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Quotes & Sayings About Religion Founding Fathers

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Top Religion Founding Fathers Quotes

Religion Founding Fathers Quotes By Ilchi Lee

I believe tha t the two most important focal points for all of humanity in the twenty-first century are the Earth and the human brain. The Earth's health is the only standard that is all-encompassing enough to overcome the ethnic, cultural, religious, and national tensions that are rending the world asunder. Only the Earth can become the central azis around twhich world peace can be spun, for no religion is more compelling, no single nation larger, and no peoples older than the Earth herself — Ilchi Lee

Religion Founding Fathers Quotes By John Quincy Adams

Is it not that, in the chain of human events, the birthday of the nation is indissolubly linked with the birthday of the Saviour? — John Quincy Adams

Religion Founding Fathers Quotes By Lilian Jackson Braun

Qwilleran's Siamese cat was a celebrity at the Press Club. Koko's portrait hung in the lobby along with Pulitzer Prize winners, and he was probably the only cat in the history of journalism who had his own press card signed by the chief of police. Although Qwilleran's suspicious nature and inquisitive mind had brought a few criminals to justice, it was commonly understood at the Press Club that the brains behind his success belonged to a feline of outstanding intelligence and sensory perception. Koko always seemed to sniff or scratch in the right place at the right time. — Lilian Jackson Braun

Religion Founding Fathers Quotes By Thomas Paine

What is it the Bible teaches us?
rapine, cruelty, and murder. — Thomas Paine

Religion Founding Fathers Quotes By John Kenneth Galbraith

Economic life, as always, is a matrix in which result becomes cause and cause becomes result. — John Kenneth Galbraith

Religion Founding Fathers Quotes By Simon Schama

Growing up in Britain as a rather loose Jew, the two things that didn't belong together were freedom and religious intensity. In America, they do. The Founding Fathers made a bet that if you didn't force everyone to profess religion in their own particular way, you could protect intellectual freedom, and religion would flourish. — Simon Schama

Religion Founding Fathers Quotes By Bill Bright

Outlawing religion form the political arena is not what the Founding Fathers intended when they drafted the First Amendment. We do a grave disservice to our country by removing the influence of religion. If you separate God from the public arena, inevitably you separate good from our government. — Bill Bright

Religion Founding Fathers Quotes By Heinrich Heine

Oh, what lies there are in kisses. — Heinrich Heine

Religion Founding Fathers Quotes By Simon Critchley

The yearning for the common good comes from the refusal to accept that perhaps Americans have very little in common apart from the elements of a sometimes successful civil religion based around a sentimental, indeed sometimes teary-eyed, attachment to the constitution and a belief in the quasi-divine wisdom of the founding fathers. — Simon Critchley

Religion Founding Fathers Quotes By Frederick Lenz

You can go to India and you can see gurus go into samadhi. But when they come out of samadhi, they're nasty. They're egocentric. They don't have a deep regard or understanding of what life is. It's just a little trick they can do, a one-trick pony. — Frederick Lenz

Religion Founding Fathers Quotes By John Lennox

The idea of separating church and state by the Founding Fathers of America was freedom from the domination of one form of religion, because many of them left England, because they were persecuted by the church, because they want to express their Christian faith in a different way. So it was a bit of warfare between Christians. — John Lennox

Religion Founding Fathers Quotes By Thomas Jefferson

The truth is that the greatest enemies to the doctrines of Jesus are those calling themselves the expositors of them, who have perverted them for the structure of a system of fancy absolutely incomprehensible, and without any foundation in his genuine words. And the day will come when the mystical generation of Jesus by the supreme being as his father in the womb of a virgin will be classed with the fable of the generation of Minerva in the brain of Jupiter, but we may hope that the dawn of reason and freedom of thought in these United States will do away with all this artificial scaffolding and restore to us the primitive and genuine doctrines of this, the most venerated reformer of human errors.
-Thomas Jefferson to John Adams (April 11, 1823) — Thomas Jefferson

Religion Founding Fathers Quotes By Laura Bell Bundy

'Hairspray' was a show I was involved in from the very first reading, and I was 19. And, 'Hairspray', was one of my favorite movies growing up. — Laura Bell Bundy

Religion Founding Fathers Quotes By Jesse Ventura

I think the founding fathers believed religion shouldn't interact directly with government. — Jesse Ventura

Religion Founding Fathers Quotes By Benjamin Franklin

It is the religion of ignorance that tyranny begins. — Benjamin Franklin

Religion Founding Fathers Quotes By Walter Raleigh

It is, it is a glorious thing To be a Pirate King. — Walter Raleigh

Religion Founding Fathers Quotes By Edwin Gaustad

Most of the founding fathers, sympathetic with and influenced by the European Enlightenment, saw religion - natural religion, that is - as a potential good, but with equal clarity they saw the religions of existing institutions and religions based on a fixed scriptural revelation as meddlesome, wrong-headed and hopelessly obsolete. — Edwin Gaustad

Religion Founding Fathers Quotes By Zaman Ali

Happiness is the purpose of humans so it must need to be for the good of others otherwise one's happiness could hurt many others. — Zaman Ali

Religion Founding Fathers Quotes By Edward O. Wilson

The Founding Fathers of the United States understood the risk of tribal religious conflict very well. George Washington observed, "Of all the animosities which have existed among mankind those which are caused by difference of sentiments in religion appear to be the most inveterate and distressing and ought most to be deprecated." James Madison agreed, noting the "torrents of blood" that result from religious competition. John Adams insisted that "the government of the United States is not in any sense founded on the Christian religion." America has slipped a bit since then. — Edward O. Wilson

Religion Founding Fathers Quotes By Gregory A. Boyd

The words and acts of the founding fathers, especially the first few presidents, shaped the form and tone of the civil religion as it has been maintained ever since. Though much is selectively derived from Christianity, this religion is clearly not itself Christianity. ROBERT BELLAH1 — Gregory A. Boyd

Religion Founding Fathers Quotes By Eric D. Weitz

Probably no other country in the 1920s - certainly not the United States, with its stark repression of the Left, vicious antiunion policies, and legally enshrined racism - had so wide a range of free speech, such a vital public sphere, as Germany. — Eric D. Weitz

Religion Founding Fathers Quotes By Dan Brown

America's forefathers had a vision of a spiritually enlightened utopia, in which freedom of thought, education of the masses, and scientific advancement would replace the darkness of outdated religious superstition. — Dan Brown

Religion Founding Fathers Quotes By John Adams

Let them revere nothing but religion, morality and liberty. — John Adams

Religion Founding Fathers Quotes By Phil Zuckerman

The founding fathers went out of their way to establish a clear "wall of separation" between religion and state, to quote Thomas Jefferson. They reasoned, as James Madison so cleverly articulated, that both religion and government exist in greater purity if kept apart. — Phil Zuckerman

Religion Founding Fathers Quotes By Billy Graham

America's founding fathers did not intend to take religion out of education. Many of the nation's greatest universities were founded by evangelists and religious leaders; but many of these have lost the founders concept and become secular institutions. Because of this attitude, secular education is stumbling and floundering. — Billy Graham

Religion Founding Fathers Quotes By Jesse Ventura

There are lots of people out there who think they know the truth about God and religion, but does anybody really know for sure? That's why the founding fathers built freedom of religious belief into the structure of this nation, so that everybody could make up their minds for themselves. — Jesse Ventura

Religion Founding Fathers Quotes By Alan Partridge

The father, Trevor, was an asthmatic, but what he lacked in being able to breath quietly, he more than made up for with parental skills. — Alan Partridge

Religion Founding Fathers Quotes By Henry James

Instead of leading to the high places of happiness, from which the world would seem to lie below one, so that one could look down with a sense of exaltation and advantage, and judge and choose and pity, it led rather downward and earthward, into realms of restriction and depression, where the sound of other lives, easier and freer, was heard as from above, and served to deepen the feeling of failure. — Henry James

Religion Founding Fathers Quotes By Michael J. Findley

The Bible is a book of Science. Secular Humanism is a religion of mythology. — Michael J. Findley

Religion Founding Fathers Quotes By Thomas Jefferson

When the clergy addressed General Washington on his departure from the government, it was observed in their consultation that he had never on any occasion said a word to the public which showed a belief in the Christian religion and they thought they should so pen their address as to force him at length to declare publicly whether he was a Christian or not. They did so. However [Dr. Rush] observed the old fox was too cunning for them. He answered every article of their address particularly except that, which he passed over without notice... I know that Gouverneur Morris, who pretended to be in his secrets & believed himself to be so, has often told me that General Washington believed no more of that system than he himself did.

{The Anas, February 1, 1800, written shortly after the death of first US president George Washington} — Thomas Jefferson

Religion Founding Fathers Quotes By Dylan Morrison

When I look back on my life I come to one simple conclusion: there exists an intelligent, loving Presence in the Cosmos that will ultimately have its desire for relationship with us fulfilled; even our arrogant dismissal of its existence will not stop it in its tracks. The Enlightenment's god, the great idol of free will, lies smashed in pieces in its wake. The jealous Presence patiently draws us homeward like some gigantic electromagnetic beam. The Death Star in reverse. This divinity is, I believe, the 'Abba' of Jesus, a transcendence that will not be boxed in by religious misrepresentation... — Dylan Morrison

Religion Founding Fathers Quotes By Noah Feldman

From a constitutional standpoint, the religion of a candidate is supposed to make no difference. Even before the founding fathers dreamed up the First Amendment, they inserted a provision in the Constitution expressly prohibiting any religious test for office. — Noah Feldman

Religion Founding Fathers Quotes By John Adams

Have you considered that system of holy lies and pious frauds that has raged and triumphed for 1,500 years? — John Adams

Religion Founding Fathers Quotes By Karen Chance

This had expectations written all over it. Expectations that I was going to fuck up royally because I wasn't the kind of gal who wore designer nightwear and knew what all the forks were for. I was the kind of gal who thought the nightgown drawer was where old T-shirts went to die and who had only started using forks in the last century. — Karen Chance

Religion Founding Fathers Quotes By Austin Grossman

The United States of America is logically the least magical place in the world. Planned by committee, not even a country, just a legal umbrella for fifty associated provinces, an elaborate polling system for creating other larger and more permanent committees. No mysteries; no demons; one God at the most. Sure, it had its own folklore and tall tales, but it wasn't the same. Its rulers weren't descended from men and women who spoke with birds and rode dragons. Johnny Appleseed and Paul Bunyan were hayseeds, folksy also-rans compared to the madness in the ancient royal blood going back to the Druids, to Byzantium, to Mithraic cults. — Austin Grossman

Religion Founding Fathers Quotes By Norman Cousins

Freedom of religion, as the Founding Fathers saw it, was not just the right to associate oneself with a certain denomination but the right to disassociate without penalty. Belief or nonbelief was a matter of individual choice - a right underwritten in the basic charter of the nation's liberties. — Norman Cousins

Religion Founding Fathers Quotes By James Madison

The Constitution of the U.S. forbids everything like an establishment of a national religion. — James Madison

Religion Founding Fathers Quotes By Francis Schaeffer

Today the separation of church and state is America is used to silence the church ... The way the concept is used today is totally reversed from the original intent ... It is used today as a false political dictum in order to restrict the influence of Christian ideas ... To have suggested the state separated from religion and religious influence would have amazed the Founding Fathers. — Francis Schaeffer

Religion Founding Fathers Quotes By Bruce Feiler

American culture really has two souls. And it's not a question of whether the culture becomes secularized. The culture never becomes one thing or the other. The culture is always two. The culture is always William Bradford and Jonathan Edwards. The culture is always Benjamin Franklin and Thomas Edison. America was born just in time to have two mentalities. We're like Jacob and Esau struggling in the womb. Secular people want to believe that we are a nation of the Enlightenment, and because of the Founding Fathers and the Constitution that secularism will supersede religion. Religious people want to believe that through the revival religion will supersede secularism. And both are wrong. "What's going to happen," he said, "is that there will continue to be a constant dynamic and tension between the two, running side by side.And they're going to keep on being about that for as long as there's an American identity worth talking about. — Bruce Feiler

Religion Founding Fathers Quotes By The Founding Fathers

Amendment I
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievance
Amendment IV
The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized. — The Founding Fathers