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Racism In Education Quotes & Sayings

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Top Racism In Education Quotes

Racism In Education Quotes By Pamela Anderson

Miley [Cyrus] is so sweet. In this generation - and I know because I have two teenage boys - they don't really have to care about things. It's kind of a desensitized generation. I'm so impressed that she's really vegan and outspoken about animal welfare. — Pamela Anderson

Racism In Education Quotes By Tim Wise

Hardly any aspect of my life, from where I had lived to my education to my employment history to my friendships, had been free from the taint of racial inequity, from racism, from whiteness. My racial identity had shaped me from the womb forward. I had not been in control of my own narrative. It wasn't just race that was a social construct. So was I. — Tim Wise

Racism In Education Quotes By Ta-Nehisi Coates

It began to strike me that the point of my education was a kind of discomfort, was the process that would not award me my own especial Dream but would break all the dreams, all the comforting myths of Africa, of America, and everywhere, and would leave me only with humanity in all its terribleness. And there was so much terrible out there, even among us. You must understand this. — Ta-Nehisi Coates

Racism In Education Quotes By Jeff Buckley

I've always felt that the quality of the voice is where the real content of a song lies. Words only suggest an experience, but the voice is that experience. — Jeff Buckley

Racism In Education Quotes By Henry Johnson Jr

I sometimes wonder where the world would have been if we didn't have corruption, racism, dictatorial leadership, international terrorism, armed conflict, the spread of infectious diseases, climate change, poverty, hunger and lack of drinking water, the caste system, tribalism, communism, international media propaganda, the Colonial Borders of Africa created by Europeans for their own gains, the Ignorance of the Books of Machiavelli, Hegel & Darwinism (You are either with us or against us) and Lack of Domestic Leadership Education. — Henry Johnson Jr

Racism In Education Quotes By Bryan Stevenson

In the 1950s and 1960s, civil rights activism and new federal laws inspired the same resistance to racial progress and once again led to a spike in the use of Confederate imagery. In fact, it was in the 1950s, after racial segregation in public schools was declared unconstitutional in Brown v. Board of Education, that many Southern states erected Confederate flags atop their state government buildings. — Bryan Stevenson

Racism In Education Quotes By Barack Obama

What I believe unites the people of this nation, regardless of race or region or party, young or old, rich or poor, is the simple, profound belief in opportunity for all - the notion that if you work hard and take responsibility, you can get ahead. — Barack Obama

Racism In Education Quotes By Lara Adrian

From the beginning, Tegan, you were more brother to me than any kin by blood. You still are."
Tegan felt likewise, in spite of all they'd been through. Maybe because of it. "I'll always have your back, Lucan. You can count on it. — Lara Adrian

Racism In Education Quotes By Richard Mitchell

There is only one remedy for ignorance and thoughtlessness, and that is literacy. Millions and millions of children would today stand in no need of sex education or consumer education or anti-racism education or any of those fake educations, if they had had in the first place 'an' education. — Richard Mitchell

Racism In Education Quotes By Condoleezza Rice

I would even say that my parents, and their friends in our community, thought of education as a kind of armor against racism. — Condoleezza Rice

Racism In Education Quotes By Michael Arrington

Women in my world are respected as much as men. — Michael Arrington

Racism In Education Quotes By David A. Ansell

Poor health was not just the result of random acts, bad luck, bad behavior or unfortunate genetics. Deliberate public policy decision about housing, education, parks and streets were the key drivers of racial differences in mortality. Crime kept people off the streets and limited their ability to exercise. The lack of grocery stores limited dietary choices. The lack of primary care doctors and specialists in these communities made chronic disease care more difficult. The degradation and loss of hospital services in these communities affected hospital-based outcomes. ... The chronic underfunding of critical health services at Cook County Hospital and other safety-net providers contributed to these poor outcomes as well. The deleterious impact of social structures such as urban poverty and racism on health has been called 'structural violence. — David A. Ansell

Racism In Education Quotes By Finn Mackay

This myth of meritocracy and equal opportunities encourages individualism over collective action, because when people believe this myth, they obviously see no need for protest movements around particular classes or identities, such as the Women's Movement or the Civil Rights workplace, education or in their personal lives, they are more likely to blame themselves, rather than sexism, racism, class oppression or homophobia; concepts which in current society are often seen as out of date. This type of blame even applies to experiences of actual violence or harassment with too many people believing that it is their fault if they are sexually harassed in the workplace or at school, abused by a partner or are a victim of sexual violence. Our society encourages this view, and in turn, that keeps people isolated and alone, rather than providing them the opportunity to get involved in collective struggles against such common experiences. — Finn Mackay

Racism In Education Quotes By Sargent Shriver

Racism cannot be cured solely by attacking some of the results it produces, like discrimination in housing or in education. — Sargent Shriver

Racism In Education Quotes By Irving Kirsch

Not only are poor, unemployed, less will-educated and non-white people more likely to become depressed, but they are also least likely to benefit from treatment by either antidepressants or psychotherapy. That is why combating depression requires more than merely providing effective treatment for those who are already suffering from it. We also need the change the social conditions - such a racism, unemployment, poverty, unaffordable housing, and lack of adequate education - that put people at increased risk of becoming depressed. — Irving Kirsch

Racism In Education Quotes By Michelle Alexander

More than 2 million people found themselves behind bars at the turn of the twenty-first century, and millions more were relegated to the margins of mainstream society, banished to a political and social space not unlike Jim Crow, where discrimination in employment, housing, and access to education was perfectly legal, and where they could be denied the right to vote. — Michelle Alexander

Racism In Education Quotes By Ruth Manorama

An intensive human rights education for all communities needs to be provided to overcome the old prejudices. — Ruth Manorama

Racism In Education Quotes By Frederik Willem De Klerk

Peace does not fare well where poverty and deprivation reign. It does not flourish where there is ignorance and a lack of education and information. — Frederik Willem De Klerk

Racism In Education Quotes By Sophie Hannah

I like to savor the smell of a garden I cannot see. Do you smell it? The pine, and the lavender - oh, yes, very strongly the lavender. The nose is as important as the eyes. Ask any horticulturist." Poirot chuckled. "I think that if you and I were to meet the one who created this garden, I would make the more favorable impression upon him. — Sophie Hannah

Racism In Education Quotes By Roy H. Williams

Any investment in sales training is an investment in your own gross profits. — Roy H. Williams

Racism In Education Quotes By John Assaraf

Racism is nothing more than ignorance, we are in the dessert together at one time in our lives, we got segregated by peoples beliefs of what was true of what we have to have and don't have to have so for me it is all about education. — John Assaraf

Racism In Education Quotes By Bell Hooks

What has become clear is that education for critical consciousness coupled with anti-racist activism that works to change all our thinking so that we construct identity and community on the basis of openness, shared struggle, and inclusive working together offers us the continued possibility of eradicating racism. — Bell Hooks

Racism In Education Quotes By Haruki Murakami

Kindness was one of the things presently (or permanently) in short supply in the world. — Haruki Murakami

Racism In Education Quotes By Christian Bale

Look, I've got incredible pride for my family. I've absolutely fallen into that cliche of a dad who could just happily talk about my daughter endlessly. — Christian Bale

Racism In Education Quotes By William Silverman

The abolition of slavery, apart from preservation of the Union, was the most important result of our Civil War. But the transition was badly handled. Slaves were simply declared free and then left to their own devises. Southern Negroes, powerless, continued to be underprivileged in education, medical care, job opportunities and political status. — William Silverman

Racism In Education Quotes By Ishmael Reed

Few white citizens are acquainted with blacks other than those projected by the media and the so
called educational system, whichis nothing more than a system of rewards and punishments based upon one's ability to pledge loyalty oaths to Anglo culture. The media and the "educational system" are the prime sources of racism in the United States. — Ishmael Reed

Racism In Education Quotes By Vera Farmiga

There's just a deeper level of sophistication in the writing of female characters on TV. — Vera Farmiga

Racism In Education Quotes By Kevin DeYoung

Growing up in Michigan, I can't think of anything so explicitly communicated to me in my whole education experience as the vileness of in-your-face racism. — Kevin DeYoung

Racism In Education Quotes By Ban Ki-moon

The international community cannot accept that whole communities are marginalized because of the color of their skin. People of African descent are among those most affected by racism. Too often, they face denial of basic rights such as access to quality health services and education. Such fundamental wrongs have a long and terrible history. — Ban Ki-moon

Racism In Education Quotes By Recep Tayyip Erdogan

When there is no such thing as religious culture and moral education, serious social problems such as drug addiction and racism fill the gap. — Recep Tayyip Erdogan

Racism In Education Quotes By Aristotle.

The beginning of reform is not so much to equalize property as to train the noble sort of natures not to desire more, and to prevent the lower from getting more. — Aristotle.

Racism In Education Quotes By James A. Barlow

From The Corner To The Corner Office - It's Not Just A Book, It's A Lifestyle! — James A. Barlow

Racism In Education Quotes By Wayne Gerard Trotman

Racism is a common delusion, a mental illness that can be cured with truthful education. — Wayne Gerard Trotman

Racism In Education Quotes By W.E.B. Du Bois

They do not expect that the free right to vote, to enjoy civic rights, and to be educated, will come in a moment; they do not expect to see the bias and prejudices of years disappear at the blast of a trumpet; but they are absolutely certain that the way for a people to gain their reasonable rights is not by voluntarily throwing them away and insisting that they do not want them; that the way for a people to gain respect is not by continually belittling and ridiculing themselves; that, on the contrary, Negroes must insist continually, in season and out of season, that voting is necessary to modern manhood, that color discrimination is barbarism, and that black boys need education as well as white boys. — W.E.B. Du Bois

Racism In Education Quotes By Diane Ravitch

Public education is not broken. It is not failing or declining. The diagnosis is wrong, and the solutions of the corporate reformers are wrong. Our urban schools are in trouble because of concentrated poverty and racial segregation. But public education is not 'broken.' Public education is in a crisis only so far as society is and only so far as this new narrative of crisis has destabilized it. — Diane Ravitch

Racism In Education Quotes By Alice Walker

Ignorance, arrogance, and racism have bloomed as Superior Knowledge in all too many universities. — Alice Walker

Racism In Education Quotes By Christopher Hitchens

In his entire output, I can find only one piece of genuine unfairness: a thuggish attack on the poetry of WH Auden, whom he regarded as a dupe of the Communist Party. But even this was softened in some later essays. The truth is that he disliked Auden's homosexuality, and could not get over his prejudice. But much of the interest of Orwell lies in the fact that he was born prejudiced, so to speak, against Jews and the coloured peoples of the empire, and against the poor and uneducated, and against women and intellectuals - and managed, in a transparent and unique way, to educate himself out of this fog of bigotry (though he never did get over his aversion to 'pansies'). — Christopher Hitchens

Racism In Education Quotes By Jane Elliot

Education in this country is about how to maintain the status quo and to perpetuate racism. — Jane Elliot

Racism In Education Quotes By Grace Draven

see past the surface to the tides below. — Grace Draven

Racism In Education Quotes By Jesse Jackson

Racism as a form of skin worship, and as a sickness and a pathological anxiety for America, is so great, until the poor whites
rather than fighting for jobs or education
fight to remain pink and fight to remain white. And therefore they cannot see an alliance with people that they feel to be inherently inferior. — Jesse Jackson

Racism In Education Quotes By Rhys Darby

I think I can relate to this guy [Psycho Sam] that ended up ... This desire to go off the grid and live on his own and didn't trust anyone or anything and I guess the thing that saved him in my head was that he had a great sense of humor. — Rhys Darby

Racism In Education Quotes By Suzy Kassem

Pick a leader who will fund schools, not limit spending on education and allow libraries to close. Pick a leader who chooses diplomacy over war. An honest broker in foreign relations. A leader with integrity, one who says what they mean, keeps their word and does not lie to their people. Pick a leader who is strong and confident, yet humble. Intelligent, but not sly. A leader who encourages diversity, not racism. One who understands the needs of the farmer, the teacher, the doctor, and the environmentalist -- not only the banker, the oil tycoon, the weapons developer, or the insurance and pharmaceutical lobbyist. — Suzy Kassem