Famous Quotes & Sayings

Paper Pushing Quotes & Sayings

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Top Paper Pushing Quotes

Paper Pushing Quotes By Elvis Presley

I'm with a crowd but oh so alone. — Elvis Presley

Paper Pushing Quotes By Charlie N. Holmberg

Then forgive yourself!" she shouted, pushing herself back up. She pressed her palm against the wall for support. "Everyone has a dark side! But it's their choice whether or not they cultivate it. Don't you understand? Lira's exploited hers, but not you. Not you, Emery Thane. — Charlie N. Holmberg

Paper Pushing Quotes By Jose Ortega Y Gasset

Why write if this too easy activity of pushing a pen across paper is not given a certain bullfighting risk and we do not approach dangerous, agile and two-horned topics? — Jose Ortega Y Gasset

Paper Pushing Quotes By Bill Blass

Something about glamour interested me. All my schoolbooks had drawings of women on terraces with a cocktail and a cigarette. — Bill Blass

Paper Pushing Quotes By Rexford Tugwell

To the extent that these [New Deal policies] developed,
they were tortured interpretations of a document
[the Constitution] intended to prevent them. — Rexford Tugwell

Paper Pushing Quotes By D. Nichole King

Just because it's not easy, doesn't mean it's not worth it. — D. Nichole King

Paper Pushing Quotes By Ann Druyan

Even if it's very late at night. Someone's always awake in the world. But of all those things you could think up for people to be doing, I think going hungry would have to be your safest bet. Going hungry, pushing each other around, leaving bombs, breaking promises, leaving nothing. It happens far away all the time. But sometimes near. We're almost two kinds of people. Some of us see it on the evening news or read about it in the morning paper. And some of us get hurt. But, you know we all get hurt. Because even if you live in a very nice house like I do, sooner or later the lies and the fires have got to burn you. — Ann Druyan

Paper Pushing Quotes By Alastair Campbell

The media are obsessed with spin doctors and with portraying them as a bad thing, yet seem addicted to our medicine. — Alastair Campbell

Paper Pushing Quotes By Charlie N. Holmberg

I have a distinct feeling I've missed something rather spectacular," he said. His voice was a little rough, and he cleared it before adding, "That, and I'm incredibly hungry."
"Oh!" Ceony said, pushing past Fennel to the bread box. "I can make you something. Sit down. Do you like cucumbers? But of course you do . . . They're your cucumbers."
He quirked an eyebrow, but his eyes still grinned, and the sentiment even reflected in the tilt of his lips. "I believe I'm well enough to make my own sandwich, Ceony. — Charlie N. Holmberg

Paper Pushing Quotes By Katherine Applegate

All day, I watch humans scurry from store to store. They pass their green paper, dry as old leaves and smelling of a thousand hands, back and forth and back again.
They hunt frantically, stalking, pushing, grumbling. Then they leave, clutching bags filled with things - bright things, soft things, big things - but no matter how full the bags, they always come back for more.
Humans are clever indeed. They spin pink clouds you can eat. They build domains with flat waterfalls.
But they are lousy hunters. — Katherine Applegate

Paper Pushing Quotes By Mike Cernovich

Imagine a computer. The monitor, keyboard, and processor are the hardware. Without any software to run it, your computer would be worthless. Your body is your hardware and your mindset is your operating system. It gives you access to the power of the hardware, and determines what software you can run. It lets you get the most out of your computer, allowing you to balance your checkbook and even create 3-D designs. Your mindset determines how you perceive and interact with the world. — Mike Cernovich

Paper Pushing Quotes By Margaret Atwood

Why do authors wish to pretend they don't exist? It's a way of skinning out, of avoiding truth and consequences. They'd like to deny the crime, although their fingerprints are allover the martini glasses, not to mention the hacksaw blade and the victim's neck. Amnesia, they plead. Epilepsy. Sugar overdose. Demonic possession. How convenient to have an authorial twin, living in your body, looking out through your eyes, pushing pen down on paper or key down on keyboard, while you do what? File your nails? ... A projection, a mass hallucination, a neurological disorder - call her what you will, but don't confuse her with me. — Margaret Atwood

Paper Pushing Quotes By Azar Nafisi

The world is full of angry, pathological individuals pushing pieces of paper with obscene messages under doors. — Azar Nafisi

Paper Pushing Quotes By Joseph Joubert

Who ever has no fixed opinions has no constant feelings. — Joseph Joubert

Paper Pushing Quotes By Gautama Buddha

If the traveller can find A virtuous and wise companion Let him go with him joyfully And overcome the dangers of the way. But if you cannot find Friend or master to go with you, Travel on alone. — Gautama Buddha

Paper Pushing Quotes By Kameron Hurley

We finally got around to processing the Queen's request to reinstate your bel dame status," Fatima said.
"What, twelve years later?"
"Bel dames are not known for the efficiency of their paper pushing. — Kameron Hurley

Paper Pushing Quotes By Andy Pettitte

I'm not a negative-minded person. But maybe to keep me humble, I look more at my bad games in big situations than good ones. — Andy Pettitte

Paper Pushing Quotes By Han Suyin

History, the winnowing wind, never halts. We see the chaff rise, forget the waiting grain, seed of the future, fallen to the threshing floor. We never learn, but live on, slit-narrow, as if our living were a pencil line traced upon paper, behaving as trapped denizens of a flat world hemmed in by the bigoted horizon of our own making. Yet the meaning of living is a pushing back, a pulling down of the great walls and domes of fear and ignorance, is relinquishing the nest for the sky, ignorance for understanding. The look back is also a look forward. — Han Suyin

Paper Pushing Quotes By Bryan Adams

I've only ever trusted my gut on everything. I don't trust my head, I don't trust my heart, I trust my gut. — Bryan Adams

Paper Pushing Quotes By Shayne Leighton

The occult town was vibrant, busy with fiddles playing themselves on street corners, and enchanted paper lanterns hanging mysteriously string-less in the dead of night. Lycanthropes chattered with each other in alleyways between the hotels and inns. Fairies stalked in the shadows, preying on unfortunate cats and mice. Hearty Elves with round bellies and rosy smiles worked late into the night, pushing their wooden carts filled with baked goods and meats. — Shayne Leighton

Paper Pushing Quotes By Katherine Applegate

They pass their green paper, dry as old leaves and smelling of a thousand hands, back and forth and back again. They hunt frantically, stalking, pushing, grumbling. Then they leave, clutching bags filled with things - bright things, soft things, big things - but no matter how full the bags, they always come back for more. — Katherine Applegate

Paper Pushing Quotes By Howard Dean

When you - when you - and this is still going on today - are making your money by pushing paper around, when you should be making your money by investing venture capital in various job-creating things, that makes it much harder to recover. — Howard Dean

Paper Pushing Quotes By Katharine Graham

One doesn't soon forget the natural beauty of Washington, although those of us who live here do sometimes take it for granted. — Katharine Graham

Paper Pushing Quotes By Max H. Bazerman

Consider the recent financial crisis and its link to faulty reward systems. President Bill Clinton's objective of increasing homeownership by rewarding potential home buyers and lenders is one example. The Clinton administration "went to ridiculous lengths" to increase homeownership in the United State, promoting "paper-thin down payments" and pushing lenders to give mortgage loans to unqualified buyers according to Business Week editor Peter Coy. — Max H. Bazerman

Paper Pushing Quotes By Vivian Fuchs

If you actually look like your passport photo, you aren't well enough to travel. — Vivian Fuchs

Paper Pushing Quotes By Eddie Murphy

I am a man who has never tied his own shoes before! — Eddie Murphy

Paper Pushing Quotes By John Sandford

LUCAS LOOKED AT HIS WATCH: getting late. He walked down the hall, saw Shrake on the phone at his desk, went that way. Shrake saw him coming, held up a finger, said, "Uh-huh. Uh-huh. Well, send me the paper. Okay. I gotta go." He hung up and said, "You're quivering." "You got some time?" "Ah . . . no. Not if you want me to keep pushing the Jackson thing," Shrake said. "All right. Where's Jenkins?" Lucas asked. "He's getting his oil changed," Shrake said. "He's . . ." "No, no, not that," Shrake said. "He was going down to a Rapid Oil Change, getting the oil changed in his car. — John Sandford

Paper Pushing Quotes By Baron De Montesquieu

The coffee is prepared in such a way that it makes those who drink it witty: at least there is not a single soul who, on quitting the house, does not believe himself four times wittier that when he entered it. — Baron De Montesquieu