Famous Quotes & Sayings

Proud Boys Quotes & Sayings

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Top Proud Boys Quotes

Proud Boys Quotes By George Carlin

I had run away from home three times. I had been kicked out of three different schools under different circumstances. I was kicked out of everything that I didn't quit. Kicked out of schools. Kicked out of summer camp, the Boy Scouts, the alter boys, the choir, and something else that I can't think of, that I'm proud of. Anyway, that was my pattern. I just began to invent myself early in life, and went out and did something about it. — George Carlin

Proud Boys Quotes By Edward Abbey

There is this to be said for walking: it is the one method of human locomotion by which a man or woman proceeds erect, upright, proud and independent, not squatting on the haunches like a frog.
Little boys love machines. Grown-up mean and women like to walk. — Edward Abbey

Proud Boys Quotes By Isak Dinesen

What is life when you come to think upon it, but a most excellent, accurately set, infinitely complicated machine for turning fat playful puppies into old mangy blind dogs, and proud war horses into skinny nags, and succulent young boys, to whom the world holds great delights and terrors, into old weak men, with running eyes, who drink ground rhino-horn? — Isak Dinesen

Proud Boys Quotes By Dyllan McGee

I'm proud to call myself a feminist and am proud to say I have two young boys who are self-proclaimed feminists as well. — Dyllan McGee

Proud Boys Quotes By Bobby Heenan

I asked Stu Hart earlier. I said, 'Stu, you gotta be proud of your boys.' He said, 'I have boys?' — Bobby Heenan

Proud Boys Quotes By Jonathan Keltz

The girls in kindergarten would chase us boys around trying to kiss us. I'm proud to say I was the first to stop running. — Jonathan Keltz

Proud Boys Quotes By JohnA Passaro

In a proud fatherly sadomasicisticly way, I am thrilled when I get hit. As every deep purple bruise on my body represented a perfect swing.
If I were to lift my shirt at any time there would be 4-5 bruises on my body ...
As soon as I was able to, I would throw batting practice again from the short distance, and take another shot if necessary to keep the boys in the zone. — JohnA Passaro

Proud Boys Quotes By Steve Harvey

I'd have to say I'm most proud of my mentoring camp that I do in Dallas every year for one hundred boys from single-parent homes. I was raised by a mother who was a Sunday school teacher and a father who worked hard. Together they taught me to give back. — Steve Harvey

Proud Boys Quotes By Lundy Bancroft

Encourage the women in your life - your friends, sisters, mothers, daughters - to insist on dignity and respect, to have faith in themselves, to be proud. Expect boys and men to be respectful, kind, and responsible, and don't settle for less. — Lundy Bancroft

Proud Boys Quotes By Suzanne Young

You make me proud every day." Lucy and I start to groan, ready to tell him to stop being so sappy, when he laughs. "And I'm most proud when you're home by curfew without any boys around. — Suzanne Young

Proud Boys Quotes By L.M. Montgomery

Well now, I'd rather have you than a dozen boys, Anne,' said Matthew patting her hand. 'Just mind you that - rather than a dozen boys. Well now, I guess it wasn't a boy that took the Avery scholarship, was it? It was a girl - my girl - my girl that I'm proud of. — L.M. Montgomery

Proud Boys Quotes By Sherrilyn Kenyon

Fuck you, human. (Phoenix)
Wow, boys and girls, they're just so inviting, aren't they. Martha Stewart would be proud. (Susan) — Sherrilyn Kenyon

Proud Boys Quotes By James Dean

I didn't know what to do. How do you tell an eight-year-old boy his mother's going to die? I tried. In my own stumbling way I tried to prepare Jim for it. Nowadays, he lives in a world we don't understand too well, the actor's world. We don't see too much of him. But he's a good boy, my Jim. A good boy, and I'm very proud of him. Not easy to understand, no sir. He's not easy to understand. But he's all man, and he'll make his mark. Mind you, my boy will make his mark. — James Dean

Proud Boys Quotes By Alexander McCall Smith

Boys, men," she said. "They're all the same. They think that this [their manhood] is something special and they're all so proud of it. They do not know how ridiculous it is. — Alexander McCall Smith

Proud Boys Quotes By Rachel Hamilton

I am beautiful in my own right.
Not in vain, proud way but in the way God made me.
My beauty isn't connected to the amount of boys that look at me.
I do not become less beautiful because no boys flirt with me.
No my beauty is not skin deep.
My beauty is not found in my appearance.
I am beautiful because God doesn't make mistakes or second bests.
I am beautiful because I am a child of God.
Perfectly imperfect. — Rachel Hamilton

Proud Boys Quotes By Ralph Waldo Emerson

Earth laughs in flowers to see her boastful boys Earth-proud, proud of the earth which is not theirs; Who steer the plough, but cannot steer their feet Clear of the grave. — Ralph Waldo Emerson

Proud Boys Quotes By Ben Fountain

No matter their age or station in life, Billy can't help but regard his fellow Americans as children. They are bold and proud and certain in the way of clever children blessed with too much self-esteem, and no amount of lecturing will enlighten them as to the state of pure sin toward which war inclines. He pities them, scorns them, loves them, hates them, these children. These boys and girls. These toddlers, these infants. Americans are children who must go somewhere else to grow up, and sometimes die. — Ben Fountain

Proud Boys Quotes By Ellie Goulding

I'm really proud of 'Bright Lights' because I was still in the mind frame of my first album when I was putting it together, but next time I want to display something different. I don't want to be as young, immature and all about boys! — Ellie Goulding

Proud Boys Quotes By Laurence J. Peter

Would the boy you were be proud of the man you are? — Laurence J. Peter

Proud Boys Quotes By Diane Zahler

Boys were so proud - you always had to let them think they were good at things. — Diane Zahler

Proud Boys Quotes By J. Robert Spencer

I'm most excited that the hard work has paid off for myself and the team. You put your heart and soul into something and you want to show it to an audience outside of Jersey Boys. It gives a chance to not only show my work, but of Jeffrey Schecter as an actor and co-writer. It gets to show off our cinematographer, my production team. That's what I'm most proud of everybody gets to have their own moment to enjoy it. — J. Robert Spencer

Proud Boys Quotes By Rik Mayall

I was brought up to be a good boy and proud of myself so I suppress all the things about me that are bad. — Rik Mayall

Proud Boys Quotes By Brian Wilson

The Beach Boys have always been a part of the '60s spectrum, with The Beatles and that kind of thing. They were a part of the music business like everyone else. And they did quite well as a singing group, and I finished a lot of good records, and I'm very proud of them. — Brian Wilson

Proud Boys Quotes By Mary Ann Shaffer

She gathered a circle of children around her and commenced singing 'For Those Who Peril on the Sea' over their little heads. But no, 'safety from storms' wasn't enough for her. God had to keep them from being blown up too. She set about ordering the poor things to pray for their parents every night- who knew what the German soldiers might do to them? Then she said to be especially good little boys and girls so Mama and Daddy could look down on them from heaven and BE PROUD OF THEM ... she had those children crying and sobbing fit to die.
I was too shocked to move, but no, not Elizabeth. No, quick as an adder's tongue, she had ahold of Adelaide's arm and told her to SHUT UP.
'Let me go!' Adelaide cried. 'I am speaking the Word of God!'
Elizabeth, she got a look on her that would turn the devil to stone, and then she slapped Adelaide right across the face! — Mary Ann Shaffer

Proud Boys Quotes By Lea Michele

I would tell 17-year-olds to be proud of who you are. Don't try to change yourself for others. Focus on school and your future. Boys and friends will come and go, just focus on you and your future. — Lea Michele

Proud Boys Quotes By Sylvia Plath

Perry said today that his mother said "Girls look for infinite security; boys look for a mate. Both look for different things." I am at odds. dislike being a girl, because as such I must come to realize that I cannot be a man. In other words, I must pour my energies through the direction and force of my mate. My only free act is choosing or refusing that mate. And yet, it is as I feared: I am becoming adjusted and accustomed to that idea. And if I could be your companion I would laugh at those previous fears. I like what you heighten in me. And I am amazed that I, so proud and distainful of custom, could consider marriage an honorable and vital estate. But under certain circumstances I do justly consider it that. — Sylvia Plath

Proud Boys Quotes By John C. Reilly

Most boys' first hero is their father. That was definitely true of my dad. He was a proud Irish American and he taught me a lot about ethics and responsibility. He also introduced me to a lot of wonderful folk music. — John C. Reilly

Proud Boys Quotes By Molly Ivins

When Michael Jackson, a poor black boy who grew up to be a rich, white woman, married Elvis Presley's daughter the Scientologist. Makes you proud to be an American, dudn't it? — Molly Ivins

Proud Boys Quotes By John Blaine

Rick was proud of his sister. In situations where most girls would be a burden, she could more than hold her own. She could hike all day without complaint, and she was like a water sprite when it came to swimming. At tennis, although Rick had a much stronger drive, she gave him plenty of competition. And at badminton or ping-pong, where strength didn't count, she could run him ragged. She was a swell trail companion and her sense of adventure was as strong as his own. — John Blaine

Proud Boys Quotes By Natalie Angier

My daughter's eggs are silver points of potential energy, the light at the beginning of the tunnel, a near-life experience. Boys don't make sperm - their proud "seed" - until they reach puberty. But my daughter's sex cells, our seed, are already settled upon prenatally, the chromosomes sorted, the potsherds of her parents' histories packed into their little phospholipid baggies. — Natalie Angier

Proud Boys Quotes By Cynthia Lennon

I was proud, excited and a little frightened. It was all taking off so quickly ... the more successful the boys were, the further away from me John felt. I was getting used to being a mum, but most of the time I felt like a single parent ... it was hard not to feel frustrated with being stuck at home. I loved Julian, but I knew that if I hadn't had him I could have seen much more of John and that was hard ... I felt shut off from the life he was living. After years at his side, I was excluded, just as it was all happening. — Cynthia Lennon

Proud Boys Quotes By Sammy Nelson

Playing for Arsenal at any level is something to be proud of so being in the squad when they won the double and winning the Cup in 1979 was special. The boys were a terrific bunch. — Sammy Nelson

Proud Boys Quotes By Terry Pratchett

Some of the men and older boys were trained in firing the cannon, but since there wasn't any gun powder to spare for actually firing any more of the things, they made do with pushing wooden cartridges into the barrel and shouting, "Bang!" They got quite good at that, and were proud at the speed with which "Bang!" could be shouted. Daphne said she hoped the enemy would be trained to say "Aargh! — Terry Pratchett

Proud Boys Quotes By Imran Khan

Win or lose today I am proud of the way my boys have played in the tournament. — Imran Khan

Proud Boys Quotes By Robert Louis Stevenson

When I am grown to man's estate I shall be very proud and great. And tell the other girls and boys Not to meddle with my toys. — Robert Louis Stevenson