Quotes & Sayings About Others Hurting You
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Top Others Hurting You Quotes

I want you to always hold your head up and follow your dreams wherever they take you. Don't you ever listen to the people out to hurt you or make you cry. Listen to your heart and be better than them. No one gets ahead by hurting others. The only real peace anyone will ever have is the one that comes from within. Live your life on your own terms and make it a happy life. Always. That's what's important, Torimou. (Theo) — Sherrilyn Kenyon

Refuse to let your love grow cold. Stir up love in your life - towards your spouse and towards your family, friends, neighbours, co-workers. Reach out to others who are hurting and in need. Pray for people and bless them. Grow to the point that one of your first thoughts each morning in your heart is about how you can bless someone else that day. — Joyce Meyer

That is the way convince people. Or change them and prevent them from hurting whether themselves and others. Art is the most effective form of communication.
You can use it to lift the human spirit and make them understand that there is more to life than their next drug use. — Jennifer Echols

How ignorant can you be to hurt another person? You cannot hurt someone else without hurting yourself first. — Debasish Mridha

Of all the crap we carry around self-pity is probably the easiest one to let go.
You do not have the right to make your misery everyone else's problem. You do not have license to go out into the world and be an asshole. You do not have the right to hurt others because you are hurting inside.
Get over yourself. — Max Patrick

I heard that someone asked Mother Teresa what was most important in her work. I thought she'd say the Rosary but she said, 'My nuns and I take very good care of ourselves so we can tend to the lepers and do whatever we need to assist.' If you're strong, or at least not hurting, you can inspire others. — Valerie Harper

If someone hurts you, he is hurting himself. He may not be able to escape that hurt in his lifetime. — Debasish Mridha

If someone chooses not to forgive others, they are actually hurting themselves. The only way to free yourself from that is to forgive others so you can be free from your past. — Abdulazeez Henry Musa

You can't do much in this world without hurting someone else. Every time you take a breath it's to the disadvantage of someone or something. And then you have to decide how and in which way you will hurt others. And I find it quite agreeable trying not to hurt anyone, but I have made this decision about the fish. It's a pity about them, but also, if I pull up a fish, then it makes space for another fish who will be so happy to get more space. And he will become a very happy little fish. You can rationalize it in a number of different ways - maybe the fish I pull up is depressed and wants to end his life, but he hasn't really been able to do it. It's not easy if you're a fish. I wouldn't know what a big salmon who's really tired of it all would do. — Lars Von Trier

I'm not crying out for help, but I am sharing my experience in the hopes that readers will get something out of it. I'm not the one who gets to decide what that is, if anything. I'm just starting the "journey" if you will, so I can't possibly know yet what the "message" of my life really is. I only know what has happened so far, and how I've felt up until this moment. I agree that reading about the pain of others is concerning when they are still hurting and in the same situation as when they wrote about it. But what can you do? You can reach out, ask how you can help and be there to listen. You can't save someone who doesn't want to be saved. You can't love someone who doesn't love themselves enough to take care of themselves and stay out of bad situations. Believe me, I know this. — Ashly Lorenzana

Privilege is when you contribute to the oppression of others and then claim that you are the one being discriminated against. — DaShanne Stokes

You can't hurt others without hurting yourself; you can't love others without loving yourself. — Debasish Mridha

Before hurting others, feel the pain you will inflict on others. — Debasish Mridha

It's hard to decide matters of the heart, especially when Self-love is rooted in our decisions. You'll need to balance your needs with the people you love in order to avoid hurting others. — Auliq Ice

If you are right, no one will bother you in this world. If you do not hurt anyone in this world, or you have no intention of hurting anyone, then no one can hurt you. — Dada Bhagwan

The Wiccan Rede You can do whatever you want so long as you do not harm anyone. This is a belief that true practitioners take to heart and is one of the underlying, non-negotiable beliefs common to all schools of Wicca. The Rule of Three This is quite a simple principle - whatever you do to others will come back to you three times over. Thus, if you choose to send out negative energy into the world, or choose to do wicked things, you are only hurting yourself. We are all Connected Wiccans believe that everyone and everything is spiritually connected and so it is important to work to improve the world, for the good of all. — Sasha Cillihypi

You are never more like Jesus than when you pray for others. Pray for this hurting world. — Max Lucado

Kaoru ... You keep talking about Hikaru. What about you? Aren't you hurting? I understand Hikaru's important to you ... but how do you plan to protect others if you can't look out for yourself? You have to be honest. If you go on like this, Hikaru won't be happy either. So what do you want, Kaoru? Forget about Hikaru and Tama for a moment ... What do *you* want? — Bisco Hatori

I know personally that when a child is abused the trajectory of that child's life is changed forever. That doesn't mean the path to happiness is impossible, but it does mean there will be detours and side roads that were never intended. Come back from those places, my friends, with lessons and compassion those on the straight road might never have the chance to learn. You are now equipped to help hurting children because you've navigated down those dark courses and made it back. Cudos to you, but also let your shoulders feel the weight of the responsibility to help others who are still lost and struggling to find their way to safety. — Toni Sorenson

Whenever you try to break God's moral law, you end up breaking yourself and hurting others - all while proving His law in the process. — Ravi Zacharias

Managing your emotions doesn't mean you don't express yourself; it means you stop short of hurting others and sabotaging yourself. — Sue Fitzmaurice

Listen to me, kid. Don't forget that you are in a concentration camp. In this place, it is every many for himself, and you cannot think of others. Not even you father. In this place, there is no such thing as father, brother, friend. Each of us lives and dies alone. Let me give you good advice: stop giving your ration of bread and soup to your old father. You cannot help him anymore. And you are hurting yourself. In fact, you should be getting his rations ... — Elie Wiesel

The moment you understand the importance of loving yourself, you will stop hurting others. — Nhat Hanh

Trying to not hurt others is something you can't do. People are creatures who hurt others just by existing even if they're not aware of it. Whether you're living or dying. you'll always be hurting someone. Once you're involved, you'll hurt someone, and even by not being involved, you might be hurting someone else as well... — Wataru Watari

Do everything with your whole heart, or not at all. Don't put up with lies or with people who lie to you. Don't risk hurting people just for the fun of it. And lastly, your best foot shouldn't be put forward; it should be with you at all times - right there beside the other one. — C. JoyBell C.

Although she entirely understood the argument in favour of openness, there were limits to the extent to which one should speak frankly. She did not agree with the custom that was sometimes followed in Africa of avoiding direct confrontation with those with whom one disagreed - that led to all sorts of failures, she knew - but one should still be careful to avoid hurting feelings by challenging others too openly. Often it was better to be gentle - to say something in such a way that the person criticised did not feel too humiliated. It was all a question of face, she decided: you had to leave room for face to be saved. She — Alexander McCall Smith

Privilege is not knowing that you're hurting others and not listening when they tell you. — DaShanne Stokes

I wish you all the pleasurable excitement one can have without hurting others and one's own dignity. — Norbert Elias

Fallon continued. "We learned in school that bullies abuse others because they feel bad about themselves. They're hurting." She brought up her knees and locked her arms around them, her tone light and taunting. "We shouldn't be mad. We should pity them." Madoc has never had to make a real decision in his entire life, which means he's never had anything real. This house, the cars, the money. It's all an illusion. It's like parading a victory when you missed the war." She took a breath and whispered slowly. "Madoc has no idea who he is. — Penelope Douglas

The essence of Buddhism is if you can, help others. If not, then at least refrain from hurting others. — Dalai Lama

You can love everyone, but you can never hurt anyone else without hurting yourself. You will burn yourself for the rest of your life with this fire and agony. — Debasish Mridha

When you serve others, when you make somebody else's life better, when you lift up people, when you help heal those that are hurting, not only are they being blessed, but you're being blessed. — Joel Osteen

Remember, if you believe a lie long enough it will become truth to you. As it becomes your reality, you are faced with life choices that can lead you into a lifestyle of sin and disobedience. Sin left unrepented creates a place of darkness in your life, in your mind, and, worst of all, finds its place into your heart, causing you to respond to your pain by either hurting others or refusing to allow others access to your heart. — Jack Frost

Never think of hurting anyone else, if you do, you are already hurting yourself. — Debasish Mridha

Whenever you hurt someone, you bring torment into your own life. — Debasish Mridha

There are people out there who enjoy hurting and scaring others. They're going to keep doing it until you make them stop. — Jim Butcher

The more we love ourselves, the less we project our pain onto the world. When we stop judging ourselves, we naturally judge others less. When we stop attacking ourselves, we don't attack others. When we stop rejecting ourselves, we stop accusing others of hurting us. When we start loving ourselves more, we become happier, less defended, and more open. As we love ourselves, we naturally love others more. "Self-love is the greatest gift because what you give yourself is experienced by others," says Louise. — Louise L. Hay

it takes just as much training to get along with people. Only, training by yourself in the mountains won't do you any good. You need to surround yourself with others. As you get to know them, of course you take the chance that you'll end up hurting them, or they'll end up hurting you. One of those things might very well happen. That's the only way we learn... about others, and about ourselves. You're a black-belt in martial arts, but I'd guess you still a white-belt in social skills. Someday, you're going to meet someone that truly wants to be your friend, and you, theirs. But it if you don't keep training, you won't be ready when that happens." ~Shigure Sohma — Natsuki Takaya

At the risk of hurting your feelings, I think you should know that some kisses are more special than others. — Jessica Steele

Hey, if something is making you feel good, and it's not hurting anyone else, does it really matter if others believe? — Jenna Morasca

Mingling with people, hurting them, getting hurt by them ... that's how you learn about others ... and about yourself. If you don't you'll never be able to care about anyone but yourself. — Natsuki Takaya

It seemed so natural, receiving it, watching others receive it, assuming that the approval of others determined our worth. Then one day we found we couldn't feel any worth without it. We'd forgotten that we were gifted in ways unimaginable, created with a unique purpose like no other, that people are hurting, that we beat that same hurt and we can help them. There is no one as valuable as you. Unlearn that old lie. — Lee Goff

Most of us avoid telling the truth because it's uncomfortable. We're afraid of the consequences - making others feel uncomfortable, hurting their feelings, or risking their anger. And yet, when we don't tell the truth, and others don't tell us the truth, we can't deal with matters from a basis in reality. We've all heard the phrase that "the truth will set you free." And it will. The truth allows us to be free to deal with the way things are, not the way we imagine them to be or hope them to be or might manipulate them to be with our lies. The truth also frees up our energy. It takes energy to withhold the truth, keep a secret, or keep up an act. — Jack Canfield

Sometimes, falling back on or using an old method or habit, is like sliding into a pair of worn running shoes and a corset. Doesn't make sense to others, but it's not for them. It's what keeps you together, what keeps you going. — Alyse M. Gardner

Her friend who treated her maid badly was not a wicked person. She behaved well towards her family ... but when it came to her maid ... she seemed to have little concern for her feelings. It occurred to Mma Ramotswe that such behaviour was no more than ignorance; an inability to understand the hopes and aspirations of others. Theat understanding ... was the beginning of all morality. If you knew how a person was feeling, if you could imagine yourself in her position, then surely it would be impossible to inflict further pain. Inflicting pain in such circumstances would be like hurting oneself. — Alexander McCall Smith

If you make someone suffer today, without any doubt, you will be punished by your conscience. Don't hurt anyone in anyway or form. — Debasish Mridha

Whatever you do, don't feel sorry for me. I know it's the best you can do. Life hasn't hit you in your perfect little bubble yet. Please don't try to understand. Nobody can. No one knows what it's like to be me, except others like me. You're making me pissed. You're making me feel bad. Stop reminding me that I have no life. I don't care about your prom. Yes, I know I haven't talked to you in a while. NO, I'm not ignoring you, but it's not exactly like you've been calling me either. I just haven't been feeling well lately. I'm tired and my body is aching all over. It's hurting all the time. I can barely move when it rains, and some days I just don't want to do anything. SHUT UP. — Jacquelyn Nicole Davis

If you want to live an authentic, meaningful life, you need to master the art of disappointing and upsetting others, hurting feelings, and living with the reality that some people just won't like you. It may not be easy, but it's essential if you want your life to reflect your deepest desires, values, and needs. — Cheryl Richardson

My Mother
My mother was not educated but she was the best teacher I've ever had in my entire life. She had what it's called natural wisdom, bless her precious soul. Here some of her teachings: Human Values:
Love: Learn to love because everything that's based on love has a deep rooted foundation.
Kindness: Be kind all the time but never let anyone take advantage of your kindness.
Peace: Learn to have peace with yourself when the world turns against you because it starts with you.
Honesty: Be honest to yourself and then to the others.
Respect: Respect others and they will respect you.
Openness: Be always transparent especially when you are hurting. Never pretend that it's all okay.
Loyalty: Always be loyal to your family and make sure your family comes before anything else.
She taught me to learn to compose myself when life gets tough and unfair to me.
I love you mama & Happy Mothers Day — Euginia Herlihy

If you're a fan of hurting others, talking down to, or trying to bring others down, then never call yourself a fan of mine. — Austin Carlile

Maybe it was a mistake leaving you.
And I don't know how to make it right.
Regret fills me every single day.
So much of it builds up I
Hate myself for
Missing you. Hurting you.
And I want you to know i ...
Long for you
Love you
Others may come and go in our lives but ...
We belong together — Monica Murphy