Famous Quotes & Sayings

Play Pause Rewind Quotes & Sayings

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Top Play Pause Rewind Quotes

Play Pause Rewind Quotes By Hasti Williams

There were times where all we want is to Play the laughter, Pause the memories, Stop the pain and Rewind the happiness. — Hasti Williams

Play Pause Rewind Quotes By Jodi Picoult

Let me tell you what you feel like when you know you are ready to die.
You sleep a lot, and when you wake up the very first thought in your head is that you wish you could go back to bed.
You go entire days without eating, because food is a commodity that keeps you here.
You read the same page a hundred times.
You rewind your life like a videocassette and see the things that make you weep, things that make you pause, but nothing that makes you want to play it forward.
You forget to comb your hair, to shower, to dress.
And then one day, when you make the decision that you have enough energy left in you to do this one, last, monumental thing, there comes a peace. Suddenly you are counting moments as you haven't for months. Suddenly you have a secret that makes you smile, that makes people say you look wonderful, although you feel like a shell-brittle and capable of cracking into a thousand pieces. — Jodi Picoult

Play Pause Rewind Quotes By Anthony Liccione

We can't rewind the past, nor fast-forward the future, so today, all we can do is play, record, pause and keep moving, until something should press the stop button. — Anthony Liccione