Famous Quotes & Sayings

Relationship Ends Quotes & Sayings

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Top Relationship Ends Quotes

Relationship Ends Quotes By Lisa Unger

Every couple starts off loving each other, don't they? It's how a relationship ends that really defines its nature. — Lisa Unger

Relationship Ends Quotes By Cindy Johnson

There is value in every date and every relationship regardless of where it ends up. Not everyone is going to love you, and the sooner you can embrace that and be okay with it, the better off you will be in the dating minefield. The opinion of others doesn't make us who we are. — Cindy Johnson

Relationship Ends Quotes By Ernest Becker

In Jung's terms-that we noted previously-the work is the artist's own transference projection, and he knows that consciously and critically. Whatever he does he is stuck with himself, can't get securely outside and beyond himself. He is also stuck with the work of art itself. Like any material achievement it is visible, earthly, impermanent. No matter how great it is, it still pales in some ways next to the transcending majesty of nature; and so it is ambiguous, hardly a solid immortality symbol. In his greatest genius man is still mocked. No matter that historically art and psychosis have had such an intimate relationship, that the road to creativity passes so close to the madhouse and often detours or ends there. The artist and the madman are trapped by their own fabrications; they wallow in their own anality, in their protest that they really are something special in creation. — Ernest Becker

Relationship Ends Quotes By Catherine Bybee

Finding the right person to spend forever with shouldn't be easy. When things come easily, the relationship ends up being temporary. — Catherine Bybee

Relationship Ends Quotes By Naomi Foner Gyllenhaal

Raising a child is the only relationship you have where if you do it right, it will end in separation. — Naomi Foner Gyllenhaal

Relationship Ends Quotes By Peter Medawar

Freudian psychoanalytical theory is a mythology that answers pretty well to Levi-Strauss's descriptions. It brings some kind of order into incoherence; it, too, hangs together, makes sense, leaves no loose ends, and is never (but never) at a loss for explanation. In a state of bewilderment it may therefore bring comfort and relief ... give its subject a new and deeper understanding of his own condition and of the nature of his relationship to his fellow men. A mythical structure will be built up around him which makes sense and is believable-in, regardless of whether or not it is true. — Peter Medawar

Relationship Ends Quotes By Saravana Kumar Murugan

Relationship and relations, two different ends, very difficult to meet their needs. — Saravana Kumar Murugan

Relationship Ends Quotes By Meredith Wild

I want control, Erica. But I'm not going to take it from you. You have to give it to me. you opened the door. Now you have to walk through it. You've tried to draw this hard line between us, with work and our relationship, where you keep the amount of control you think you need. It ends now. — Meredith Wild

Relationship Ends Quotes By Richard Flanagan

In the end you're not made or broken by prizes. Your relationship is with your readers, not a prize, and you just have to keep on honoring that. — Richard Flanagan

Relationship Ends Quotes By Socrates

The warm love has the coldest end. — Socrates

Relationship Ends Quotes By Jiddu Krishnamurti

There is no end to relationship. There may be the end of a particular relationship, but relationship can never end; to be is to be related. — Jiddu Krishnamurti

Relationship Ends Quotes By Mary Mihalic

Life does not end when a relationship ends, just like life doesn't start when a relationship starts. — Mary Mihalic

Relationship Ends Quotes By Hal Holbrook

Death ends a life. But it doesn't end a relationship. — Hal Holbrook

Relationship Ends Quotes By Howard Zinn

We need to organize ourselves and protest against existing order - against war, against economic and sexual exploitation, against racism, etc. But to organize ourselves in such a way that means correspond to the ends, and to organize ourselves in such a way as to create kind of human relationship that should exist in future society. That would mean to organize ourselves without centralize authority, without charismatic leader, in a way that represents in miniature the ideal of the future egalitarian society. — Howard Zinn

Relationship Ends Quotes By Molly Harper

And don't you ever do anything like that again! I am the one who ends up in the stupid life-threatening situations. You are the levelheaded, responsible one in this relationship. Got it? This is how this whole thing works. We have to stick to our designated roles, or there is chaos! — Molly Harper

Relationship Ends Quotes By Tony Robbins

Do what you did in the beginning of a relationship and there won't be an end. — Tony Robbins

Relationship Ends Quotes By Luke Wilson

To be honest, I'm not that good at staying friends. I like to move on after a relationship ends. If I break up with somebody, I don't want to see her or hear from her. — Luke Wilson

Relationship Ends Quotes By Linda Hogan

The real ceremony begins where the formal one ends, when we take up a new way, our minds and hearts filled with the vision of earth that holds us within it, in compassionate relationship to and with our world. — Linda Hogan

Relationship Ends Quotes By Benedict, Pope XVI

And if the object of one's desire is a relationship with God, his blessing and love, then the struggle cannot fail but ends in that self-giving to God, in recognition of one's own weakness, which is overcome only by giving oneself over into God's merciful hands. — Benedict, Pope XVI

Relationship Ends Quotes By Meat Loaf

Praying for the end of time, so I can end my time with you. — Meat Loaf

Relationship Ends Quotes By Sally Ember

Knowing that a particle can occupy two different states at the same time - a state known as superposition - and, two particles, such as two particles of light, or photons, can become entangled, means that there is a unique, coupled state in which an action, like a measurement, upon one particle immediately causes a correlated change in the other.
If there is a better word to describe my relationship with Fanio than entangled, I have yet to hear it. Even when the two entangled particles - or people - are separated by a great distance (and I mean emotional or physical distance, such as mine with Epifanio, or like being at opposite ends of the universe), their movements or actions affect each other. Yet, before any measurements or other assessments occur, the actual "spin states" of either of the two particles are uncertain and even unknowable. — Sally Ember

Relationship Ends Quotes By Tyler Oakley

Every relationship ends, unless one doesn't. And everything we've learned from the relationships leading up to that last one has been the training we needed to make that final one last. — Tyler Oakley

Relationship Ends Quotes By Francis Schaeffer

Doctrinal rightness and rightness of ecclesiastical position are important, but only as a starting point to go on into a living relationship - and not as ends in themselves. — Francis Schaeffer

Relationship Ends Quotes By Kevin Bales

Ben Skinner's brains and courage take us into the belly of the beast and expose the ugly truth of modern slavery. Instead of sensation, A Crime So Monstrous gives us desperately needed insight and analysis. This is an important book, the first deep look into America's confused relationship with human trafficking and slavery today. Skinner's balanced dissection of our government's haphazard policies will be controversial, but it can also be the foundation for a new anti-slavery agenda, one that ends the political games being played with the lives of slaves. — Kevin Bales

Relationship Ends Quotes By Caryl McAdoo

new day, it all came back to the fact that he did not have a relationship with God. He'd already be up, and she trembled with the thought of seeing him again. How crazy was that? As if she could just walk blissfully to an altar and say, 'I do.' He had come all that way. Said he would've followed her to the ends of the earth. Still, just as her mother before her, she couldn't. Not with a non-believer. How true that the generations repeated. Her dear sister had paid a high price for disobedience. Mary Rachel had suffered for her bad choice...though God redeemed her in the end. — Caryl McAdoo

Relationship Ends Quotes By Bill Vaughan

Economics is the science which studies human behaviour as a relationship between ends and scarce means which have alternative uses. — Bill Vaughan

Relationship Ends Quotes By Gish Jen

Many women tend toward the interdependent end of things, we tend to see ourselves in relationship to others to a far greater degree than men. — Gish Jen

Relationship Ends Quotes By Roberto Hogue

How satisfying will it be to know that no matter what happens to your relationship and no matter where or with whom he ends up in his life that you taught him everything he knows ... ? Catty? Maybe, but that's a fun thought. — Roberto Hogue

Relationship Ends Quotes By Rachel Van Dyken

A blessing to the happy couple. Love is the combination of life's treasured moments tied together in the infinite circle of life. It never ends. It's a constant reminder when you're weak and tired, and it never fails. When you want to quit, love continues. When you want to cry, love uplifts, and when you want to run away, love remains. Each of you are wearing a symbol of fertility, but it's more than that. They are love beads. They bring good luck and favor in your relationship. May you wear them wisely, and may your lives always be filled with love. — Rachel Van Dyken

Relationship Ends Quotes By Noel Kingsbury

Improving upon nature is the very essence of plant breeding, and so it goes to the heart of one of the central debates of the human condition: the relationship between humanity and nature and the degree to which the human race has a right (or indeed a responsibility) to change plant life for its own ends. — Noel Kingsbury

Relationship Ends Quotes By Harper Sloan

You've got nothing to be scared of with me. Not one damn thing. You've had me in knots for months, Dee. Fighting for you, us, and this relationship might drive me mad at times, but it's a fight I want if it ends with you in my arms. — Harper Sloan

Relationship Ends Quotes By Jennifer Egan

Music and time have such an interesting relationship. Music makes time fall away like almost nothing else. You hear a song from another moment of your life and it really is like you're still there. That's why the music of our youth ends up being particularly powerful. The coming of age music that you grab a hold of as the symbol or the expression of your independence and hopes for the future and anger and rebellion or whatever it is you're feeling is so powerful for the rest of your life when you hear it. — Jennifer Egan

Relationship Ends Quotes By Mitch Albom

You live on - in the hearts of everyone you have touched and nurtured while you were here ... Death ends life, not a relationship. — Mitch Albom

Relationship Ends Quotes By Edith Hahn Beer

You know, we have moments of passion when we are in pain. And then of course the moment ends, and with it the passion and the pain, and we forgive and forget. But I think that every time you hurt somebody that you care for, a crack appears in your relationship, a little weakening - and it stays there, dangerous, waiting for the next opportunity to open up and destroy everything. — Edith Hahn Beer

Relationship Ends Quotes By Rajneesh

Relationship means something complete, finished, closed. Love is never a relationship; love is relating. It is always a river, flowing, unending. Love knows no full stop; the honeymoon begins but never ends. It is not like a novel that starts at a certain point and ends at a certain point. It is an ongoing phenomenon. Lovers end, love continues. It is a continuum. It is a verb, not a noun. — Rajneesh

Relationship Ends Quotes By Toni Sorenson

When we are out of alignment with Christ we forget that we are children of God with divine destinies. We think with shriveled minds and operate with shriveled spirits. We settle for less than God wants to give us. We take a job that feels wrong. We enter a relationship that doesn't' feel right. We get stressed and anxious when reality doesn't match the images we have of the way things are supposed to be. We see failure as dead-ends instead of turn-around roads. There is no ease, no anointing as we move from one uneasy choice to another. That's when it's time to stop, breathe, and trust that our Highest Power is willing and able to set us right again. No matter what that voice inside your head says, you can always, always start again. — Toni Sorenson

Relationship Ends Quotes By Nancy Friday

Separation is not the end of love; it creates love. — Nancy Friday

Relationship Ends Quotes By Megan McCafferty

A relationship ends because you've outgrown it. It can begin again because you, as two, can fill the new shape. — Megan McCafferty

Relationship Ends Quotes By Rainbow Rowell

She could have just told him about the magic phone. Full disclosure. Then they could have solved it together. They could have Sherlocked and Watsoned from both ends of the timeline — Rainbow Rowell

Relationship Ends Quotes By Arnaldur Indridason

It was not like the old days and they both knew it. They were weighed down by the awareness of their failed relationship, of the wasted years, of the feelings that were no more, of the shared life that had unravelled. They were like weary receivers winding up a bankruptcy; all that remained was to tie up the loose ends and settle the final claims. (Black Skies) — Arnaldur Indridason

Relationship Ends Quotes By Jiddu Krishnamurti

In all our relationships each one of us builds an image about the other and these two images have relationship, not the human beings themselves ... The actual relationship between two human beings or between many human beings completely ends when there is the formation of images. — Jiddu Krishnamurti

Relationship Ends Quotes By Joyce Brothers

The need to connect with one another intimately is what makes and keeps us human. The challenge throughout life is to find the courage to reach out to potential partners when our primary relationship ends and to recharge our tried-and-true unions when their sizzle starts to fizzle. — Joyce Brothers

Relationship Ends Quotes By Osho

Love is never a relationship; love is relating. It is always a river, flowing, unending. Love knows no full stop; the honeymoon begins but never ends. It is not like a novel that starts at a certain point and ends at a certain point. It is an ongoing phenomenon. Lovers end, love continues - it is a continuum. It is a verb, not a noun. And why do we reduce the beauty of relating to relationship? Why are we in such a hurry? Because to relate is insecure, and relationship is a security. Relationship has a certainty; relating is just a meeting of two strangers, maybe just an overnight stay and in the morning we say goodbye. Who knows what is going to happen tomorrow? And we are so afraid that we want to make it certain, we want to make it predictable. We would like tomorrow to be according to our ideas; we don't allow it freedom to have its own say. So we immediately reduce every verb to a noun. You — Osho

Relationship Ends Quotes By Stephen Wright

The subterranean lair of the wily human relationship: a dark maze of pop-up demons, fun house mirrors, spooky dead ends, multiple false bottoms. — Stephen Wright

Relationship Ends Quotes By Leighton Meester

I think you have to know how you feel when you're sad and it's healthy to mourn if a relationship ends. — Leighton Meester

Relationship Ends Quotes By Arianna Huffington

The advice I would give to my younger self is very, very simple: Stop burning the candle at both ends and renew your estranged relationship with sleep. You will be more productive, more effective, more creative, and more likely to enjoy your life. — Arianna Huffington

Relationship Ends Quotes By Laurann Dohner

It's common to cease all communication when a relationship ends. — Laurann Dohner

Relationship Ends Quotes By Robert Anderson

There's another way to edit the sentence, which is to add a comma before the second 'which.' The survivor is struggling toward 'some resolution,' not a specific resolution that the mind may never find. The final clause is an appended thought, not a conclusion of the previous clause: 'Death ends a life, but it does not end a relationship, which struggles on in the survivor's mind toward some resolution, which it may never find.' — Robert Anderson

Relationship Ends Quotes By Mata Amritanandamayi

In most cases, worldly love ends in hatred and deep sorrow. — Mata Amritanandamayi

Relationship Ends Quotes By Kiersten White

There's a word for the first blush of youthful love free of desire. For longing to be with someone so much you would rather throw yourself to the tides than be without them. For the stale but steady relationship between faithful members of an arranged marriage. For how to feel about someone you thought was everything but ended up never feeling the same way about you. For the poison left over when you love someone and it ends so badly you cannot release the feelings. For the love between a mother and her children, a father and his children, a grandmother and her progeny, the love between two dear friends, the love that is the first building block of a lifelong affair. There's even a word for a love so devastating nothing before or after is ever seen the same. — Kiersten White

Relationship Ends Quotes By Elisa Marie Hopkins

Have you been listening to a word I've been saying? I don't do games. I don't do one-night stands. I don't do affairs. Usually, when I meet a woman and take interest in her, I will be loyal to her, and only her. I expect the same. I don't share well. I'm all for exclusiveness in everything I do, and own. I'm not afraid of commitment or hard work. You're right; I'm not new to this. I've been in many relationships. This is good news, Sophie. It means I won't waste your time. Rest assured, if I'm with you it's because that's exactly where I want to be. If ever I want out of a relationship, I leave. My commitment ends there. It's simple enough and this is the only thing that makes sense to me. — Elisa Marie Hopkins

Relationship Ends Quotes By Mitch Albom

Death is the end of a lifetime, not the end of a relationship. — Mitch Albom

Relationship Ends Quotes By Belle Aurora

Death ends a life. Not a relationship. — Belle Aurora

Relationship Ends Quotes By Drew Hayes

Newsflash: every relationship a person has ends in failure, save for one. Maybe two if you count getting remarried after they kick off, but the point is, we all go in with a ninety-whatever percent failure rate. — Drew Hayes

Relationship Ends Quotes By Miguel Angel Ruiz

When we respect ourselves, our lives change because the conflict in our mind ends. Then the relationship with our beloved also changes, and there will be peace in our family, in our friendships, in our community, and so on. Just imagine what kind of planet this would be if everybody respected themselves and everybody else? — Miguel Angel Ruiz

Relationship Ends Quotes By Gene Simmons

Better to discuss everything out in the open while you're in love, then if or when the relationship sadly ends. It's called Full Disclosure Before The Fact. — Gene Simmons

Relationship Ends Quotes By Robert Anderson

Death ends a life, but it does not end a relationship, which struggles on in the survivor's mind toward some final resolution, some clear meaning, which it perhaps never finds. — Robert Anderson

Relationship Ends Quotes By Martin Buber

If we had the power over the ends of the earth, it would not give us that fulfillment of existence which a quiet devoted relationship to nearby life can give us. — Martin Buber

Relationship Ends Quotes By Michael Bassey Johnson

The enemy stays in the hearts of friends. Watch what your friends know about you and watch what you tell your friends, remember, egoism breeds jealousy and ends a relationship in discord. — Michael Bassey Johnson

Relationship Ends Quotes By Francis Chan

A relationship with God simply cannot grow when money, sins, activities, favorite sports teams, addictions, or commitments are piled up on top of it.
Most of us have too much in our lives. As David Goetz writes, "Too much of the good life ends up being toxic, deforming us spiritually." A lot of things are good by themselves, but all of it together keeps us from living healthy, fruitful lives for God ... Has your relationship with God actually changed the way you live? — Francis Chan

Relationship Ends Quotes By Sarah Mlynowski

Just because a relationship ends, it doesn't mean it's not worth having. — Sarah Mlynowski

Relationship Ends Quotes By Novoneel Chakraborty

Does love end when a relationship ends? Or does a relationship end because love has ended?
When you had me, you never needed me. Now when you can't have me, you shouldn't need me. — Novoneel Chakraborty

Relationship Ends Quotes By David Hawkins

We need to explore the relationship between means and ends. Purposes grow out of situations. One may find the pursuit first and then this brings the purpose. — David Hawkins

Relationship Ends Quotes By Rainer Werner Fassbinder

Every decent director has only one subject, and finally only makes the same film over and over again. My subject is the exploitability of feelings, whoever might be the one exploiting them. It never ends. It's a permanent theme. Whether the state exploits patriotism, or whether in a couple relationship, one partner destroys the other. — Rainer Werner Fassbinder

Relationship Ends Quotes By Julie Delpy

I always wanted to write a story about a couple coming to that moment in their relationship where either they keep on going or it ends. — Julie Delpy

Relationship Ends Quotes By Uma Thurman

If you're not ready to be in a relationship, going out with someone much younger than you is probably a great idea, because you both can have a decent experience and hopefully nobody will end up feeling cheated when it ends. — Uma Thurman

Relationship Ends Quotes By Taylor Swift

The worst possible way a relationship can end is when somebody cheats on somebody else. — Taylor Swift

Relationship Ends Quotes By Elena Ferrante

Even if I tried to tell myself that I had given him nothing, that the children were mostly mine, that they had remained within the radius of my body, subject to my care, still I couldn't avoid thinking what aspects of his nature inevitably lay hidden in them. [ ... ] How much of him would I be forced to love forever, without even realizing it, simply by virtue of the fact that I loved them? What a complex foamy mixture a couple is. Even if the relationship shatters and ends, it continues to act in secret pathways, it doesn't die, it doesn't want to die. — Elena Ferrante

Relationship Ends Quotes By Sun Tzu

Who can determine where one ends and the other begins? — Sun Tzu

Relationship Ends Quotes By Sara Mlynowski

Just because a relationship ends, does not mean it's not worth having. — Sara Mlynowski

Relationship Ends Quotes By Edward Said

It is sensible to begin by asking the beginning questions, why imagine power in the first place, and what is the relationship between one's motive for imagining power and the image one ends up with. — Edward Said

Relationship Ends Quotes By Joe Meno

The last four days
where everything has finally made some sense. And why is she so ready to throw this away? Because.
Because eventually every relationship she's been in has turned to shit. Eventually she ends up
screwing everything up. So maybe it's better to leave now before people's feelings get hurt. — Joe Meno

Relationship Ends Quotes By Josh Groban

If I'm in a relationship, I'll go to the ends of the earth. If I'm on the road and we have a conversation, and she says, 'God, I really wish I was there with you right now', I'll hang up the phone, send a car, and have the plane ready. — Josh Groban

Relationship Ends Quotes By Charlie Kaufman

There really is only one ending to any story. Human life ends in death. Until then, it keeps going and gets complicated and there's loss. Everything involves loss; every relationship ends in one way or another. — Charlie Kaufman

Relationship Ends Quotes By Diane Vaughan

Uncoupling is primarily a tale of two transitions: one that begins before the other. Most often, one person wants out while the other person wants the relationship to continue. Although both partners must go through all the same stages of the transition in order to uncouple, the transition begins and ends at different times for each. By the time the still-loving partner realizes the relationship is in serious trouble, the other person is already gone in a number of ways. The rejected partner then embarks on a transition that the other person began long before. — Diane Vaughan

Relationship Ends Quotes By Simon Van Booy

Death ends a life but not a relationship. I — Simon Van Booy

Relationship Ends Quotes By Penelope Cruz

Every relationship ends, until maybe you find one that lasts forever. — Penelope Cruz

Relationship Ends Quotes By Alan A. Altshuler

When a planner speaks of implementing goals rationally, he implies that it is possible to demonstrate logically and experimentally the relationship between the proposed means and the ends they are intended to further. — Alan A. Altshuler

Relationship Ends Quotes By Elisabeth Sladen

No. The universe has to move forward. Pain and loss, they define us as much as happiness or love. Whether it's a world, or a relationship ... Everything has its time. And everything ends. — Elisabeth Sladen

Relationship Ends Quotes By Robert Anderson

Death ends a life, it does not end a relationship. — Robert Anderson

Relationship Ends Quotes By Liz Williams

I've written a detective series myself, set in an imaginary, and slightly futuristic, Chinese city. The novels have an extremely tenuous relationship with the real world, since the hero is the city's Hell and ends up with a sidekick who is a demon. — Liz Williams

Relationship Ends Quotes By Kelly Corrigan

The thing about mothers, I want to say, is that once the containment ends and one becomes two, you don't always fit together so nicely ... The living mother-daughter relationship, you learn over and over again, is a constant choice between adaptation and acceptance. — Kelly Corrigan

Relationship Ends Quotes By Shannon L. Alder

It is not lies or a lack of loyalty that ends a relationship. It is the agonizing truth that one person feels in their heart on a daily basis. It is realizing that you are coping and not living. It is the false belief that there is a verse, quote, phrase or talk that will magically make you feel content, complete or not care. However, it doesn't last longer than a few days, before your mind and heart goes back to what it wants. It is the moment you realize that you left without ever leaving. It is the moment you realize that fear, shame or guilt is the only thing standing in the way of the life God meant for you to live. — Shannon L. Alder

Relationship Ends Quotes By Ann Patchett

Listen she said, everything ends, every single relationship you will ever have in your lifetime is going to end ... I'll die, you'll die, you'll get tired of each other. You don't always know how it's going to happen, but it is always going to happen. So stop trying to make everything permanent, it doesn't work. I want you to go out there and find some nice man you have no intention of spending the rest of your life with. You can be very, very happy with people you aren't going to marry. — Ann Patchett

Relationship Ends Quotes By Spike Jonze

When you're talking about the idea of loving your ex, and being able to hold on to that amidst all the other feelings of being heartbroken or sad or missing something that's gone --something dies when a relationship ends. It is a death because that thing that was the two of you together was alive and now it won't be and the only two people who really knew that thing was alive are the two of you. No one else knows. — Spike Jonze

Relationship Ends Quotes By Jennifer Aniston

I think it's important to have closure in any relationship that ends - from a romantic relationship to a friendship. You should always have a sense of clarity at the end and know why it began and why it ended. You need that in your life to move cleanly into your next phase. — Jennifer Aniston

Relationship Ends Quotes By Jiddu Krishnamurti

Fear begins and ends with the desire to be secure; inward and outward security, with the desire to be certain, to have permanency. The continuity of permanence is sought in every direction, in virtue, in relationship, in action, in experience, in knowledge, in outward and inward things. To find security and be secure is the everlasting cry. It is this insistent demand that breeds fear. — Jiddu Krishnamurti

Relationship Ends Quotes By Robin Hobb

Trust had. But I had broken that, like a child who takes something apart to see how it works and ends up with a handful of pieces. Perhaps he could not be the Fool again, any more than I could go back to being Burrich's stable boy. Perhaps our relationship had changed too profoundly for us to relate as Fitz and the Fool. Perhaps Tom Badgerlock and Lord Golden were all that was left to us. — Robin Hobb

Relationship Ends Quotes By Sara Quin

I always say that if I end up in a relationship where I feel like seventy-five percent of what I was looking for is there, then I've already won, then we're all winners in that relationship. — Sara Quin