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Quotes & Sayings About Payback

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Top Payback Quotes

Payback Quotes By Robert Kirkman

Mother Fuckers. They're going to feel pretty stupid when they find out.
They're fucking with the wrong people. — Robert Kirkman

Payback Quotes By Darynda Jones

He reminded me of Gerald Roma from grade school, who used to burn ants with a magnifying glass. He was never quite right. It was weird that he spontaneously combusted during finals week our freshman year in college. Payback was a bitch. — Darynda Jones

Payback Quotes By Mel Gibson

Old habits die hard, I guess. If you dont kick them, they kick you. — Mel Gibson

Payback Quotes By Kristen Ashley

Did Raiders have enemies? Oh God! Of course they did! I read the stories. Maybe they weren't romanticized. Maybe the sea was filled with perils. Maybe he'd looted and pillaged and now it was payback time. And he was out there in nothing but breeches! — Kristen Ashley

Payback Quotes By Benjamin Bayani

Karma bides it's time. You will always have to watch out. Karma is unforgiving and always gets payback. — Benjamin Bayani

Payback Quotes By Stephen King

Payback is a bitch, and the bitch is back. — Stephen King

Payback Quotes By Thomas Sowell

Whether as a radical student, a community organizer or a far left politician, Barack Obama's ideology has been based on a vision of the Haves versus the Have Nots ... Obama's ideology is an ideology of envy, resentment, and payback. — Thomas Sowell

Payback Quotes By Ernest Cline

My father looked as if I'd just gutted him, and I felt a pang of regret - but it was mingled with a twisted sense of satisfaction. It felt good to hurt his feelings - it was payback for the way his choices had irrevocably damaged my own. — Ernest Cline

Payback Quotes By Steven Pinker

People do more for their fellows than return favors and punish cheaters. They often perform generous acts without the slightest hope for payback ranging from leaving a tip in a restaurant they will never visit again to throwing themselves on a live grenade to save their brothers in arms. [Robert] Trivers together with the economists Robert Frank and Jack Hirshleifer has pointed out that pure magnanimity can evolve in an environment of people seeking to discriminate fair weather friends from loyal allies. Signs of heartfelt loyalty and generosity serve as guarantors of one s promises reducing a partner s worry that you will default on them. The best way to convince a skeptic that you are trustworthy and generous is to be trustworthy and generous. — Steven Pinker

Payback Quotes By Thomas Pynchon

And what we've been always been is ... ?"
"Is living on borrowed time. Never caring about who's paying for it, who's starving somewhere else all jammed together so we can have cheap food, a house, a yard in the burbs ... planetwide, more every day, the payback keeps gathering. And meantime the only help we get from the media is boo hoo the innocent dead. Boo fuckin hoo. You know what? All the dead are innocent. There's no uninnocent dead."
After a while, "You're not going to explain that, or ... "
"Course not, it's a koan. — Thomas Pynchon

Payback Quotes By S.E. Harmon

God, you smell so fucking good," I managed. "You just have no idea." "Rain," he said warningly. "Just remember that payback is a bitch. A bitch with blue fucking balls." And — S.E. Harmon

Payback Quotes By R.S. Belcher

Where did payback end exactly? Charlie Upton had murdered Jim's Pa. Jim killed Charlie. One day Jim might get shot or hanged for what he did to Charlie and sometone like Mutt or Jon Highfather might seek revenge in his name. How far back did the blood flow? When was it enough? Could anything ever get square? — R.S. Belcher

Payback Quotes By Cassandra Clare

Is this your way of telling me to shut my face?" Jace inquired. "Remember when you mocked me for sneaking around with Magnus and asked me if I'd fallen on my neck?" Alec asked, placing the tip of the stele against his forearm and starting to draw an iratze. "This is payback. — Cassandra Clare

Payback Quotes By Ashley Poston

She's like a Dalek with a blacklist. Absolutely relentless. — Ashley Poston

Payback Quotes By Wendy Davis

I've never worried about payback. People are hungry for leadership that's not afraid of political consequence. — Wendy Davis

Payback Quotes By Walter Isaacson

Alto: She's a pistol and has the strongest will of any kid I've ever met. It's like payback. — Walter Isaacson

Payback Quotes By Rea Lidde

I think the whole idea of keeping a weapon with us is gibberish, like, if we don't have weapon at the first place, nobody's gonna harm anyone, right? Because, we don't have the instrument to do it, and we can't protect themselves from unexpectedly unnecessary payback attack, right? — Rea Lidde

Payback Quotes By Aman Mojadidi

I looked into corruption in Afghanistan through a work called 'Payback' and impersonated a police officer, set up a fake checkpoint on the street in Kabul and stopped cars, but instead of asking them for a bribe, offered them money and apologized on behalf of the Kabul Police Department. — Aman Mojadidi

Payback Quotes By Jon Evans

To succeed in the tech industry, you start businesses, make money, and make smart investments. But to succeed in the tech community, you do and build awesome things, are generous with your time and efforts, and make a point of making space for strangers - without any expectation of payback. — Jon Evans

Payback Quotes By Gary Ponzo

What happened to the perp?" "Perp?" "The piece of crap who tried to kill my wife. Where is he now?" There was a pause, then, "Well, uh, you see, the guy - he's in the parking lot right now." "What's he doing there? Is he being arrested?" "Actually, he's resting. As a matter of fact, he's going to be resting for a really long time." Nick understood the term. "Tommy, by any chance did he stumble upon an open window? — Gary Ponzo

Payback Quotes By Doug Stanhope

The ultimate act of cowardice is the fat-headed wrestling guy sitting behind the frail kid in math class, clipping him on the ear, saying: 'What are you going to do about that, faggot?' That is cowardice. When the bullets start flying past that jock's saucer-shaped ears, that's not cowardice. That's payback. — Doug Stanhope

Payback Quotes By Jeaniene Frost

Three hard, loud bangs, followed by a bellow of "Open this door!" had her jumping in the next second, startled.
"What the hell?" Spade muttered, letting her go to fling the door open with a scowl.
Ian stood on the other side.
"What is wrong with you, banging on like that?" Spade demanded.
Ian cast a wicked look at Spade, who wore only his shirt, and then one at Denise as she hastily closed her robe.
"Paybacks," Ian said succinctly. Then he walked away, whistling. — Jeaniene Frost

Payback Quotes By Gerry Lindgren

Everyone dies whether one is good in their lifetime or evil in their lifetime. So virtue has no payback. Life is meaningless. When you die, you die! — Gerry Lindgren

Payback Quotes By Josh Stern

Never borrow trouble, the payback's a bitch — Josh Stern

Payback Quotes By Abbi Glines

He's gonna end up cursing around Blaire, and you're gonna be sleeping on the couch for a week. Maybe she'll stick your ass under the stairs. I hear payback is a bitch, I told him, referring to how Blaire had slept in a room under Rush's stairs when she first came to town. — Abbi Glines

Payback Quotes By Rick Yancey

I knew it to the bottom of my soul: You're going to die. This wasn't about survival. It was about payback. — Rick Yancey

Payback Quotes By Sophie Jordan

Miguel: We've only gone over 100x! Mika: K - gonna roc!! Billy: Glad ur babysitting, dumbass. U know how 2 shoot, right? Mika: Screw u! Kevin: Cut the crap - stay focused treat us like animals we'll show them animals Mika: Hear that! Miguel: Payback a bitch! — Sophie Jordan

Payback Quotes By Steve Jobs

I think money is a wonderful thing because it enables you to do things. It enables you to invest in ideas that don't have a short-term payback. — Steve Jobs

Payback Quotes By Rush Limbaugh

It's impossible for minorities, impossible for people of color to be ever guilty of hate crimes. Because their only crimes are justified. Their crimes are justifiable. It's retribution and payback for years and decades and maybe even centuries of oppressive behavior at the hands of the white majority. — Rush Limbaugh

Payback Quotes By Joey Ramone

I think it's a nice payback. There aren't many people that kind of give back to artists that were their inspiration. Most people think they're ... they're very self bloated. — Joey Ramone

Payback Quotes By Mary Karr

That bar also delineated the realm of sweat and hourly wage, the working world that college was educating me to leave. Rewards in that realm were few. No one congratulated you for clocking out. Your salary was spare. The Legion served as recompense. So the physical comforts you bouth there - hot boudain sausage and cold beer - had value. You attended the place, by which I mean you not only went there but gave it attention your job didn't deserve. Pool got shot not as metaphor for some corporate battle, but as itself alone. And the spiritual comforts-friendship, for instance - couldn't be confused with payback for something you'd accomplished, for in the Legion everybody punched the same clock, drew the same wage, won the same prize. — Mary Karr

Payback Quotes By Dean Koontz

The hypocrisy of human interaction, wherein selflessness was publicly championed and selfishness privately pursued, both amused and disgusted him. Every act of kindness seemed, to him, to be performed only with an eye to the payback that might one day be extracted from the recipient. — Dean Koontz

Payback Quotes By Douglas Coupland

You will see the effects of dark secrets making themselves known
via their minds and bodies and via the stories your friends ... will begin telling you ... The only payback for all of this
for the conversion of their once-young hearts into tar
will be that you will love your friends more, even though they have made you see the universe as an emptier and scarier place ... — Douglas Coupland

Payback Quotes By Jean-Paul Sartre

It is the good children, Madame, who make the most terrible revolutionaries. They say nothing, they do not hide under the table, they eat only one sweet at a time, but later on, they make Society pay dearly for it! — Jean-Paul Sartre

Payback Quotes By Jason Jones

Justice is blind until she gets the person that blinded her. Then it's payback time. — Jason Jones

Payback Quotes By Shane Snow

PRETEND YOU ARE DRIVING a car in the middle of a thunderstorm and you happen upon three people on the side of the road. One of them is a frail old woman, who looks on the verge of collapse. Another is a friend who once saved your life. The other is the romantic interest of your dreams, and this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to meet him or her. You have only one other seat in the car. Who do you pick up? There's a good reason to choose any of the three. The old woman needs help. The friend deserves your payback. And clearly, a happy future with the man or woman of your dreams will have an enormous long-term impact on your life. So, who should you pick? The old woman, of course. Then, give the car keys to your friend, and stay behind with the romantic interest to wait for the bus! — Shane Snow

Payback Quotes By Bob Rae

Canada's political parties spend a few years in opposition and then govern as if it's permanent payback time. — Bob Rae

Payback Quotes By Orson Scott Card

Besides," said Suriyawong. "This was not a rescue operation."
"What was it, target practice? Chinese skeet?"
"An offer of transportation to an invited guest of the Hegemon," said Suriyawong. "And the loan of a knife."
Achilles held up the bloody thing, dangling it from the point. "Yours?" he asked.
"Unless you want to clean it," said Suriyawong.
Achillese handed it to him. Suriyawong took out his cleaning kit and wiped down the blade, then began to polish it.
"You wanted me to die," said Achilles quietly.
"I expected you to solve your own problems," said Suriyawong. — Orson Scott Card

Payback Quotes By Gayle Forman

Karma's not like a bank. Make a deposit, take a withdrawal. But more and more, I am starting to suspect that all this is payback for something - only not the good kind. — Gayle Forman

Payback Quotes By Iris Johansen

In the end, we all have to decide what we're willing to give up for payback. We all have parents or grandparents or children who will need us. Agonizing decisions sometimes. You have to weigh the memories and debt against what's being taken from you. — Iris Johansen

Payback Quotes By Scott Weiss

Be generous with your time and money - it has an amazingly fast payback. Be in the moment with everyone you love - and this frequently means tuning out work completely. And drive slow in parking lots. — Scott Weiss

Payback Quotes By Jamie McGuire

Your payback? You've made me believe all weekend that you were falling for me!" "I am! I have! Jesus Christ, Camille, how can I get — Jamie McGuire

Payback Quotes By Anonymous

The opening words of the Department of Defense Cyber Strategy pamphlet distributed at the event, reads, "When researchers at the Advanced Research Projects Agency first invented the precursor to the Internet in 1969 ... ." The implicit message in all of this: We helped you. Now, it's payback time. — Anonymous

Payback Quotes By Eric Weiner

We help other people because we can, or because it makes us feel good, not because we're counting on some future payback. There is a word for this; love. — Eric Weiner

Payback Quotes By Thea Harrison

Payback was a beautiful bitch. She was also a good friend of his, and they were just getting started. — Thea Harrison

Payback Quotes By Michael Grant

Who am I? I'm the Breeze, bitch! — Michael Grant

Payback Quotes By Amory Lovins

A package of 35 improvements to typical industrial motor systems can save around 50% of their metered energy ... with a simple payback under 16 months. — Amory Lovins

Payback Quotes By Nassim Nicholas Taleb

It was obvious that their profits were simply cash borrowed from destiny with some random payback time. — Nassim Nicholas Taleb

Payback Quotes By Shannon Stacey

There was, however, a sticky note on the mirror.
Gassy? Payback's a bitch, honey.
She laughed and dropped the note into the bottom drawer with the others she'd collected. They amused her too much to throw away and sometimes she'd pull one out and reread it. But that made her feel like some kind of lovesick teenager, so she closed the door and continued the search. — Shannon Stacey

Payback Quotes By Cat Johnson

Oh, I definitely believe in karma." Donna nodded. "Remember last year when Grace wouldn't let me sing with her at karaoke and then that weirdo with the 'Kill Everyone' tattoo came up and shared the microphone with her? Karma." "You're right. That was the quickest payback I've ever seen." Belinda laughed. — Cat Johnson

Payback Quotes By Charles De Lint

What do they say about meeting a bear in the woods? Oh right, you shouldn't. And to make sure you don't, you should make a lot of noise so that they'll will know where you are and keep their distance because, supposedly, they're as nervous of us as we are of them. Which is all goo, except this bear doesn't seem the least bit nervous. He's giving me a look like I'm Goldilocks, ate his porridge, broke his chair, slept in his bed, and now it's payback time.- Widdershins — Charles De Lint

Payback Quotes By Tiffany Reisz

He was the son of this bitchy book reviewer. Totally blasted my first book. Called all my lovely kinksters 'sick' and 'abusive.' So I got my payback by sickly abusing her youngest all night long."
"And you felt guilty about that?"
"Not the sex. The note I sent Mom the next day."
"You sent his mother a note after you seduced her son? What did it say?"
"It said..." Nora began, and paused for a breath. Not one of her prouder moments. "It said, 'Your son gave me five stars last night. And five fingers.'"
"You're smiling."
"I'm trying so hard to feel bad about it. I swear to God I am. — Tiffany Reisz

Payback Quotes By Shannon L. Alder

Never underestimate the woman that holds God's pen. — Shannon L. Alder

Payback Quotes By Augusten Burroughs

Resentment is anger looking for payback. It's also a high-interest-earning emotion. Each new resentment is added to the ones from before. Long marriages have ended in ruin over tiny and insignificant grievances that were never properly aired and instead grew into a bitter barnacle of hatred. — Augusten Burroughs

Payback Quotes By Khul Waters

Miles just smiled and felt her love flow around his own. Yet inside his love was a rock, and it had the words "payback is sweet" written in large letters on it. He laughed and she looked up at him and saw the hard glint in his eyes. "Uh oh!" was all she said. He laughed again deep in his chest. She kissed him happily. She sucked at his throat. She, as much as he, would enjoy the struggle that would follow.
Part of the joy of their love was this constant battle to top the other. Kate was excellent at beginning these battles and sometimes even won them. Yet her weakness was that she submitted naturally. She knew it and he knew it. From her point of view the skill of the game was in keeping his Dom side distracted enough so she could submit to him before he took her. Miles smiled as he realised that whoever won was largely irrelevant to their love. Yet he liked to win; and so did she. (Journey Into Submission, eXtasy) — Khul Waters

Payback Quotes By Kristen Ashley

Me and Cassie are glad you showed," Deacon Gates said to him.
"You put a pink bow on your dog," Nick replied.
"I didn't," Deacon returned.
"Your woman put a pink bow on your dog," Nick said then turned to look at the man at his side. "And that dog is a German shepherd. It's a wonder every shepherd breeder in North America isn't rushin' this location to put a gun to your head to demand payback for that dog's dignity. — Kristen Ashley

Payback Quotes By Jaimie Roberts

My only desire in the world is to have my revenge against everyone who hurt me, disbelieved me, and made me into the bad guy. After that, I don't know... But, right now, nothing in the world matters but my payback. And I'm going to love every sick, twisted minute of it. — Jaimie Roberts

Payback Quotes By Jack Welch

A company has only so much money and managerial time. Winning leaders invest where the payback is the highest. They cut their losses everywhere else. — Jack Welch

Payback Quotes By J.R. Ward

Qhuinn climaxed on his next swallow, the orgasm shooting out of him before he could think of any kind of boring and unattractive distraction, the pleasure cresting with such power, he sagged in his own skin. Blay's chuckle was erotic as hell. Whatever, payback was going to be a bitch, Qhuinn vowed to himself. — J.R. Ward

Payback Quotes By Anthony Pratt

Accelerated depreciation helps companies bring forward capital-intensive investments by reducing payback time. It's not a hand out. Companies still have to pay the tax, but they simply get to defer it. — Anthony Pratt

Payback Quotes By Tom Fallwell

Payback is inevitable. — Tom Fallwell

Payback Quotes By Michelle Madow

Everyone might think Lizzie's an angel, but I knew better. She was selfish, and she was going to pay. — Michelle Madow

Payback Quotes By Ward Churchill

If the U.S. foreign policy results in massive death and destruction abroad, they cannot feign innocence when some of that destruction is returned. On 9/11/2001, Americans noticed that payback can be a real motherfucker. — Ward Churchill

Payback Quotes By Terry Spear

Guthrie turned to see who his attacker was. And smiled when he caught her eye.
He had the most devilishly wolfish look about him -- a mixture of impending payback with a snowball and something a wee bit more intimate, like a tackle in the snow. But he wouldn't. Not in front of his clansmen. Not when they weren't courting. At least, she hoped not. — Terry Spear

Payback Quotes By J.R. Ward

The stress and sadness of it all had been tough to handle, but there had also been a simmering, irrational resentment on his side. So yes, he had embraced a coping mechanism that he'd known Qhuinn hadn't approved of or liked. It had been a subversive, petty payback for sins the male wasn't actually committing. But — J.R. Ward

Payback Quotes By Michael Bassey Johnson

True respect comes when we fend for ourselves without the aid of anyone, and when we owned something and say, 'this is my own'! Not necessarily as a way of boasting of our abundance and grace, but having a feeling that we can use it without obstruction, or being asked to return the favor. — Michael Bassey Johnson

Payback Quotes By Mohamedou Ould Slahi

Al Qaeda is using our liberal justice system," he continued. I really don't know what liberal justice system he was talking about: the U.S. broke the world record for the number of people it has in prison. Its prison population is over two million, more than any other country in the world, and its rehabilitation programs are a complete failure. The United States is the "democratic" country with the most draconian punishment system; in fact, it is a good example of how draconian punishments do not help in stopping crimes. Europe is by far more just and humane, and the rehab programs there work, so the crime rate in Europe is decisively lower than the U.S. But the American proverb has it, "When the going gets rough, the rough get going." Violence naturally produces violence; the only loan you can make with a guarantee of payback is violence. It might take some time, but you will always get your loan back. — Mohamedou Ould Slahi

Payback Quotes By Jonathan Dunne

Payback takes many forms but from the business-end of a Christmas turkey isn't a form I would've bet on... — Jonathan Dunne

Payback Quotes By Shannon Stacey

Let's see if I can synopsize our situation," he said. "I never give interviews. You want an interview. No, strike that. You need an interview, because the rabid jackal you work for has made it clear your job is on the line. Am I close?"
The sizzle receded to a tingle. "You're in the ballpark."
"I'm not just in the ballpark, babe. I'm Josh Beckett on the mound at Fenway. If I don't give you what you need, you're hiding behind palm trees waiting for drunk pop stars to pop out of their Wonderbras."
And that pretty much killed the last of the lingering tingle. "Payback's a bitch and all that, right, Joe?"
The dimples flashed. "Isn't it? — Shannon Stacey

Payback Quotes By Colson Whitehead

In other words, fiction is payback for those who have wronged you. — Colson Whitehead

Payback Quotes By Ilona Andrews

This is payback, isn't it?" Jim glared at me. "Don't be ridiculous," I told him. "As the Consort of the Pack, I'm far above petty revenge. — Ilona Andrews

Payback Quotes By Kristen Callihan

what about you? What are you doing tonight?"
"Same thing. Going out with my QB."
"Finn Mannus?" I give a little sigh. "He's dreamy."
Okay, I'm still a little irked by Dex's archaic "man code" thing with Gray, and
payback is a bitch.
Predictably, Dex makes a noise of disdain. "Thought you didn't follow football."
"There's a difference between following the sport and following a hot player," I
"Never thought I'd be the jealous type," he drawls. "But I guess I am because I
have the sudden urge to punch the little shit in the face right about now. — Kristen Callihan

Payback Quotes By Craig D. Lounsbrough

Ignorance is not bliss. Rather, ignorance is blistering. — Craig D. Lounsbrough

Payback Quotes By Thomas Pynchon

Do you remember that piece of footage on the local news, just as the first tower comes down, woman runs in off the street into a store, just gets the door closed behind her, and here comes this terrible black billowing, ash, debris, sweeping through the streets, gale force past the window ... that was the moment, Maxi. Not when 'everything changed.' When everything was revealed. No grand Zen illumination, but a rush of blackness and death. Showing us exactly what we've become, what we've been all the time."
"And what we've always been is ... ?"
"Is living on borrowed time. Getting away cheap. Never caring about who's paying for it, who's starving somewhere else all jammed together so we can have cheap food, a house, a yard in the burbs ... planetwide, more every day, the payback keeps gathering. And meantime the only help we get from the media is boo hoo the innocent dead. Boo fuckin hoo. You know what? All the dead are innocent. There's no uninnocent dead. — Thomas Pynchon

Payback Quotes By Jasper Fforde

There's something rotten in the state of Denmark, and Hamlet says ... it's payback time! — Jasper Fforde

Payback Quotes By Toba Beta

In this life, when you deny someone an apology,
you will remember it at time you beg forgiveness. — Toba Beta

Payback Quotes By J. Cole

Far from the richest rapper, but my biggest personal achievement thus far in my life has been retiring my mom early from her job at the Post Office. It's a tiny payback for the sacrifices she made that allowed me to chase a far-fetched dream of becoming a successful artist. I'm forever grateful, — J. Cole

Payback Quotes By Buzz Aldrin

Mars could very well be a staging location for the resources of the asteroid belt. We have to learn how to get a payback somewhere, but it's beyond Mars that the real payoff will come from minerals. — Buzz Aldrin

Payback Quotes By Anne Goodwin

I write to tame and organise the thoughts that bubble in my head. I write for the part of me that's inconsolable and don't have the hands or the talent for painting, pottery or the piano. I write because it's proven more effective than screaming to communicate my personal truths. I write because publication provides the perfect payback for a painful childhood and because I'm addicted to alliteration, a glutton for grammar and ruled by the rule of three. I continue writing to discover where my imagination will take me; because if I stopped, I'd no longer be me. — Anne Goodwin

Payback Quotes By Jen Lancaster

The second prong in my revised Trinity is IKEA, the Swedish home store monolith. If you're unfamiliar, they carry every single thing you could possibly ever need to fill your home and garden at low, low prices, but in obscure Swedish sizes so those items won't coordinate with anything else you own, like, say, if you want to put a regular Target lamp shade on your IKEA lamp. Fletch thinks it's Sweden's master plan to make Americans so busy trying to construct furniture with Allen wrenches that we don't notice they've invaded us. (Personally, I think it's payback; the Swedes are pissed that we aren't buying ABBA albums anymore.) — Jen Lancaster

Payback Quotes By Justin Miller

I'm thinking in my head I'd like to have five minutes alone with this guy to get some payback. But you got to keep a level head. You just got to get to the house, search, find anything you can to put these guys away and bring some justice and get some revenge for our brothers who were lost. — Justin Miller

Payback Quotes By Sarina Bowen

my lips, I bend down and swipe my tongue over the little slit at his tip. He teased me before, and now it's time for some payback. I'm going to worship every inch of Jamie Canning's cock. I'm going to torment him with my tongue until he can't remember a time when my mouth wasn't on his dick bringing him pleasure. I'm going to - Jamie comes the second I wrap my lips around him. Yup, he fucking comes, and I don't know whether to laugh or groan as he starts to shake with release. In the end I do neither - I suck him all the way down to the base, drawing a strangled cry from his lips as I swallow the salty drops that shoot down my throat. — Sarina Bowen

Payback Quotes By Jill Barnett

It seemed that unbeknownst to her father, the lecherous bishop had chased Clio for the entire previous week and had foolishly cornered her on the staircase, where he stole a kiss and squeezed her small breasts. So when it came time to doctor him, she had smiled sweetly and stitched up his wound in the shape of three sixes, the sign of the devil. — Jill Barnett

Payback Quotes By J.L. Weil

Chase and Travis were in for some hardcore payback. Bitch style. - Angel — J.L. Weil

Payback Quotes By Taurean Green

We don't see it as revenge or payback. This year's team is a different team. — Taurean Green

Payback Quotes By Richelle E. Goodrich

We are all guilty of sin, error, and moments of sheer stupidity; none of us should be casting stones. The occasional arced pebble might be overlooked. — Richelle E. Goodrich

Payback Quotes By Kami Garcia

What can I say? Payback's a bitch. But here's the thing: So am I. — Kami Garcia

Payback Quotes By Linda Howard

Payback was always hell, wasn't it? — Linda Howard

Payback Quotes By Carol Goodman

Little Red Riding Hood got what she deserved. You don't go walking in the woods alone if you want to avoid wolves."
I was about to say something in response, but Nicky Ballard did it for me. "You could say that about the wolf, too. If you go around attacking defenseless girls, you can expect payback. — Carol Goodman

Payback Quotes By Andrea Jung

When a woman earns a dollar, the payback is higher. She'll invest in her children, in their education, health care, and basic needs. The impact of a woman's role in the economy benefits society at large. — Andrea Jung

Payback Quotes By William Shakespeare

Come, lady, come; you have lost the heart of Signior Benedick.
Indeed, my lord, he lent it me awhile; and I gave him use for it, a double heart for his single one: marry, once before he won it of me with false dice, therefore your grace may well say I have lost it.
You have put him down, lady, you have put him down.
So I would not he should do me, my lord, lest I should prove the mother of fools. — William Shakespeare

Payback Quotes By C.R. Strahan

If you want to pay me back one day, that's up to you. I'm not asking for it, and I never will. The best way you can pay me back is by becoming the person you want to be. — C.R. Strahan

Payback Quotes By Laurell K. Hamilton

Turnabout is fair play. Payback is a bitch. — Laurell K. Hamilton

Payback Quotes By Simone Elkeles

I catch sight of Luis with one of my bandannas on his head and my gut tightens. I yank it off him. "Don't ever touch this, Luis."
"Why not?" he asks, his deep brown eyes all innocent.
To Luis, it's a bandanna. To me, it's a symbol of what is and will never be. How the hell am I supposed to explain it to an eleven-year-old kid? He knows what I am. It's no secret the bandanna has the Latino Blood colors on it. Payback and revenge got me in and now there's no way out. But I'll die before I let one of my brothers get sucked in.
I ball the bandanna in my fist. "Luis, don't touch my shit. Especially my Blood stuff."
"I like red and black."
That's the last thing I need to hear. "If I ever catch you wearin' it again, you'll be sportin' black and blue," I tell him. "Got it, little brother?"
He shrugs. "Yeah. I got it. — Simone Elkeles

Payback Quotes By S.E. Jakes

Prophet finally breathed when the forceps came off - how long he'd been holding it, he had no idea, but fuck, everything was reduced to the feeling of the piercing, the burning throb in his nipple, and that made it hard to focus on anything else. A long moment later, the ring was locked firmly in place, and Tommy was sinking to his knees in front of him, unzipping his pants and taking his hard cock down his throat. Prophet shot immediately - and Tom had to know that would happen. Prophet knew he'd no doubt have come as he was being pierced . . . if he'd had Tom sucking him while Ray did the piercing. But that was interesting as a fantasy only. Because this wasn't about sharing. Or payback. This was Tom showing him that he understood. That, no matter what, no matter how pissed they got, how much they fucked up . . . Prophet was his. Which was Tom's way of assuring that he wasn't going anywhere. — S.E. Jakes

Payback Quotes By Rabih Alameddine

My features have blunted with the passage of time, my reflection only faintly resembles how I see myself. Gravity demands payback for the years my body has resisted it. — Rabih Alameddine

Payback Quotes By Rick Danko

My first payback to society in life, was The Dolphin Project. — Rick Danko

Payback Quotes By Nora Roberts

He can't face you on an adult level, so he comes along and fucks up your truck. Classic payback method for the tiny-dick type. — Nora Roberts

Payback Quotes By CLAMP

Fai: *punches Kurogane* That was payback, Kuro-sama!
Kurogane: *grins* You're gonna get punched out, you creep! — CLAMP

Payback Quotes By Liam Payne

I had a few dating disasters along the way with girls cheating on me. One girl was the inspiration for me singing 'Cry Me A River' on 'The X Factor.' That was my payback to her because she was unfaithful. — Liam Payne