Famous Quotes & Sayings

Quotes & Sayings About Prufrock

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Top Prufrock Quotes

Prufrock Quotes By Lemony Snicket

A morning breeze blew through the campus of Prufrock Preparatory School, rustling the brown lawn and knocking against the stone arch with the motto printed on it.
"Memento Mori"-"Remember you will die." The Baudelaire orphans looked up at the motto and vowed that before they died, they would solve this dark and complicated mystery that cast a shadow over their lives. — Lemony Snicket

Prufrock Quotes By Terry Eagleton

The celebrated opening image of 'The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock' is another case in point:
Let us go then, you and I,
When the evening is spread out against the sky
Like a patient etherised upon a table ...
How, the reader wonders, can the evening look like an anaesthetised body? Yet the point surely lies as much in the force of this bizarre image as in its meaning. We are in a modern world in which settled correspondences or traditional affinities between things have broken down. In the arbitrary flux of modern experience, the whole idea of representation - of on thing predictably standing for another - has been plunged into crisis; and this strikingly dislocated image, one which more or less ushers in 'modern' poetry with a rebellious flourish, is a symptom of this bleak condition. — Terry Eagleton

Prufrock Quotes By Neil Gaiman

The man Jack was, above all things, a professional, or so he told himself, — Neil Gaiman

Prufrock Quotes By Mehreen Ahmed

If one were to typify a place, then these are snapshots that need to be captured. Brazen realities frozen in time; progress impeded because of a tradition of cultural sloth. The world goes by without a moment's reproach and I retire for the day; however, a line drones mindlessly in paradox.

"Let us go then, you and I, when the evening is spread out against the sky, like a patient etherized on a table (The Love-Song of J. Alfred Prufrock T.S Eliot, 1920)."

Splendidly juxtaposed, I chuckle."

Juxtaposed Realities - Mehreen Ahmed — Mehreen Ahmed

Prufrock Quotes By Lemony Snicket

A person who designs buildings is called an architect, but in the case of Prufrock Prep a better term might be 'depressed architect. — Lemony Snicket

Prufrock Quotes By Henry N. Beard

Let us roam then, you and I,
When the evening is splayed out across the sky
[ ... ]
Paths that follow like a nagging accusation
Of a minor violation
To lead you to the ultimate reproof ...
Oh, do not say, 'Bad kitty!'
Let us go and prowl the city.
In the rooms the cats run to and fro
Auditioning for a Broadway show.
(From The Love Song of J. Morris Housecat) — Henry N. Beard

Prufrock Quotes By Hina Hashmi

Follow your intuition instantly. If something stops you from following your intuition then you need to clear your mental blocks. — Hina Hashmi

Prufrock Quotes By Lexa Doig

It doesn't matter if you're staying at a four-star hotel, you will never have your whole closet with you. — Lexa Doig

Prufrock Quotes By Bernard Malamud

Prufrock had measured out his life with measuring spoons; Dubin, in books resurrecting the lives of others. — Bernard Malamud

Prufrock Quotes By George Balanchine

If you don't feel challenged, it's because you're not doing enough. Ballet should never feel comfortable. Comfortable is lazy! If you're comfortable when you dance, you're not pushing yourself hard enough. 100 % is not enough. You have to give 200%. One tendu takes years of hard work and will never be perfect. Everything in ballet is a challenge. — George Balanchine

Prufrock Quotes By William Deresiewicz

Of what I learned at Yale," writes Lewis Lapham, "I learned in what I now remember as one long, wayward conversation in the only all-night restaurant on Chapel Street. The topics under discussion - God, man, existence, Alfred Prufrock's peach - were borrowed from the same anthology of large abstraction that supplied the texts for English 10 or Philosophy 116." The classroom is the grain of sand; it's up to you to make the pearl. — William Deresiewicz

Prufrock Quotes By Neal Stephenson

As with all gut feelings, only time will tell whether this it is pathetic self-delusion. — Neal Stephenson

Prufrock Quotes By Lemony Snicket

If you have walked into a museum recently - whether you did so to attend an art exhibition or to escape from the police - you may have noticed a type of painting known as a triptych. A triptych has three panels, with something different painted on each of the panels. For instance, my friend Professor Reed made a triptych for me, and he painted fire on one panel, a typewriter on another, and the face of a beautiful, intelligent woman on the third. The triptych is entitled What Happened to Beatrice and I cannot look upon it without weeping.
I am a writer, and not a painter, but if I were to try and paint a triptych entitled The Baudelaire Orphans' Miserable Experiences at Prufrock Prep, I would paint Mr. Remora on one panel, Mrs. Brass on another, and a box of staples on the third, and the results would make me so sad that between the Beatrice triptych and the Baudelaire triptych I would scarcely stop weeping all da — Lemony Snicket

Prufrock Quotes By Dale Carnegie

After all, nobody likes to be sold. But we all like to make good buying decisions. — Dale Carnegie

Prufrock Quotes By Jackie Chan

I have a metal plate in my head, and can pop my shoulder and pop it back. — Jackie Chan

Prufrock Quotes By Ani DiFranco

What I like way better than LGBT in terms of labeling sexuality actually is a scheme that comes to me from my friend Animal Prufrock wherein one is identified not by what they supposedly "are" but rather by what they are into. Which brings us to the terms hemosexual, shemosexual, and mosexual. — Ani DiFranco

Prufrock Quotes By Lemony Snicket

The siblings wished that if Mr. Poe were really jealous of them he would attend Prufrock Preparatory School himself, and they could work at the bank. — Lemony Snicket

Prufrock Quotes By Jonathan Falwell

Those of us who follow Jesus Christ must seriously commit to praying for our leaders, never forgetting that even our greatest heroes are flawed individuals who need Jesus Christ, just like the rest of us. — Jonathan Falwell

Prufrock Quotes By Laurie Graham

I'm married to an American, and although we live in Europe, I think of myself as an honorary American. — Laurie Graham

Prufrock Quotes By Lemony Snicket

Please excuse the torn edges of this note. I am writing to you from inside the shack the Baudelaire orphans were forced to live in while at Prufrock Preparatory School, and I am afraid that some of the crabs tried to snatch my stationery away from me. On Sunday night, please purchase a ticket for seat 10-J at the Erratic Opera Company's performance of the opera Faute de Mieux. During Act Five, use a sharp knife to rip open the cushion of your seat. There you should find — Lemony Snicket

Prufrock Quotes By Embee

You know, for a spy as talented as you, you can really be ... obnoxious," I told her.
She grinned. "I know. — Embee

Prufrock Quotes By Md. Ziaul Haque

Thinking is translating 'prosaic-ideas' without accessories" since ideas (in brain) do not follow any metrical composition. — Md. Ziaul Haque

Prufrock Quotes By Jen Adams

J. Alfred Prufrock measured his life out in coffee spoons. I measure mine out in pages. — Jen Adams

Prufrock Quotes By Eloisa James

Where did you go to school?" Piers inquired. "Your all together too literate for a butler. Most bulters I know say things like as you wish, my lord, and leave it at that. Our conversations should be along these lines: Prufrock, bring me a wench and then you would say, as you wish. — Eloisa James

Prufrock Quotes By T. S. Eliot

And would it have been worth it, after all,
Would it have been worth while,
After the sunsets and the dooryards and the sprinkled streets,
After the novels, after the teacups, after the skirts that trail along the floor -
And this, and so much more? - — T. S. Eliot

Prufrock Quotes By Horace

Great effort is required to arrest decay and restore vigor. One must exercise proper deliberation, plan carefully before making a move, and be alert in guarding against relapse following a renaissance. — Horace

Prufrock Quotes By Kevin D. Mitnick

F_k being a script kiddie if you can avoid it - be a hacker. — Kevin D. Mitnick

Prufrock Quotes By Ray Cluley

That poem you like, how does it end?"
He knows how it ends. He's looked it up by now, that's why he asks.
But I answer him anyway.
"'We have lingered in the chambers of the sea, by sea-girls wreathed
with seaweed red and brown, till human voices wake us, and we drown.'"
Eliot shakes his head. "It does not need the last three words. The last
three words are wrong."
I laugh at his correcting a Nobel prize-winning poet, but I agree. I
know what drowning feels like. It doesn't need water. And human voices,
if they say the right things, can save you.
"Eliot, do you have a pen I can borrow?"
I can feel him smiling in the dark, and we watch the sea caress the
"That man in the poem, Mr. Prufrock, he was a coward, wasn't he?"
Eliot says.
My answer to his question is the same as his answer to mine. — Ray Cluley