Famous Quotes & Sayings

Playwright Love Quotes & Sayings

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Top Playwright Love Quotes

Playwright Love Quotes By Sarah Kane

And tell you the worst of me and try to give you the best of me ... — Sarah Kane

Playwright Love Quotes By Tony Kushner

One of the things I love about my job as a playwright or as a screenwriter is that I get to do a lot of research and a lot of thinking and taking a lot of notes before I turn it in. — Tony Kushner

Playwright Love Quotes By Will Self

Always carry a notebook. And I mean always. The short-term memory only retains information for three minutes; unless it is committed to paper you can lose an idea for ever. — Will Self

Playwright Love Quotes By Kate Thompson

If I have one thing on in a week, I find it very difficult to get back to work that week. I need a lot of dreaming time. — Kate Thompson

Playwright Love Quotes By Sakyong Mipham

We suffer because we want life to be different from what it is. We suffer because we try to make pleasurable what is painful, to make solid what is fluid, to make permanent what is always changing. — Sakyong Mipham

Playwright Love Quotes By Kurt Overhardt

On his contract negotiations with the Devils: It's beyond money at this point. They're not even treating him as a member of their family, unless it's a dysfunctional family. — Kurt Overhardt

Playwright Love Quotes By Scott Hahn

The problem of corrupt clergy haunts God's family in every age. Priests who misuse and abuse their authority inflict untold damage upon the people of God. — Scott Hahn

Playwright Love Quotes By Patti LuPone

I love what I do, and I love the audience, and I love the fact that I get to do it, and I love, I love our craft very, very, much, and it's a noble craft. We have a responsibility to it, and to the audience, and to the playwright, and to the message. I won't ever care less. — Patti LuPone

Playwright Love Quotes By Lauren Groff

An actor in a playwright's hide," he said sadly. "I'll never not be vain." "Oh, well. It's you," she said. "You're desperate for the love of strangers. To be seen." "You see me," he said, and he heard the echo with his thoughts a minute before and was pleased. "I do," she said. "Now. — Lauren Groff

Playwright Love Quotes By David Wong

John flung himself into a pseudo-karate stance, one hand poised behind him and one in front, posed like a cartoon cactus. I thought for an odd moment he had moved his limbs so fast they had made that whoosh sound through air but then I realized John was making that sound with his mouth. — David Wong

Playwright Love Quotes By Sangu Mandanna

He can see what move I'm planning to make in chess and counters before I can do it. He always knows who the killer is in a detective story. I think he could make a career out of detecting, but he wants to write plays for theater. Maybe he could be a Shakespeare instead of a Sherlock. He could be anything. Anything he wants to be. — Sangu Mandanna

Playwright Love Quotes By Erwin McManus

God clarifies in the midst of obedience, not beforehand. — Erwin McManus

Playwright Love Quotes By Joe Biden

You should be attacking the carbon emissions, period, and whether it's cap-and-trade or carbon tax or whatever, that's the realm in which we should be playing. — Joe Biden

Playwright Love Quotes By J.C. Patrick

He stares at me, not saying a word. I stare right back, lost in his eyes and determined to get my point across. If he wants to have a staring contest, he'll lose, hands down. I know a good thing when I see it. — J.C. Patrick

Playwright Love Quotes By Suzanne Collins

At a few minutes before four, Peeta turns to me again. "Your favorite colour ... it's green?"
"That's right." Then I think of something to add. "And yours is orange."
"Orange?" He seems unconvinced.
"Not bright orange. But soft. Like the sunset," I say. "At least, that's what you told me once."
"Oh." He closes his eyes briefly, maybe trying to conjure up that sunset, then nods his head. "Thank you."
But more words tumble out. "You're a painter. You're a baker. You like to sleep with the windows open. You never take sugar in your tea. And you always double-knot your shoelaces."
Then I dive into my tent before I do something stupid like cry. — Suzanne Collins

Playwright Love Quotes By Jody Hedlund

Is there ever anything safe about serving the Lord with one's whole heart? — Jody Hedlund

Playwright Love Quotes By James Spann

Billions of dollars of grant money [over $50 billion] are flowing into the pockets of those on the man-made global warming bandwagon. No man-made global warming, the money dries up. This is big money, make no mistake about it. Always follow the money trail and it tells a story. — James Spann

Playwright Love Quotes By Donald Margulies

I love the students - they are remarkable, inspiring people. I would miss teaching if I stopped doing it. The kind of work I do is pretty diverse: I can cast a play while doing a polish of a screenplay, while thinking about a new play and revising another. In other words, the kind of work that I do during my work day is not just writing, yet it is all part of the job of being a playwright. — Donald Margulies

Playwright Love Quotes By Mel Gussow

More than any other contemporary British playwright, Tom Stoppard populates his plays
from Rosencrantz and Guildenstern Are Dead to The Invention of Love (his portrait of the poet and scholar A. E. Housman)
with characters from life and literature. But one cannot always tell the difference between those who are real and those who are imaginary. — Mel Gussow

Playwright Love Quotes By Peggy Noonan

Speeches are more important in politics than talking points, as a rule, and are better remembered. — Peggy Noonan

Playwright Love Quotes By Fidel Castro

If surviving assassination attempts were an Olympic event, I would win the gold medal. — Fidel Castro

Playwright Love Quotes By Ogwo David Emenike

Writers are like tricksters. Their words lure us to embark on journeys and unlock our emotions. — Ogwo David Emenike

Playwright Love Quotes By Adam Rapp

I just love working with actors, and I love working with writers, working with designers. I feel that I am just a storyteller, and whether I am wearing the director hat or the playwright hat, it doesn't matter. And the rooms I tend to be in are pretty democratic, and the best idea wins. — Adam Rapp

Playwright Love Quotes By Ellen McLaughlin

I write in order to understand the images. Being what my agent ... somewhat ruefully calls a language playwright, is problematic because in production, you have to make the language lift off the page. But a good actor can turn it into human speech. I err sometimes toward having such a compound of images that if an actor lands heavily on each one, you never pull through to a larger idea. That's a problem for the audience. But I come to playwriting from the visual world - I used to be a painter. I also really love novels and that use of language. But it's tricky to ask that of the theatre. — Ellen McLaughlin