Famous Quotes & Sayings

Police Academy Famous Quotes & Sayings

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Top Police Academy Famous Quotes

Police Academy Famous Quotes By Princess Margaret

It was while Princess Margaret was attending a high-society party in New York that the hostess asked her politely how the Queen was keeping. "Which one?" she is reported to have replied with her typically razor-sharp wit. "My sister, my mother or my husband? — Princess Margaret

Police Academy Famous Quotes By Craig S. Barnes

God is often silent when we prefer that he speak and he interrupts us when we prefer that he stay silent. His ways are not our ways. To live with the sacred God of creation means that we conduct our lives with a God who does not explain himself to us. It means that we worship a God who is often mysterious - too mysterious to fit our formulas for better living. It means that God is not our best friend our secret lover or our good-luck charm. He is God. — Craig S. Barnes

Police Academy Famous Quotes By Anthony Jeselnik

The best way to break up with a girl is like I'm taking off a band-aid. Slowly and in the shower. — Anthony Jeselnik

Police Academy Famous Quotes By Mason Cooley

Spirituality now wanders from sex to drugs to art to revolution to violence
whatever seems to promise deliverance from the quotidian. — Mason Cooley

Police Academy Famous Quotes By Michael Lewis

If gross miscalculations of a person's value could occur on a baseball field, before a live audience of thirty thousand, and a television audience of millions more, what did that say about the measurement of performance in other lines of work? If professional baseball players could be over-or undervalued, who couldn't? Bad as they may have been, the statistics used to evaluate baseball players were probably far more accurate than anything used to measure the value of people who didn't play baseball for a living. — Michael Lewis

Police Academy Famous Quotes By Bob Corker

If it took multiple debt ceiling hikes, I'd rather achieve the savings. — Bob Corker

Police Academy Famous Quotes By Jim Hightower

It's an essential fight librarians are making, an age-old fight; yours is a battle for civilization. It's a fight for our country's founding values. — Jim Hightower

Police Academy Famous Quotes By Haruki Murakami

The mask possesses equal levels of sorcery and functionality. It has been both handed down from ancient times with darkness and sent back from the future with light. — Haruki Murakami

Police Academy Famous Quotes By Nathaniel Kahn

There are a lot of bad films out there. There's a lot of bad architecture out there, and I think sometimes it takes a lot of time to begin to see what's really good. And I think what the test seems to be is, what really sticks with you. And what really becomes a part of your life. — Nathaniel Kahn

Police Academy Famous Quotes By Alex Morgan

Chance worked lower to the steel bands of his abdomen and went lower still. His soap laden hand clasped his cock as his mind wandered to thoughts of Alyssa. She was the epitome of pain in the ass, but he liked that about her. She was sexy as hell with her attitude that screamed ten foot tall and bullet proof. — Alex Morgan

Police Academy Famous Quotes By Ellen G. White

The name 'Seventh-day Adventist' carries the true features of our faith in front and will convict the inquiring mind. Like an arrow from the Lord's quiver, it will wound the transgressors of God's law, and will lead to repentance toward God, and faith in our Lord Jesus Christ. — Ellen G. White