Famous Quotes & Sayings

Post Cold War Quotes & Sayings

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Top Post Cold War Quotes

Post Cold War Quotes By Lawrence Bender

You know, people have actually changed the way they think about nuclear weapons now, post-Cold War, post-9/11. The threat of nuclear weapons is not so much Russia attacking the United States, China. It's not a state-to-state - it's obviously terrorism; it's proliferation. — Lawrence Bender

Post Cold War Quotes By William Shakespeare

Would the cook were o' my mind! — William Shakespeare

Post Cold War Quotes By Louise Mack

If you asked why the post had not come, or why the boat did not sail for England, or why your coffee was cold, or why your boots were not cleaned, or why your window was shut, or why the canary didn't sing,-you would always be sure to be told, c'est la guerre! — Louise Mack

Post Cold War Quotes By Mehmet Murat Ildan

Some people has the ability to see the winter as the spring season! Such positive minds can reach the farthest places! — Mehmet Murat Ildan

Post Cold War Quotes By Tom Hiddleston

The Night Manager doesn't exist in the post-Cold war universe, it exists much more in the modern world, I think. There is more action. The bad guys don't have particularly political or national-political affiliations. — Tom Hiddleston

Post Cold War Quotes By Ivan Krastev

The E.U. cannot act as guardian of the post-Cold War status quo without risking a collapse of Europe's current institutional infrastructure. — Ivan Krastev

Post Cold War Quotes By Edmund Burke

We must soften into a credulity below the milkiness of infancy to think all men virtuous. We must be tainted with a malignity truly diabolical, to believe all the world to be equally wicked and corrupt. — Edmund Burke

Post Cold War Quotes By Mike Jackson

Intervention continues to be a prominent dimension of the post-cold war world. — Mike Jackson

Post Cold War Quotes By Francois De La Rochefoucauld

He that would be a great man must learn to turn every accident to some advantage. — Francois De La Rochefoucauld

Post Cold War Quotes By Jeanne Moreau

I need, absolutely, to be alone. — Jeanne Moreau

Post Cold War Quotes By Amy Harmon

pastors throughout the countryside around Rome had reminded their parishioners that Jesus was a Jew in order to coax them into opening their doors. Catholic guilt was a powerful tool, — Amy Harmon

Post Cold War Quotes By Michel Chossudovsky

Humanity is undergoing, in the post-Cold War era, an economic and social crisis of unprecedented scale leading to the rapid impoverishment of large sectors of the world population. — Michel Chossudovsky

Post Cold War Quotes By Alice Weaver Flaherty

The scientist in me worries that my happiness is nothing more than a symptom of bipolar disease, hypergraphia from a postpartum disorder. The rest of me thinks that artificially splitting off the scientist in me from the writer in me is actually a kind of cultural bipolar disorder, one that too many of us have. The scientist asks how I can call my writing vocation and not addiction. I no longer see why I should have to make that distinction. I am addicted to breathing in the same way. I write because when I don't, it is suffocating. I write because something much larger than myself comes into me that suffuses the page, the world, with meaning. Although I constantly fear that what I am writing teeters at the edge of being false, this force that drives me cannot be anything but real, or nothing will ever be real for me again. — Alice Weaver Flaherty

Post Cold War Quotes By Paul Krugman

[The US] budget is dominated by the retirement programs, Social Security and Medicare - loosely speaking, the post-cold-war federal government is a big pension fund that also happens to have an army. — Paul Krugman

Post Cold War Quotes By Bacevich

The actual legacy of Desert Storm was to plunge the United States more deeply into a sea of difficulties for which military power provided no antidote. Yet in post-Cold War Washington, where global leadership and global power projection had become all but interchangeable terms, senior military officers...were less interested in assessing what those difficulties might portend than in claiming a suitably large part of the action. In the buoyant atmosphere of that moment, confidence in the efficiency of American arms left little room for skepticism and doubt. As a result, senior military leaders left unasked questions of fundamental importance. What if the effect of projecting U.S. military power was not to solve problems, but to exacerbate them? What if expectations of doing more with less proved hollow? What consequences would then ensue? Who wear bear them? — Bacevich

Post Cold War Quotes By John Lanchester

The credit crunch was based on a climate (the post-Cold War victory party of free-market capitalism), a problem (the sub-prime mortgages), a mistake (the mathematical models of risk) and a failure, that of the regulators. — John Lanchester

Post Cold War Quotes By Ivan Krastev

The post-Cold War order in Europe is finished, with Vladimir Putin its executioner. Russia's invasion of Georgia only marked its passing. Russia has emerged as a born-again 19th-century power determined to challenge the intellectual, moral and institutional foundations of the order. — Ivan Krastev

Post Cold War Quotes By Robert D. Kaplan

And so this is where the post Cold War has brought us: to the recognition that the very totalitarism that we fought against in the decades following WWII might, in quite a few circumstances, be preferable to a situation where nobody is in charge. There are things worse than communism, it turned out, and in Iraq we brought them about ourselves. — Robert D. Kaplan

Post Cold War Quotes By Dylan Moran

The East is very mysterious to Westerners. Even post-Cold War, it's still an unknown entity. — Dylan Moran

Post Cold War Quotes By Al Gore

The task of saving the earth's environment must and will become the central organizing principle of the post-Cold War world. — Al Gore

Post Cold War Quotes By Eskinder Nega

Tyranny is increasingly unsustainable in this post-cold-war era. It is doomed to failure. But it must be prodded to exit the stage with a whimper - not the bang that extremists long for. — Eskinder Nega

Post Cold War Quotes By Alex Berenson

I think in some ways what Snowden is, is he's a mix of a cold war spy novel and post-9/11 spy novel. — Alex Berenson

Post Cold War Quotes By Joe Lieberman

When Saddam Hussein's Iraqi forces invaded Kuwait in 1990, I felt America's post-Cold War commitment to national principles and international leadership was on the line. I was dismayed by the wide opposition among my fellow Democrats. To me, their position was wrong. — Joe Lieberman