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Popularly Synonym Quotes & Sayings

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Top Popularly Synonym Quotes

Popularly Synonym Quotes By Steven J. Carroll

Now, he'd loved money for money's sake. He loved the feel of it, not only in his hands, but also in his heart. — Steven J. Carroll

Popularly Synonym Quotes By Anne McCaffrey

A good story is a good story no matter who wrote it. — Anne McCaffrey

Popularly Synonym Quotes By Mary Baker Eddy

The rich in spirit help the poor in one grand brotherhood, all having the same Principle, or Father; and blessed is that man who seeth his brother's need and supplieth it, seeking his own in another's good. — Mary Baker Eddy

Popularly Synonym Quotes By Aubrey Plaza

I am a Netflix/DVR junkie. I don't like to watch TV without a plan. — Aubrey Plaza

Popularly Synonym Quotes By Kristin Cashore

Tess had said that the river was liable to wash the palace and the city and the whole kingdom off the rocks, and then there would finally be peace in the world.
"Peace in the world," Brigan repeated musingly when Fire told him. "I suppose she's right. That would bring peace to the world. But it's not likely to happen, so I suppose we'll have to keep blundering on and making a mess of it."
"Oh," Fire said, "well put. We'll have to pass that on to the governor so he can use it in his speech when they dedicate the new bridge. — Kristin Cashore

Popularly Synonym Quotes By Annie Leibovitz

I went to Yosemite as an homage to Ansel Adams. I could never be Ansel Adams, but to know that's there for us - there's so much for us in this country. — Annie Leibovitz

Popularly Synonym Quotes By Jane Velez-Mitchell

I think everybody who commits a violent killing is in some way crazy. But that doesn't mean we can let them off the hook for that. — Jane Velez-Mitchell

Popularly Synonym Quotes By Phyllis Reynolds Naylor

When you've found the right one - when you see him, when you're with him - you'll feel like you're coming home. — Phyllis Reynolds Naylor

Popularly Synonym Quotes By George Michael

I left school at 17 and was a star by the time I was 18 - in certain parts of the world anyway. — George Michael

Popularly Synonym Quotes By Alicia Buck

I was wallowing in a small, but beautifully decorated pity party, complete with imaginary streamers.... — Alicia Buck

Popularly Synonym Quotes By Samuel Butler

Every man's work, whether it be literature or music or pictures or architecture or anything else, is always a portrait of himself. — Samuel Butler