Famous Quotes & Sayings

Quotes & Sayings About Primary School Teachers

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Top Primary School Teachers Quotes

Primary School Teachers Quotes By Robert Winston

I went to school with butterflies of fear every day for years - from primary school onwards - not just worried about being bullied by classmates, but by teachers. — Robert Winston

Primary School Teachers Quotes By Ernesto Bertarelli

If you have a life which is adrenaline-charged all week long because you're a powerful CEO, or you have responsibilities and you're committed to the people you look after, it's very difficult on weekends to sit around the garden. So you probably look for something which gives you the same sort of adrenaline buzz. — Ernesto Bertarelli

Primary School Teachers Quotes By Patrick Hennessey

In fact, second lieutenants were primary-school teachers. Sure, teachers with guns, but a platoon commander was, nonetheless, the guy who sorted out the working day for 30 men under his command, taught their lessons, helped them with their homework, sorted out their petty squabbles and put plasters on their knees when they fell over in the playground. — Patrick Hennessey

Primary School Teachers Quotes By Abraham H. Maslow

If your only tool is a hammer then every problem looks like a nail. — Abraham H. Maslow

Primary School Teachers Quotes By Jean Genet

Anyone who's never experienced the pleasure of betrayal doesn't know what pleasure is. — Jean Genet

Primary School Teachers Quotes By Candice Accola

I do my best to look at the bigger picture and not sweat the small stuff. I make it a point to have alone time. I value that some of life's best moments happen over a meal with your family or a glass of wine with your friends. And when life seems like a lot to bear, I dance around like a kid until I laugh. — Candice Accola

Primary School Teachers Quotes By Carol J. Adams

What parents said they valued most were discussions with teachers and heads, and what they wanted was more descriptive information in their children's school reports. This is particularly true for primary schools. Parents wanted to know much more than just how their children were doing academically. — Carol J. Adams

Primary School Teachers Quotes By Lydia Minatoya

I have noticed that when people tell their own stories, often it has less to do with wanting to communicate an idea to another than with clarifying an emotion to themselves. Or when the subject of the story is beloved and missing, as a way to make them here and alive. — Lydia Minatoya

Primary School Teachers Quotes By Channing Tatum

I would love to sing. I would love to do a musical, but I wouldn't say that that singing is my strong suit. — Channing Tatum

Primary School Teachers Quotes By Haruki Murakami

I'd stand at the front of the classroom, teaching my primary-school charges basic facts about language, life, the world, and I'd find that at the same time I was teaching myself these basic facts all over again - filtered through the eyes and minds of these children. Done the right way, this was a refreshing experience. Profound, even. I got along well with my pupils, their mothers, and my fellow teachers. Still — Haruki Murakami

Primary School Teachers Quotes By Adam Christopher

My own writing has perhaps more of an American flavor than a British one, but that's because the stories I've so far written have needed it. 'Empire State,' 'Seven Wonders' and 'The Age Atomic' are all very place-centric, where the setting itself is almost a character. But there is a universality to story that isn't just limited to science fiction. — Adam Christopher

Primary School Teachers Quotes By Valerie Harper

Do not tell somebody how to vote, just go up to them and tell them what Fahrenheit 9/11 meant to you. Fahrenheit will probably not win an Academy Award, but if you put it first on your list, it will become a nominee. — Valerie Harper

Primary School Teachers Quotes By Catherynne M Valente

In his own country, Death can be kind. — Catherynne M Valente

Primary School Teachers Quotes By William Howard Taft

It is fitting that the Government of the United States should assume the obligation of the establishment and maintenance of a first-class university for the education of colored menand I wish to put in this caveatthat the colored race today, all of them, would be better off if they all had university education ... Of course, the basis of education of the colored people is in the primary schools and in industrial schools ... In those schools must be introduced teachers from such university institutions as this. — William Howard Taft

Primary School Teachers Quotes By Linsey McGoey

frustration has flared up over the Common Core initiative, involving the implementation of national reading and maths standards for primary and secondary school children. The Gates Foundation played a central role in bringing the standards to fruition. Spending over $233 million to back the standards, the foundation dispersed money liberally to both conservative and progressive interest groups. The two major teachers' unions, the National Education Association and the American Federation of Teachers, each received large donations, as did the US Chamber of Commerce. Gates himself suggested that a benefit of the standards is that they open avenues towards increasing digital learning. In 2014, Microsoft announced it was partnering with Pearson to load Pearson's Common Core classroom material onto Microsoft's Surface tablet. Previously, the iPad was the classroom frontrunner; the Pearson partnership helps to make Microsoft more competitive. — Linsey McGoey

Primary School Teachers Quotes By Parker J. Palmer

Bryk and Schneider also found that relational trust - between teachers and administrators, teachers and teachers, and teachers and parents - has the power to offset external factors that are normally thought to be the primary determinants of a school's capacity to serve students well: "Improvements in academic productivity were less likely in schools with high levels of poverty, racial isolation, and student mobility, but [the researchers] say that a strong correlation between [relational] trust and student achievement remains even after controlling for such factors." 9 — Parker J. Palmer

Primary School Teachers Quotes By Stephane Mallarme

It is the job of poetry to clean up our word-clogged reality by creating silences around things. — Stephane Mallarme

Primary School Teachers Quotes By Bible Verses

Today is the day the Lord has made, be Glad & Enjoy It! — Bible Verses

Primary School Teachers Quotes By John Ilhan

It was quite tough, not many opportunities.
I remember in primary school, one of my teachers said, "As for you young man, you haven't got much of a future." — John Ilhan

Primary School Teachers Quotes By Samuel Johnson

There is always something a woman will prefer to the truth. — Samuel Johnson

Primary School Teachers Quotes By Anne Perry

Friendship was at the core of every relationship that mattered--allies, parent and child, lovers. On its foundation could be built all the other palaces of the heart. — Anne Perry

Primary School Teachers Quotes By Gregory Hines

I never wanted to be a star, I just wanted to get work. — Gregory Hines