Famous Quotes & Sayings

Resurrect Quotes & Sayings

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Top Resurrect Quotes

Resurrect Quotes By Rachel Allord

This woman is so didactic I think I may scream. If it's bleeding, bandage it. If it's crying, hug it. If it's hopeless, pray for it. If it's dead, resurrect it. — Rachel Allord

Resurrect Quotes By Rainer Maria Rilke

Our task is to take this earth so deeply and wholly into ourselves that it will resurrect within our being. — Rainer Maria Rilke

Resurrect Quotes By Janet Evanovich

Mrs. Zuppa was coming in from bingo just as I was leaving the building.
"Looks like you're going to work," she said, leaning heavily on her cane. "What are you packin'?"
"A thirty-eight."
"I like a nine-millimeter myself."
"A nine's good."
"Easier to use a semiautomatic after you've had hip replacement and you walk with a cane," she said.
One of those useful pieces of information to file away and resurrect when I turn eighty-three. — Janet Evanovich

Resurrect Quotes By Harry Crosby

I stamp out vast empires. I crush palaces in my rigid hands. I harden my heart against churches.
I blot out cemetaries. I feed the people with stinging nettles. I resurrect madness. I thrust my naked sword between the ribs of the world. I murder the world! — Harry Crosby

Resurrect Quotes By Suzanne Collins

And he would put his arms around her and hold her, but he had no idea what to tell her. In his mind, Gregor knew how to kill things, not bring them back ti life. — Suzanne Collins

Resurrect Quotes By Paul Eldridge

Having read the inscriptions upon the tombstones of the great and little cemeteries, Wang Peng advised the Emperor to kill all the living and resurrect the dead. — Paul Eldridge

Resurrect Quotes By Thomm Quackenbush

I used to figure that Santa was the zombie. Not like modern zombies, more like the voodoo ones. The elves resurrect this long dead saint to do their festive bidding every year because they were magically restricted to the North Pole. It's entirely possibly my mom let me watch too many horror movies. — Thomm Quackenbush

Resurrect Quotes By Alice Sebold

She told her journal about me passing by her in the parking lot, about how on that night I had touched her-literally, she felt it, reached out. What I had looked like then. How she dreamed about me. How she had fashioned the idea that a spirit could be a sort of second skin for someone, a protective layer somehow. How maybe if she was assiduous she could free us both. I would read over her shoulder as she wrote down her thoughts and wonder if anyone might believe her one day.
When she was imagining me, she felt better, less alone, more connected to something out there. To someone out there. She saw the corn field in her dreams, and a new world opening, a world where maybe she could find a foothold too.
"You're a really good poet Ruth," she imagined me saying, and her journal would release her into a daydream of being such a good poet that her words had the power to resurrect me. — Alice Sebold

Resurrect Quotes By Intelligent Hoodlum

But until then, I'ma shine to the last sin,
Resurrect through the birth of my son, and live again. — Intelligent Hoodlum

Resurrect Quotes By Julius Evola

It is also an absolute mistake to believe that the State can be anything other than a civitas diaboli if it does not resurrect itself as Imperium, and it is also a mistake to want to build the Imperium on the basis of economic, military, industrial or even 'intellectual' or nationalist factors. The Imperium, according to the primordial conception rooted in Tradition, is something transcendent, and it can only be attained by those who have the power to transcend the lives of petty men and their appetites, their sentimentalisms, their national prides, their 'values', and their phobias. — Julius Evola

Resurrect Quotes By Chuck Palahniuk

We ourselves, will resurrect the memory in order to savor it and carry it forth into the world. We will fling it at one another for laughs. Distort it. We will toss the story into the air at parties and howl over its ripeness. Degraded as it was, we will degrade it further. Make it more swollen. We shall render it impossibly awful, making of it the mythology of ourselves. A comfort. Proof of the trials we've survived. — Chuck Palahniuk

Resurrect Quotes By Dan B. Allender

Because of the way God has made us, it is impossible finally and completely to deaden the soul. The soul will resurrect, in spite of the cruelty used to destroy it. It will pop up and then be slain again, return and be shoved down through contempt. The power to destroy the soul is not in the hands of Satan, another human being, or even oneself. Nevertheless, when we manage to deaden our soul, even temporarily, we open the door to terrible consequences. — Dan B. Allender

Resurrect Quotes By Samuel Beckett

It will be the same silence, the same as ever, murmurous with muted lamentation, panting and exhaling of impossible sorrow, like distant laughter, and brief spells of hush, as of one buried before his time. Long or short, the same silence. Then I resurrect and begin again. — Samuel Beckett

Resurrect Quotes By Theresa Hak Kyung Cha

Why resurrect it all now. From the Past. History, the old wound. The past emotions all over again. To confess to relive the same folly. To name it now so as not to repeat history in oblivion. To extract each fragment by each fragment from the word from the image another word another image the reply that will not repeat history in oblivion. — Theresa Hak Kyung Cha

Resurrect Quotes By Matthew Yglesias

I'm not observant, personally, but if I ever see a priest resurrect the dead before my eyes I promise to revisit my atheism. — Matthew Yglesias

Resurrect Quotes By Lauren Slater

Depression is a death within, a knowledge - terrifying - that you cannot resurrect yourself. Depression is loss of the vision that lets leaves breathe and fall, that lets the air smell of seed and soil. And there must be rage, yes I think there is rage toward such a severing, such a ragged-deep rupture with the world. — Lauren Slater

Resurrect Quotes By Siri Hustvedt

The page can resurrect what's lost and what's dead, what's not there anymore and what was never there. — Siri Hustvedt

Resurrect Quotes By Bell Hooks

Women are often belittled for trying to resurrect these men and bring them back to life and to love. They are in a world that would be even more alienated and violent if caring women did not do the work of teaching men who have lost touch with themselves how to love again. This labor of love is futile only when the men in question refuse to awaken, refuse growth. At this point it is a gesture of self-love for women to break their commitment and move on. — Bell Hooks

Resurrect Quotes By Marian Keyes

No one can resurrect love once it has breathed its last. — Marian Keyes

Resurrect Quotes By Clyde DeSouza

Everytime you think of your father, you resurrect him. Why shouldn't he continue a posthuman life in this world while he's resting in the other? — Clyde DeSouza

Resurrect Quotes By Amanda Quick

For pity's sake, you are lying in a coffin, Mrs. Crofton. Unless you wish to be buried, I strongly suggest that you resurrect yourself immediately. — Amanda Quick

Resurrect Quotes By Caris O'Malley

There is a point where, as a writer, you grow to hate your characters, their stupid motivations, and their whiny inner dialogues. The only solution I have found to deal with that is to kill the character, resurrect him, then kill him again. — Caris O'Malley

Resurrect Quotes By Lailah Gifty Akita

In suffering, we resurrect our souls. — Lailah Gifty Akita

Resurrect Quotes By Lucian Bane

And if you so happen to find this good, beautiful man inside you," she whispered, wiping her tears. "Come looking for me. But until you resurrect that man. We are done. — Lucian Bane

Resurrect Quotes By Steven J. Lawson

This famine in pulpits across the nation reveals a loss of confidence in God's Word to perform its sacred work. While evangelicals affirm the inerrancy of Scripture, many have apparently abandoned their belief in its sufficiency to save and to sanctify. Rather than expounding the Word with growing vigor, many are turning to lesser strategies in an effort to resurrect dead ministries. But with each newly added novelty, the straightforward expounding of the Bible is being relegated to a secondary role, further starving the church. Doing God's work God's way requires an unwavering commitment to feeding people God's Word through relentless biblical preaching and teaching. — Steven J. Lawson

Resurrect Quotes By Preston Sprinkle

God hijacks and bends evil to work peace and healing. If God were only a God of justice, He could punish evil but do no more. Only a God of grace can use our evil to work His good. God's grace is so much bigger than our sin . Sometimes He'll let us pursue our idolatry until it kills us. Then He will resurrect us and turn our evil into testimonies of God's grace.
Charis: God's Scandalous Grace for Us (p. 86). — Preston Sprinkle

Resurrect Quotes By Kevin Brockmeier

What I wanted was to write a memoir that was immersive rather than reflective, to resurrect a long-gone version of my own consciousness. I kept expecting that sooner or later the effort would come to seem like second nature to me, but it never did. — Kevin Brockmeier

Resurrect Quotes By Paul Auster

I would resurrect that person in words, and once the pages had been printed and the story had been bound between covers, they would have something to hold on to for the rest of their lives. Not only that, but something that would outlive them, that would outlive us all.
One should never underestimate the power of books. — Paul Auster

Resurrect Quotes By Craig D. Lounsbrough

The yardstick that we frequently use to determine if something can be restored is based on the handful of inches that we bring to the process, when God shows up with an infinite amount of miles. — Craig D. Lounsbrough

Resurrect Quotes By John Green

Writing does not resurrect. It buries. — John Green

Resurrect Quotes By Lisa Berne

But weddings tend to resurrect old issues, old emotions; new ideas, new possibilities. — Lisa Berne

Resurrect Quotes By Ben Bradlee

I never believed that Nixon could fully resurrect himself. And the proof of that was in the obits. — Ben Bradlee

Resurrect Quotes By Mira Grant

It's the oldest story in the world. Boy loves girl. Boy loses girl. Boy gets girl back thanks to the unethical behavior of megalomaniacal mad scientists who never met a corpse they wouldn't try to resurrect. Anyone coming within a hundred yards of my happy ending had better pray that they're immune to bullets. - Shaun Mason — Mira Grant

Resurrect Quotes By John Crowder

God didn't come to fix anybody. He came to kill them and resurrect them from the dead. — John Crowder

Resurrect Quotes By Lola Ridge

Let me cradle myself back Into the darkness Of the half shapes ... Of the cauled beginnings ... Let me stir the attar of unused air, Elusive ... ironically fragrant As a dead queen's kerchief ... Let me blow the dust from off you ... Resurrect your breath Lying limp as a fan In a dead queen's hand. — Lola Ridge

Resurrect Quotes By Clovis E. Semmes

But even though catastrophic oppression brought about a process of objectification and dehumanization, the absolute negation of humanity was not possible because a damaged human spirit seeks to resurrect and reconstruct itself; it also seeks self-consciousness. — Clovis E. Semmes

Resurrect Quotes By Camron Wright

Believing isnot enough, Sang Ly. If you want to resurrect hope, doing is the most important. Can you do these things? — Camron Wright

Resurrect Quotes By Richard Rohr

This earth indeed is the very Body of God, and it is from this body that we are born, live, suffer, and resurrect to eternal life. Either all is God's Great Project, or we may rightly wonder whether anything is God's Great Project. One wonders if we humans will be the last to accept this. — Richard Rohr

Resurrect Quotes By Mark Batterson

Disappointment is like dream defibrillation. If we respond to it the right way, disappointment can actually restore our prayer rhythm and resurrect our dreams. — Mark Batterson

Resurrect Quotes By Henry Miller

There are lone figures armed only with ideas, sometimes with just one idea, who blast away whole epochs in which we are enwrapped like mummies. Some are powerful enough to resurrect the dead. Some steal on us unawares and put a spell over us which it takes centuries to throw off. Some put a curse on us, for our st idity and inertia, and then it seems as if God himself were unable to lift it. — Henry Miller

Resurrect Quotes By Rem Koolhaas

In Lagos there's a really strong case to resurrect strong parts. Embedded in all of it are some amazing pieces of planning, amazing pieces of engineering and interaction. For instance, the campus of Lagos University is stunningly beautiful, efficient and generous, and that needs to be recognised and preserved. — Rem Koolhaas

Resurrect Quotes By Maureen Ogle

[N]ow that growing your own (food, dope, hair, younameit) is hip," wrote the author of an essay widely reprinted in alternative newspapers, "it's time to resurrect the Dope of the Depression - Homebrew." Homemade beer inspired "good vibrations" and a "pleasant high." Unlike the rest of "plastic, mass-produced shit" of modern America, homebrew represented "an exercise of craft" and empowered the "politically oriented" to retaliate against "Augustus [sic] Busch and the other fascists pigs who [were] ripping off the Common Man." "If you're looking for a cheap drunk," added the beer adviser, "go back to Gussie Busch. But if you dig the good vibes from using something you make yourself, plus an improvement in quality over the commercial shit," brew on, brothers and sisters, brew on. — Maureen Ogle

Resurrect Quotes By Russell Lord

See,' said (Liberty Hyde) Bailey, 'how the leaves of this small plant stand forth extended to bathe themselves in the light ... THese leaves will die. They will rot. They will disappear into the universal mold. The energy that is in them will be released to reappear, the ions to act again, perhaps in the corn on the plain, perhaps in the body of a bird. The atoms and the ions remain or resurrect; the forms change and flux. We see the forms and mourn the change. We think all is lost; yet nothing is lost. The harmony of life is never ending.' The economy of nature provides that nothing be lost. — Russell Lord

Resurrect Quotes By Pleasefindthis

THE LANTERN IN THE LIFEBOAT I am nervous. I'm afraid. But I will stand here in the white hot heat of you. I will play Russian roulette with your playlists. I will tell jokes I'm not sure you'll find funny. I will hold on until there is no more reason to. And in the end, I will break the stars and resurrect the sun. — Pleasefindthis

Resurrect Quotes By Aberjhani

The words 'I Love You' kill, and resurrect millions, in less than a second. — Aberjhani

Resurrect Quotes By Sherrilyn Kenyon

Look, this isn't The Mummy. It's not like a teenaged girl's diary could resurrect the dead or anything. It's just the story of her innocuous life. What on earth could an ancient girl have known that would be worth killing someone over? (Tory) You're asking me that question? People kill each other over a pair of shoes or for wearing the same jacket. (Acheron) — Sherrilyn Kenyon

Resurrect Quotes By Michael Bassey

Death people who are still alive at this hour, must resurrect and ascend to the intellectual heaven where there is no ignorance. — Michael Bassey

Resurrect Quotes By Tiffany Reisz

I have nothing in me that you cannot break. I would let you destroy me, and then I would resurrect myself from my own ashes for the honor of being destroyed by you again. — Tiffany Reisz

Resurrect Quotes By V.E Schwab

She'd been betrayed, shot, saved, healed, hurt, healed again, forced to resurrect two men, only to witness the reassassination of one of them. — V.E Schwab

Resurrect Quotes By Gayle Forman

First you inspect me Then you dissect me Then you reject me I wait for the day That you'll resurrect me Animate — Gayle Forman

Resurrect Quotes By Michael R. Burch

Donald Trump just announced that if Republicans don't treat him fairly, he will resurrect the Whig party and run as its hair apparent. — Michael R. Burch

Resurrect Quotes By Beth Fantaskey

The lentil is perhaps the world's most versatile, indestructible food. One can eat the lentil unadorned; marry it off to its first cousin, the oafish "bulgur"; or attempt to drown it in harsh vinegar for a "vegan salad." But the lentil, alas, will always survive. Indeed, at the Packwood house, the tenacious little legume will forcibly resurrect, as free of anything resembling taste as ever, and insinuate its indefatigable, pelletlike self onto yet another dinner plate, expecting to be eaten. Again, and again, and again. — Beth Fantaskey

Resurrect Quotes By Brian Hodge

For the first time she realized she'd spent so much time mourning a world that had ended ages ago, hoping to resurrect it, that she'd never paid attention to what it was becoming. Or returning to again, now that it was unfettered. Where were the centaurs, she might have asked instead. Where were the gorgons, the furies, the giants and the gods? — Brian Hodge

Resurrect Quotes By Jack Horner

We all have genes that come from our ancestors that aren't used - they're not turned on. So we actually carry ancient genes with us. If you could figure out how to turn those on, you could resurrect ancient characteristics from our ancestors. — Jack Horner

Resurrect Quotes By Rajneesh

In meditation, once you are gone in, you are gone in. Then, even when you resurrect you are a totally different person. The old personality is nowhere to be found. You have to start your life again from abc. You have to learn everything with fresh eyes, with a totally new heart. That's why meditation creates fear. — Rajneesh

Resurrect Quotes By Mary E. DeMuth

A broken person understands she needs rescue, and she depends on God to resurrect and deliver. And she also understands that even if God chooses not to deliver, His ways are higher and more amazing then what we can fathom. — Mary E. DeMuth

Resurrect Quotes By Helen LaKelly Hunt

The point of telling our stories, even if only to ourselves, is to help us resurrect the parts we have buried. When we unearth them, even if it's difficult, we can integrate them into our sense of who we are. Often in our buried self our true power lies. — Helen LaKelly Hunt

Resurrect Quotes By Dia Reeves

If I had the power to resurrect, I'd use it on you." Now he was the one whispering. "There's an important part of you that's dead: the part that cares. — Dia Reeves

Resurrect Quotes By Mehmet Murat Ildan

If you have the power to resurrect the dead man, firstly, be sure that he is a good man! — Mehmet Murat Ildan

Resurrect Quotes By Lailah Gifty Akita

Redeem soul, resurrect spirit. — Lailah Gifty Akita

Resurrect Quotes By Ilona Andrews

Georgie, stop trying to resurrect the shoes. They were never alive in the first place. — Ilona Andrews

Resurrect Quotes By Oscar Arias

The 20th century has been marked by cynicism, selfishness, greed, and the desire to please, all without changing the status quo. In the 21st century, we must resurrect solidarity and compassion. — Oscar Arias

Resurrect Quotes By Walter Kirn

She was already dead, but we were starved for followers and stupefied by the elixir of our own heroism, and so we pretended words could resurrect her. — Walter Kirn

Resurrect Quotes By John Gray

Modern humanism is the faith that through science humankind can know the truth- and to be free. But if Darwin's theory of natural selection is true this is impossible. The human mind serves evolutionary success, not truth. To think otherwise is to resurrect the pre-Darwinian error that humans are different from all other animals. (...) There is no mechanism of selection in the history of ideas akin to that of the natural selection of genetic mutations in evolution.(...) Among humans, the best deceivers are those who deceive themselves: 'we deceive ourselves in order to deceive others better'. A lover who promises eternal fidelity s more likely to be believed if he believes his promise himself; he is no more likely to keep his promise.(...) In a competition for mates, a well-developed capacity for self-deception is an advantage. — John Gray

Resurrect Quotes By Unknown

There is no statute of limitations in starting over. Reinvent yourself every day. Be the girl who walks barefoot and listens to the blues. Tomorrow wear a trench coat and speak fierce truths. Be a phoenix. Be ashes. Burn down. Resurrect. Let go of the idea that you must always be who you have always been. — Unknown

Resurrect Quotes By John Green

You do not immortalize the lost by writing about them. Language buries, but does not resurrect. — John Green

Resurrect Quotes By Vladimir Nabokov

You see - the moulded whimsy of a frieze
on a portico keeps us from recognizing,
sometimes, the symmetry of the whole ...
You will leave; we'll forget one another;
but now and then the name of a street,
or a street organ weeping in the twilight,
will remind us in a more vivid and more
truthful way than thought could resurrect
or words convey, of that main thing
which was between us, the main thing which
we do not know ... And in that hour, the soul
will miraculously sense the charm
of past trifles, and we will understand
that in eternity all is eternal — Vladimir Nabokov

Resurrect Quotes By Darmie Orem

Now is not time to give up. Tomorrow will be different. Resurrect the strenght in the golden dreams that has brought you thus far. Every misery have its limit. — Darmie Orem

Resurrect Quotes By Hal Borland

To see a hillside white with dogwood bloom is to know a particular ecstasy of beauty, but to walk the gray Winter woods and find the buds which will resurrect that beauty in another May is to partake of continuity. — Hal Borland

Resurrect Quotes By Anne Rice

Now, when a vampire goes underground as we call it - when he ceases to drink blood and he just lies in the earth - he soon becomes too weak to resurrect himself, and what follows is a dream state. — Anne Rice

Resurrect Quotes By Nanette Lepore

I really love to resurrect pieces from my past collections and wear them to fashion week parties. — Nanette Lepore

Resurrect Quotes By Ann Frederick

Every trauma provides an opportunity for authentic transformation. Trauma amplifies and evokes the expansion and contraction of psyche, body, and soul. It is how we respond to a traumatic event that determines whether trauma will be a cruel and punishing Medusa turning us into stone, or whether it will be a spiritual teacher taking us along vast and uncharted pathways. In the Greek myth, blood from Medusa's slain body was taken in two vials; one vial had the power to kill, while the other had the power to resurrect. If we let it, trauma has the power to rob our lives of vitality and destroy it. However, we can also use it for powerful self-renewal and transformation. Trauma, resolved, is a blessing from a greater power. — Ann Frederick

Resurrect Quotes By Marianne Williamson

The history of the African-American, also, is so morally outrageous as to make the fact that there has never been an official apology almost unbelievable. A strange psychological phenomenon occurs when a truth is so big, so obvious, that it becomes, in some perverse way, almost easy to resist. The history of racism in the United States is so cruel yet systemic in our society. Perhaps we fear we could not bear the feelings of guilt that would be unleashed were we to make to African-Americans a sincere and heartfelt amends. The truth is it is not our guilt that would be unleashed but our love. Making a formal apology to African-Americans is what we need to do in order to morally resurrect as a nation. — Marianne Williamson

Resurrect Quotes By J.G. Ballard

The dead were buried above ground, the loose soil heaped around them. The heavy rains of the monsoon months softened the mounds, so that they formed outlines of the bodies within them, as if this small cemetery beside the military airfield were doing its best to resurrect a few of the millions who had died in the war. Here and there an arm or a foot protruded from the graves, the limbs of restless sleepers struggling beneath their brown quilts. — J.G. Ballard

Resurrect Quotes By Mercedes Lackey

We can rebuild. We can't resurrect." I — Mercedes Lackey

Resurrect Quotes By Anthony Liccione

Let not death, nor the graveyard overcome you with fear, for every seed buried in its cold ground, resurrects forth anew, into a blossomed life. — Anthony Liccione

Resurrect Quotes By Shane Claiborne

Lord, we know that you will come again in glory to raise the living and the dead. Resurrect us now from the death of comfort, complacency, sloth, and shallowness that we might witness to your love in life and death. Amen. — Shane Claiborne

Resurrect Quotes By Richard Paul Evans

Some people deal with their problems by talking them to death. In fact, some enjoy the execution so much they resurrect their problems just so they can kill them again.-Nathan Hurst — Richard Paul Evans

Resurrect Quotes By The RZA

The first person you have to resurrect is yourself — The RZA

Resurrect Quotes By Elizabeth Berg

It seems like all the time people are making themselves themselves, but they don't really know it. You can only have true visions when you look behind. A person can slide so fast into being something they never really intended. I wonder if you can truly resurrect your own self. — Elizabeth Berg

Resurrect Quotes By Laini Taylor

Do you think it's over now, though? That he's through with me?"
"One way you could make sure," said Chiro. She was glib, jesting - surely - but her eyes were bright. "You could die," she said. "Resurrect ugly. He'd leave you alone then. — Laini Taylor

Resurrect Quotes By Priscilla Shirer

Nothing - nothing! - is too far gone that your God cannot resurrect it. — Priscilla Shirer

Resurrect Quotes By T.C. Boyle

At best, I consider flying an unavoidable necessity, a time to resurrect forgotten prayers and contemplate the end of all joy in a twisted howling heap of machinery; at worst, I rank it right up there with psychotic episodes and torture at the hands of malevolent strangers. — T.C. Boyle

Resurrect Quotes By Mehmet Murat Ildan

When your dream dies, create another dream; don't waste your time to resurrect the dead one! Remember that you are mortal and don't stuck on one dream! Give other dreams a chance! Be just! Remember, you are mortal and your time is very short! — Mehmet Murat Ildan

Resurrect Quotes By Mark Twain

If you take epitaphs seriously, we ought to bury the living and resurrect the dead. — Mark Twain

Resurrect Quotes By Bob Larson

Humans have will. In an exorcism with a human, you are dealing with the human will, and whether that will is sufficiently resolved in terms of what allowed it to be manipulated. The will must have done something to surrender to the presence of the demon. You have to resurrect the moral authority of the person's will. — Bob Larson

Resurrect Quotes By Henry Rollins

I walk the straight lines. I walk through the summer nights. I walk the silver rope of dreams. I walk through dawns of dawns. There's not a lot that isn't dying. I see people parading in front of each other like insects in a killing jar, watching each other die. I walk the straight lines through the Christ machines. Through the eyes of the throwaway people. Through the wards and the shores and the cracks in the skulls of the sidewalks. Through love's howling vacancy. I am the freedom soil. I dig my own grave. I resurrect myself every night. I am all things to myself. I walk the straight lines. I walk the spider's jailhouse. I walk the think line, the thin line, the white line and all the lines in between. I wish I could trade in my eyes. — Henry Rollins

Resurrect Quotes By Fyodor Dostoyevsky

- in the end she felt pity for me, for the lost man. And when a girl's heart is moved to pity, that is, of course, most dangerous for her. She's sure to want to "save" him then, to bring him to reason, to resurrect him, to call him to nobler aims, to regenerate him into a new life and new activity. Well, everyone knows what can be dreamt up in that vein. I saw at once that the bird was flying into my net on its own. — Fyodor Dostoyevsky

Resurrect Quotes By Richard Rorty

If the Left forms no such alliances, it will never have any effect on the laws of the United States. To form them will require the cultural Left to forget about Baudrillard's account of America as Disneyland--as a county of simulacra--and to start proposing changes in the laws of a real country, inhabited by real people who are enduring unnecessary suffering, much of which can be cured by governmental action. Nothing would do more to resurrect the American Left than agreement on a concrete political platform, a People's Charter, a list of specific reforms. The existence of such a list--endlessly reprinted and debated, equally familiar to professors and production workers, imprinted on the memory both of professional people and of those who clean the professionals' toilets--might revitalize leftist politics. — Richard Rorty

Resurrect Quotes By Lailah Gifty Akita

Light and love; redeem the soul and resurrect the spirit. — Lailah Gifty Akita

Resurrect Quotes By Keshia Chante

Don't resurrect relationships with negative people off of good memories. You will only remind yourself why they became your past in the first place. — Keshia Chante

Resurrect Quotes By Debasish Mridha

On Easter day let us promise to resurrect, transcend, and transform our conscience for the happiness of mankind. — Debasish Mridha

Resurrect Quotes By Fyodor Dostoyevsky

Can I possibly not understand myself that I'm a lost man? But
why can't I resurrect? Yes! it only takes being calculating and patient at least once in your life and
that's all! It only takes being steadfast at least once, and in an hour I can change my whole destiny! — Fyodor Dostoyevsky

Resurrect Quotes By Abigail Roux

They didn't know Zane like he did. Ty knew his partner had to take the issue from every angle, analyze it to death, resurrect it, and then study its dead, rotting body to see the results. Yeah, it might take Zane four months to decide if he loved someone, and then more to decide if that was a good idea.
Ty didn't mind waiting. — Abigail Roux

Resurrect Quotes By Jaroslav Kalfar

Time was not a line, but an awareness. I was no longer a body, but a series of pieces whistling as they bonded. I felt every cell within me. I could count them, name them, kill them, and resurrect them. Within the core, I was a tower made of fossil fragments. I could be disassembled and reassembled. If only someone knew the correct pressure point, I would turn into a pile of elements running off to find another bond, like seasonal farmhands journeying from East to West. — Jaroslav Kalfar

Resurrect Quotes By Mark Batterson

Going all in and all out for the All in All is both a death sentence and a life sentence. Your sinful nature, along with its selfish desires, is nailed to the cross. Then, and only then, does your true personality, your true potential, and your true purpose come alive. After all, God cannot resurrect what has not died. And that's why so many people are half alive. They haven't died to self yet. — Mark Batterson

Resurrect Quotes By Friedrich Kellner

If now, after the collapse, should any of these lackeys of Adolf Hitler have the insolence to claim they were merely harmless onlookers, let them feel the scourge of avenging mankind ... Whoever cries about having lost the Nazi system or wants to resurrect National Socialism is to be treated as a lunatic. — Friedrich Kellner

Resurrect Quotes By D. Simone

May Light always surround you;
Hope kindle and rebound you.
May your Hurts turn to Healing;
Your Heart embrace Feeling.
May Wounds become Wisdom;
Every Kindness a Prism.
May Laughter infect you;
Your Passion resurrect you.
May Goodness inspire
your Deepest Desires.
Through all that you Reach For,
May your arms Never Tire. — D. Simone

Resurrect Quotes By Allan Nicol

Posthumous pardons, however, do not resurrect the innocent. — Allan Nicol

Resurrect Quotes By Andrea Tantaros

We need to tap into new issues. There's a way to resurrect the sound policies of our party, but also to look toward new issues - kitchen-table issues like the rising cost of education. I think that's a winning issue for Republicans. — Andrea Tantaros