Religious Art Quotes & Sayings
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Top Religious Art Quotes
![Religious Art Quotes By Greg Forster Religious Art Quotes By Greg Forster](
The society with lots of open disagreement and social conflict is the one surging with power in art, science, commerce, constructive social reform, and (most of all) religious revival; the hushed-up society where everyone is afraid to say what he thinks is on the brink of violence and collapse. — Greg Forster
![Religious Art Quotes By Jim Henson Religious Art Quotes By Jim Henson](
I think it's not particularly necessary to lead a religious life. People progress just as well in music, or art, or math or science or gardening or whatever. It all seems to work as well and the process is good. — Jim Henson
![Religious Art Quotes By Claude Arnaud Religious Art Quotes By Claude Arnaud](
Having set its mark on the generation before Cocteau's, symbolism expressed a form of inner dissidence confronting the narrow-minded materialism and utilitarian obsession of the industrial revolution, and hence a reaction to triumphant naturalism, in literature at least. Nourished by medieval, Renaissance, and Romantic art, symbolism, probably the last great backward-looking movement hatched in the West, had given rise to a desire to explore the secrets of the world and the confines of the soul. Beyond its androgynous Mercuries, its pale Narcissuses, and its Orpheuses borne by rosaries of angels, it gave rise to a whole misty alchemy wherein some found their way into esotericism and even into the religious, since the Universe was only the symbol of another world into which entrance was gained not only through poetry, spiritualism, dreams, and the Ideal, but also via the play of analogies and the study of ciphers. — Claude Arnaud
![Religious Art Quotes By H.R. Rookmaaker Religious Art Quotes By H.R. Rookmaaker](
Many works would be senseless, real junk, but for the fact that, being art, they are exhibited because they have a message of almost religious importance, interpreting man and his world - yes, perhaps even as junk. — H.R. Rookmaaker
![Religious Art Quotes By African Spir Religious Art Quotes By African Spir](
The divine element manifests itself (or show up) in man as well by his aptitude for science, than by his aptitude for virtue. True morality, true philosophy and true art are in their essence ("dans leur essence", Fr.) religious. — African Spir
![Religious Art Quotes By Robert Shaw Religious Art Quotes By Robert Shaw](
The arts are not simply skills: their concern is the intellectual, ethical, and spiritual maturity of human life. And in a time when religious and political institutions are so busy engraving images of marketable gods and candidates that they lose their vision of human dignity, the arts have become the custodians of those values which most worthily difine humanity, which most sensitively define Divinity. — Robert Shaw
![Religious Art Quotes By Antoni Tapies Religious Art Quotes By Antoni Tapies](
In our world, in which religious images are losing their meaning, in which our customs are getting more and more secular, we are losing our sense of the eternal. I think it's a loss that has done a great deal of damage to modern art. Painting is a return to origins. — Antoni Tapies
![Religious Art Quotes By Madeleine L'Engle Religious Art Quotes By Madeleine L'Engle](
All real art is, in its true sense, religious; it is a religious impulse; there is no such thing as a non-religious subject. But much bad or downright sacrilegious art depicts so-called religious subjects. — Madeleine L'Engle
![Religious Art Quotes By Hans-Georg Gadamer Religious Art Quotes By Hans-Georg Gadamer](
A cultured society that has fallen away from its religious traditions expects more from art than the aesthetic consciousness and the 'standpoint of art' can deliver. The Romantic desire for a new mythology ... gives the artist and his task in the world the consciousness of a new consecration. He is something like a 'secular saviour' for his creations are expected to achieve on a small scale the propitiation of disaster for which an unsaved world hopes. — Hans-Georg Gadamer
![Religious Art Quotes By Edward Gibbon Religious Art Quotes By Edward Gibbon](
The slightest force, when it is applied to assist and guide the natural descent of its object, operates with irresistible weight; and Jovian had the good fortune to embrace the religious opinions which were supported by the spirit of the times and the zeal and numbers of the most powerful sect. Under his reign, Christianity obtained an easy and lasting victory; and, as soon as the smile of royal patronage was withdrawn, the genius of Paganism, which had been fondly raised and cherished by the arts of Julian, sunk irrecoverably in the dust. — Edward Gibbon
![Religious Art Quotes By Jen Lancaster Religious Art Quotes By Jen Lancaster](
I love the French and Italian church paintings from the Middle Ages. But I'm also interested to learn more about who was the first to make the leap from religious art to secular. That couldn't have been a small feat. Who was brave enough to say, You know what? Enough of Jesus. I'mma paint me this here bowl of fruit and then I'mma paint my girlfriend ... naked! — Jen Lancaster
![Religious Art Quotes By Swami Vivekananda Religious Art Quotes By Swami Vivekananda](
Science, art, learning and metaphysical research all have their proper functions in life, but if you seek to blend them, you destroy their individual characteristics until, in time, you eliminate the spiritual, for instance, from the religious altogether. — Swami Vivekananda
![Religious Art Quotes By Ruth St. Denis Religious Art Quotes By Ruth St. Denis](
It was then that my religious consciousness emerged to flower years afterward into definite forms of religious dancing in which there is no sense of division between spirit and flesh, religion and art. — Ruth St. Denis
![Religious Art Quotes By Mircea Eliade Religious Art Quotes By Mircea Eliade](
A religious phenomenon will only be recognized as such if it is grasped at its own level, that is to say, if it is studied as something religious. To try to grasp the essence of such phenomenon by means of physiology, psychology , sociology , economics , linguistics , art or any other study is false; it misses the one unique and irreducible element in it the element of the sacred . — Mircea Eliade
![Religious Art Quotes By Gerhard Richter Religious Art Quotes By Gerhard Richter](
Art is the pure realization of religious feeling, capacity for faith, longing for God ... The ability to believe is our outstanding quality, and only art adequately translates it into reality. But when we assuage our need for faith with an ideology we court disaster. — Gerhard Richter
![Religious Art Quotes By Nicholas Gane Religious Art Quotes By Nicholas Gane](
Lyotard develops and extends Weber's argument regarding the disenchantment of art to suggest the Western culture increasingly obeys an instrumental logic of performance and control, one that imposes order on the free play of the imagination and subordinates creative thought to the demands of the capitalist market. And, for Lyotard, the effects of this process are consistent with those outlined in Weber's work, namely the progressive elimination of ritual or religious forms of art, the restriction of creative forms by an instrumental (capitalist) rationality, and with this the denigration of value-rational artistic practice. — Nicholas Gane
![Religious Art Quotes By Albert Einstein Religious Art Quotes By Albert Einstein](
The most beautiful and deepest experience a man can have is the sense of the mysterious. It is the underlying principle of religion as well as all serious endeavor in art and science. He who never had this experience seems to me, if not dead, then at least blind. To sense that behind anything that can be experienced there is a something that our mind cannot grasp and whose beauty and sublimity reaches us only indirectly and as a feeble reflection, this is religiousness.
In this sense I am religious. To me it suffices to wonder at these secrets and to attempt humbly to grasp with my mind a mere image of the lofty structure of all that there is. — Albert Einstein
![Religious Art Quotes By Friedrich Nietzsche Religious Art Quotes By Friedrich Nietzsche](
Not without deep pain do we admit to ourselves that the artists of all ages have in their highest flights carried to heavenly transfiguration precisely those conceptions that we now recognize as false: they are the glorifiers of the religious and philosophical errors of humanity, and they could not have done this without their belief in the absolute truth of these errors. Now if the belief in such truth generally diminishes, if the rainbow colors at the outermost ends of human knowing and imagining fade: then the species of art that, like the Divina commedia, Raphael's pictures, Michelangelo's frescoes, the Gothic cathedrals, presupposes not only a cosmic, but also a metaphysical significance for art objects can never blossom again. A touching tale will come of this, that there was once such an art, such belief by artists. — Friedrich Nietzsche
![Religious Art Quotes By Isadora Duncan Religious Art Quotes By Isadora Duncan](
The Dance of the Future will have to become again a high religious art as it was with the Greeks. For art which is not religious is not art, it is mere merchandise — Isadora Duncan
![Religious Art Quotes By Georges Bizet Religious Art Quotes By Georges Bizet](
In 1857, Bizet departed for Rome and spent three years there. He studied the landscape, the culture, Italian literature and art. Musically he studied the scores of the great masters. At the end of the first year he was asked to submit a religious work as his required composition. As a self-described atheist, Bizet felt uneasy and hypocritical writing a religious piece. Instead, he submitted a comic opera. Publicly, the committee accepted, acknowledging his musical talent. Privately, the committee conveyed their displeasure. Thus, early in his career, Bizet displayed an independent spirit that would be reflected in innovative ideas in his opera composition.
[The Pearl Fishers - Georges Bizet, Virginia Opera] — Georges Bizet
![Religious Art Quotes By Alison Miller Religious Art Quotes By Alison Miller](
The first generation of therapists doing this work were told by their clients that the one massive cult was everywhere, knew everything, had access to state-of-the-art technology, and was willing to kill both clients and therapists to stop the information from getting out." []
"The reality is that even before stories of ritual abuse and mind control began coming out to therapists, the groups had agreed on what kind of disinformation to spread, so that clients would be afraid to tell their therapists what had happened to them, and therapists would be afraid to work with these clients." [ ]
"We know that there is not one massive Satanic cult, but many different interrelated groups, including religious, military/political, and organized crime, using mind control on children and adult survivors. We know that there are effective treatments. We know that many of the paralyzing beliefs our clients lived by are the results of lies and tricks perpetrated by their abusers. — Alison Miller
![Religious Art Quotes By John Updike Religious Art Quotes By John Updike](
Heade's calm is unsteady, storm-stirred; we respond in our era to its hint of the nervous and the fearful. His weather is interior weather, in a sense, and he perhaps was, if far from the first to portray a modern mood, an ambivalent mood tinged with dread and yet imbued with a certain lightness.The mood could even be said to be religious: not an aggressive preachment of God's grandeur but a kind of Zen poise and acceptance, represented by the small sedentary or plodding foreground figures that appear uncannily at peace as the clouds blacken and the lightning flashes. — John Updike
![Religious Art Quotes By Albert Einstein Religious Art Quotes By Albert Einstein](
The most important function of art and science is to
Awaken the cosmic religious feeling and keep it alive. — Albert Einstein
![Religious Art Quotes By Taylor Rhodes Religious Art Quotes By Taylor Rhodes](
derelict. my voice cracked and yolk poured out. wind chimes rigid, no breeze, no song. my wings found hidden in your suitcase. pleas for help mistaken for a swan song. i'm stuffing pages from my journal down my throat as kindling. hoping the smoke will get the taste of you out of my mouth. he looks at me from across the room and all i want is to push him against the wall. ravage. ravage. carnage has never been more vogue. is it still art if it doesn't bring you to your knees? lover, let me prey at your altar. let me bare my fangs in praise. don't i look so pretty in a funeral shroud? i keep time with the click of my creaking bones. dance with me under the milky translucence of a world suffocating. how did you find me? i buried myself beneath the cicadas. is a girl trapped in glass still a prize?
let me get under your skin. i want to know what your fears taste like. i want to consume. — Taylor Rhodes
![Religious Art Quotes By Albert Einstein Religious Art Quotes By Albert Einstein](
How can cosmic religious feeling be communicated from one person to another, if it can give rise to no definite notion of a God and no theology? In my view, it is the most important function of art and science to awaken this feeling and keep it alive in those who are receptive to it. — Albert Einstein
![Religious Art Quotes By Flannery O'Connor Religious Art Quotes By Flannery O'Connor](
The danger for the writer who is spurred by the religious view of the world is that he will consider this to be two operations instead of one. He will try to enshrine the mystery without the fact, and there will follow a further set of separations which are inimical to art. Judgement will be separated from vision, nature from grace, and reason from imagination.
They are separations which we see in our society and which exist in our writing. They are separations which faith tends to heal if we realize that faith is a 'walking in darkness' and not a theological solution to mystery. The poet is traditionally a blind man, but the Christian poet, and storyteller as well, is like the blind man whom Christ touched... — Flannery O'Connor
![Religious Art Quotes By Peter Taylor Religious Art Quotes By Peter Taylor](
I think trying to write is a religious exercise. You are trying to understand life, and you can only get the illusion of doing it fully by writing. That is, it's the only way I can come to understand things fully. When I create, when I put my own mark on something and form it, I begin to know the whole truth about it, how it was put together. Then you can begin to change things around. You know all this after you have written a lot. You really know. And it has become the most important thing in your life. It has nothing to do with craft, or even art, in a way. It is making sense of life. It is coming to understand yourself. — Peter Taylor
![Religious Art Quotes By Spider Webb Religious Art Quotes By Spider Webb](
Tattooing, when understood in its entirety, must be seen as a religious act. The human being brings forth images from the center of the self and communicates them to the world. Fantasy is embodied in reality and the person is made whole. — Spider Webb
![Religious Art Quotes By Henri Matisse Religious Art Quotes By Henri Matisse](
All art worthy of the name is religious. — Henri Matisse
![Religious Art Quotes By Irving Stone Religious Art Quotes By Irving Stone](
We ... believe that art is religious, because it is one of man's highest aspirations. There is no such thing as pagan art, only good and bad art. — Irving Stone
![Religious Art Quotes By J.I. Packer Religious Art Quotes By J.I. Packer](
we may think of religious art from a cultural standpoint, we should not look to pictures of God to show us his glory and move us to worship; for his glory is precisely what such pictures can never show us. And — J.I. Packer
![Religious Art Quotes By Kenneth Clark Religious Art Quotes By Kenneth Clark](
In the early twelfth century century the Virgin had been the supreme protectress of civilisation. She had taught a race of tough and ruthless barbarians the virtues of tenderness and compassion. The great cathedrals of the Middle Ages were her dwelling places upon earth. In the Renaissance, while remaining the Queen of Heaven, she became also the human mother in whom everyone could recognise qualities of warmth and love and approachability ...
The stabilising, comprehensive religions of the world, the religions which penetrate to every part of a man's being
in Egypt, India or China
gave the female principle of creation at least as much importance as the male, and wouldn't have taken seriously a philosophy that failed to include them both ... It's a curious fact that the
all-male religions have produced no religious imagery
in most cases have positively forbidden it. The great religious art of the world is deeply involved with the female principle. — Kenneth Clark
![Religious Art Quotes By Frances A. Yates Religious Art Quotes By Frances A. Yates](
In the world of Ramon Lull, the brilliant civilisation of the Spanish Moslems, with its mysticism, philosophy, art, and science, was close at hand; the Spanish Jews had intensively developed their philosophy, their science and medicine, and their mysticism, or Cabala. To Lull, the Catholic Christian, occurred the generous idea that an Art, based on principles which all three religious traditions held in common, would serve to bind all three together on a common philosophical, scientific, and mystical basis. — Frances A. Yates
![Religious Art Quotes By J.R.R. Tolkien Religious Art Quotes By J.R.R. Tolkien](
Myth and fairy-story must, as all art, reflect and contain in solution elements of moral and religious truth (or error), but not explicit, not in the known form of the primary 'real' world. — J.R.R. Tolkien
![Religious Art Quotes By Ernst Bacon Religious Art Quotes By Ernst Bacon](
The Artist should not forget his mission, perhaps the most religious of all, of sustaining faith in the worthwhileness of art and thus of life. — Ernst Bacon
![Religious Art Quotes By Gerhard Richter Religious Art Quotes By Gerhard Richter](
Picturing things, taking a view, is what makes us human; art is making sense and giving shape to that sense. It is like the religious search for God. — Gerhard Richter
![Religious Art Quotes By John A. Keel Religious Art Quotes By John A. Keel](
What is an obsession? It is a form of programming that has gotten completely out of hand. Religious fanatics are a prime example, as are those people who become enveloped in a political concept. Most of man's progress has come about as a result of obsessions. The Wright brothers were not just tinkerers with an idea; their idea swallowed them up. Most leaders are obsessed with power or possessed by egos so large their only concern is their place in history. I have known writers obsessed with a single subject. Like Bobby Fischer and chess, anything and everything outside their subject seems meaningless. Any art form - music, painting, dance - is done best by those who are completely possessed by it. Such possession often borders on madness. This world would be a sorry place without such madmen. — John A. Keel
![Religious Art Quotes By Salman Rushdie Religious Art Quotes By Salman Rushdie](
Religion, a mediaeval form of unreason, when combined with modern weaponry becomes a real threat to our freedoms. This religious totalitarianism has caused a deadly mutation in the heart of Islam and we see the tragic consequences in Paris today. I stand with Charlie Hebdo, as we all must, to defend the art of satire, which has always been a force for liberty and against tyranny, dishonesty and stupidity. 'Respect for religion' has become a code phrase meaning 'fear of religion.' Religions, like all other ideas, deserve criticism, satire, and, yes, our fearless disrespect."
[I Stand With Charlie Hebdo, as We All Must (Wall Street Journal, January 7, 2015)] — Salman Rushdie
![Religious Art Quotes By Abraham Lincoln Religious Art Quotes By Abraham Lincoln](
The highest art is always the most religious, and the greatest artist is always a devout person. — Abraham Lincoln
![Religious Art Quotes By Jon Kabat-Zinn Religious Art Quotes By Jon Kabat-Zinn](
Science gave me a cosmic religious feeling, and I would get the same feeling when I was dragged to the Met and the Museum of Modern Art. — Jon Kabat-Zinn
![Religious Art Quotes By Richard Mc Sweeney Religious Art Quotes By Richard Mc Sweeney](
Ignorance of the ages leaves me all but lifeless.
Not alone has it burnt sacred religious works,
but works of literature, art, philosophy, poetry,
astronomy, n' medicine, but to name a few. — Richard Mc Sweeney
![Religious Art Quotes By Madeleine L'Engle Religious Art Quotes By Madeleine L'Engle](
Basically there can be no categories such as 'religious' art and 'secular' art, because all true art is incarnational, and therefore 'religious. — Madeleine L'Engle
![Religious Art Quotes By Henry Fuseli Religious Art Quotes By Henry Fuseli](
Art among a religious race produces reliques [sic]; among a military one, trophies; among a commercial one, articles of trade. — Henry Fuseli
![Religious Art Quotes By Salman Rushdie Religious Art Quotes By Salman Rushdie](
All art began as sacred art, you know? I mean, all painting began as religious painting. All writing began as religious writing. — Salman Rushdie
![Religious Art Quotes By Tertullian Religious Art Quotes By Tertullian](
[Hermogenes] despises God's law in his painting, maintains repeated marriages [almost certainly a reference to remarrying after divorce or perhaps even widowhood, which Tertullian, who became a Montanist, opposed], alleges the law of God in defense of lust [likely same reference], and yet despises it in respect of his art. — Tertullian
![Religious Art Quotes By DJ Ashba Religious Art Quotes By DJ Ashba](
I was born into a very religious family with no TVs and a very strict Episcopal Christian religion. Music was my outlet and more of my therapy than anything, but yeah, it was the one thing in life that I've had, art and music. — DJ Ashba
![Religious Art Quotes By Colm Toibin Religious Art Quotes By Colm Toibin](
In my 20s, as I began to travel in Europe, I found comfort in religious paintings. Even though my own belief in Catholic dogma had been shaken and weakened, I found that the beauty and the richness of the art still held me. — Colm Toibin
![Religious Art Quotes By David Foster Wallace Religious Art Quotes By David Foster Wallace](
If you spend enough time reading or writing, you find a voice, but you also find certain tastes. You find certain writers who when they write, it makes your own brain voice like a tuning fork, and you just resonate with them. And when that happens, reading those writers - not all of whom are modern ... I mean, if you are willing to make allowances for the way English has changed, you can go way, way back with this - becomes a source of unbelievable joy. It's like eating candy for the soul. So probably the smart thing to say is that lucky people develop a relationship with a certain kind of art that becomes spiritual, almost religious, and doesn't mean, you know, church stuff, but it means you're just never the same. — David Foster Wallace
![Religious Art Quotes By Ian McEwan Religious Art Quotes By Ian McEwan](
Finally he spoke the three simple words that no amount of bad art or bad faith can every quite cheapen. She repeated them, with exactly the same slight emphasis on the second word, as though she were the one to say them first. He had no religious belief, but it was impossible not to think of an invisible presence or witness in the room, and that these words spoken aloud were like signatures on an unseen contract. — Ian McEwan
![Religious Art Quotes By George Orwell Religious Art Quotes By George Orwell](
It reminded us that propaganda in some form or other lurks in every book, that every work of art has a meaning and a purpose - a political, social and religious purpose - that our aesthetic judgements are always coloured by our prejudices and beliefs — George Orwell
![Religious Art Quotes By Umberto Boccioni Religious Art Quotes By Umberto Boccioni](
Art is viable when it finds elements in the surrounding environment. Our ancestors drew their subject matter from the religious attitudes which weighed on their souls. We must now learn to draw inspiration from the tangible miracles around us. — Umberto Boccioni
![Religious Art Quotes By John Boorman Religious Art Quotes By John Boorman](
There are always forces at work in a society, which are really forces of censorship - either religious bodies or zealots who are always putting pressure on things, whether it's books or art or film. — John Boorman
![Religious Art Quotes By Lev Grossman Religious Art Quotes By Lev Grossman](
Forget everything you ordinarily associate with religious study. Strip away all the reverence and the awe and the art and the philosophy of it. Treat the subject coldly. Imagine yourself to be a theologist, but a special kind of theologist, one who studies gods the way an entomologist studies insects. Take as your dataset the entirety of world mythology and treat it as a collection of field observations and statistics pertaining to a hypothetical species: the god. Proceed from there. — Lev Grossman
![Religious Art Quotes By Thomas Merton Religious Art Quotes By Thomas Merton](
His vision was religious and clean, and therefore his paintings were without decoration or superfluous comment, since a religious man respects the power of God's creation to bear witness for itself. — Thomas Merton
![Religious Art Quotes By Dan Graham Religious Art Quotes By Dan Graham](
Warhol and other Pop artists had brought the art religion of art for art's sake to an end. If art was only business, then rock expressed that transcendental, religious yearning for communal, nonmarket esthetic feeling that official art denied. For a time during the seventies, rock culture became the religion of the avant-garde art world. — Dan Graham
![Religious Art Quotes By Walter Pater Religious Art Quotes By Walter Pater](
And the fifteenth century was an impassioned age, so ardent and serious in its pursuit of art that it consecrated everything with which art had to ad as a religious object. — Walter Pater
![Religious Art Quotes By Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe Religious Art Quotes By Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe](
Art rests on a kind of religious sense, on a deep, steadfast earnestness; and on this account it unites so readily with religion. — Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe
![Religious Art Quotes By R.C. Sproul Religious Art Quotes By R.C. Sproul](
What makes art Christian art? Is it simply Christian artists painting biblical subjects like Jeremiah? Or, by attaching a halo, does that suddenly make something Christian art? Must the artist's subject be religious to be Christian? I don't think so. There is a certain sense in which art is its own justification. If art is good art, if it is true art, if it is beautiful art, then it is bearing witness to the Author of the good, the true, and the beautiful — R.C. Sproul
![Religious Art Quotes By Wilferd Peterson Religious Art Quotes By Wilferd Peterson](
The art of humility begins with a recognition of our dependence on others and an appreciation of God's gift of life. — Wilferd Peterson
![Religious Art Quotes By H.R. Rookmaaker Religious Art Quotes By H.R. Rookmaaker](
All too often people say to artists, 'To be an artist is fine if your art can be used for evangelism.' And art has often become a tool for evangelism. But let's be precise. As such there is nothing against this. But we must be aware that art cannot be used to show the validity of Christianity; it should rather be the reverse. Christianity is true; things and actions and human endeavor only get their meaning from their relationship to God; if Christ came to make us human, the humanity and the reality of art find their foundation in him. So art should not be used to preach even if it can help. Yet there is another way that art can be or is meaningful. — H.R. Rookmaaker
![Religious Art Quotes By Joan Miro Religious Art Quotes By Joan Miro](
Art class was like a religious ceremony to me. I would wash my hands carefully before touching paper or pencils. The instruments of work were sacred objects to me. — Joan Miro
![Religious Art Quotes By Hiroshi Sugimoto Religious Art Quotes By Hiroshi Sugimoto](
Art and religion have the same origin. Art first, or religion first? Maybe consciousness first! Consciousness always comes with religious feeling and artistic identification. It's the same origin. — Hiroshi Sugimoto
![Religious Art Quotes By Mehmet Murat Ildan Religious Art Quotes By Mehmet Murat Ildan](
Do not discuss the religious matters with people; do not waste your valuable time to discuss the untruth! Your time is short; spend it for the science and the art! — Mehmet Murat Ildan
![Religious Art Quotes By Sam Savage Religious Art Quotes By Sam Savage](
I really do think that art can save you in some sense. It's the last meaning, unless you're religious-and I'm not religious. It's the only secular vehicle for transcendence we have. It's an immediate self-validating experience. It lifts you beyond your mortal clay. — Sam Savage
![Religious Art Quotes By George Bernard Shaw Religious Art Quotes By George Bernard Shaw](
My religious convictions and scientific views cannot at present be more specifically defined than as those of a believer in creative evolution. I desire that no public monument or work of art or inscription or sermon or ritual service commemorating me shall suggest that I accepted the tenets peculiar to any established church or denomination nor take the form of a cross or any other instrument of torture or symbol of blood sacrifice.
[From the will of GBS] — George Bernard Shaw
![Religious Art Quotes By Riane Eisler Religious Art Quotes By Riane Eisler](
[On the ancient Venus figurines:] If the central religious figure was a woman giving birth and not, as in our time, a man dying on a cross, it would not be unreasonable to infer that life and the love of life - rather than death and the fear of death - were dominant in society as well as art. — Riane Eisler
![Religious Art Quotes By Stephen Batchelor Religious Art Quotes By Stephen Batchelor](
Buddhism has become for me a philosophy of action and responsibility. It provides a framework of values, ideas, and practices that nurture my ability to create a path in life, to define myself as a person, to act, to take risks, to image things differently, to make art. The more I prize Gotama's teachings free from the matrix of Indian religious thought in which they are entrenched and the more I come to understand how his own life unfolded in the context of his times, the more I discern a template for living that I can apply at this time in this increasingly secular and globalized world. — Stephen Batchelor
![Religious Art Quotes By Clive Bell Religious Art Quotes By Clive Bell](
Art and Religion are, then, two roads by which men escape from circumstance to ecstasy. Between aesthetic and religious rapture there is a family alliance. Art and Religion are means to similar states of mind. — Clive Bell
![Religious Art Quotes By Neil DeGrasse Tyson Religious Art Quotes By Neil DeGrasse Tyson](
Like it or not, war (cold or hot) is the most powerful funding driver in the public arsenal. Lofty goals such as curiosity, discovery, exploration, and science can get you money for modest-size projects, provided they resonate with the political and cultural views of the moment. But big, expensive activities are inherently long term, and require sustained investment that must survive economic fluctuations and changes in the political winds. In all eras, across time and culture, only war, greed, and the celebration of royal or religious power have fulfilled that funding requirement. Today, the power of kings is supplanted by elected governments, and the power of religion is often expressed in nonarchitectural undertakings, leaving war and greed to run the show. Sometimes those two drivers work hand in hand, as in the art of profiteering from the art of war. But war itself remains the ultimate and most compelling rationale. — Neil DeGrasse Tyson
![Religious Art Quotes By Jonathan Haidt Religious Art Quotes By Jonathan Haidt](
When an artist submerges a crucifix in a jar of his own urine, or smears elephant dung on an image of the Virgin Mary, do these works belong in art museums?21 Can the artist simply tell religious Christians, "If you don't want to see it, don't go to the museum"? Or does the mere existence of such works make the world dirtier, more profane, and more degraded? If you can't see anything wrong here, try reversing the politics. Imagine that a conservative artist had created these works using images of Martin Luther King Jr. and Nelson Mandela instead of Jesus and Mary. Imagine that his intent was to mock the quasi-deification by the left of so many black leaders. Could such works be displayed in museums in New York or Paris without triggering angry demonstrations? Might some on the left feel that the museum itself had been polluted by racism, even after the paintings were removed? — Jonathan Haidt
![Religious Art Quotes By Tim LaHaye Religious Art Quotes By Tim LaHaye](
Liberal humanists now seem to dominate the fields of art, journalism, and communication, which are powerful and uniquely able to spread anti-Christian thought. — Tim LaHaye
![Religious Art Quotes By Jamake Highwater Religious Art Quotes By Jamake Highwater](
Dance in this century has remained primarily a personal ritual operating, like most avant-garde art, as an idiosyncratic form rather than a tribal expression of religious powers or a corporate expression of societal values. — Jamake Highwater
![Religious Art Quotes By Miyamoto Musashi Religious Art Quotes By Miyamoto Musashi](
There is no one way to salvation, whatever the manner in which a man may proceed. All forms and variations are governed by the eternal intelligence of the Universe that enables a man to approach perfection. It may be in the arts of music and painting or it may be in commerce, law, or medicine. It may be in the study of war or the study of peace. Each is as important as any other. Spiritual enlightenment through religious meditation such as Zen or in any other way is as viable and functional as any "Way." ... A person should study as they see fit. — Miyamoto Musashi
![Religious Art Quotes By Max Von Essen Religious Art Quotes By Max Von Essen](
I'm a New Yorker. I'm liberal and open-minded. Things don't really shock me. But I was reading the second-act today and thinking that if you're religious, you could be. But you shouldn't be! You can be extremely religious and have your faith and still be open-minded to art. Because this is art. That's part of the excitement. It literally is "The Jerry Springer Show" on-stage set to beautiful operatic music. That's what's so incredible about it! — Max Von Essen
![Religious Art Quotes By Martin Luther Religious Art Quotes By Martin Luther](
However, they have not acquired a perfect mastery of the art of lying; they lie so clumsily and ineptly that anyone who is just a little observant can easily detect it. But for us Christians they stand as a terrifying example of God's wrath. — Martin Luther
![Religious Art Quotes By Bruce Sheiman Religious Art Quotes By Bruce Sheiman](
Militant atheists seek to discredit religion based on a highly selective reading of history. There was a time not long ago - just a couple of centuries - when the Western world was saturated by religion. Militant atheists are quick to attribute many of the most unfortunate aspects of history to religion, yet rarely concede the immense debt that civilization owes to various monotheist religions, which created some of the world's greatest literature, art, and architecture; led the movement to abolish slavery; and fostered the development of science and technology. One should not invalidate these achievements merely because they were developed for religious purposes. If much of science was originally a religious endeavor, does that mean science is not valuable? Is religiously motivated charity not genuine? Is art any less beautiful because it was created to express devotion to God? To regret religion is to regret our civilization and its achievements. — Bruce Sheiman
![Religious Art Quotes By Catherine Hicks Religious Art Quotes By Catherine Hicks](
At Cornell, my acting teacher said you cannot be religious and be an artist. I sort of got it, because faith is a comfort and art comes from a lot of places, in a lot of people, from the dark chasm. — Catherine Hicks
![Religious Art Quotes By Steve Kerr Religious Art Quotes By Steve Kerr](
I do believe that one way to bring cultures together, to develop trust between people and countries and religions, is through education. And through music and art and basketball and activities and joys that people share worldwide, regardless of ethnic background or religious orientation. — Steve Kerr
![Religious Art Quotes By Kilroy J. Oldster Religious Art Quotes By Kilroy J. Oldster](
People whom live in a world dominated by science and technology are losing belief in God and turning away from religion. Science eliminated the traditions that formerly made living an art form including the rain celebration of spring and traditional harvest festivals. — Kilroy J. Oldster
![Religious Art Quotes By Corinne Heline Religious Art Quotes By Corinne Heline](
The Medicine Man occupied the honored role of priest and physician to his tribe. They understood that healing was done by the intercession of celestial spirits. Music was used as the bridge between these planes. Thus we see why music was religious in nature, and music was looked upon as a sacred art. — Corinne Heline
![Religious Art Quotes By Fritjof Capra Religious Art Quotes By Fritjof Capra](
Hundreds of years ago, Indian artists created visual images of dancing Shivas in a beautiful series of bronzes. In our time, physicists have used the most advanced technology to portray the patterns of the cosmic dance. The metaphor of the cosmic dance thus unifies ancient mythology, religious art and modern physics. — Fritjof Capra
![Religious Art Quotes By William Shakespeare Religious Art Quotes By William Shakespeare](
Yet, for I know thou art religious
And hast a thing within thee called conscience,
With twenty popish tricks and ceremonies
Which I have seen thee careful to observe,
Therefore I urge thy oath; for that I know
An idiot holds his bauble for a god
And keeps the oath which by that god he swears,
To that I'll urge him: therefore thou shalt vow
By that same god, what god soe'er it be,
That thou adorest and hast in reverence,
To save my boy, to nourish and bring him up,
Or else I will discover naught to thee. — William Shakespeare
![Religious Art Quotes By Benjamin Rush Religious Art Quotes By Benjamin Rush](
Unless we put medical freedom into the Constitution, the time will come
when medicine will organize into an undercover dictatorship to restrict
the art of healing to one class of Men and deny equal privileges to
others; the Constitution of the Republic should make a Special
privilege for medical freedoms as well as religious freedom. — Benjamin Rush
![Religious Art Quotes By Irving Stone Religious Art Quotes By Irving Stone](
I thought art was dead rabbits hanging by their feet on a wall. I went to Italy and saw all the religious paintings, and they didn't move me all that much. Then someone invited me to see this van Gogh exhibit at the Rosenberg Gallery in San Francisco. — Irving Stone
![Religious Art Quotes By Tom Wolfe Religious Art Quotes By Tom Wolfe](
The modern notion of art is an essentially religious or magical one in which the artist is viewed as a holy beast who in some way, big or small, receives flashes from the godhead, which is known as creativity. — Tom Wolfe
![Religious Art Quotes By Woody Allen Religious Art Quotes By Woody Allen](
Everybody knows how awful the world is and each person distorts it in a certain way that enables him to get through. Some people distort it with religious things, others with sports, money, love, art, and they all have their own nonsense about what makes it meaningful, and all but nothing makes it meaningful. These things definitely serve a certain function, but in the end they all fail to give life meaning and everyone goes to his grave in a meaningless way. — Woody Allen
![Religious Art Quotes By Madeleine L'Engle Religious Art Quotes By Madeleine L'Engle](
When a child who has been conceived in love is born to a man and a woman, the joy of that birth sings throughout the universe. The joy of writing or painting is much the same, and the insemination comes not from the artist himself but from his relationship with those he loves, with the whole world. All real art is, in its true sense, religious; it is a religious impulse; there is not such thing as a non-religious subject. — Madeleine L'Engle
![Religious Art Quotes By Chris Martin Religious Art Quotes By Chris Martin](
The word spirit comes from the Latin word for "breath" - spiritu - and the origin of the word spirituality has to do with breath and life force, the mysteries of the ancients and all this. The word is very suspect in much of the art world - the Western art world. Certainly, spirituality has become divorced from religious. — Chris Martin
![Religious Art Quotes By Clement Of Alexandria Religious Art Quotes By Clement Of Alexandria](
But it is with a different kind of spell that art deludes you ... it leads you to pay religious honor and worship to images and pictures. — Clement Of Alexandria
![Religious Art Quotes By Marcel Duchamp Religious Art Quotes By Marcel Duchamp](
Art is a habit-forming drug. Art has absolutely no existence as veracity, as truth. People always speak of it with this great, religious reverence, but why should it be so revered? — Marcel Duchamp
![Religious Art Quotes By Louis Auchincloss Religious Art Quotes By Louis Auchincloss](
Buechner is a worthy member of the great prose stylists: Pascal, Newman, and Merton, who have harnessed their art to a passionate religious faith. — Louis Auchincloss
![Religious Art Quotes By Tim Crane Religious Art Quotes By Tim Crane](
I had abandoned Catholicism, but even during my short militant atheist period I maintained an interest in western religious art and music. — Tim Crane
![Religious Art Quotes By Marilyn Manson Religious Art Quotes By Marilyn Manson](
If God does exist, it's in music and in art, I think there's more spiritually in what I do than in a lot of religious groups judging, especially in the way they've treated me in the past couple of years. I've grown tired of talking about religion. It's time for me to move on. I'm trying to redefine the idea of spirituality and make it now such a bad word for myself, because I find that I sound really stupid saying it sometimes — Marilyn Manson
![Religious Art Quotes By Ruth Benedict Religious Art Quotes By Ruth Benedict](
As a matter of history great developments in art have often been remarkably separate from religious motivation and use. — Ruth Benedict
![Religious Art Quotes By Assata Shakur Religious Art Quotes By Assata Shakur](
I think that spirituality is important for all people to develop. I don't mean there necessarily has to be a religious aspect to spirituality. Some people are spiritual in a religious way, other people are spiritual in their work and in their art and in their treatment of other people. — Assata Shakur
![Religious Art Quotes By Michael Leunig Religious Art Quotes By Michael Leunig](
There are times when the art world seems like a religious empire. There are great cathedral galleries and pilgrimage sites where treasured art pieces are displayed like holy relics, and this can certainly be a great pleasure on a rainy Sunday afternoon. — Michael Leunig
![Religious Art Quotes By Michelangelo Religious Art Quotes By Michelangelo](
True art is made noble and religious by the mind producing it. — Michelangelo
![Religious Art Quotes By Andrei Tarkovsky Religious Art Quotes By Andrei Tarkovsky](
In the case of someone who is spiritual receptive, it is possible to talk of an analogy between the impact made by a work of art and that of a purely religious experience. Arts acts above all on the soul shaping its spiritual structure. — Andrei Tarkovsky