Famous Quotes & Sayings

Plato Protagoras Quotes & Sayings

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Top Plato Protagoras Quotes

Plato Protagoras Quotes By Anne Lamott

You can either practice being right or practice being kind. — Anne Lamott

Plato Protagoras Quotes By D.H. Lawrence

It's a curious thing that the mental life seems to flourish with its roots in spite, ineffable and fathomless spite. Always has been so! Look at Socrates, in Plato, and his bunch round him! The sheer spite of it all, just sheer joy in pulling somebody else to bits...Protagoras, or whoever it was! And Alcibiades, and all the other little disciple dogs joining in the fray! I must say it makes one prefer Buddha, quietly sitting under a bo-tree, or Jesus, telling his disciples little Sunday stories, peacefully, and without any mental fireworks. No, there's something wrong with the mental life, radically. It's rooted in spite and envy, envy and spite. Ye shall know the tree by its fruit. — D.H. Lawrence

Plato Protagoras Quotes By Maximus The Confessor

Just as the teaching of the Law and the prophets, being harbingers of the coming advent of the Logos in the flesh, guide our souls to Christ (cf. Gal. 3:24), so the glorified incarnate Logos of God is Himself a harbinger of His spiritual advent, leading our souls forward by His own teachings to receive His divine and manifest advent. He does this ceaselessly, by means of the virtues converting those found worthy from the flesh to the spirit. And He will do it at the end of the age, making manifest what has hitherto been hidden from men. — Maximus The Confessor

Plato Protagoras Quotes By Plato

My opinion is: Truth must be absolute and that you Mr. Protagoras, are absolutely in error. Since this is indeed my opinion, then you must concede that it is true according to your philosophy. — Plato

Plato Protagoras Quotes By Carrie Jones

I used to be embarrassed by my mom, but now I know what she is - she's a hero. — Carrie Jones

Plato Protagoras Quotes By Diana Vreeland

In a Balenciaga you were the only woman in the room - no other woman existed. — Diana Vreeland

Plato Protagoras Quotes By Ben Nicholson

We are pushing hard to find quality advertising clients. — Ben Nicholson

Plato Protagoras Quotes By Robert De Niro

I've never been one of those actors who has touted myself as a fascinating human being. I had to decide early on whether I was to be an actor or a personality. — Robert De Niro

Plato Protagoras Quotes By Plato

Man is the measure of all things: of things which are, that they are, and of things which are not, that they are not. ~ Protagoras — Plato

Plato Protagoras Quotes By Plato

Socrates : Then would he not be conceding that his own opinion is false, if he grants that the opinion of those who think he is in error is true?
Theodorus : Necessarily.
Socrates : But the others do not concede that they are in error, do they?
Theodorus : No, they do not.
Socrates : And he, in turn, according to his writings, grants that this opinion also is true.
Theodorus : Evidently.
Socrates : Then all men, beginning with Protagoras, will dispute - or rather, he will grant, after he once concedes that the opinion of the man who holds the opposite view is true - even Protagoras himself, I say, will concede that neither a dog nor any casual man is a measure of anything whatsoever that he has not learned. Is not that the case?
Theodorus : Yes.
Socrates : Then since the "truth" of Protagoras is disputed by all, it would be true to nobody, neither to anyone else nor to him.
[171b-c] — Plato