Famous Quotes & Sayings

Rebuilding Myself Quotes & Sayings

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Top Rebuilding Myself Quotes

Rebuilding Myself Quotes By Richard Whately

It is the neglect of timely repair that makes rebuilding necessary. — Richard Whately

Rebuilding Myself Quotes By Kathy Hepinstall

Instead he felt only love. And that was the miracle. The surge in hatred since the war began had created more love around it. It was indomitable, mad, and everlasting, scattered through the rich and the poor, deep and calm in the Quakers, hot and fierce in the mothers, faithful in the warriors, wistful in the pets, seeping its way into mercy and atrocity, destroying things, rebuilding them. — Kathy Hepinstall

Rebuilding Myself Quotes By Les Miles

I think all of our guys work hard and want to improve. They want answers, and the film will be the answer. The coaches will collect it and get better. I do not think anybody wants a rebuilding year. That's not something that I have ever said. — Les Miles

Rebuilding Myself Quotes By Robert Anderson

Here is something to set both critics and Christians thinking. A decree of a Persian king was deemed to be divine, and any attempt to thwart it was usually met by prompt and drastic punishment; and yet the decree directing the rebuilding of the Temple, issued by King Cyrus in the zenith of his power, was thwarted for seventeen years by petty local governors. How was this? The explanation is that until the very last day of the seventy years of "the Desolations" had expired, God would not permit one stone to be laid upon another on Mount Moriah. Dismissing from our minds, therefore, all mere theories on this subject, we arrive at the following definitely ascertained facts: — Robert Anderson

Rebuilding Myself Quotes By Mitt Romney

I will spend the next four years rebuilding the foundation of a opportunity society led by free people and free enterprises. — Mitt Romney

Rebuilding Myself Quotes By Jay Inslee

We must start ... rebuilding our cities around energy efficiency and human needs, rather than around the car and wasted energy. — Jay Inslee

Rebuilding Myself Quotes By Cath Crowley

It isn't the smallness of this place that bothers me. It's the grey that's worked its way into the walls. It's the stains on the carpet from some other life that came and left before ours. Bert always said he'd give me a good deal on paint but some places take burning down and rebuilding to make them shiny."
-Ed, page 10 — Cath Crowley

Rebuilding Myself Quotes By Juliet Eilperin

In many ways marine biology is at a pivotal moment, when we are discovering the richness of the ocean at the very time we are grasping how we've managed to deplete it over the last few centuries. Preserving what's left, as well as rebuilding parts of it to a semblance of what it used to be, requires us to relinquish some of the power we have exercised in the past. It requires living with sharks. — Juliet Eilperin

Rebuilding Myself Quotes By Alex Steffen

There are a lot of different ways of building a prosperous society, and some of them use much less energy than others. And it is possible and more practical to talk about rebuilding systems to use much less energy than it is to think about trying to meet greater demands of energy through clean energy alone. — Alex Steffen

Rebuilding Myself Quotes By Theodor Adorno

The idea that after this war life will continue 'normally' or even that culture might be 'rebuilt' - as if the rebuilding of culture were not already its negation - is idiotic. — Theodor Adorno

Rebuilding Myself Quotes By Jessica Biel

I work with a couple charities called Serving Those Who Serve and Rebuilding Together. Both are supportive of veterans when they come home. — Jessica Biel

Rebuilding Myself Quotes By Lamar Alexander

We hear a lot about rebuilding Detroit, and we just spent $70 billion to bail out the auto industry - well, they need to be cost competitive, too. If they have high-cost energy, those suppliers are going to move to Japan or Mexico instead of Michigan and Tennessee. — Lamar Alexander

Rebuilding Myself Quotes By Jane Byrne

If for no other reason than the energy crisis now facing this country, the federal government should be eager to become partners with us in rebuilding our city. — Jane Byrne

Rebuilding Myself Quotes By Kodi Rammurthy Naidu

Now let me ask my countrymen, Have you ever granted a moment's thought to this very vital problem in the building of our nation ? Have you devised any practical remedies to combat this evil ? Will you, my countrymen, go on without making any intelligent effort to lay the axe at the root of this weaknss and misery ? Will you allow the noted chivalry and the noble hardihood of the Indian to sink into oblivion ? Will you make it a thing entirely of the past ? I implore you, I beseech you, I exhort you my brethren in the name of all that is dearest to you to shake off the lethargy, to show to this world that you were sleeping the sleep of lions only, to rise again with redoubled energy and courage to take the work of rebuilding your nation in right earnest. — Kodi Rammurthy Naidu

Rebuilding Myself Quotes By Jim Brown

If you help disabled children, it's very appealing. If you help kids with cancer, those are the things you get credit for and those things are beautiful. But when it comes to stopping violence or really putting the time into rebuilding schools, that's just a different kind of project. It takes more than just money to do that. — Jim Brown

Rebuilding Myself Quotes By Sri Amma Bhagwan.

Rebuilding relationship requires a lifelong discipline and commitment. — Sri Amma Bhagwan.

Rebuilding Myself Quotes By Barack Obama

We need to spend a trillion dollars rebuilding our schools, our roads, our basic science and research here in the United States. — Barack Obama

Rebuilding Myself Quotes By Brigham Young

Life is best enjoyed when time periods are evenly divided between labor, sleep, and recreation ... all people should spend one-third of their time in recreation which is rebuilding, voluntary activity, never idleness. — Brigham Young

Rebuilding Myself Quotes By Kameron Hurley

How many men had made her? Her brothers, by dying? Yah Tayyib, by rebuilding her? All those dead boys whose heads she brought back to the clerks? Raine, by teaching her how to drive and how to die? Tej and Rhys and Khos and all Raine's half-breed muscle? They were just men. They were just people. They had made her as surely as Queen Ayyad and Queen Zaynab, Bashir, Jaks, Radeyah, and her sisters had. Her hoards of sistesr, Kine and the bel dames and the women who kicked her out of school for getting her letters fucked. No, she could have gone either way; followed all or none of them. It wasn't what was done to you. Life was what you did with what was done to you.
"You didn't make me," Nyx gasped. "I made myself. — Kameron Hurley

Rebuilding Myself Quotes By Christian Bale

All of the muscles were gone, so that was a real tough time of rebuilding all of that. But you have a deadline, you have an obligation. You've said that you will commit to this part, and I just can't live with myself for not really giving it as much as I can. — Christian Bale

Rebuilding Myself Quotes By Jayni Chase

We need to invest in clean energy technologies. We need to rush them to market while rebuilding our energy networks intelligently. And it's imperative that we push toward a cultural shift away from energy waste to respectful conservation with fierce commitment that will carry us to the other side. — Jayni Chase

Rebuilding Myself Quotes By David Mitchell

Marinus is leaning on the railing. "Warehouse number six needs rebuilding; there's a big hole in the seawall behind the guild; Constable Kosugi shall probably"
from Seawall Lane comes an almighty sigh and crash
"shall certainly be lodging elsewhere tonight, and I pissed my thigh from fear. Our glorious flag, as you see, is unhurt. Half of their shots flew over us"
the doctor looks landward
"and caused damage ashore. Quid non mortalia pectora cogis, Auri sacra fames. — David Mitchell

Rebuilding Myself Quotes By Carol Moseley Braun

We must invest in infrastructure development and rebuilding communities to create jobs. — Carol Moseley Braun

Rebuilding Myself Quotes By Roseanne Barr

ACORN is organizing to make sure the job of rebuilding New Orleans is done by the people of New Orleans and truly benefits the communities who have been hurt the most. — Roseanne Barr

Rebuilding Myself Quotes By Khaled Hosseini

Without women taking an active role in Afghan society, rebuilding Afghanistan is going to be very difficult. — Khaled Hosseini

Rebuilding Myself Quotes By Manasa Rao

Sometimes I think of rebuilding my friendship with old friends. But at the same time, there's a reason why we fell off. Shit happens, but life's good. — Manasa Rao

Rebuilding Myself Quotes By Paul Kingsnorth

We enjoy telling ourselves that we will soon be gods, masters of the planet, manipulating the genes of living creatures and rebuilding the world at a nano-level as we lie back in our hammocks, attended by our robot servants. I don't believe a word of it, and I'm not sure many of us do. — Paul Kingsnorth

Rebuilding Myself Quotes By David Brooks

Society. Sins such as adultery, bribery, and betrayal are more like treason than like crime; they damage the social order. Social harmony can be rewoven only by slowly recommitting to relationships and rebuilding trust. The sins of arrogance and pride arise from a perverse desire for status and superiority. The only remedy for them is to humble oneself before others. In other words, people in earlier times inherited a vast moral vocabulary and set of moral tools, developed over centuries and handed down from generation to generation. This was a practical inheritance, like learning how to speak a certain language, which people could use to engage their own moral struggles. — David Brooks

Rebuilding Myself Quotes By Billy Tauzin

New Orleans has to learn to live with water rather than in fear of water, and we need a master plan that shows us how to do this. It's so critical that we send a signal to everyone in the country that we're serious about rebuilding New Orleans. — Billy Tauzin

Rebuilding Myself Quotes By Sylvia Mathews Burwell

While natural disasters capture headlines and national attention short-term, the work of recovery and rebuilding is long-term. — Sylvia Mathews Burwell

Rebuilding Myself Quotes By Maya Angelou

I can see in the acorn the oak tree. I see the growth, the rebuilding, the restoring. I see that is the American psyche. There is so much we can draw understanding from. One of the lessons is the development of courage. Because without courage, you can't practice any of the other virtues consistently. — Maya Angelou

Rebuilding Myself Quotes By Rebecca Traister

It was the kind of upheaval, smack in the middle of adulthood, which was messy enough to make me consider, back then, the wisdom of early marriage. When we're young, after all, our lives are so much more pliant, can be joined without too much fuss. When we grow on our own, we take on responsibility, report to bosses, become bosses; we get our own bank accounts, acquire our own debts, sign our own leases. The infrastructure of our adulthood takes shape, connects to other lives; it firms up and gets less bendable. The prospect of breaking it all apart and rebuilding it elsewhere becomes a far more daunting project than it might have been had we just married someone at twenty-two, and done all that construction together. The — Rebecca Traister

Rebuilding Myself Quotes By Richard Bach

Rebuilding us. Isn't that what the spirit requires, when we climb over the wreckage of our lives, sometimes, we go on to make our lives our own affirmation? We are perfect expressions of perfect Love, here and now. There is no permanent injury. — Richard Bach

Rebuilding Myself Quotes By Joe Scarborough

If Washington continues to fumble issues like taking care of the debt, getting the troops home, and rebuilding our economy, my wife and I may sit down and say, 'These are critical things and maybe we need to get back in the ball.' — Joe Scarborough