Famous Quotes & Sayings

Petey Piranha Quotes & Sayings

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Top Petey Piranha Quotes

Petey Piranha Quotes By Claude Brown

Despite everything that Harlem did to our generation, I think it gave something to a few. It gave them a strength that couldn't be obtained anywhere else. — Claude Brown

Petey Piranha Quotes By Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe

The clever reader who is capable or reading between these lines what does not stand written in them but is nevertheless implied will be able to form some conception. — Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe

Petey Piranha Quotes By Joyce Rupp

I heard a wise saying once that has helped me: Negative feelings are like stray cats. The more you feed them, the more they hang around. — Joyce Rupp

Petey Piranha Quotes By Dale Carnegie

One of the worst features about worrying is that it destroys our ability to concentrate. When we worry, our minds jump here and there and everywhere, and we lose all power of decision. However, when we force ourselves to face the worst and accept it mentally, we then eliminate all those vague imaginings and put ourselves in a position in which we are able to concentrate on our problem. — Dale Carnegie

Petey Piranha Quotes By Morris Chestnut

I would never want any of my kids to go into this industry; not until they are old enough to understand and if this is something that they really want to do. — Morris Chestnut

Petey Piranha Quotes By Marilyn Manson

I'd like to think that I'd helped people all over the world to question the things they otherwise would have accepted as the truth. I'd also like to think that I'd charmed them a bit with my lovely vocal stylings and the baring of my lovely arse. — Marilyn Manson

Petey Piranha Quotes By Dennis Kucinich

We must work toward the elimination of all nuclear weapons, and an end to policies which cause this country to move toward the weaponization of space. — Dennis Kucinich

Petey Piranha Quotes By Tom Perrotta

Memory has a way of distorting the past, of making certain events seem larger and more significant in retrospect than they ever could have been at the time they occured. — Tom Perrotta

Petey Piranha Quotes By Kelly Oram

He was tall - 6' 3 or so - with haunting green eyes that seemed to smolder despite his lazy smile. His eyes were a great contrast to his thick, shiny, dark hair. And not that I'd ever seen it personally but judging from the way his t-shirt clung to his torso, he had a body that completed the entire handsome package. He was every inch a rock star. He was charming, playful and confident. He was practically irresistible. His only flaw was that he knew it. — Kelly Oram

Petey Piranha Quotes By James O'Barr

Tell them I'm coming, mr. Jones. — James O'Barr

Petey Piranha Quotes By Jackson Browne

They say it can't be won,
The way the game is run.
But if you choose to stay
You wind up playin' anyway. — Jackson Browne

Petey Piranha Quotes By Sydney Proctor

Hey have you noticed-"
"People are staring at us. Yes I have and I have to admit it's a little weird," He finished for me. — Sydney Proctor

Petey Piranha Quotes By John Gibson Paton

As I lay down my pen, let me record my immovable conviction that His is the noblest service in which any human being can spend or be spent; and that, if God gave me back my life to be lived over again, I would without one quiver of hesitation lay it on the altar to Christ, that He might use it as before in similar ministries of love, especially among those who have never yet heard the name of Jesus ... God gave His best, His Son, to me; and I give back my best, my all, to Him. — John Gibson Paton

Petey Piranha Quotes By Deyth Banger

Memories come back... the whole beginng comes out with a new end. — Deyth Banger

Petey Piranha Quotes By Kate Atkinson

She ... applied makeup, enough to have made an effort, not enough to be blatantly a woman ... — Kate Atkinson