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Quotes & Sayings About Phases

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Top Phases Quotes

Phases Quotes By David Berlinski

The definition of a limit is essentially his [Cauchy's] creation and is as much of a miracle as those fantastic Swiss clocks of the period in which hundreds of gleaming cogs are made to celebrate not only the time and date but the phases of the moon. — David Berlinski

Phases Quotes By Charles Eisenstein

We each have unique gifts that draw us toward the work for which those gifts are best suited. Although a healthy, well-rounded person will generally engage the world on multiple levels, being as she is an individual, a friend, a member of a family, a member of a community and a place, an inhabitant of a bioregion, a citizen of a nation, and a member of the tribe of all life on Earth, even a cosmic citizen, it is also true that we go through phases of relative inward and outward focus, action, and quiet, expression and retreat. — Charles Eisenstein

Phases Quotes By Thomsett, Michael

Trends consist of three specific phases. Every trend moves through three phases. The accumulation phase is the period when investors with exceptional information actively buy (in a bullish trend) or sell (in a bearish trend). The public participation phase occurs when, due to price movement caused by activity in the accumulation phase, the general public joins in the trend. Finally, the distribution phase occurs when speculators enter the market and over-buy or over-sell, and at this point the observant investor begins to transact in the opposite direction. — Thomsett, Michael

Phases Quotes By Megan Smith

It's much easier to fail when you're in the pilot, early stage, when it's less expensive and you're exploring than when you're way out the door and you've spent all this money. Industry is smart: structured to have skunkworks and pilot phases. — Megan Smith

Phases Quotes By Jeffrey R. Holland

My beloved brothers and sisters, to those of you who have been blessed by the gospel for many years because you were fortunate enough to find it early, to those of you who have come to the gospel by stages and phases later, and to those of you-members and not yet members-who may still be hanging back, to each of you, one and all, I testify of the renewing power of God's love and the miracle of His grace. His concern is for the faith at which you finally arrive, not the hour of the day in which you got there. — Jeffrey R. Holland

Phases Quotes By Rudolf Steiner

These fourteen phases from full moon to new also have their result, and for the Egyptian consciousness this result was achieved through Isis. These fourteen phases are ruled by Isis. — Rudolf Steiner

Phases Quotes By Nicholson Baker

I wanted to apprentice myself to the dailiness of the war's beginning phase. It's truer and more frightening that way - when you're afloat on a little dingy in the midst of it all. — Nicholson Baker

Phases Quotes By Kenneth Branagh

I think television goes through phases, like other creative arts, where suddenly a group of people are producing exciting work all at once. — Kenneth Branagh

Phases Quotes By Sarah Dessen

Everything in life had its phases, and if you were smart, you learned to appreciate them all.

What really mattered, though, were the people in those moments with you. Memories are what we have and what we keep, and I held mine close. The ones I knew well, like a night on the beach with a boy who would always live in my heart, and the ones yet to come with another. — Sarah Dessen

Phases Quotes By James Clerk Maxwell

The University of Cambridge, in accordance with that law of its evolution, by which, while maintaining the strictest continuity between the successive phases of its history, it adapts itself with more or less promptness to the requirements of the times, has lately instituted a course of Experimental Physics. — James Clerk Maxwell

Phases Quotes By Melanie Klein

The root of creativity is found in the need to repair the good object destroyed during the depressive phase. — Melanie Klein

Phases Quotes By Jimmy Buffett

I know a girl made of memories and phrases, lives her whole life in chapters and phases ... — Jimmy Buffett

Phases Quotes By Elizabeth Gaskell

Nothing had been the same; and this slight, all-pervading instability, had given her greater pain than if all had been too entirely changed for her to recognise it. I begin to understand now what heaven must be-and, oh! the grandeur and repose of the words-"The same yesterday, to-day, and for ever." Everlasting! "From everlasting to everlasting, Thou art God." That sky above me looks as though it could not change, and yet it will. I am so tired-so tired of being whirled on through all these phases of my life, in which nothing abides by me, no creature, no place; it is like the circle in which the victims of earthly passion eddy continually. I am in the mood in which women of another religion take the veil. I seek heavenly steadfastness in earthy monotony. — Elizabeth Gaskell

Phases Quotes By Ed Pinegar

The blessings of having the Holy Ghost in your life are enormous. It will lead, guide, enlighten, show, bless, teach, comfort, testify, witness to, and literally purify you. In your life as a missionary, you cannot succeed in any phase of work without the Holy Ghost. You cannot teach or be directed in the work. — Ed Pinegar

Phases Quotes By Barbara Jean Davis

These two ways to incorporate mindfulness sit well with art therapy: first, by incorporating meditative or contemplative methods to facilitate relaxation and deepen the inward turn for connecting with deeper consciousness in all phases of the art task; second, by introducing cognitive skills to bring clients into the present moment with what they are feeling. Not how (guilt, anger, shame), but what (I feel helpless, unworthy, agitated). Cognitive mindfulness also provides a skillful means for dialoguing with art, where remaining open and image-centered may result in deeper insights. — Barbara Jean Davis

Phases Quotes By Dave Ulrich

Sometimes HR transformations have been definitions. Just because someone does an e-HR system or puts in a new talent system or changes the HR function does not mean an HR transformation has occurred. We identified four phases of HR transformation. Missing any of the four phases would be an incomplete effort. — Dave Ulrich

Phases Quotes By Eric Carr

When I was a kid, I went through a lot of musical phases, and one was when I'd learn everything that The Beatles ever recorded. After I started drums, I fell in love with their music so much that I just wanted to learn everything. — Eric Carr

Phases Quotes By Elizabeth Gaskell

I am so tired - so tired of being of being whirled on through all these phases of my life, in which nothing abides by me, no creature, no place; it is like the circle in which the victims of earthly passion eddy continually. — Elizabeth Gaskell

Phases Quotes By Jessica Livingston

Over the years, I've learned that the first idea you have is irrelevant. It's just a catalyst for you to get started. Then you figure out what's wrong with it and you go through phases of denial, panic, regret. And then you finally have a better idea and the second idea is always the important one. — Jessica Livingston

Phases Quotes By Jonas Armstrong

I'm a clean liver; I'm no thief. Kids go through phases of nicking stuff. I've nicked stuff - most people have - but I haven't nicked anything of significance. — Jonas Armstrong

Phases Quotes By Rebecca West

Christianity must be regarded not as a final revelation but as a phase of revelation. — Rebecca West

Phases Quotes By Kaley Cuoco

I've grown up on TV, and there were some phases that weren't pretty. — Kaley Cuoco

Phases Quotes By J.K. Rowling

Read as much as you possibly can. Nothing will help you as much as reading and you'll go through a phase where you will imitate your favorite writers and that's fine because that's a learning experience too. — J.K. Rowling

Phases Quotes By Willem De Kooning

Maybe in that earlier phase I was painting the woman in me. Art isn't a wholly masculine occupation, you know. — Willem De Kooning

Phases Quotes By Mary Antin

One current of continuity runs underneath all the abortive phases of my life. From childhood on I have been obliged to drop anything I was doing to run after any man who seemed to know a little more than I did about God ... I most want to write about: how a modern woman has sought the face of God-not the name nor the fame but the face [ital] of God-and what adventures came to meet her on this ancient human path. — Mary Antin

Phases Quotes By Jean Baudrillard

Whereas representation attempts
to absorb simulation by interpreting it as a false representation, simulation envelops the whole edifice of representation itself as a simulacrum. Such would be the successive phases of the image:
it is the reflection of a profound reality;
it masks and denatures a profound reality;
it masks the absence of a profound reality;
it has no relation to any reality whatsoever;
it is its own pure simulacrum. — Jean Baudrillard

Phases Quotes By Franklin D. Roosevelt

The democratic aspiration is no mere recent phase in human history. It is human history. — Franklin D. Roosevelt

Phases Quotes By Jeh Johnson

We are very definitely in a new phase in the global terrorist threat where the so-called lone wolf could strike at any moment. — Jeh Johnson

Phases Quotes By Stanislao Cannizzaro

It often happens that the mind of a person who is learning a new science has to pass through all the phases which the science itself has exhibited in its historical evolution. — Stanislao Cannizzaro

Phases Quotes By Jean-Baptiste Dumas

I have seen many phases of life; I have moved in imperial circles, I have been a Minister of State; but if I had to live my life again, I would always remain in my laboratory, for the greatest joy of my life has been to accomplish original scientific work, and, next to that, to lecture to a set of intelligent students. — Jean-Baptiste Dumas

Phases Quotes By Mary Ritter Beard

The interactions of business and culture, one upon the other, form one of the least explored phases of history. For such a study, no city would appear better fixed than Florence, so richly dowered with both economic and spiritual vitality. — Mary Ritter Beard

Phases Quotes By Victor Hugo

The spirit of God, like the sun, always gives all its light at once. The spirit of man resembles the pale moon, which has its phases, its absences and its returns, its lucidity and its spots, its fullness and its disappearance, which borrows all its light from the rays of the sun, and which still dares to intercept them on occasion. — Victor Hugo

Phases Quotes By Pearl S. Buck

Purposeless activity may be a phase of death. — Pearl S. Buck

Phases Quotes By Chip Heath

One of IDEO's designers even sketched out a "project mood chart" that predicts how people will feel at different phases of a project. It's a U-shaped curve with a peak of positive emotion, labeled "hope," at the beginning, and a second peak of positive emotion, labeled "confidence," at the end. In between the two peaks is a negative emotional valley labeled "insight. — Chip Heath

Phases Quotes By Colin Stetson

Never had a ska phase, but I was in a very grunge-like rock band that awkwardly had an alto sax in it. — Colin Stetson

Phases Quotes By Walter Lippmann

What matters is the character of ... stereotypes, and the gullibility with which we employ them. And these in the end depend upon ... our philosophy of life. If in that philosophy we assume that the world is codified according to a code which we possess, we are likely to make our reports of what is going on describe a world run by our code. But if our philosophy tells us that each man is only a small part of the world, that his intelligence catches at best only phases and aspects in a coarse net of ideas, then, when we use our stereotypes, we tend to know that they are only stereotypes, to hold them lightly, to modify them gladly. We tend, also, to realize more and more clearly when our ideas started, where they started, how they came to us, why we accepted them. All useful history is antiseptic in this fashion. It enables us to know what fairy tale, what school book, what tradition, what novel, play, picture, phrase, planted one preconception in this mind, another in that mind. — Walter Lippmann

Phases Quotes By Nick Kroll

I'm sure there are people who say like, "I was wearing weird emo eyeliner," but there's something pretty embarrassing about the jazz phase. — Nick Kroll

Phases Quotes By Marjorie Benton Cooke

Until you learn that an artist cannot afford to scorn any phase of life that is human, you will never do great work. — Marjorie Benton Cooke

Phases Quotes By Sarah Roemer

I go through phases as far as working out goes. I'll do yoga for a few months or then work out at the gym, and then if I'm not doing either, there are things that I usually try and do something active, whether it's trying to jump in the ocean with the surfboard or go hiking. — Sarah Roemer

Phases Quotes By Nancy Woodruff

(Peter) Best to remember that life is lived not just in phases but also in layers. — Nancy Woodruff

Phases Quotes By Jeff Brown

At some point, a wave of repressed emotion broke through my armor, demanding expression and release. As I plumbed the depths of my despair, I shed one layer of pain after another. My inner world was like a series of reservoirs, each holding a different wave of emotional memory behind them. When one reservoir burst, another soon appeared. This phase went on for many months - the first of many essential release phases. — Jeff Brown

Phases Quotes By Charles Eisenstein

the rhythm of the phases of action and stillness has an intelligence of its own. If we tune in, we can hear that rhythm, and the organ of perception is the desire, the nudge of excitement or the feeling of flow, of rightness, of alignment. It is a feeling of being alive. To listen to that feeling and to trust it is a profound revolution indeed. — Charles Eisenstein

Phases Quotes By Adam Michnik

Every revolution, bloody or not, has two phases. The first phase is defined by the struggle for freedom, the second by the struggle for power and revenge on the votaries of the ancien regime. — Adam Michnik

Phases Quotes By James Joyce

Her antiquity in preceding and surviving succeeding tellurian generations: her nocturnal predominance: her satellitic dependence: her luminary reflection: her constancy under all her phases, rising and setting by her appointed times, waxing and waning: the forced invariability of her aspect: her indeterminate response to inaffirmative interrogation: her potency over effluent and refluent waters: her power to enamour, to mortify, to invest with beauty, to render insane, to incite to and aid delinquency: the tranquil inscrutability of her visage: the terribility of her isolated dominant resplendent propinquity: her omens of tempest and of calm: the stimulation of her light, her motion and her presence: the admonition of her craters, her arid seas, her silence: her splendour, when visible: her attraction, when invisible. — James Joyce

Phases Quotes By Charles Frazier

Publishers give you deadlines for those last phases of production that are perfectly comfortable for them. So, to whatever extent I can, I like to push those to give me a little more time, and make it so that they're as uncomfortable as I am. — Charles Frazier

Phases Quotes By Walt Whitman

Sea of stretch'd ground-swells,
Sea breathing broad and convulsive breaths,
Sea of the brine of life and of unshovell'd yet always-ready graves,
Howler and scooper of storms, capricious and dainty sea,
I am integral with you, I too am of one phase and of all phases.
Walt Whitman

Phases Quotes By Mac McClelland

the post-traumatic-stress-disordered often vacillate between phases of symptoms, moving from intrusion - the crying and howling nightmares and other asylum-worthy behaviors - to constriction and back, without predictability or reason. It's one of the many things that undermine their credibility with the outside world: People seem fine for a while, but then they're not fine, or they go from one extreme set of symptoms to an opposite one. — Mac McClelland

Phases Quotes By Thomas Bailey Aldrich

A girl does not treat a possible lover with unvarying simplicity and directness. In all its phases, love is complex; friendship is not. — Thomas Bailey Aldrich

Phases Quotes By Kate Bush

Albums are like diaries. You go through phases, technically and emotionally, and they reflect the state that you're in at the time. — Kate Bush

Phases Quotes By Max Ernst

The artist is a spectator, indifferent or impassioned, at the birth of his work, and observes the phases of its development. — Max Ernst

Phases Quotes By Kaiten Nukariya

Life as observed only from the scientific point of view is bare abstraction; it is not concrete life; nor is life as observed only in the interrelated-will-attitude point of view the whole of life. Both are abstractions. Concrete life includes both phases. — Kaiten Nukariya

Phases Quotes By Mario Van Peebles

My dad always said there's four phases in an actor/director's life. There's 'Mario Who?' There's 'Get me Mario!' 'Get me a young Mario,' and 'Mario Who?' — Mario Van Peebles

Phases Quotes By C.S. Lewis

Bereavement is not the truncation of married love, but one of its regular phases---like the honeymoon. What we want is to live our marriage well and faithfully through that phase too. — C.S. Lewis

Phases Quotes By Northrop Frye

I see a sequence of seven main phases: creation,revolution or exodus (Israel in Egypt), law, wisdom, prophecy, gospel, and apocalypse. — Northrop Frye

Phases Quotes By Paul F. Tompkins

In my late teens, early 20s, when I started stand-up and I was living downtown for the first time, I was deep into my blues and Bukowski phase. And, you know, that's when that's appropriate. And I grew out of it. — Paul F. Tompkins

Phases Quotes By Will Sergeant

You go through these little phases and fads, and it never turns out the way you think it's going to turn out. — Will Sergeant

Phases Quotes By Franz Grillparzer

The art of acting presupposes three phases: understanding a part, intuiting a part, and contemplating the essence of a part. — Franz Grillparzer

Phases Quotes By Max Von Laue

With crystals we are in a situation similar to an attempt to investigate an optical grating merely from the spectra it produces ... But a knowledge of the positions and intensities of the spectra does not suffice for the determination of the structure. The phases with which the diffracted waves vibrate relative to one another enter in an essential way. To determine a crystal structure on the atomic scale, one must know the phase differences between the different interference spots on the photographic plate, and this task may certainly prove to be rather difficult. — Max Von Laue

Phases Quotes By Raphael Lemkin

Genocide has two phases: one, destruction of the national pattern of the oppressed group; the other, the imposition of the national pattern of the oppressor. This imposition, in turn, may be made upon the oppressed population which is allowed to remain or upon the territory alone, after removal of the population and the colonization by the oppressor's own nationals. — Raphael Lemkin

Phases Quotes By Pierre Teilhard De Chardin

Religion and science are the two conjugated faces or phases of one and the same complete act of knowledge - the only one which can embrace the past and future of evolution and so contemplate, measure and fulfil them. — Pierre Teilhard De Chardin

Phases Quotes By Chiang Kai-shek

Government acquisition of food supplies in time of war is no less important than conscription. Equity is the fundamental principle applicable to both these essential phases of war administration. — Chiang Kai-shek

Phases Quotes By Volker Ullrich

Hitler was an avid reader, a passion that stayed with him through all the phases of his career. — Volker Ullrich

Phases Quotes By Adel Al-Jubeir

We expressed our readiness to join the US-led, international coalition against Daesh with special forces. All of this, however, is still in the discussion phase and in the initial planning phase. — Adel Al-Jubeir

Phases Quotes By Kilroy J. Oldster

Self-realization is largely a matter of achieving a person's formative personality definition. People whom lack self-realization oftentimes fail to integrate their desired personality traits into all phases of their life including social life, family life, and work life. In order to achieve satisfaction with oneself, a person must know what they wish for, know how to go about achieving their goals, be capable of recognizing where they now stand, and understand how they must change in order to attain their ultimate visage. — Kilroy J. Oldster

Phases Quotes By Calvin Pryor

I used a lot of what we call the "Shred-mill." It's like a treadmill, but you're basically running up hill and it's getting faster as you go. It definitely helped at the combine because it teaches you drive phases, how to pump your arms and how to use different aspects of your body. — Calvin Pryor

Phases Quotes By William F. Buckley Jr.

The obvious differences apart, Karl Marx was no more a reliable prophet than was the Reverend Jim Jones. Karl Marx was a genius, an uncannily resourceful manipulator of world history who shoved everything he knew, thought, and devised into a Ouija board from whose movements he decocted universal laws. He had his following, during the late phases of the Industrial Revolution. But he was discredited by historical experience longer ago than the Wizard of Oz: and still, great grown people sit around, declare themselves to be Marxists, and make excuses for Gulag and Afghanistan. — William F. Buckley Jr.

Phases Quotes By Claudia Schiffer

I have always worked out, and I've gone through different phases of yoga, but the combination of Pilates three days a week with yoga is incredible. — Claudia Schiffer

Phases Quotes By Ziggy Marley

Judaism, Christianity, Islam, all of these are branches, the root is love and that's where I went. I went straight to the root, I forgot the branches and I went straight to the root so that is how I see it, that is after I said of research and study and going through different phases of mental evolution, mental and consciousness evolution, not just believing in a book, believing in a certain idea, being willing to think for yourself and formulate your own ideas. — Ziggy Marley

Phases Quotes By David Grann

My experience is that when undergoing severe physical labor the mind is not at all active. One thinks of the particular problem in hand or perhaps the mind just wanders not performing coherent thought. As to missing various phases of civilized life, one has no time to miss anything save food or sleep or rest. In short one becomes little more than a rational animal. — David Grann

Phases Quotes By Gene Luen Yang

Superman is such an old character. He's an old character with this huge legacy behind him. And one of the awesome things about the fact that he's been around for these decades is that he's gone through these different phases. — Gene Luen Yang

Phases Quotes By William Osler

A library represents the mind of its collector, his fancies and foibles, his strength and weakness, his prejudices and preferences. Particularly is this the case if, to the character of a collector, he adds - or tries to add - the qualities of a student who wishes to know the books and the lives of the men who wrote them. The friendships of his life, the phases of his growth, the vagaries of his mind, all are represented. — William Osler

Phases Quotes By Charlie Clouser

There's this phase in the middle of the process where there's still the potential that this will be great, but it's not a blank sheet of paper anymore, and that phase is always my favorite part and the part that I tend to want to stretch out and spend as much time in as possible. — Charlie Clouser

Phases Quotes By C.S. Lewis

Humanity does not pass through phases as a train passes through stations: being alive, it has the privilege of always moving yet never leaving anything behind. Whatever we have been, in some sort we are still. — C.S. Lewis

Phases Quotes By Robert Winston

Carbon dioxide is unusual because it doesn't go through the usual three phases of matter, from solid to liquid to gas, but it goes straight from solid to gas. The volume of the gas is much greater than the volume of the solid. When a solid turns into a gas, we say it sublimes. The process is sublimation. — Robert Winston

Phases Quotes By Kristin Gore

I always wanted to be a writer, from being a little kid onwards. My dad and my mum both had phases when that was what they did. — Kristin Gore

Phases Quotes By Natalie Imbruglia

My kitchen bench is covered with vitamins and protein powders. I go through phases when I'm sure I'm taking too many - but I don't get sick often. — Natalie Imbruglia

Phases Quotes By S. Nassir Ghaemi

The American Civil War lays out the stark contrast: the greatest generals in war are often abundant failures during peacetime, and vice versa. McClellan and Sherman are the sharpest contrasts; but there is also Grant the peacetime drunkard, and Stonewall Jackson the barely tolerable military professor. Only Lee stands out as effective in both peace and war (and even he had a mentally unstable father, and himself may have been dysthymic in his general personality). This conflict reflects, I think, the different psychological qualities of leadership needed in different phases of human activity, peace and war being the two extremes. — S. Nassir Ghaemi

Phases Quotes By Ernst Bacon

I would rather instill in my amateur students love, than knowledge, of music. Left with only knowledge, they will at the end close their books and consign the course to forgetfulness. But if they have learned to love but the smallest part of the art, they are likely to pursue some phase of it the rest of their lives. — Ernst Bacon

Phases Quotes By Elizabeth Gilbert

I was just really appalled, and I really kept quiet until I saw the governor [Rick Perry] get on and repeat the same words that the prosecution had used in the penalty phase: that he [Todd Willingham] was a monster. And that got me to get on to the computer and connect with some of the media and say: "I have his letters. He wasn't a monster. He was a caring individual." Let them see another side. — Elizabeth Gilbert

Phases Quotes By Laura C. Schlessinger

So instead of feeling sorry for yourself, realize that your life, just like a developing child's, has phases
and now you're in the mommy phase. — Laura C. Schlessinger

Phases Quotes By Grace Jones

There will always be a replacement coming along very soon - a newer version, a crazier version, a louder version. So if you haven't got a long-term plan, then you are merely a passing phase, the latest trend, yesterday's event. — Grace Jones

Phases Quotes By Anonymous

The key is to break up the deployment into phases. Instead of adding, changing, and removing stuff - such as database columns and tables, constraints, services - all at once, add the new items early, with ways to ensure forward compatibility for the old version of the code. Later, after the release is rolled out, remove stuff that is no longer referenced, and add any new constraints that would have broken the old version. — Anonymous

Phases Quotes By Donovin Darius

Focus on what you're doing. Focus on the phases in front of them. Do everything you can to get the best at that phase and get ready to take the next step when it happens. — Donovin Darius

Phases Quotes By John Slattery

We all went through that teen phase of wearing that really soft fragrance. As I got older, I started loving men's fragrances and cologne. I was so attracted to men's cologne; I would spray it all over me. — John Slattery

Phases Quotes By Marcia Cross

I've had the time to go through all the life phases with my parents, from being a bratty teenager, pushing them away, to saying later on, 'Oh my God, I can't believe what you did for me - thank you. I love you so much.' — Marcia Cross

Phases Quotes By Shane Claiborne

Whenever folks say radical Christianity is "a phase" of youth, I tell them they need to meet our 80-year-old nun or my friend Tony Campolo. — Shane Claiborne

Phases Quotes By Katy Perry

I'm not coming out trying to prove anything to anyone, like, 'Oh, I'm in assless chaps!' or 'I can't be tamed!' I've already been through that phase. I started at 23, you know? — Katy Perry

Phases Quotes By Anatoliy Golitsyn

The Cold War may be 'over' for the West. For the Soviets it has entered a new, active and promising phase. — Anatoliy Golitsyn

Phases Quotes By Amy Neftzger

When I look over my past, I see that the stages in my life are like the phases of the moon. I've had periods where I was the waxing gibbous: fat with wealth and success. There have been other seasons when my happiness was like the waning crescent and I watched my joy fade away slowly, merging with the atmosphere around me as if it never existed. Then I felt as if I was left with nothing more than an illusion, but happiness returns in time and glows once more in corpulent fullness. It's time that makes the difference. — Amy Neftzger

Phases Quotes By Irving Fisher

The public psychology of going into debt for gain passes through several more or less distinct phases: (a) the lure of big prospective dividends or gains in income in the remote future; (b) the hope of selling at a profit, and realizing a capital gain in the immediate future; (c) the vogue of reckless promotions, taking advantage of the habituation of the public to great expectations; (d) the development of downright fraud, imposing on a public which had grown credulous and gullible. — Irving Fisher

Phases Quotes By James A. Chu

Posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) also has dissociative symptoms as an essential feature. PTSD has been classically seen as a biphasic disorder, with persons alternately experiencing phases of intrusion and numbing... [T]he intrusive phase is associated with recurrent and distressing recollections in thoughts or dreams and reliving the events in flashbacks. The avoidant/numbing phase is associated with efforts to avoid thoughts or feelings associated with the trauma, emotional constriction, and social withdrawal. This biphasic pattern is the result of dissociation; traumatic events are distanced and dissociated from usual conscious awareness in the numbing phase, only to return in the intrusive phase. — James A. Chu

Phases Quotes By Margaret Mead

The semimetaphysical problems of the individual and society, of egoism and altruism, of freedom and determinism, either disappear or remain in the form of different phases in the organization of a consciousness that is fundamentally social. — Margaret Mead

Phases Quotes By Thomas Pynchon

Losing faith is a complicated business and takes time. There are no epiphanies, no "moments of truth." It takes much thought and concentration in the later phases, which thenselves come about through an accumulation of small accidents: examples of general injustice, misfortune falling upon the godly, prayers of one's own unanswered. — Thomas Pynchon

Phases Quotes By Steve Ballmer

I loved every minute of my time at Microsoft, but I had always envisioned having another phase of life just because I thought that would be interesting. It had never been my plan to work until I literally didn't want to do anything and then hang it up. — Steve Ballmer

Phases Quotes By Martin Fleischmann

I have had this view of the optimization of the electrode design for a long time. Historically we went through various phases in the work and eventually worked on large sheets - very large sheets - of palladium. — Martin Fleischmann

Phases Quotes By D.W. Winnicott

There is for many a poverty of play and cultural life because, although the person had a place for erudition, there was a relative failure on the part of those who constitute the child's world of persons to introduce cultural elements at the appropriate phases of the person's personality development. — D.W. Winnicott

Phases Quotes By Fred Wilson

My venture investing career has three phases, all roughly 6-8 years long. The first, at Euclid, was software to Internet. The second, at Flatiron, was Internet to bubble. And the third, at USV, has been web 2 to mobile. I have always used a new firm to denote a new investment phase for me. Throw away the old. Start with the new. — Fred Wilson

Phases Quotes By Mamie Gummer

I went through so many phases because I moved schools a lot. I grew up primarily in Connecticut, but also here in L.A. for five years. — Mamie Gummer

Phases Quotes By Desmond Morris

Sexual behavior in our species goes through three characteristic phases: pair formation, precopulatory activity, and copulation, usually but not always in that order. The pair-formation stage, usually referred to as courtship, is remarkably prolonged by animal standards. — Desmond Morris

Phases Quotes By Ron Suskind

A lawyer's empathy for her client deepens when she realizes that she has only seen the last couple of phases of his decline. How hard it must his initial adjustment have been to his loss of freedom? — Ron Suskind