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Race Track Quotes & Sayings

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Top Race Track Quotes

Race Track Quotes By Kirsten Olson

In addition to labeling kids who learn differently as problematic, sometimes defective, most schools classify, track, and categorize students from very early ages. As an abundance of research studies confirm, these classifications tend to become self-perpetuating and self-confirming. My interviewees illuminate the ways in which grades, tests, and opportunities to learn are often arbitrary or related to class, race, and gender. In the supposed meritocracy of schooling, these markers and estimations have profound impact, not just structuring how we fit into the learning hierarchy of an individual classroom, but who we are who whom we believe we will become. — Kirsten Olson

Race Track Quotes By Dashiell Hammett

Jerome Falsoner, aged forty-five, was a bachelor who lived alone in a flat on Cathedral Street, on an income more than sufficient for his comfort. He was a tall man, but of a delicate physique, the result, it may have been, of excessive indulgence on a constitution none too strong in the beginning. He was well-known, at least by sight, to all night-living Baltimoreans, and to those who frequented race-track, gambling-house, and the furtive cockpits that now and then materialize for a few brief hours in the forty miles of country that lie between Baltimore and Washington. — Dashiell Hammett

Race Track Quotes By Austin Dillon

Motor Racing Outreach is great. They provide a chapel service every Sunday for drivers, wives, crew members, and others in the NASCAR industry so that we can gather and celebrate our faith. It's important to me to have this time before the race on Sundays. They also provide other services such as at-track childcare and counseling. — Austin Dillon

Race Track Quotes By David Krummenacker

If I'm going to get in these races and run against the best guys, I'm going to be there with them. And if I die, then I die, but I'm not going to walk away from the track saying, 'I didn't give everything.' Ever again. — David Krummenacker

Race Track Quotes By Cornell Woolrich

The French doctor - the French, they are a very logical race and make good doctors - says: "M'sieu, they have all been on the wrong track - ("Jane Brown's Body") — Cornell Woolrich

Race Track Quotes By Danny Thomas

A race track is a place where windows clean people. — Danny Thomas

Race Track Quotes By Ellen Glasgow

America has enjoyed the doubtful blessing of a single-track mind. We are able to accommodate, at a time, only one national hero; and we demand that that hero shall be uniform and invincible. As a literate people we are preoccupied, neither with the race nor the individual, but with the type. Yesterday, we romanticized the "tough guy;" today, we are romanticizing the underprivileged, tough or tender; tomorrow, we shall begin to romanticize the pure primitive. — Ellen Glasgow

Race Track Quotes By Clint Bowyer

When you can leave a race track and there's people in tears because they won and (people) in tears because they got crashed, you know, that's what brings us to the race track. — Clint Bowyer

Race Track Quotes By Hill Harper

My friend is a former race car driver, so he races for Mercedes, and I root for him. I have a car that I love to race, I'll take it to the track. — Hill Harper

Race Track Quotes By Frank Shorter

The marathon is all about energy management. I had planned to run it like a track race with strategic surges to blow up my competitors by putting them into oxygen debt, so that is the way I prepared. — Frank Shorter

Race Track Quotes By Dan Brown

Food for thought....

It took the earths population thousands of years (from early dawn of mankind to early 1800) to reach 1 billion people.
Then astoundingly, it took only 100 years to double it to 2 billion in 1920.
After that, it merely took 50 years for the population to double again to 4 billion in 1970's.
Today, we are on track to reach 8 billion.

Just today, the human race added a quarter million people (250,000) to the human race. And this happens every day- rain or shine. — Dan Brown

Race Track Quotes By Valentino Rossi

However I am looking forward to the two new Grands Prixs both Shanghai and Laguna Seca are fantastic tracks and it will be good to race at them. — Valentino Rossi

Race Track Quotes By Walter Inglis Anderson

At 10 minutes to seven on a dark, cool evening in Mexico City in 1968, John Stephen Akwari of Tanzania painfully hobbled into the Olympic Stadium-the last man to finish the marathon. The winner had already been crowned, and the victory ceremony was long finished. So the stadium was almost empty and Akwari - alone, his leg bloody and bandaged - struggled to circle the track to the finish line. When asked why he had continued the grueling struggle, the young man from Tanzania answered softly: My country did not send me 9,000 miles to start the race. They sent me 9,000 miles to finish the race. — Walter Inglis Anderson

Race Track Quotes By Casey Stoner

I'm good at separating my personal life from racing. When I'm at track, it's race time; when I'm away from it, other than the fact I'm training to be fit for it, there is nothing at home that makes me even want to think about racing. I just want to enjoy my life, and by the time the next race comes around, I'm ready and excited for it. — Casey Stoner

Race Track Quotes By Jack Kerouac

The most fantastic parking-lot attendant in the world, he can back a car forty miles an hour into a tight squeeze and stop at the wall, jump out, race among fenders, leap into another car, circle it fifty miles an hour in a narrow space, back swiftly into tight spot, hump, snap the car with the emergency so that you see it bounce as he flies out; then clear to the ticket shack, sprinting like a track star, hand a ticket, leap into a newly arrived car before the owner's half out, leap literally under him as he steps out, start the car with the door flapping, and roar off to the next available spot, arc, pop in, brake, out, run; working like that without pause eight hours a night, evening rush hours and after-theater rush hours, in greasy wino pants with a frayed fur-lined jacket and beat shoes that flap. — Jack Kerouac

Race Track Quotes By Jamie McMurray

Yeah, our car was really good even after the crash. I told you before the race that if we had good track position at the end I thought we could finish good. It was a really good day for our Linksys car. Just a fun day racing. — Jamie McMurray

Race Track Quotes By Garth Stein

Denny was in third place, behind two other cars. They drove past us, and when they came back around for the checkered flag, Denny was by himself; he won the race. When asked how he had overtaken two cars on the final lap, he simply smiled and said that when he saw the starter wag one finger, meaning it was the last lap, he got a flash, and he said to himself, "I will win this race." One of the racers ahead of him spun off the track, the other locked up his wheels and gave Denny an easy opening to pass. "It's never too late," Denny said to Mark. "Things change. — Garth Stein

Race Track Quotes By Denny Hamlin

There's no other place I'd rather have it than here in Mexico. It's a race track that I was looking forward to going to from the time we were here last year. This track just fits my driving style perfectly. — Denny Hamlin

Race Track Quotes By Kelly Holmes

Sometimes, when I walk out onto the track I think, 'What am I doing here? Why do I put myself through this?' But that's when you really get into your focus ... you focus on the race you are going to run. — Kelly Holmes

Race Track Quotes By Frank Shorter

Three half-mile repeats on the track at 5-K race pace with a short recovery jog in between shouldn't scare anyone away-and it will improve your speed. — Frank Shorter

Race Track Quotes By Desmond Tutu

You have stood at this junction before You will stand at this junction again And if you pause you can ask yourself Which way to turn You can turn away from your own sadness And run the race named revenge You will run that tired track again and again Or you can admit your own pain And walk the path that ends In this direction lies freedom, my friend I can show you where hope and wholeness make their homes But you can't push past your anguish on your way there To find the path to peace You will have to meet your pain And speak its name — Desmond Tutu

Race Track Quotes By Joey Logano

You don't go to a race track to finish second. — Joey Logano

Race Track Quotes By Kurt Busch

What we do is just race hard on the track every week. That's the way I'd like it to be documented, and if we watch the tape, we'll see that the No. 48 swerved into us first and I know that, before even watching the tape. — Kurt Busch

Race Track Quotes By Jaimy Gordon

The Mahdi rolls along the path to the race track as red, broad and shining as a John Deere tractor ... — Jaimy Gordon

Race Track Quotes By Austin Dillon

Ty and I are extremely competitive. We don't go soft on each other. We push each other, which ultimately helps us both. We race against each other in everything we do, whether it's a foot race to the car when we go out to a restaurant at night or on the racetrack. It's in the back of my mind that he's on the track with me, but we're both competitive and want to win. — Austin Dillon

Race Track Quotes By Garth Stein

A winner, a champion, will accept his fate. He will continue with his wheels in the dirt. He will do his best to maintain his line and gradually get himself back on the track when it is safe to do so. Yes, he loses a few places in the race. Yes, he is at a disadvantage. But he i A winner, a champion, will accept his fate. He will continue with his wheels in the dirt. He will do his best to maintain his line and gradually get himself back on the track when it is safe to do so. Yes, he loses a few places in the race. Yes, he is at a disadvantage. But he is still racing. He is still alive — Garth Stein

Race Track Quotes By Cathy Freeman

The last sort of really low-key race I ran, I realized with about a hundred metres to go, that my heart just wasn't in it. I wasn't trying my hardest, I didn't care to compete against the girls I was up against. That spoke a lot about where my heart was taking me-which was off the track. — Cathy Freeman

Race Track Quotes By Don Kardong

In those long, lonely miles you put in during the off-season, and in those knife-in-the-gut track repetitions and hill repeats that buckle your knees - at that moment in almost every race when you ask yourself how much you're willing to hurt to catch one more runner - you can draw strength and inspiration from your running mates. — Don Kardong

Race Track Quotes By Shannon Mullen

My mind feels like a race car on the track, getting faster and faster every time I pause to think or blink or try to focus on anything. Nothing can keep up to it, not the other cars, not my body, not anyone else in the bar. It's a rush, pure exhilaration, and I'm having the time of my life. But instead of driving, I'm in the passenger seat, along for the ride, watching myself race around the track from my barstool. — Shannon Mullen

Race Track Quotes By Ricky Stenhouse Jr.

I felt like I already knew how to race by the time I was four. I was always at the race track with my dad. I watched him race thousands of laps in a sprint car standing on top of a trailer watching him, getting down and cleaning the mud off his car. That's just what I grew up doing. — Ricky Stenhouse Jr.

Race Track Quotes By Doris Brown Heritage

When you put yourself on the line in a race and expose yourself to the unknown, you learn things about yourself that are very exciting. — Doris Brown Heritage

Race Track Quotes By Angela Cope

I can't even walk out the door without, even to go to the race track, without my MAC lip gloss. — Angela Cope

Race Track Quotes By Eric Bogosian

British prime minister William Gladstone summed up the West's opinion of "the Turk": Let me endeavor very briefly to sketch, in the rudest outline, what the Turkish race was and what it is. It is not a question of Mahometanism simply, but of Mahometanism compounded with the peculiar character of a race. They are not the mild Mahometans of India, nor the chivalrous Saladins of Syria, nor the cultured Moors of Spain. They were, upon the whole, from the black day when they first entered Europe, the one great anti-human specimen of humanity. Wherever they went, a broad line of blood marked the track behind them; and, as far as their dominion reached, civilisation disappeared from view. — Eric Bogosian

Race Track Quotes By Jesse Lauriston Livermore

"On Pat Hearne - He made money in stocks, and that made people ask him for advice. He would never give any. If they asked him point-blank for his opinion about the wisdom of their commitments he used a favorite race-track maxim of his: "You can't tell till you bet."" — Jesse Lauriston Livermore

Race Track Quotes By Kimi Raikkonen

Where I went off, you can get back on the track by going through the support race pitlane, but you have to go through a gate. I know this as I did the same thing in 2001 and the gate was open that year. Somebody closed it this time. Next year, I'll make sure it's open again. — Kimi Raikkonen

Race Track Quotes By Carroll Smith

Nothing is ever in such short supply at a race track as time. It doesn't seem to matter whether we are at the track for a race meeting or for testing - there is never enough time. — Carroll Smith

Race Track Quotes By Douglas Skelton

Tupper, I think in The Victor. Alf was a working class, whippet-thin runner known as the Tough of the Track who won all his races despite having been up all night making briquettes to save a friend's business, missing his bus to the stadium, being knocked over mid-race by a poncy upper-class twit and losing one of his raggedy running shoes. — Douglas Skelton

Race Track Quotes By Shani Davis

I can be really fast, but other people are in the race. So you've got to be able to maneuver around those guys, and you have to be a little more versatile out there on the ice. I bring my fitness that I gained from the long track over to here. Hopefully, I'll be able to put it to good use. — Shani Davis

Race Track Quotes By Kyle Petty

Speed is relative. Does it feel fast going 70 miles per hour down an eight lane highway? No, probably not, but I bet it does if you are going down some single lane dirt road. It's the same in a race car. It depends on the track. — Kyle Petty

Race Track Quotes By Jeremy London

I'm gonna be the best dad that ever lived. I'll have a ranch with a race car track and a golf course. — Jeremy London

Race Track Quotes By Chad Hurley

When I started running cross-country and track in high school, literally every race was a failure. — Chad Hurley

Race Track Quotes By William Poundstone

Average" isn't so hot at the race track given those steep track takes. "Average" is pretty decent for stocks, something like 6 percent above the inflation rate. For a buy-and -hold investor, commissions and taxes are small. — William Poundstone

Race Track Quotes By Romain Gary

I see History as a relay race in which one of us, before dropping in his tracks, must carry one stage further the challenge of being a man. — Romain Gary

Race Track Quotes By Philip Roth

Think of it, half the race is over, and I still stand here at the starting line - me, the first one out of his swaddling clothes and into his track suit! a hundred and fifty-eight points of I.Q., and still arguing with the authorities about the rules and regulations! disputing the course to be run! calling into question the legitimacy of the track commission! — Philip Roth

Race Track Quotes By Alberto Salazar

I like the marathon because it's one race where you can find out who's really the toughest. On the track, sometimes a guy can just pull away, and you want to stay with him but you don't have the leg speed. The marathon is slow enough that anyone can stay with you if he wants, if he has the will. The marathon is ultimately a test of will. — Alberto Salazar

Race Track Quotes By Mario Andretti

You're safer in the race car than you are in cars going to and from the track. — Mario Andretti

Race Track Quotes By Christine Sneed

It is hard to dispute the evidence that we are a race defined to a significant degree by our pettiness, by how vicious our desire is to keep track, to compare, to win. — Christine Sneed

Race Track Quotes By Danica Patrick

I mean, you've kind of got the track down, especially with ovals. The only thing that improves is that when race conditions come, you know what to expect slightly more from the track and from your car. — Danica Patrick

Race Track Quotes By Kyle Petty

I think faith is the one common denominator between everything that goes on at the race track - a faith in Christ. — Kyle Petty

Race Track Quotes By Dan Brown

Consider this. It took the earth's population thousand of years-from the early dawn of man all the way to the early 1800s-to reach one billion people. Then astoundingly, it took only about a hundred years to double the population to two billion in the 1920s. After that, it took a mere fifty years for the population to double again to four billion in the 1970s. As you can imagine, we're well on track to reach eight billion very soon. Just today, the human race added another quarter-billion people to planet Earth. A quarter million. And this happens ever day-rain or shine. Currently every year er 're adding the equivalent of the entire country of Germany. — Dan Brown

Race Track Quotes By Helio Castroneves

When I'm driving the race track, it's all about repetition. — Helio Castroneves

Race Track Quotes By Shannon Mullen

It's hopeless, trying to recruit a stranger to help me find someone who's a stranger to him. But then again, we are all strangers to ourselves, caught up in the monotony of daily life, stuck in our routines, never really stopping to think about what will happen to us if we fall off track. — Shannon Mullen

Race Track Quotes By Benjamin Watson

The problem of race is deep and wide and requires seismic change. But if we look to government to solve it, we might as well feel hopeless. If we look corporate America to solve it, we'll be waiting a long, long time. And if we agree with Ta-Nehisi Coates, who tentatively suggests that "the only work that will matter, will be the work done by us," then we will truly despair, for we know how well that has worked. If we follow that track, we'll quickly add in disbelief, as he did, "Or perhaps not."

As I've said, the problem of race is not "out there." It's "in here," in the human heart. And though there is no task in heaven or on earth more difficult than changing the human heart,I believe in the one who can do it. It requires a supernatural solution.

Yes, I believe in God. You see, I know how God can change a person's heart. — Benjamin Watson

Race Track Quotes By Norah O'Donnell

I started running track when I was 13 years old, as a freshman in high school. I ran the 400 meters, which is a very tough race and a full sprint. — Norah O'Donnell

Race Track Quotes By Jenson Button

To drive an F1 car you have to be a little mad. On the morning of a race there's a mix of excitement and fear. If it's a wet track, then it's worse as you're not in control most of the time, which is the thing all drivers fear the most. — Jenson Button

Race Track Quotes By Davy Jones

Around the property I have here, I'm about to put an all weather race track. I'm about to build stables. I'm about to ship over a couple of my thoroughbreds from England. — Davy Jones

Race Track Quotes By Kevin Harvick

As a race car driver, driving is the easy part. The hard part is containing the emotions on the race track. — Kevin Harvick

Race Track Quotes By Gerry Lindgren

After college I picked my races to be one race every two weeks. That gave me time to recover. I raced just as fast as my legs would carry me. At the end of every race there was nothing left. I walked off the track completely spent! — Gerry Lindgren

Race Track Quotes By John C. Bogle

In Las Vegas we all know that it's the croupiers who win. At the race track, it's those who control the handle who win. State lotteries, does anybody think the participants in the lottery win? No. The state wins. — John C. Bogle

Race Track Quotes By Danica Patrick

You know, sometimes the little victories that I have throughout the season are not necessarily obvious on the track. Maybe they're another aspect of what I'm doing, winning little victories here and there to get everything in line to be able to perform from top to bottom on race day. — Danica Patrick

Race Track Quotes By Malcolm Gladwell

What track needs to figure out: how to engage us between the races. Instead, the entire off-the-track conversation is about doping. This is how you kill a sport. — Malcolm Gladwell

Race Track Quotes By Christopher Hitchens

Famine is good to the corn-merchant, evil to the poor, and indifferent to those whose fortunes can at all times command a superfluity. Ambition is evil to the restless bosom it inhabits, to the innumerable victims who are dragged by its ruthless thirst for infamy, to expire in every variety of anguish, to the inhabitants of the country it depopulates, and to the human race whose improvement it retards; it is indifferent with regard to the system of the Universe, and is good only to the vultures and the jackals that track the conqueror's career, and to the worms who feast in security on the desolation of his progress. It is manifest that we cannot reason with respect to the universal system from that which only exists in relation to our own perceptions. — Christopher Hitchens

Race Track Quotes By Eric Bana

I'll give you a list of a hundred ways that I'm more likely to be injured than belting around a race track with people who know what they're doing. It's not a place where I feel I'm in unnecessary danger. — Eric Bana

Race Track Quotes By Usain Bolt

It was not perfect but I'm very happy. It could have been better, but I'm now looking forward to my second race of the season. — Usain Bolt

Race Track Quotes By Matt Skiba

I used to race at the YMCA in Crystal Lake, Illinois, they used to have a dirt track there, and there was also a track near Rockford, Illinois, that I would go to. — Matt Skiba

Race Track Quotes By Theodore William Richards

Every student of science, even if he cannot start his journey where his predecessors left off, can at least travel their beaten track more quickly than they could while they were clearing the way: and so before his race is run, he comes to virgin forest and becomes himself a pioneer. — Theodore William Richards

Race Track Quotes By Byron York

Voters replaced Democratic senators with Republicans in Arkansas, Colorado, Iowa, North Carolina, Montana, South Dakota, West Virginia, and likely in Alaska, and appear on track to do so in a runoff next month in Louisiana. At the same time, voters kept Republicans in GOP seats in heavily contested races in Georgia, Kansas, and Kentucky. That is at least ten, and as many as a dozen, tough races, without a single Republican seat changing hands. Tuesday's voting was a wave alright - a very anti-Democratic wave. — Byron York

Race Track Quotes By Bobby Labonte

You learn how to be a better person not just on the [race] track, but all around. — Bobby Labonte

Race Track Quotes By Danica Patrick

We ran well there in the November 2012, my first race with (Tony) Gibson (as crew chief). Unfortunately, we haven't left there without a torn up race car. We got caught up in accidents in November of 2012 and then again in November 2013. We cut a tire and crashed last spring, so it'd be nice to have a good clean run with the GoDaddy car. I like Phoenix and Gibson has won there a few times. Hopefully our luck will turn around and we can have a good smooth run and get back on track. — Danica Patrick

Race Track Quotes By Denis Waitley

On our track to success, we have to fight the tendency to look at others and see how far they've come. The only thing that counts is how we use the potential we possess and that we run our race to the best of our abilities. — Denis Waitley

Race Track Quotes By Asafa Powell

Many track and field people know that if I stay relaxed and run my race like I'm supposed to, I will be the winner at the Olympic Games. — Asafa Powell

Race Track Quotes By Ernest Rutherford

I have to keep going, as there are always people on my track. I have to publish my present work as rapidly as possible in order to keep in the race. The best sprinters in this road of investigation are Becquerel and the Curies ... — Ernest Rutherford

Race Track Quotes By Larry Dixon

Snake has been everything to me. Look at where I was when I started with the company in 1988 and where I'm at now. I mean, he's shown me just about everything on and off the race track. — Larry Dixon

Race Track Quotes By Heikki Kovalainen

In golf, you have to stay patient and calm. On the race track you can let loose, but in golf you can't and you must be calm. — Heikki Kovalainen

Race Track Quotes By Dean Kamen

We are in a race between knowledge and catastrophe. If we keep track of what is important, never lower our standards or forget why we are here, we have the ability to determine the fate of the world. — Dean Kamen

Race Track Quotes By Jeff Davidson

When you don't have, or feel that you don't have, an extra moment to read philosophy, history, or science, when great literature, plays, and novels are as foreign to you as hieroglyphics, do you have any cahnce of seeing your work, career, or life in a new light? You might be doing well in the race, but it's the same race essentially down the same track with the same opponents that may prove to be less than sufficient in enabling you to get those kinds of things done that you want to have completed. — Jeff Davidson

Race Track Quotes By Shahrukh Khan

Im running in a race and people are on the other track, I'm running with myself — Shahrukh Khan

Race Track Quotes By P. J. O'Rourke

The America's Cup is like driving your Lamborgini to the Gran Prix track to watch the charter buses race. — P. J. O'Rourke

Race Track Quotes By Scott Wood

When it came to spankings, my dad never used a belt. One time he grabbed a piece of my Hot Wheels race car track. In my mind I'm thinking, 'Great, now I'm being beaten with my own toys ... ' Thank God I didn't get that wood burning set I wanted. — Scott Wood

Race Track Quotes By Delphine De Vigan

Imagine that you're an extremely modern car, equipped with a greater number of options and functions than most cars. You're faster and higher performance. You're very lucky. But it's not easy. Because no one knows exactly the number of options you have or what they enable you to do. Only you can know. And speed can be dangerous. Like when you're eight, you don't know how to drive. There are many things you have to learn: how to drive when it's wet, when it's snowy, to look out for other cars and respect them, to rest when you've been driving for too long. That's what it means to be a grown up.' I'm thirteen and I can see that I'm not managing to grow up in the right way: I can't understand the road signs, I'm not in control of my vehicle, I keep taking the wrong turnings and most of the time I feel like I'm stuck on the dodgems rather than on a race track. — Delphine De Vigan