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Quotes & Sayings About Preoccupation

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Top Preoccupation Quotes

Preoccupation Quotes By Billy Graham

Our interests are centered in ourselves. We are preoccupied with material things. Our supreme god is technology; our goddess is sex. Most of us are more interested in getting to the moon than in getting to heaven, more concerned about conquering space than about conquering ourselves. We are more dedicated to material security than to inner purity. We give much more thought to what we wear, what we eat, what we drink, and what we can do to relax than we give to what we are. This preoccupation with peripheral things applies to every area of our lives. — Billy Graham

Preoccupation Quotes By Theodore Sturgeon

( ... ) my preoccupation in a larger sense is the optimum man. The question of establishing an internal ecology, where the optimum liver works with the optimum spleen and the optimum eyeball and so forth. Now, when you get to the mind - not the brain, but the optimum mind - then you have the whole inner space idea; my conviction is that there's more room there than there is in outer space, in each individual human being. Love of course has a great deal to do with that, as a necessary coloration and adjunct to everything that we do - to love oneself, to love the parts of oneself, to love the interaction of the parts of oneself, and then the interaction of that whole organism with those of another person. Which is as good a definition of love as you can get, I think. — Theodore Sturgeon

Preoccupation Quotes By Bertrand Russell

It is the preoccupation with possessions, more than anything else that prevents us from living freely and nobly. — Bertrand Russell

Preoccupation Quotes By Eric Hoffer

Perhaps a modern society can remain stable only by eliminating adolescence, by giving its young, from the age of ten, the skills, responsibilities, and rewards of grownups, and opportunities for action in all spheres of life. Adolescence should be a time of useful action, while book learning and scholarship should be a preoccupation of adults. — Eric Hoffer

Preoccupation Quotes By Richard Crossman

The Zionists' ... main preoccupation is not to save Jews alive out of Europe but to get Jews into Palestine. — Richard Crossman

Preoccupation Quotes By Doris Kearns Goodwin

Johnson saw preoccupation with principle and procedure as a sign of impotence. Such men were "troublemakers," more concerned with appearing forceful than in exercising the real strengths that led to tangible achievement. — Doris Kearns Goodwin

Preoccupation Quotes By Jose Ortega Y Gasset

The preoccupation with what should be is estimable only when the respect for what is has been exhausted. — Jose Ortega Y Gasset

Preoccupation Quotes By Susan T. Fiske

To attain, and to keep, a professional-managerial job requires class-specific human capital. Developing and displaying that capital is a central preoccupation of upper-middle class life. — Susan T. Fiske

Preoccupation Quotes By Sydney J. Harris

Genealogy: A perverse preoccupation of those who seek to demonstrate that their forebears were better people than they are. — Sydney J. Harris

Preoccupation Quotes By Rick Stein

To live the first five years of your life feeling that you are valuable is a wonderful thing and, if you don't have it, then you spend the rest of your life trying to find it. I think my mother realised this and tried to compensate for my father's extreme preoccupation with himself. — Rick Stein

Preoccupation Quotes By Helen Oyeyemi

But then some people give off a strange sense of preoccupation, as if there is something in their lives so important to them that they have to keep it silent, and close. And to keep this thing close, they make sacrifices. — Helen Oyeyemi

Preoccupation Quotes By Ronald Rolheiser

Defined simply, narcissism means excessive self-preoccupation; pragmatism means excessive focus on work, achievement, and the practical concerns of life; and restlessness means an excessive greed for experience, an overeating, not in terms of food but in terms of trying to drink in too much of life...And constancy of all three together account for the fact that we are so habitually self-absorbed by heartaches, headaches, and greed for experience that we rarely find the time and space to be in touch with the deeper movements inside of and around us. — Ronald Rolheiser

Preoccupation Quotes By Victoria Glendinning

Winterson has her own unmistakeable voice, tuned to express her obsessional preoccupation with sexual passion raised to the power of revealed religion. ( ... ) The whole book is a kind of chant. It is a playful addition to the Winterson oeuvre. Yet it is not a slight work so much as, homonymically, a work of sleight- - a word for which the Shorter OED gives six definitions, ranging from trickery to wisdom, all of which apply to The.PowerBook. — Victoria Glendinning

Preoccupation Quotes By W. Somerset Maugham

He was occupied with the forming of a pattern out of the manifold chaos of life, and the materials with which he worked seemed to make preoccupation with pigments and words very trivial. Lawson had served his turn. Philip's friendship with him had been a motive in the design he was elaborating: it was merely sentimental to ignore the fact that the painter was of no further interest to him. — W. Somerset Maugham

Preoccupation Quotes By R. Buckminster Fuller

Every time man makes a new experiment he always learns more. He cannot learn less. He may learn that what he thought was true was not true. By the elimination of a false premise, his basic capital wealth which in his given lifetime is disembarrassed of further preoccupation with considerations of how to employ a worthless time-consuming hypothesis. Freeing his time for its more effective exploratory investment is to give man increased wealth. — R. Buckminster Fuller

Preoccupation Quotes By Wilkie Collins

It will always remain my private persuasion that Nature was absorbed in making cabbages when Mrs. Vesey was born, and that the good lady suffered the consequences of a vegetable preoccupation in the mind of the Mother of us all. — Wilkie Collins

Preoccupation Quotes By Joan D. Chittister

preoccupation with fantasies of success; exhibitionism and insatiable attention-getting maneuvers; — Joan D. Chittister

Preoccupation Quotes By Penelope Lively

There's a preoccupation with memory and the operation of memory and a rather rapacious interest in history. — Penelope Lively

Preoccupation Quotes By Doris Lessing

When a white man in Africa by accident looks into the eyes of a native and sees the human being (which it is the chief preoccupation to avoid), his sense of guilt, which he denies, fumes up in resentment and he brings down the whip. — Doris Lessing

Preoccupation Quotes By Louis De Bernieres

Setting up a community and seeing what happens to it when the megalomaniacs get busy: that's my main preoccupation. — Louis De Bernieres

Preoccupation Quotes By Salvatore Quasimodo

War, I have always said, forces men to change their standards, regardless of whether their country has won or lost. Poetics and philosophies disintegrate "when the trees fall and the walls collapse ". At the point when continuity was interrupted by the first nuclear explosion, it would have been too easy to recover the formal sediment which linked us with an age of poetic decorum, of a preoccupation with poetic sounds. After the turbulence of death, moral principles and even religious proofs are called into question. Men of letters who cling to the private successes of their petty aesthetics shut themselves off from poetry's restless presence. From the night, his solitude, the poet finds day and starts a diary that is lethal to the inert. The dark landscape yields a dialogue. The politician and the mediocre poets with their armour of symbols and mystic purities pretend to ignore the real poet. It is a story which repeats itself like the cock's crow; indeed, like the cock's third crow. — Salvatore Quasimodo

Preoccupation Quotes By Jack Kornfield

When we let go of yearning for the future, preoccupation with the past, and strategies to protect the present, there is nowhere left to go but where we are. To connect with the present moment is to begin to appreciate the beauty of true simplicity. — Jack Kornfield

Preoccupation Quotes By Thomas Merton

What was standing in my way was my own self-awareness. If I can begin this fasting of the heart, self-awareness will vanish. Then I will be free from limitation and preoccupation I Is that what you mean?" "Yes," said Confucius, "that's it! If you can do this, you will be able to go among men in their world without upsetting them. You will not enter into conflict with their ideal image of themselves. If they will listen, sing them a song. If not, keep silent. Don't try to break down their door. Don't try out new medicines on them. Just be there among them, because there is nothing else for you to be but one of them. Then you may have success! — Thomas Merton

Preoccupation Quotes By Robert Holden

Beware of Destination Addiction ... a preoccupation with the idea that happiness is in the next place, the next job and with the next partner. Until you give up the idea that happiness is somewhere else, it will never be where you are. — Robert Holden

Preoccupation Quotes By Nancy Leigh DeMoss

False humility and morbid introspection are, in fact, the opposite of brokenness, as they reveal a preoccupation with self, rather than Christ. — Nancy Leigh DeMoss

Preoccupation Quotes By Richard Pound

All of us in Quebec - and I mean all of us - have allowed language to become a preoccupation that works to the disadvantage of all of us - and I mean all of us. — Richard Pound

Preoccupation Quotes By F Scott Fitzgerald

Communicative in a reserved way, and I understood that he meant a great deal more than that. In consequence I'm inclined to reserve all judgments, a habit that has opened up many curious natures to me and also made me the victim of not a few veteran bores. The abnormal mind is quick to detect and attach itself to this quality when it appears in a normal person, and so it came about that in college I was unjustly accused of being a politician, because I was privy to the secret griefs of wild, unknown men. Most of the confidences were unsought - frequently I have feigned sleep, preoccupation, or a hostile — F Scott Fitzgerald

Preoccupation Quotes By Cormac McCarthy

Notions of chance and fate are the preoccupation of men engaged in rash undertakings. — Cormac McCarthy

Preoccupation Quotes By Eric Hoffer

Religion is not a matter of God, church, holy cause, etc. These are but accessories. The source of religious preoccupation is in the self, or rather the rejection of the self. Dedication in the obverse side of self-rejection. Man alone is a religious animal because, as Montaigne points out, it is a malady confined to man, and not seen in any other creature, to hate and despise ourselves. — Eric Hoffer

Preoccupation Quotes By Scott Turow

The American preoccupation with the law, which is certainly not past, was at its zenith in 1995. The 1980s, the late 1980s, had sort of begun to percolate up to public consciousness this enormous interest in the law. — Scott Turow

Preoccupation Quotes By Francois De La Rochefoucauld

We label judges with having the meanest motives, and yet we desire that our reputation and fame should depend upon the judgment of men, who are all, either from their jealousy or preoccupation or want of intelligence, opposed to us - and yet despite their bias, just for the sake of making these men decide in our favor, we peril in so many ways both our peace and our life. — Francois De La Rochefoucauld

Preoccupation Quotes By John Updike

His silence he has indicated that he is willing. He hasn't the strength any more, the excess vitality, for an affair - its danger, its demand performances, the secrecy added like a filigree to your normal life, your gnawing preoccupation with it and with the constant threat of its being discovered and ended. — John Updike

Preoccupation Quotes By Kevin DeYoung

So go marry someone, provided you're equally yoked and you actually like being with each other. Go get a job, provided it's not wicked. Go live somewhere in something with somebody or nobody. But put aside the passivity and the quest for complete fulfillment and the perfectionism and the preoccupation with the future, and for God's sake start making some decisions in your life. Don't wait for the liver-shiver. If you are seeking first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, you will be in God's will, so just go out and do something. — Kevin DeYoung

Preoccupation Quotes By Zadie Smith

At a certain point you have to leave childish things behind, and one of the childish things is a sense that 'Wow, I can draw' or in my case 'Wow, I can read'... You feel you have what's called a talent, but as you become an adult, if you hope to make things, you have to give up the preoccupation with talent otherwise you'll spend your life painting beautiful pictures of fruit bowls that look like fruit bowls. — Zadie Smith

Preoccupation Quotes By Lori Lansens

I have had, like most women, a lifelong preoccupation with my weight. My first published short story was a love story between an elderly man and a very young morbidity obese woman. — Lori Lansens

Preoccupation Quotes By Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn

The intellectual is not defined by professional group and type of occupation. Nor are good upbringing and a good family enough in themselves to produce an intellectual. An intellectual is a person whose interest in and preoccupation with the spiritual side of life are insistent and constant and not forced by external circumstances, even flying in the face of them. An intellectual is a person whose thought is nonimitative. — Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn

Preoccupation Quotes By Anonymous

I could never be without her. I've always known I've had an unusual preoccupation with Zoey since we met, but so many truths are being revealed in this act. Almost too many for my brain to process. — Anonymous

Preoccupation Quotes By Aristotle.

The entire preoccupation of the physicist is with things that contain within themselves a principle of movement and rest. — Aristotle.

Preoccupation Quotes By Wendell Berry

For many of the churchly, the life of the spirit is reduced to a dull preoccupation with getting to Heaven. — Wendell Berry

Preoccupation Quotes By Eckhart Tolle

To be identified with your mind is to be trapped in time: the compulsion to live almost exclusively through memory and anticipation. This creates an endless preoccupation with past and future and an unwillingness to honor and acknowledge the present moment and allow it to be. The compulsion arises because the past gives you an identity and the future holds the promise of salvation, of fulfillment in whatever form. Both are illusions. — Eckhart Tolle

Preoccupation Quotes By Jeffrey R. Holland

Your love for Jesus Christ and your discipleship in His cause must be the consuming preoccupation and passion of your mortality. — Jeffrey R. Holland

Preoccupation Quotes By Louis J. Halle

The prospective colonization of space responds, not to the particular problems of the American nation, or of any other nation, but to those of mankind as a whole ... In an ideal view, such an undertaking by mankind as a whole would tend to divert it from its present preoccupation with international conflict, would tend to channel its energies into the pursuit of a great common purpose. — Louis J. Halle

Preoccupation Quotes By Andre Gide

Those [who] assiduously fabricate for themselves a self-conscious originality, and after having made a choice of certain practices, their principal preoccupation is never to depart from them, to remain for ever on their guard and allow themselves not a moment's relaxation. — Andre Gide

Preoccupation Quotes By Saint Bernard

Sorrow for sin is indeed necessary, but it should not be an endless preoccupation. You must dwell also on the glad remembrance of God's loving-kindness; otherwise, sadness will harden the heart and lead it more deeply into despair. — Saint Bernard

Preoccupation Quotes By David Foster Wallace

We live in an era of terrible preoccupation with presentation and interpretation, one in which relations between who someone is and what he believes and how he "expresses himself" have been thrown into big time flux. — David Foster Wallace

Preoccupation Quotes By Kate Morton

To tell the truth, she didn't want to; she liked the constancy of preoccupation. — Kate Morton

Preoccupation Quotes By Stanley Kubrick

I haven't come across any recent new ideas in film that strike me as being particularly important and that have to do with form. I think that a preoccupation with originality of form is more or less a fruitless thing. A truly original person with a truly original mind will not be able to function in the old form and will simply do something different. Others had much better think of the form as being some sort of classical tradition and try to work within it. — Stanley Kubrick

Preoccupation Quotes By Marianne Williamson

How tragic it is that so often we stop everything just as we reach the starting line. We must move past the narcissistic preoccupation with getting the love we think 'works' for us. The point of love is to make us grow, not to make us immediately happy. Many of us have forsworn the chance for the deepest love in reaching out for the easier one. — Marianne Williamson

Preoccupation Quotes By Adam Phillips

Sanity, as the project of keeping ourselves recognizably human, therefore has to limit the range of human experience. To keep faith with recognition we have to stay recognizable. Sanity, in other words, becomes a pressing preoccupation as soon as we recognize the importance of recognition. When we define ourselves by what we can recognize, by what we can comprehend- rather than, say, by what we can describe- we are continually under threat from what we are unwilling and/or unable to see. We are tyrannized by our blind spots, and by whatever it is about ourselves that we find unacceptable. — Adam Phillips

Preoccupation Quotes By Michael Frost

Therefore, we propose a rediscovery of Christology that includes a preoccupation with the example and teaching of Jesus for the purposes of emulation by his followers. — Michael Frost

Preoccupation Quotes By Karl Lagerfeld

Forgiveness isn't something I'm preoccupied with - turning the other cheek isn't my trip. — Karl Lagerfeld

Preoccupation Quotes By Jonathan Coe

[...] these questions gave way, in the course of time, to a different preoccupation, namely, a slow and growing awareness of familiarity with the landscape into which she was being carried. A familiarity based not on the sighting of particular landmarks, but on her feeling that the very contours of the hills and fields, and the very shapes and colours of the buildings, now appeared as surviving monuments to the existence of a much earlier self whom she had long forgotten. She knew, of course, that they could not bring that self back to life, perish the thought, but they reminded her of it in a way which she did not find disagreeable. — Jonathan Coe

Preoccupation Quotes By Pablo Neruda

How long does a man live, after all?
Does he live a thousand days, or one only?
A week, or several centuries?
How long does a man spend dying?
What does it mean to say 'for ever'?
Lost in these preoccupation
I set myself to clear things up.
In my own country the undertakers
answered me, between drinks:
'Get yourself a good woman
and give up this nonsense.'
"And How Long" - Pablo Neruda — Pablo Neruda

Preoccupation Quotes By Mokokoma Mokhonoana

We preoccupy ourselves with what we had - or what we want to have - at the expense of what we have. — Mokokoma Mokhonoana

Preoccupation Quotes By Colin S. Smith

Jonah's anger was not marked by outbursts of rage but by a quiet withdrawal from the company of others and a growing preoccupation with the events in his own life. — Colin S. Smith

Preoccupation Quotes By Frances Varian

The better I understood my education, the angrier I became that most working-class and poor people are denied one. Why are the children of doctors, lawyers, and engineers taught the mysteries of existence while the children of janitors and waitresses are taught fear? I developed a preoccupation with my own inadequacies, aided by a few professors of elitism. To combat my growing anxiety, I began to envision myself a class spy. I would soak up all of the information they could give me and run reconnaissance for my team. — Frances Varian

Preoccupation Quotes By Joan Didion

The genuflection toward 'fairness' is a familiar newsroom piety, in practice the excuse for a good deal of autopilot reporting and lazy thinking but in theory a benign ideal. In Washington, however, a community in which the management of news has become the single overriding preoccupation of the core industry, what 'fairness' has often come to mean is a scrupulous passivity, an agreement to cover the story not as it is occurring but as it is presented, which is to say as it is manufactured. — Joan Didion

Preoccupation Quotes By George Eliot

His soul was sensitive without being enthusiastic: it was too languid to thrill out of self-consciousness into passionate delight; it went on fluttering in the swampy ground where it was hatched, thinking of its wings and never flying. His experience was of that pitiable kind which shrinks from pity, and fears most of all that is should be known: it was that proud narrow sensitiveness which has not mass enough to spare for transformation into sympathy, and quivers threadlike in small currents of self-preoccupation or at best of an egoistic scrupulosity. — George Eliot

Preoccupation Quotes By Jerry Bridges

The sin of worldliness is a preoccupation with the things of this temporal life. It's accepting and going along with the views and practices of society around us without discerning if they are biblical. I believe that the key to our tendencies toward worldliness lies primarily in the two words "going along". We simply go along with the values and practices of society. — Jerry Bridges

Preoccupation Quotes By Anais Nin

The preoccupation of the novelist: how to capture the living moments, was answered by the diary. You write while you are alive. You do not preserve them in alcohol until the moment you are ready to write about them. — Anais Nin

Preoccupation Quotes By V.S. Carnes

Fate had a cruel sense of humor. It had been all his fault, anyway, whatever Mick or Gillia told him. Careless preoccupation and utter stupidity. Boyhood ignorance and negligence. He was only getting what he deserved, over and over again, for the rest of his life. If only in his dreams. — V.S. Carnes

Preoccupation Quotes By Billy Graham

We spend enormous amounts of time and money on fad diets, expensive exercise machines, and health clubs. For many people, these things only demonstrate their preoccupation with the physical side of life ... but even more important is taking care of our souls. — Billy Graham

Preoccupation Quotes By Alistair Cooke

Sir Guy Campbell's classic account of the formation of the links, beginning with Genesis and moving step by step to the thrilling arrival of 'tilth' on the fingers of coastal land, suggests that such notable features of our planet as dinosaurs, the prairies, the Himalayas, the seagull, the female of the species herself, were accidental by-products of the Almighty's preoccupation with the creation of the Old Course at St. Andrews. — Alistair Cooke

Preoccupation Quotes By F Scott Fitzgerald

But to be included in Dick Diver's world for a while was a remarkable experience: people believed he made special reservations about them, recognizing the proud uniqueness of their destinies, buried under the compromises of how many years. He won everyone quickly with an exquisite consideration and a politeness that moved so fast and intuitively that it could be examined only in its effect. Then, without caution, lest the first bloom of the relation wither, he opened the gate to his amusing world. So long as they subscribed to it completely, their happiness was his preoccupation, but at the first flicker of doubt as to its all- inclusiveness he evaporated before their eyes, leaving little communicable memory of what he had said or done. — F Scott Fitzgerald

Preoccupation Quotes By Thomas Moore

We display outrageously and obsessively that which we do not possess or have deeply at our disposal. If we are displaying sex with unseemly exaggeration and preoccupation then we have not found the heart of sex. — Thomas Moore

Preoccupation Quotes By Norman Cousins

The conquest of war and the pursuit of social justice ... must become our grand preoccupation and magnificent obsession. — Norman Cousins

Preoccupation Quotes By Irving Babbitt

A remarkable feature of the humanitarian movement, on both its sentimental and utilitarian sides, has been its preoccupation with the lot of the masses. — Irving Babbitt

Preoccupation Quotes By Robert Morgan

It was less a literary thing than a linguistic, philosophical preoccupation ... discovering how far you can go with language to create immediate, elementary experience. — Robert Morgan

Preoccupation Quotes By Albert Camus

Rebellion is born of the spectacle of
irrationality, confronted with an unjust and incomprehensible condition. But its blind impulse is to
demand order in the midst of chaos, and unity in the very heart of the ephemeral. It protests, it demands, it
insists that the outrage be brought to an end, and that what has up to now been built upon shifting sands
should henceforth be founded on rock. Its preoccupation is to transform. But to transform is to act, and to
act will be, tomorrow, to kill, and it still does not know whether murder is legitimate. Rebellion engenders
exactly the actions it is asked to legitimate. Therefore it is absolutely necessary that rebellion find its
reasons within itself, since it cannot find them elsewhere. It must consent to examine itself in order to
learn how to act. — Albert Camus

Preoccupation Quotes By Al Pacino

I love work because it keeps sex in perspective. Otherwise, it can become a preoccupation. — Al Pacino

Preoccupation Quotes By Pankaj Mishra

Buddhism resonated very powerfully with a lot of my preoccupations. — Pankaj Mishra

Preoccupation Quotes By Geraldine Brooks

I had been afraid of breast cancer, as I suspect most women are, from the time I hit adolescence. At that age, when our emerging sexuality is our central preoccupation, the idea of disfigurement of a breast is particularly horrifying. — Geraldine Brooks

Preoccupation Quotes By Vincent Van Gogh

If you work diligently ... without saying to yourself beforehand, 'I want to make this or that,' if you work as though you were making a pair of shoes, without artistic preoccupation, you will not always find you do well. But the days you least expect it, you will find a subject which holds its own with the work of those who have gone before. — Vincent Van Gogh

Preoccupation Quotes By Edward M. Hallowell

When social critics deplore the materialism of our time and its preoccupation with money, fame, and superficial values, they overlook that the driving force behind the changes we have seen
one of the greatest periods of change in history
has been thought. It wasn't big bucks or social status that drove this change. It was, and is, the force of the play of the mind. As materialistic as we may be, playful thinking got us here. — Edward M. Hallowell

Preoccupation Quotes By Marc Riboud

Choice or freedom of choice is just an existential concern. But for photographers, it's a lifetime's preoccupation. — Marc Riboud

Preoccupation Quotes By David Foster Wallace

live in an era of terrible preoccupation with presentation and interpretation, one in which the relations between who someone is and what he believes and how he "expresses himself" 70 have been thrown into big-time flux. — David Foster Wallace

Preoccupation Quotes By Carlos Slim

Staying occupied displaces preoccupation and problems, and when we face our problems, they disappear. — Carlos Slim

Preoccupation Quotes By Jonathan Meades

I think the French agonise more about being French, I don't think English think about being English that much. I think the Scottish think about being Scottish and the Welsh think about being Welsh, but the English don't really care. But the French think about it all the time, it's an absolute preoccupation. — Jonathan Meades

Preoccupation Quotes By Wesley Morris

Sidney Lumet's chief preoccupation wasn't art. It was right and wrong in the American city, nearly always in New York. — Wesley Morris

Preoccupation Quotes By Moss Hart

A too constant preoccupation with money may seem to indicate the lack of a proper sense of moral values, but [let] those who have always had money ... be without it for a while, and they will soon discover how quickly it becomes their chief concern. — Moss Hart

Preoccupation Quotes By Peter Heller

The creek at night under the moon was just enough like the creek in daylight to be reassuring. There was the deadfall spruce that sieved the current with skeleton branches, churning a line of pale foam. There was the long pool above, a dark mirror of tree shadows and beacon moon. There were the gravel bars, chalky, shaped to the banks and swept into low moraines that divided the water. There the sky, softened as if by a thin fog of moonlight, filling the canyon. For a moment I forgot my preoccupation with the dark and drove up the road with that awe I felt before certain paintings in certain museums, the awe in which I disappeared. — Peter Heller

Preoccupation Quotes By Randolph Bourne

The American intellectuals, in their preoccupation with reality, seem to have forgotten that the real enemy is War rather than imperial Germany. There is work to be done to prevent this war of ours from passing into popular mythology as a holy crusade. What shall we do with leaders who tell us that we go to war in moral spotlessness or who make "democracy" synonymous with a republican form of government? — Randolph Bourne

Preoccupation Quotes By Alexandre Dumas

M. Danglars, who had listened to all this preamble with imperturbable coolness, but without understanding a word, engaged as he was, like every man burdened with thoughts of the past, in seeking the thread of his own ideas in those of the speaker. — Alexandre Dumas

Preoccupation Quotes By Marcel Proust

We lack the sense of our own visibility as we lack that of distances, imagining as quite close to us the interested attention of people who on the contrary never give us a thought, and not suspecting that we are at the same moment the sole preoccupation of others. — Marcel Proust

Preoccupation Quotes By Alfie Kohn

A preoccupation with achievement is not only different from, but often detrimental to, a focus on learning. Thoughts and emotions while performing an action are more important in determining subsequent engagement than the actual outcome of that action. — Alfie Kohn

Preoccupation Quotes By Dani Shapiro

As a fiction writer, that's been a preoccupation of mine: Can you really just close the door and leave the past back there behind you, or is the door going to blow open at some point? — Dani Shapiro

Preoccupation Quotes By Shashi Tharoor

Terrorism is a principal preoccupation in most of our international contacts. — Shashi Tharoor

Preoccupation Quotes By Steven Pressfield

The sign of the amateur is overglorification of and preoccupation with the mystery. The professional shuts up. She doesn't talk about it. She does her work. — Steven Pressfield

Preoccupation Quotes By Kenneth E. Boulding

The illusion that consumption - and its correlative, income - is desirable probably stems from too great preoccupation with what Knight calls "one-use goods," such as food and fuel, where the utilization and consumption of the good are tightly bound together in a single act or event ... any economy in the consumption of fuel that enables us to maintain warmth or to generate power with lessened consumption again leaves us better off ... there is no great value in consumption itself. — Kenneth E. Boulding

Preoccupation Quotes By Alexandre Dumas

Death is the only serious preoccupation in life. — Alexandre Dumas

Preoccupation Quotes By James D. Watson

Science has always been my preoccupation and when you think a breakthrough is possible, it is terribly exciting. — James D. Watson

Preoccupation Quotes By Isaiah Berlin

Romanticism embodied a new and restless spirit, seeking violently to burst through old and cramping forms, a nervous preoccupation with perpetually changing inner states of consciousness, a longing for the unbounded and the indefinable, for perpetual movement and change, an effort to return to the forgotten sources of life, a passionate effort at self-assertion both individual and collective, a search after means of expressing an unappeasable yearning for unattainable goals. — Isaiah Berlin

Preoccupation Quotes By Michael Medved

Frightening media messages ... pervade the news business, which really ought to be called "the bad news business" for its preoccupation with disaster and destruction. In broadcast journalism, killing is almost always covered, while kindness is almost always ignored. The more alarming a news item is, the more attention it receives. — Michael Medved

Preoccupation Quotes By Lisa Kleypas

As she watched while Gabriel sorted through the medicine spoons, she decided to take the bull by the horns. "You probably already know this," she said bluntly, "but I love you. In fact, I love you so much that I don't mind your monotonous handsomeness, your prejudice against certain root vegetables, or your strange preoccupation with spoon-feeding me. I'm never going to obey you. But I'm always going to love you." The — Lisa Kleypas

Preoccupation Quotes By Lewis Thomas

Much of today's public anxiety about science is the apprehension that we may forever be overlooking the whole by an endless, obsessive preoccupation with the parts. — Lewis Thomas

Preoccupation Quotes By Laverne Cox

The preoccupation with transition and with surgery objectifies trans people, and we don't get to really deal with the real lived experiences. — Laverne Cox

Preoccupation Quotes By Gustave Flaubert

Each dream finds at last its form; there is a drink for every thirst, and love for every heart. And there is no better way to spend your life than in the unceasing preoccupation of an idea
of an ideal. — Gustave Flaubert

Preoccupation Quotes By Mokokoma Mokhonoana

Whoever that came up with the idea of people having to have 'a dream' sure knew how to keep these creatures called human beings preoccupied. — Mokokoma Mokhonoana

Preoccupation Quotes By Saul Bellow

She doesn't have any terrific talent for acting, but that's how it appears to go. People don't do what they have a talent for but what the preoccupation leads to. If they're good at auto-repairing they have to sing Don Giovanni; if they can sing they have to be architects; and if they have a gift for architecture they wish to become school superintendents or abstract painters or anything else. Anything! It's a spite. It's having to prove full and ultimate self-sufficiency or some such monster dream that you don't need anyone else to do these things for you. — Saul Bellow

Preoccupation Quotes By Alan Paton

I have always found that actively loving
saves one from a morbid preoccupation
with the shortcomings of society. — Alan Paton