark, no success without failure, no relief without pain, no love without hatred and no Snow White without the evil queen. — Girl234

Right Or Wrong Happiness Quotes By Dorothy L. Sayers

If the one thing was right, everything elses must surely be right; the thing was axiomatic. It was true that happiness had often to be wooed, pleaded for, struggled for; but he took it for grantetd that a woman was made like that - she did no come halway to meet desire, or if she did, there was something wrong with her. She shrank instinctively from passion, but her shrinking inflamed it in spite of herself; then, when she reluctantly yielded, here compassion prompted her response. No passion without compassion, no compassion without love, so that her passion was proof positive of her loev. Since every act of love was an act of compliance, it was right to be grateful for it - her surrender was so beautiful - an intoxicating compliment that filled one with a perpetual consciousness of achievement. — Dorothy L. Sayers

Right Or Wrong Happiness Quotes By Ajahn Chah

Happiness and suffering do not depend on being poor or rich, they depend on having the right or wrong understanding in our mind. — Ajahn Chah

Right Or Wrong Happiness Quotes By Elijah Muhammad

Acquire knowledge. It enables its possessor to distinguish right from wrong; it lights the way to Heaven; it is our friend in the desert, our society in solitude, our companion when friendless; it guides us to happiness; it sustains us in misery; it is an ornament among our friends and an armor against enemies. — Elijah Muhammad

Right Or Wrong Happiness Quotes By Deepak Chopra

There is one experience that brings joy or happiness to every living being. The experience of love. — Deepak Chopra

Right Or Wrong Happiness Quotes By Gayle Forman

For the hundredth time tonight, I'm back with Lulu, on Jacques's barge, the improbably named Viola. She'd just toldme the story of double happiness and we were arguing over the meaning. She'd thought it meant the luck of the boy getting the job and the girl. But I'd disagreed. It was the couplet fitting together, the two halves finding each other. It was love. But maybe we were both wrong, and both right. It's not either or, not luck or love. Not fate or will. Maybe for double happiness, you need both. — Gayle Forman

Right Or Wrong Happiness Quotes By Joyce Meyer

So often, we blame other people when, really, the problem is right down in here. I'm not happy. I don't know what's wrong. If I just had another job, I could be happy. If I just get married, I would be happy. Well if I just wasn't married, I would be happy. Well, if I just had some kids, I'll be happy. I'll be happy when these kids finally grow up and get out of here. If I had a bigger house, I would be happy. Well, I got a big house. Now if I just had a maid to clean, I'd be happy. Well, now if I just had a maid I could get along with better, I'd be happy. — Joyce Meyer

Right Or Wrong Happiness Quotes By Jeb Bush

I know some in the media think conservatives don't care about the cities, but they're wrong. We believe that every American and in every community has a right to pursue happiness. — Jeb Bush

Right Or Wrong Happiness Quotes By Debasish Mridha

When you see things through your heart, there is no right or wrong, true or false, only there is love to share. — Debasish Mridha

Right Or Wrong Happiness Quotes By Jitendra Bhardwaj

Apathy might be the reason for your struggle with sleep in the night. High above everything , there exist a peaceful world that will fix your insomnia.
Light will bring you out of the darkness of your apathy, you will be free from pain and LOVE, it will bring you happiness.
You may feel that you are doing some wrong even you are on the right way.
Everything that kills you will make you feel alive.
When your world has stuck on past and pain is unbearable, love will bring you happiness and nature will fix you up in the beautiful world to enjoy strawberries.
LIGHT WILL GUIDE YOU HOME. — Jitendra Bhardwaj

Right Or Wrong Happiness Quotes By Dalai Lama XIV

Just as one comes to ruin Through wrong eating but obtains Long life, freedom from disease, Strength, and pleasures through right eating, So one comes to ruin Through wrong understanding But attains happiness and highest enlightenment Through right understanding. - NAGARJUNA'S PRECIOUS GARLAND OF ADVICE — Dalai Lama XIV

Right Or Wrong Happiness Quotes By Debasish Mridha

The universe never complains.
When you're wrong or right,
She always loves and cares,
She always gives and shares.
When you get lost she becomes the light,
Helps you to find what is right.
But she never forgets
To show you the light. — Debasish Mridha

Right Or Wrong Happiness Quotes By Ali Harris

Is there such a thing as a life without any regrets? I've never believed so. We spend our lives aiming for happiness and fulfilment in work, in love and with our friends and family, and yet often our energy is spent lamenting bad boyfriends, wrong career turns, fallouts with friends and opportunities missed. Or is that just me? I admit I'm naturally a glass-half-empty kind of girl, but I know regrets are a burden to happiness and I'm trying to let go of them because I've learned that it's all about choice. You can choose to turn regrets into lessons that change your future. Believe me when I say I'm really trying to do this. But the truth is, I'm failing. Because all I can think right now is: maybe I deserve it. Maybe this is my penance. — Ali Harris

Right Or Wrong Happiness Quotes By Dada Bhagwan

There is endless happiness in this world, but provided one knows the science behind it! 'Science' can give happiness. You have become disillusioned; the wrong belief has set in and that is why you are unhappy. When the wrong belief leaves and the 'right belief' sets in, there is nothing but happiness. — Dada Bhagwan

Right Or Wrong Happiness Quotes By William Hurrell Mallock

But will you be able to say what is right and what is wrong any longer, if you don't know for whom anything is right and for whom anything is wrong--whether it is for men with immortal souls, or only with mortal bodies--who are only a little lower than the angels, or only a little better than the pigs? Whilst you can still contrive to doubt upon this matter, whilst the fabric of the old faith is still dissolving only, life still for you, the enlightened few, may preserve what happiness it has now. But when the old fabric is all dissolved, what then? When all divinity shall have gone from love and heroism, and only utility and pleasure shall be left, what then? — William Hurrell Mallock

Right Or Wrong Happiness Quotes By Debasish Mridha

There is no right or wrong, there is only event. We see them with right mindset or wrong mindset. — Debasish Mridha

Right Or Wrong Happiness Quotes By Melissa Febos

I used to think that happiness, like God, was an idea weaker people were sold on, to manage the grief of a world with so much suffering. It is just easier, I thought, to decide that you are doing something wrong and you just need to buy the right thing, read the right book, find the right guru, or pray more to be happy than to accept that life is a great long heartbreak. Happiness is not what I imagined that mirage to be: an unending ecstasy or state of perpetual excitement. Not a high or a mirage, it is just being okay. My happiness is the absence of fear that there won't be enough
enough money, enough power, enough security, enough of a cushion of these things to protect me from the everyday heartbreaks of being human. Heartbreak doesn't kill you. It changes you. — Melissa Febos

Right Or Wrong Happiness Quotes By Theodore Roosevelt

Indeed, it is a sign of marked political weakness in any
commonwealth if the people tend to be carried away by mere oratory, if they
tend to value words in and for themselves, as divorced from the deeds for which
they are supposed to stand. The phrase-maker, the phrase-monger, the ready
talker, however great his power, whose speech does not make for courage,
sobriety, and right understanding, is simply a noxious element in the body
politic, and it speaks ill for the public if he has influence over them. To admire
the gift of oratory without regard to the moral quality behind the gift is to do
wrong to the republic. — Theodore Roosevelt

Right Or Wrong Happiness Quotes By John Geiger

There is a purpose for everyone you meet. Some people will test you, some will use you, some will bring out the best in you, but everyone will teach you something about yourself. Both positive and negative relationships teach you valuable lessons. This is an incredible step toward expanding your consciousness. The road to self-discovery requires help from others. As humans we are always seeking feedback and approval from others. That is how we learn and become better as individuals. No relationship is a waste of time. The wrong ones teach you the lessons that prepare you for the right ones. Appreciate everyone that enters your life because they are contributing to your growth and happiness. — John Geiger

Right Or Wrong Happiness Quotes By Carlyle Labuschagne

You cannot know what light is
if you have not experienced darkness.
How could you know what happiness feels like
if you know not what it means to be sad?
Right does not exist without wrong
Hate exists because there is love.
You are either driven by fear or love.
To love is not to fear.
It is to be godly. — Carlyle Labuschagne

Right Or Wrong Happiness Quotes By Dinah Maria Murlock Craik

Our right or wrong use of money is the utmost test of character, as well as the root of happiness or misery, throughout our whole lives. — Dinah Maria Murlock Craik

Right Or Wrong Happiness Quotes By Bernie Siegel

When guilt rears its ugly head confront it, discuss it and let it go. The past is over. It is time to ask what can we do right, not what did we do wrong. Forgive yourself and move on. — Bernie Siegel

Right Or Wrong Happiness Quotes By John Jay

Among the strange things of this world, nothing seems more strange than that men pursuing happiness should knowingly quit the right and take a wrong road, and frequently do what their judgments neither approve nor prefer. — John Jay

Right Or Wrong Happiness Quotes By Sam Harris

have never come across a coherent notion of bad or good, right or wrong, desirable or undesirable that did not depend upon some change in the experience of conscious creatures. It is not always easy to nail down what we mean by "good" and "bad" - and their definitions may remain perpetually open to revision - but such judgments seem to require, in every instance, that some difference register at the level of experience. Why would it be wrong to murder a billion human beings? Because so much pain and suffering would result. Why would it be wrong to painlessly kill every man, woman, and child in their sleep? Because of all the possibilities for future happiness that would be foreclosed. If you think such actions are wrong primarily because they would anger God or would lead to your punishment after death, you are still worried about perturbations of consciousness - albeit ones that stand a good chance of being wholly imaginary. — Sam Harris

Right Or Wrong Happiness Quotes By John Kuypers

A judgment with an evil design comes about when we compare a person to our pre-conceived beliefs about what is right or wrong and then condemn that person. — John Kuypers

Right Or Wrong Happiness Quotes By Ajahn Chah

The mind of one who practises doesn't run away anywhere, it stays right there. Good, evil, happiness and unhappiness, right and wrong arise, and he knows them all. The meditator simply knows them, they don't enter his mind. That is, he has no clinging. He is simply the experiencer. — Ajahn Chah

Right Or Wrong Happiness Quotes By Debasish Mridha

There is no right or wrong.
There is no weak or strong.
There is only you.
There is no poetry or song.
There is no short or long.
There is only you.
There is no beast or beauty.
There is no task or duty.
There is only you.
There is no passion or mission.
There is no wisdom or vision.
There is only you.
Nothing is there when you're not here.
So love yourself and take great care. — Debasish Mridha

Right Or Wrong Happiness Quotes By Laurie Frankel

This is how it always is. You have to make these huge decision on behalf of your kid, this tiny human whose fate and future is entirely in your hands. Who trusts you to know what's good and right and then to be able to make that happen. You never have enough information. You don't get to see the future. And if you screw up - if with your incomplete contradictory information you make the wrong call - nothing less than your child's entire future and happiness is at stake. It's impossible. It's heartbreaking. It's maddening. But there's no alternative."

"Sure there is," she said.


"Birth control. — Laurie Frankel

Right Or Wrong Happiness Quotes By Chuck Palahniuk

I used to think the secret to a happy ending was to bring down the curtain at the exact right time. A moment after happiness, then everything's all wrong, again. — Chuck Palahniuk

Right Or Wrong Happiness Quotes By Toni Sorenson

Want to make today a great day? Learn something new, reconnect with a light from your past, right a wrong, serve someone incapable of repaying you, smile at your own image and thank God for who you are and all that you have. — Toni Sorenson

Right Or Wrong Happiness Quotes By Elon Musk

I always see what's ... wrong. Would you want that? When I see a car or a rocket or spacecraft, I only see what's wrong. I never see what's right. It's not a recipe for happiness. — Elon Musk

Right Or Wrong Happiness Quotes By Jeremy Bentham

The said truth is that it is the greatest happiness of the greatest number that is the measure of right and wrong. — Jeremy Bentham

Right Or Wrong Happiness Quotes By Henry James

It was the tragic part of happiness; one's right was always made of the wrong of some one else. — Henry James

Right Or Wrong Happiness Quotes By Jamie McGuire

For people who had struggled for every step forward, we didn't have one regret, and we wouldn't change a thing. Every wrong turn had led us to this moment, proving that every choice we'd made was right. We had cried and hurt and bled our way to happiness, the kind that couldn't be stopped by fire or wind. However it had happened and whatever it was, we were something beautiful. — Jamie McGuire

Right Or Wrong Happiness Quotes By Mark Frost

Don't make another's pain the source of your own happiness. — Mark Frost

Right Or Wrong Happiness Quotes By Anonymous

Acquire knowledge, it enables its professor to distinguish right from wrong; it lights the way to heaven. It is our friend in the desert, our company in solitude and companion when friendless. It guides us to happiness, it sustains us in misery, it is an ornament amongst friends and an armour against enemies. — Anonymous

Right Or Wrong Happiness Quotes By John Verdon

The mind is a mass of contradictions and conflicts. We lie to make others trust us. We hide our true selves in the pursuit of intimacy. We chase happiness in ways that drive happiness away. When we're wrong we fight the hardest to prove we're right. Caught — John Verdon

Right Or Wrong Happiness Quotes By Dan Pearce

Don't we get it? To put our arm around someone who is gay, someone who has an addiction, somebody who lives a different lifestyle, someone who is not what we think they should be ... doing that has nothing to do with enabling them or accepting what they do as okay by us. It has nothing to do with encouraging them in their practice of what you or I might feel or believe is wrong vs right.
It has everything to do with being a good human being. A good person. A good friend. — Dan Pearce

Right Or Wrong Happiness Quotes By Rajneesh

The very idea that you can pursue happiness, that you can deserve it, that you can demand it, that you have the right to be happy, is foolish. Nobody has the right to be happy. You can be happy, but there is nothing like a right about it. And if you think that it is your right you will go on missing, because you have started to look in the wrong direction from the very beginning. — Rajneesh

Right Or Wrong Happiness Quotes By Benjamin Hoff

The Christmas presents once opened are Not So Much Fun as they were while we were in the process of examining, lifting, shaking, thinking about, and opening them. Three hundred sixty-five days later, we try again and find that the same thing has happened. Each time the goal is reached, it becomes Not So Much Fun, and we're off to reach the next one, then the next one, then the next.
That doesn't mean that the goals we have don't count. They do, mostly because they cause us to go through the process and it's the process that makes us wise, happy, or whatever. If we do things in the wrong sort of way, it makes us miserable, angry, confused, and things like that. The goal has to be right for us, and it has to be beneficial, in order to ensure a beneficial process. But aside from that, it's really the process that's important. — Benjamin Hoff

Right Or Wrong Happiness Quotes By Tony Evans

Wrong is because it is the taking of a life. When you take someone's life, you also take away their right to liberty and their pursuit of happiness. If you take someone's life, you also take their dream, their future, their family, their career, and their children away from them. All other rights are lost when you take away the right to life. — Tony Evans

Right Or Wrong Happiness Quotes By Dada Bhagwan

When the 'right belief' occurs, the world will appear quite different. 'Right belief' will take one towards the Eternal (Self), and the 'wrong belief' will take one towards the worldly life. — Dada Bhagwan

Right Or Wrong Happiness Quotes By Will Ferguson

You know, kid, ethics isn't about choosing between right and wrong; it's about choosing between grey and grey. It's about choosing between two equally desirable but mutually exclusive courses of action. Freedom or security? Courage or comfort? Self-examination or blissful happiness? Column A or Column B? — Will Ferguson

Right Or Wrong Happiness Quotes By G.K. Chesterton

That is what makes life at once so splendid and so strange. We are in the wrong world. When I thought that was the right town, it bored me; when I knew it was wrong, I was happy. So the false optimism, the modern happiness, tires us because it tells us we fit into this world. The true happiness is that we don't fit. We come from somewhere else. We have lost our way. — G.K. Chesterton

Right Or Wrong Happiness Quotes By Steve Maraboli

When you finally meet the right one for you, it suddenly becomes clear why everyone else was so wrong. — Steve Maraboli

Right Or Wrong Happiness Quotes By Ufuoma Apoki

Letting go is one of the most difficult experiences to deal with whether it's right or wrong. So make the most of every moment you've been gifted with. To whoever you initiate contact with and wherever, try to leave a positive impression. To whoever you have the power to make smile, exploit that power as often and best as you can, because when every other material thing fades, it's those memories that keep us alive — Ufuoma Apoki

Right Or Wrong Happiness Quotes By Debasish Mridha

A mass of humans is more often wrong than right. — Debasish Mridha

Right Or Wrong Happiness Quotes By John Peter Altgeld

The doctrine that might makes right has covered the earth with misery. While it crushes the weak, it also destroys the strong. Every deceit, every cruelty, every wrong, reaches back sooner or later and crushes its author. Justice is moral health, bringing happiness, wrong is moral disease, bringing mortal death. — John Peter Altgeld

Right Or Wrong Happiness Quotes By Maddy Malhotra

Stop listening to people who don't experience happiness, success, peace, and fulfillment themselves. Don't let them tell you what is right and wrong! — Maddy Malhotra

Right Or Wrong Happiness Quotes By Ingrid Weir

I'll say it again, for every moment you're with the wrong person, you are robbing yourself and the right person of the opportunity to find real happiness. — Ingrid Weir

Right Or Wrong Happiness Quotes By Harry Browne

you're wrong, you will suffer for it. If you're right, you will find happiness. You have to be the one to decide. "Who are you to know?" It's your future at stake. You have to know. Freedom comes only from seeing the ignorance of your critics and discovering the emptiness of their virtue. - David Seabury — Harry Browne

Right Or Wrong Happiness Quotes By Randy Alcorn

The human race is homesick for Eden, which only two humans have ever known. We spend our lives chasing peaceful delight, following dead ends or cul-de-sacs in pursuit of home. We know intuitively that we've wandered. What we don't know is how to return. Our lives are largely the story of the often wrong and occasionally right turns we take in our attempts to get home to Happiness with a capital H - God himself. — Randy Alcorn

Right Or Wrong Happiness Quotes By Sam Harris

Morality must relate, at some level, to the well-being of conscious creatures. If there are more and less effective ways for us to seek happiness and to avoid misery in this world - and there clearly are - then there are right and wrong answers to questions of morality. — Sam Harris

Right Or Wrong Happiness Quotes By Jane Roberts

You cannot will yourself to be happy while believing that you have no right to happiness, or that you are unworthy of it. You cannot tell yourself to release aggressive thoughts if you think it is wrong to free them, so you must come to grips with your beliefs in all instances. — Jane Roberts