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Quotes & Sayings About Puppet Strings

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Top Puppet Strings Quotes

Puppet Strings Quotes By Carol Archer

What is a writer?
A writer is a magician who can create a masterpiece
With a wave of a pencil
A writer has the key to a new world
Capturing readers and taking them on a roller coaster ride away from reality
But a writer can be a commanding tyrant
Or a hypnotist stealing minds
What is a writer?
A writer is a powerful being, an intelligent thinker
And an artist creating mind pictures through words.
A writer is a keeper of secrets
Or like a roomful of words waiting for a book
But a writer is also a puppet master taking control
With no strings attached
What is a writer?
A writer is a true friend
Using words to spread smiles to the world
A writer is ... ..
The voice of the hear — Carol Archer

Puppet Strings Quotes By Barry Lyga

He thought for a moment. About puppets.
About being controlled.
Everyone was controlled by something, the Impressionist knew. By a spouse. A parent. A boss. A friend. By one's own impulses, be they dark or light.
Everyone was a puppet to something.
Most people just couldn't see the strings, is all. And so they didn't believe they were puppets in the first place. — Barry Lyga

Puppet Strings Quotes By Richelle E. Goodrich

My soul, I've found, has puppet strings
to make me droop or give me wings.
And music is the puppeteer
that turns my ear to hear. — Richelle E. Goodrich

Puppet Strings Quotes By Tonny K. Brown

How can I bribe my tongue to speak as truth the things my heart so contradicts. Attach to me then your strings and pull and I shall dance and be your puppet ... for a time — Tonny K. Brown

Puppet Strings Quotes By R. Scott Bakker

History. Language. Passion. Custom. All these things determine what men say, think, and do. These are the hidden puppet-strings from which all men hang. — R. Scott Bakker

Puppet Strings Quotes By Cormac McCarthy

For me the world has always been more of a puppet show. But when one looks behind the curtain and traces the strings upward he finds they terminate in the hands of yet other puppets, themselves with their own strings which trace upward in turn, and so on. In my own life I saw these strings whose origins were endless enact the deaths of great men in violence and madness. Enact the ruin of a nation. — Cormac McCarthy

Puppet Strings Quotes By Barry Lyga

What if a puppet could cut its own strings, and in that act of defiance and strength of will become truly alive? Become is own puppetmaster? — Barry Lyga

Puppet Strings Quotes By Tom Robbins

Perhaps everything was connected to everything, in a discernible if nebulous way, and if one might only trace the fibers and filaments of those connections, one might ... One might what? Observe the Grand Design? Untangle all the puppet strings and discover whose hands (or claws) are pulling them? End the ancient search for order and meaning in the universe? — Tom Robbins

Puppet Strings Quotes By Peter Berger

We see the puppets dancing on their miniature stage, moving up and down as the strings pull them around, following the prescribed course of their various little parts. We learn to understand the logic of this theater and we find ourselves in its motions. We locate ourselves in society and thus recognize our own position as we hang from its subtle strings. For a moment we see ourselves as puppets indeed. But then we grasp a decisive difference between the puppet theater and our own drama. Unlike the puppets, we have the possibility of stopping in our movements, looking up and perceiving the machinery by which we have been moved. In this act lies the first step toward freedom. And in this same act we find the conclusive justification of sociology as a humanistic discipline — Peter Berger

Puppet Strings Quotes By Sally Odgers

The one who pulls the puppet strings knows fairytales can heal. — Sally Odgers

Puppet Strings Quotes By Nicole Sobon

I'd spent my entire life in Seattle, watching others pass me by, day after day, completely oblivious to me. I remained along the background. I was an outsider; the eye looking in on the world around me.
I was the puppet eager to cut her strings.
I had witnessed the transformation humans must undergo in order to become Programs. I had watched as their humanity was stripped from them while they lay motionless, their hearts barely beating. My uncle had told the others that he only took bodies of the deceased, but those of us who had spent time in the operating rooms knew differently. — Nicole Sobon

Puppet Strings Quotes By Robin Hobb

Be very chary of telling your hoarded secrets. Many lose all power once they have been divulged. Be even more careful of sharing your own secrets lest you find yourself a puppet dancing on someone else's strings. — Robin Hobb

Puppet Strings Quotes By Guy Davenport

I've carved the puppet, and I manipulate the strings, but while it's on stage, the show belongs to the puppet. — Guy Davenport

Puppet Strings Quotes By Henry Van Dyke

Man said, I am tired of kings! Sons of the robber-chiefs of yore, They make me pay for their lust and their war; I am the puppet, they pull the strings; The blood of my heart is the wine they drink. I will govern myself for awhile I think, And see what that brings! — Henry Van Dyke

Puppet Strings Quotes By J.J. McAvoy

Dawn, Cillian. That is how long I'll wait for your apology. For you to remember you were nothing but a puppet king who forgot he was on strings. — J.J. McAvoy

Puppet Strings Quotes By Emilyann Girdner

My strings are being pulled, this time by a different puppet master. — Emilyann Girdner

Puppet Strings Quotes By Alan Moore

We're all puppets, Laurie. I'm just a puppet who can see the strings. — Alan Moore

Puppet Strings Quotes By Sara Raasch

So tired of Noam and Herod and Sir and Angra and all these arrogant, puppet-master men who hold all the strings and refuse to give them up. — Sara Raasch

Puppet Strings Quotes By Erwin Schrodinger

When in the puppet-show of dreams we hold in hand the strings of quite a number of actors, controlling their actions and their speech, we are not aware of this being so. Only one of them is myself, the dreamer. In him I act and speak immediately, while I may be awaiting eagerly and anxiously what another one will reply — Erwin Schrodinger

Puppet Strings Quotes By Sam Harris

From my point of view, compatibilism is a little like saying: a puppet is free so long as it loves its strings. — Sam Harris

Puppet Strings Quotes By Jon Ronson

The more he told me about himself, the more leverage I had for manipulation," he told Bob's researcher. "I just kept fueling the fire; the more fuel I added to the fire, the bigger payoff for me. I was the puppet master pulling the strings." Eventually — Jon Ronson

Puppet Strings Quotes By Robin Hobb

Be a little puppet on their strings. That was what Reyn wanted from her, also. She recognized that even if he did not. He was attracted to her not just for her beauty and charm, but because she was young. He thought he could control all her actions and even her thoughts. — Robin Hobb

Puppet Strings Quotes By Cole McCade

so she pulled on all her puppet-strings and ignored how they pulled right back until they nearly ripped right out of her heart to leave it bleeding. — Cole McCade

Puppet Strings Quotes By Evan Sutter

I was a puppet on the strings to my cravings and desires. — Evan Sutter

Puppet Strings Quotes By Marcus Aurelius

Whatever this is that I am, it is a little flesh and breath, and the ruling part. Throw away thy books; no longer distract thyself: it is not allowed; but as if thou wast now dying, despise the flesh; it is blood and bones and a network, a contexture of nerves, veins, and arteries. See the breath also, what kind of a thing it is, air, and not always the same, but every moment sent out and again sucked in. The third then is the ruling part: consider thus: Thou art an old man; no longer let this be a slave, no longer be pulled by the strings like a puppet to unsocial movements, no longer be either dissatisfied with thy present lot, or shrink from the future. — Marcus Aurelius

Puppet Strings Quotes By A.S. Byatt

As for Fergus. He had a habit which Maud was not experienced enough to recognise as a common one in ex-lovers of giving little tugs at the carefully severed spider-threads or puppet-strings which had once tied her to him. — A.S. Byatt

Puppet Strings Quotes By Cassie Alexander

We could crawl inside your head and make you but a shell of yourself, a puppet of meat, for which we keep the only strings." It paused to let the impact of this settle in. "Please stop trying to be brave, and become the pathetic creature we both know you to be."
My short nails bit against my arms. "Fuck you. — Cassie Alexander

Puppet Strings Quotes By L. Duarte

I was his as if I had been born for that very purpose, as if my body were a puppet, and he was the puppeteer pulling the strings. — L. Duarte

Puppet Strings Quotes By Tana French

I live inside my own skin. Anything that happens outside it doesn't change who I am. This isn't something I'm proud of; as far as I'm concerned, it's a bare minimum baseline requirement for calling yourself an adult human being, somewhere around the level of knowing how to do your own washing or change a toilet roll. All those idiots on the websites, begging for other people to pull their sagging puppet-strings, turn them real: they make me want to spit. — Tana French

Puppet Strings Quotes By Mokokoma Mokhonoana

More often than not, a C.E.O is merely a puppet whose strings are pulled by a board of directors. — Mokokoma Mokhonoana

Puppet Strings Quotes By Sam Harris

A puppet is free as long as he loves his strings. — Sam Harris

Puppet Strings Quotes By Christopher Pike

If I become like you, I will have no will of my own. I will have no individuality, I will just be your puppet.'
'True.' Sio smiled thinly. 'But even a puppet may dance before its strings are drawn tight. You will dance, Cass, and the heavens will applaud you. — Christopher Pike

Puppet Strings Quotes By Glenn Beck

The question is: Do we have a shadow government? And if we do, who are those intelligent minority that is guiding us through? And where are they guiding us to? If you skip past all of the puppet and the strings, if you stop looking at the puppets, themselves, you have to see who's behind the puppets. Who is choosing the puppets and the players? Who's the puppet master? George Soros. Now I am sure that this will be called a conspiracy theory. And quite honestly, a year ago, two years ago, I wouldn't have believed it myself. — Glenn Beck

Puppet Strings Quotes By Rachel Vincent

Your mortal attachments are like a puppet's strings," Avari said, both hands clasped casually at his back. "One need only pluck the right cord to make the puppet dance." His smile was almost creepier than his threats. "Dance, reaper! — Rachel Vincent

Puppet Strings Quotes By Munia Khan

Sitting makes us think of standing
Our current stance keeps on demanding
We wish to fly without the wings
Puppets move before pulling the strings — Munia Khan

Puppet Strings Quotes By Robin Hobb

The puppet dances, He turns flips and he jigs. His painted red smile looks happy but he is screaming, for he performs on red-hot coals. His wooden feet begin to smoke. A man comes in with a shining axe. He swings it. I think he will cut off the puppet's burning feet, but instead the axe cuts all his strings. But the man with the axe falls just as swiftly as the puppet leaps away, free. — Robin Hobb

Puppet Strings Quotes By Tiffanie DeBartolo

I instantly thought the guy was cute, in that gaunt, never-sees-the-light-of-day, New York street urchin kind of way. And he never stood still for a second. From across the tracks I read his expression as I have everything on my side except destiny, only his expression clearly hadn't informed his head or heart yet. The guy looked over and caught me staring, and once his eyes met mine they never deviated. He took several cautious steps forward, stopping abruptly at the thick yellow line you weren't supposed to cross. His arms dangled like a puppet and he seemed to skim the ground when he walked, as if suspended over the edge of the world by a hundred invisible strings. — Tiffanie DeBartolo

Puppet Strings Quotes By Emile Zola

Sometimes she was seized with hallucinations and thought she was buried in some vault together with a lot of puppet-like corpses which nodded their heads and moved their legs and arms when you pulled the strings. — Emile Zola

Puppet Strings Quotes By Leigh Bardugo

Every act of violence was deliberate, and every favor came with enough strings attached to stage a puppet show. — Leigh Bardugo

Puppet Strings Quotes By Sam Harris

Becoming sensitive to the background causes of one's thoughts and feelings can - paradoxically - allow for greater creative control over one's life. It is one thing to bicker with your wife because you are in a bad mood; it is another to realize that your mood and behavior have been caused by low blood sugar. This understanding reveals you to be a biochemical puppet, of course, but it also allows you to grab hold of one of your strings: A bit of food may be all that your personality requires. Getting behind our concious thoughts and feelings can allow us to steer a more intelligent course through our lives (while knowing, of course, that we are ultimately being steered). — Sam Harris

Puppet Strings Quotes By Molly Antopol

So if there was a way that I knew something about my character's desires or the things that they were resisting because I was saving it for some grand epiphany moment for my readers, I just feel like that's when you can feel the machine at work in a story. That's when you can feel the writer pulling the strings of the puppet. — Molly Antopol

Puppet Strings Quotes By Chuck Klosterman

Everyone who loves pro basketball assumes it's a little fixed. We all think the annual draft lottery is probably rigged, we all accept that the league aggressively wants big market teams to advance deep into the playoffs, and we all concede that certain marquee players are going to get preferential treatment for no valid reason. The outcomes of games aren't predeteremined or scripted but there are definitely dark forces who play with our reality. There are faceless puppet masters who pull strings and manipulate the purity of justice. It's not necessarily a full-on conspiracy, but it's certainly not fair. And that's why the NBA remains the only game that matters: Pro basketball is exactly like life. — Chuck Klosterman

Puppet Strings Quotes By Hugh Howey

All the great coincidences and marvelous achievements of his life disappeared in a flash. In their place were puppet strings. 'A — Hugh Howey