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Penalized For Not Having Quotes & Sayings

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Top Penalized For Not Having Quotes

Penalized For Not Having Quotes By Martin Adams

Fred Harrison claimed in his book Ricardo's Law: House Prices and the Great Tax Clawback System that property owners are generally able to clawback their cumulative income tax payments through gains made from land values, while renters are financially penalized by income taxes. Thus, the progressive income tax is a scam by which the poor subsidize the rich. — Martin Adams

Penalized For Not Having Quotes By Daniel Greenberg

In traditional schools, you're penalized for making a mistake. But that won't work in the new information culture, in the digital world we live in today. — Daniel Greenberg

Penalized For Not Having Quotes By Thomas Sowell

Most problems, decisions, and performances are multidimensional, but somehow the results have to be reduced to a few key indicators which are to be institutionally rewarded or penalized ... The need to reduce the indicators to a manageable few is based not only on the need to conserve the time (and sanity) of those who assign rewards and penalties, but also to provide those subject to these incentives with some objective indication of what their performance is expected to be and how it will be judged ... key indicators can never tell the whole story. — Thomas Sowell

Penalized For Not Having Quotes By Jalal Talabani

I shall stand for freedom of thought and expression in a place where it has been trampled and penalized. — Jalal Talabani

Penalized For Not Having Quotes By Jeff Brown

So called 'late-bloomers' get a bad rap. Sometimes the people with the greatest potential often take the longest to find their path because their sensitivity is a double edged sword- it lives at the heart of their brilliance, but it also makes them more susceptible to life's pains. Good thing we aren't being penalized for handing in our purpose late. The soul doesn't know a thing about deadlines. — Jeff Brown

Penalized For Not Having Quotes By Mark Noble

People who renovate and improve homes are penalized by being taxed more for creating value and improving the neighborhood. — Mark Noble

Penalized For Not Having Quotes By Elliot W. Eisner

We have inadvertently designed a system in which being good at what you do as a teacher is not formally rewarded, while being poor at what you do is seldom corrected nor penalized. — Elliot W. Eisner

Penalized For Not Having Quotes By Criss Jami

When a man is penalized for honesty he learns to lie. — Criss Jami

Penalized For Not Having Quotes By Ronald Reagan

As long as there are guns, the individual that wants a gun for a crime is going to have one and going to get it. The only person who's going to be penalized and have difficulty is the law-abiding citizen, who then cannot have [it] if he wants protection
the protection of a weapon in his home. — Ronald Reagan

Penalized For Not Having Quotes By Sady Doyle

Women who have succeeded too well at becoming visible have always been penalized vigilantly and forcefully, and turned into spectacles. — Sady Doyle

Penalized For Not Having Quotes By Randy Moss

I love the game so much. I've been penalized. I've been fined. I have some regrets in my career. But for those four hours on Sunday, you can be free and just let it all go. Retiring had nothing to do with football; it had to do with my family. — Randy Moss

Penalized For Not Having Quotes By Suzy Kassem

The price for standing up for Truth, no matter how severe, will always be less than the price our souls will be penalized for not speaking up for our conscience. There is no greater crime in the universe than silencing your conscience. — Suzy Kassem

Penalized For Not Having Quotes By Antonella Gambotto-Burke

Suicide rates have not slumped under the onslaught of antidepressants, mood-stabilizers, anxiolytic and anti-psychotic drugs; the jump in suicide rates suggests that the opposite is true. In some cases, suicide risk skyrockets once treatment begins (the patient may feel not only penalized for a justifiable reaction, but permanently stigmatized as malfunctioning). Studies show that self-loathing sharply decreases only in the course of cognitive-behavioral treatment. — Antonella Gambotto-Burke

Penalized For Not Having Quotes By Crystal Eastman

No more astounding relic of the subjection of women survives in western civilization than the status of the prostitute ... In connection with what other illegal vice is the seller alone penalized, and not the buyer? — Crystal Eastman

Penalized For Not Having Quotes By Evan Bayh

Across the country military families are facing dire financial circumstances due to longer than expected tours of duties. They are being penalized for their patriotism - no one should have to choose between doing right by their country and doing right by their families. — Evan Bayh

Penalized For Not Having Quotes By Atul Gawande

Culture matters. Of course, if physicians are rewarded or penalized for their service and results, the culture will change. But the key values we doctors are being pressed to embrace are humility, teamwork, and discipline. — Atul Gawande

Penalized For Not Having Quotes By William E. Simon

Achievers must not be penalized or parasites rewarded if we aspire to a healthy, productive, and ethical society. — William E. Simon

Penalized For Not Having Quotes By Margaret Mead

If they learn easily, they are penalized for being bored when they have nothing to do; if they excel in some outstanding way, they are penalized as being conspicuously better than the peer group. The culture tries to make the child with a gift into a one-sided person, to penalize him at every turn, to cause him trouble in making friends and to create conditions conducive to the development of a neurosis. Neither teachers, the parents of other children, nor the child peers will tolerate a Wunderkind. — Margaret Mead

Penalized For Not Having Quotes By Nikki Gemmell

No matter how much Theo achieves and acquires and out-dazzles everyone else, she never seems content. She's taught you that people who shine more lavishly that everyone else seem to be penalized by discontent, as if they're being punished for craving a brighter life. I've been knocked down so many times I can't remember the number plates, she said once. — Nikki Gemmell

Penalized For Not Having Quotes By Gail Collins

One line I'd draw would be on raising the eligibility age for Social Security and Medicare. It sounds fair, since people are living longer. But it isn't. Lower income workers are the ones who find it hardest to keep working after 65. And they'll get penalized with lower benefits. — Gail Collins

Penalized For Not Having Quotes By Kid Rock

I still believe I have a lot of liberal thoughts, but I also believe when you work hard, you shouldn't be penalized and pay more because you work hard. — Kid Rock

Penalized For Not Having Quotes By Scott Lynch

Now, it's undeniably true that male writers (including yours truly) are generally and commercially allowed to write about "girl stuff" without being penalized for doing so. In part this is the same old shit it's always been ... I've said before that men who write mostly about men win prizes for revealing the human condition, while women who write about both men and women are filed away as writing "womens' issues." Likewise, in fantasy, the imprimatur of a dude somehow makes stuff like romance, relationship drama, introspection, and adorable animal companions magically not girly after all.
In a sense, we male fantasists are allowed to be like money launderers for girl cooties."
[Game of Thrones and Invisible Cootie Vectors (blog post, March 30, 2014)] — Scott Lynch

Penalized For Not Having Quotes By Mark Hamill

I debated in high school! If you told things that weren't true or just made things out of whole cloth, you were penalized. It's too bad they don't apply the same standards to presidential candidates as they do to high school students. — Mark Hamill

Penalized For Not Having Quotes By Lindsay Davenport

We get criticized for showing no personality, then we get penalized when we do. — Lindsay Davenport

Penalized For Not Having Quotes By Warren Buffett

We rarely use much debt and, when we do, we attempt to structure it on a long-term fixed rate basis. We will reject interesting opportunities rather than over-leverage our balance sheet. This conservatism has penalized our results but it is the only behavior that leaves us comfortable, considering our fiduciary obligations to policyholders, depositors, lenders and the many equity holders who have committed unusually large portions of their net worth to our care. — Warren Buffett

Penalized For Not Having Quotes By Jerome Bruner

The shrewd guess, the fertile hypothesis, the courageous leap to a tentative conclusion - these are the most valuable coins of the thinker at work. But in most schools guessing is heavily penalized and is associated somehow with laziness. — Jerome Bruner

Penalized For Not Having Quotes By Bob Hope

Drugs are very much a part of professional sports today, but when you think about it, golf is the only sport where the players aren't penalized for being on grass. — Bob Hope

Penalized For Not Having Quotes By Pierre Teilhard De Chardin

Growing old is like being increasingly penalized for a crime you haven't committed. — Pierre Teilhard De Chardin

Penalized For Not Having Quotes By Steve Aylett

Scientists used to do an experiment whereby a dog's repeated reward for performing a task was unaccountably replaced by punishment. The dog, knowing it would be penalized for doing well or doing badly, would become melancholic and inactive. This and other unforeseeable results were funded by taxing up to sixty percent of people's earnings. People became strangely melancholic and inactive
Steve Aylett

Penalized For Not Having Quotes By William Feather

Business demands faith, compels earnestness, requires courage, is honestly selfish, is penalized for mistakes, and is the essence of life. — William Feather