Famous Quotes & Sayings

Phunny Godzilla Quotes & Sayings

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Top Phunny Godzilla Quotes

Phunny Godzilla Quotes By John C. Reilly

From the first time I did a movie, people have said, 'Oh, it's all going to change now.' And it would change, but very incrementally. I think I prefer that to some big explosion of fame all of the sudden. — John C. Reilly

Phunny Godzilla Quotes By Philip K. Dick

Objective reality is a synthetic construct, dealing with a hypothetical universalization of a multitude of subjective realities. — Philip K. Dick

Phunny Godzilla Quotes By Alan W. Watts

The heaven and earth afford me no shelter at all; I'm glad, unreal are body and soul. Welcome thy weapon, O warrior of Yuen! Thy trusty steel, That flashes lightning, cuts the wind of Spring, I feel. — Alan W. Watts

Phunny Godzilla Quotes By Edmund Bourne

Humanity is looking for a new story. The one it has embraced since the Renaissance is no longer viable. Despite all of its positive contributions to modern life, three hundred years of scientific-technological development has left our civilization in an untenable position-at odds with its natural environment and ultimately its own deeper, collective, soul. Only a global shift in fundamental perceptions, values, and corresponding actions will allow human-kind to resume an evolutionary pat in alignment with nature and the larger cosmos. — Edmund Bourne

Phunny Godzilla Quotes By Virginia Woolf

Are we so made that we have to take death in small doses daily or we could not go on with the business of living? — Virginia Woolf

Phunny Godzilla Quotes By T. Harv Eker

Remember, your motto is, if they can do it, I can do it! — T. Harv Eker

Phunny Godzilla Quotes By Barbara Kingsolver

I don't look like who I am. — Barbara Kingsolver

Phunny Godzilla Quotes By Minae Mizumura

Those were the good old days when educated Americans read foreign literature in translation, even works written in non-Western languages. — Minae Mizumura

Phunny Godzilla Quotes By Linda Berdoll

Because he has never forgiven himself any fault, he can forgive no one else's. — Linda Berdoll

Phunny Godzilla Quotes By Thomm Quackenbush

His kisses were so hungry and male, which isn't bad. Every kiss said he could never have enough, but he wasn't going to stop trying. They were so hormonal. I wanted his sugar roughness. Girl's kisses are deliberate and polished. When she kisses me - when I kiss her - she doesn't want me. She has me and knows it. — Thomm Quackenbush

Phunny Godzilla Quotes By Porfirio Diaz

It was better that a little blood should be shed that much blood should be saved. The blood that was shed was bad blood; the blood that was saved was good blood. — Porfirio Diaz

Phunny Godzilla Quotes By Quentin Tarantino

I think that's, it's my way of writing, it's my, it's part of you know for lack of a better word, God-given talent that I have that I'm really good at that kind of dialogue. — Quentin Tarantino

Phunny Godzilla Quotes By Mary E. DeMuth

Pain can either thrust me into the arms of Jesus or make me turn my back on Him. Either way, it's a choice. — Mary E. DeMuth

Phunny Godzilla Quotes By Charlie Peacock

If you want to change the world, make something beautiful. — Charlie Peacock

Phunny Godzilla Quotes By Condoleezza Rice

The United States has been very clear that we did have to have some political basis to make clear that that cessation of hostilities was not going to countenance a return to the status quo
ante. This resolution does that. And now we're going to see who is for peace and who isn't. — Condoleezza Rice