Famous Quotes & Sayings

Pronouncement Synonym Quotes & Sayings

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Top Pronouncement Synonym Quotes

Pronouncement Synonym Quotes By Kristian Goldmund Aumann

Relationships with your enemies; you need to cultivate those, because: Only true enemies stab you in the front. — Kristian Goldmund Aumann

Pronouncement Synonym Quotes By Anthony Burgess

Life's only choosing when to die. Life's a big postponement because the choice is so difficult. It's a tremendous relief not to have to choose. — Anthony Burgess

Pronouncement Synonym Quotes By Robert J. Morgan

Proverbs 15:1 A gentle answer turns away anger, but a harsh word stirs up wrath. — Robert J. Morgan

Pronouncement Synonym Quotes By Marilyn Monroe

My public is growing up just as I am. After all, I'm not 19 anymore and if I stick with the sex bit, who will be paying to see me when I'm 50? — Marilyn Monroe

Pronouncement Synonym Quotes By Helen Oyeyemi

It's true that writing can give new forms to concepts that existed previously with far less clarity, but in terms of the other half of a story's story - the way a story is received and interpreted and used - the audience plays a part in that too. — Helen Oyeyemi

Pronouncement Synonym Quotes By Toyo Ito

We have to base architecture on the environment. — Toyo Ito

Pronouncement Synonym Quotes By Rachel Caine

Myrnin wasn't especially tall, but he was just . . . strangely cool. Long, curling, lush black hair that fell to his shoulders. His face was vampire-pale, but it suited him, somehow, and he had the kind of sharp features that would have made him a star if he'd wanted to be in the movies. Big, expressive dark eyes and full lips. Definitely cover-model material. — Rachel Caine

Pronouncement Synonym Quotes By Jane Green

I'd like to think I'm not quite so pretentious as to think my characters go off and live their lives once I've written the final page and switched the computer off. — Jane Green