Famous Quotes & Sayings

Passion Of Photography Quotes & Sayings

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Top Passion Of Photography Quotes

Passion Of Photography Quotes By Joe McNally

We make pictures. At the end of the day, we create something potentially significant that did not exist at the beginning of the day. We go forward, despite the uncertainty. Because this is an act of love and passion, which defies reason and prudence. — Joe McNally

Passion Of Photography Quotes By Alex Webb

Photograph because you love doing it, because you absolutely have to do it, because the chief reward is going to be the process of doing it. Other rewards - recognition, financial remuneration - come to so few and are so fleeting ... Take photography on as a passion, not a career. — Alex Webb

Passion Of Photography Quotes By Lailah Gifty Akita

Every traveler should make their own observation. — Lailah Gifty Akita

Passion Of Photography Quotes By Nikki Sixx

Photography is an individual passion of mine. I don't get paid to do it, although people offer me money. I do it because I love it, and if there's no money attached, I don't have to do anything. It's my weekend away, my vacation, whether it's an hour or five hours or editing photos on my laptop in the middle of the night. It gives me relief from all the other stuff. — Nikki Sixx

Passion Of Photography Quotes By Man Ray

I believe in the relation between photography and music; And thats my inspiration. — Man Ray

Passion Of Photography Quotes By Jackie Collins

I've never been on safari because I've got a phobia of bugs. I just don't want things crawling on me when I'm sleeping. It's a shame given my passion for big cats. But I really enjoy photography, so I'd love to photograph leopards in the wild some day. — Jackie Collins

Passion Of Photography Quotes By Ilyass Azaryouh

Photography is a Passion Not a Hobby! — Ilyass Azaryouh

Passion Of Photography Quotes By Blaise Cendrars

Do not forget that when the heart petrifies there is no progress. All science must be like a fruit, so ordered that it may hang from a tree of the flesh & ripen in the sunlight of passion. Histology, photography, electric bells, telescopes, birds, amperes, smoothing irons, etc. -this is only good for bouncing off the arse of humanity. — Blaise Cendrars

Passion Of Photography Quotes By Scott Bourne

You see, i f you have t rue photographic vision, you have clar i ty and i f you have
clarity, you don't need to explain or defend your images.
Clar i ty is about what emot ions or feel ings the image is t rying to evoke, not the fact s
behind the image.
Photographic clar i ty is about passion of purpose. I t 's about a single-minded desi re
to protect a memory. I t 's about story tel l ing wi th a camera that 's so power ful , no
words are necessary. — Scott Bourne

Passion Of Photography Quotes By David DuChemin

It's the difference between your wife's passport photograph and the portraits you took when you got
engaged. Both may have been created with similar technology, but what stands in that great gulf between them are the passion you have for your wife, the knowledge you have of her personality, and your willingness to use your craft, time, and energy to express that. One says, "She looks like this." The other says, "This is who she is to me. It's how I feel about her. See how amazing she is? — David DuChemin

Passion Of Photography Quotes By Angela Cartwright

Photography has been a passion of mine since I was 15. After my kids were born I found myself incorporating my photography into different art endeavors and from there it just blossomed. — Angela Cartwright

Passion Of Photography Quotes By Marc Riboud

Rather than a profession, photography has always been a passion for me, a passion closer to an obsession. — Marc Riboud

Passion Of Photography Quotes By Kevin Systrom

I've always had a passion for technology, photography, startups, and connecting people. Bringing those aspects together made me successful. — Kevin Systrom

Passion Of Photography Quotes By Alfred Stieglitz

Photography is my passion. — Alfred Stieglitz

Passion Of Photography Quotes By E. M. Forster

Even a fellow with a camera has his favourite subjects, as we can see looking through the Kodak-albums of our friends. One amateur prefers the family group, another bathing scenes, another cows upon an alp, or kittens held upside down in the arms of a black-faced child. The tendency to choose one subject rather than another indicates the photographer's temperament. Nevertheless, his passion is for photography rather than for selection, a kitten will serve when no cows are available ... — E. M. Forster

Passion Of Photography Quotes By Ben Tolosa

We are all photographers, that's how we remember things; with pictures in our minds. Some of us have good taste and passion to make it an art form and just a few warriors who know the technicalities and marketing make a living out of it. — Ben Tolosa

Passion Of Photography Quotes By Russell James

I could ramble on forever, I just love photography. It's my passion, it drives my family crazy. I live it and breathe it. — Russell James

Passion Of Photography Quotes By Ren Ng

Photography has always been a passion of mine, but I began to study light field photography when I was in the Ph.D. program at Stanford University. — Ren Ng

Passion Of Photography Quotes By Alfred Stieglitz

I was born in Hoboken. I am an American. Photography is my passion. The search for Truth my obsession. — Alfred Stieglitz

Passion Of Photography Quotes By Karen Rodwill Solomon

Some people are lucky enough to find their passion and spend their life pursuing it. Whether it is photography, accounting, sports, or law enforcement, they immerse themselves in the occupation that suits them. They refine their craft and look forward to a lifetime of going to the office knowing they love what they do and there are no regrets. When a life is irreversibly altered in a way that prohibits a person from continuing along their beloved path, they may feel depressed, angry, or like the shell of the person they once were. When the life is intentionally altered by someone else, the person can be left in a purgatory of sorts, hoping in a child-like fashion that things may somehow reverse themselves and they can return to the profession they loved so much. Mario is the epitome of a man whose dream was stolen, and he hasn't quite found a way to accept or believe it. — Karen Rodwill Solomon

Passion Of Photography Quotes By David Hurn

The fundamental issue is one of emphasis: you are not a photographer because you are interested in photography ... The reason is that photography is only a tool, a vehicle, for expressing or transmitting a passion in something else. It is not the end result. — David Hurn

Passion Of Photography Quotes By Mark Denman

When the world asks "what was it like?" Only the photographer can say "See! — Mark Denman

Passion Of Photography Quotes By Italo Calvino

You only have to start saying of something : 'Ah, how beautiful ! We must photograph it !' and you are already close to the view of the person who thinks that everything that is not photographed is lost, as if it never existed, and therefore in order to really live you must photograph as much as you can, and to photograph as much as you can you must either live in the most photographable way possible, or else consider photographable every moment of your life. — Italo Calvino

Passion Of Photography Quotes By Namie Richards

Most of the views are visible to everyone but only those who had passion can see it beyond. — Namie Richards

Passion Of Photography Quotes By David Doubilet

My passion is to open people's eyes to the sea using the power of photography as a universal language to convince the unconvinced among us that the oceans are fragile and finite. — David Doubilet

Passion Of Photography Quotes By Leonard Nimoy

Prayer Against the Darkness
Pray for us now
bound with scripture
and shielded with shawl
Armed with passion
and loving care
Pray for us now
against suffering, turmoil, and injustice
Pray for us now
against the chaos of the dark. — Leonard Nimoy

Passion Of Photography Quotes By Amazon

A self-help story about a man who overcomes circumstance by reminiscing over his own life's lessons. Inspired, he sets out at night on the gritty streets of New York City to capture the beauty of life thru his passion for photography. — Amazon

Passion Of Photography Quotes By Mehmet Murat Ildan

When you take pictures of nature with passion, nature poses for you more passionately! — Mehmet Murat Ildan

Passion Of Photography Quotes By Lindsey Kelk

Why you like photography so much? Because it's just the camera and me showing everyone else what we can see. It's telling stories. — Lindsey Kelk

Passion Of Photography Quotes By Mark Denman

The photographer does the world a great disservice when he leaves his camera at home. — Mark Denman