Famous Quotes & Sayings

Quotes & Sayings About Penguins And Love

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Top Penguins And Love Quotes

Penguins And Love Quotes By Oliver Markus

Only about 3 percent of animal species are monogamous. A couple of penguins, some otters and a few other oddball critters. To these select few it comes natural to mate for life and never look at another member of the opposite sex. Humans are not part of that little club. Like the other 97% of species, humans are not monogamous by nature. We just pretend that we are. — Oliver Markus

Penguins And Love Quotes By Shia Labeouf

I think penguins are the most human of all the birds, which may be why people love them. They're cute, they stand upright and they look like they're wearing tuxedos. — Shia Labeouf

Penguins And Love Quotes By Jeremy Clarkson

Asking the front wheels of a car to do their normal job of steering while handling more than 170hp is like asking a man to wire a plug while juggling ... penguins ... while making love ... to a beautiful woman while on fire, on stage ... in front of the Queen. It's all going to go wrong. — Jeremy Clarkson

Penguins And Love Quotes By Anatole France

To clothe the penguins is a very serious business. At present when a penguin desires a penguin he knows precisely what he desires and his lust is limited by an exact knowledge of its object. At this moment two or three couples of penguins are making love on the beach. See with what simplicity! No one pays any attention and the actors themselves do not seem to be greatly preoccupied. But when the female penguins are clothed, the male penguin will not form so exact a notion of what it is that attracts him to them. His indeterminate desires will fly out into all sorts of dreams and illusions; in short, father, he will know love and its mad torments. And all the time the female penguins will cast down their eyes and bite their lips, and take on airs as if they kept a treasure under their clothes! . . . what a pity! — Anatole France

Penguins And Love Quotes By Quvenzhane Wallis

I love penguins. — Quvenzhane Wallis

Penguins And Love Quotes By Mark Iacolina

Penguins skate. Penguins spin. Penguins love to make you grin. — Mark Iacolina

Penguins And Love Quotes By Anna Banks

The penguins love Emma. They waddle around, dive in and out of their pool, call out to her. She laughs. "They sound like donkeys!"
"Maybe you can talk to donkeys, too," Dr. Milligan smiles.
Emma nods. "I can. Sometimes Galen can be a jackass. — Anna Banks

Penguins And Love Quotes By Rebekah Crane

I've never been in love, but if a penguin can find a soul mate, I'm sure I can, too. — Rebekah Crane

Penguins And Love Quotes By Bradley Trevor Greive

They (penguins) then fall madly in love and live happily ever after.
And so you ask yourself: "If a penguin can have a worthwhile, stimulating relationship, why the hell can't I?"
Or maybe you ask yourself: "Would I be happier if I started dating a penguin — Bradley Trevor Greive

Penguins And Love Quotes By Niall Horan

I'll always defend the people I love even though I'm as terrifying as a baby penguin. — Niall Horan