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On Your Knees Prayer Quotes & Sayings

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Top On Your Knees Prayer Quotes

On Your Knees Prayer Quotes By Dieter F. Uchtdorf

Often the answer to our prayer does not come while we're on our knees but while we're on our feet serving the Lord and serving those around us. Selfless acts of service and consecration refine our spirits remove the scales from our spiritual eyes and open the windows of heaven. By becoming the answer to someone's prayer we often find the answer to our own. — Dieter F. Uchtdorf

On Your Knees Prayer Quotes By Ray Comfort

Have you seen your sin in light of the Law of God? Do you understand in your heart of hearts that if every secret sin is manifest on the Day of Wrath and if justice had its way, you would fall like lightning into hell? Have you fallen prostrate in the blood-soaked earth at the foot of the cross? Have you pictured Jesus Christ crucified? Have you seen the precious blood pouring from His hands and His feet, and cried, "For me He dies"? If you have, horror mingled with unspeakable gratitude will drive you to your knees, and you will whisper, "Oh, God, because You did that for me, I will do anything for You!" This zeal for God will produce in you a zeal for the lost. Remember that whispered prayer of surrender the next time you fear hollers at you as you hand someone a tract. — Ray Comfort

On Your Knees Prayer Quotes By Leslie Jamison

It wasn't likely I would die. Dave didn't know that then. Prayer isn't about likelihood anyway, it's about desire
loving someone enough to get on your knees and ask for her to be saved. When he cried in that chapel, it wasn't empathy
it was something else. His kneeling wasn't a way to feel to my pain but to request that it end. - p19 — Leslie Jamison

On Your Knees Prayer Quotes By F.B. Meyer

Fall on your knees and grow there. There is no burden of the spirit but is lighter by kneeling under it. Prayer means not always talking to Him, but waiting before Him till the dust settles and the stream runs clear. — F.B. Meyer

On Your Knees Prayer Quotes By Richelle E. Goodrich

Prayer: The act of falling to your knees in pleading fashion, seeking help from a greater power than all else to have failed you previously. — Richelle E. Goodrich

On Your Knees Prayer Quotes By Austin O'Malley

Practical prayer is harder on the soles of your shoes than on the knees of your trousers. — Austin O'Malley

On Your Knees Prayer Quotes By James Dobson

One of the first things you and your fiance need to develop is a meaningful prayer life even before the wedding. My wife, Shirley, and I did that, and the time we have spent on our knees has been the stabilizing factor throughout nearly forty years of marriage. — James Dobson

On Your Knees Prayer Quotes By Richard G. Scott

He [the Lord] will always hear your prayers and will invariably answer them. However, His answers will seldom come while you are on your knees praying, even when you may plead for an immediate response. Rather, He will prompt you in quiet moments when the Spirit can most effectively touch your mind and heart. Hence, you should find periods of quiet time to recognize when you are being instructed and strengthened. — Richard G. Scott

On Your Knees Prayer Quotes By James Baldwin

Nothing tamed or broke her, nothing touched her, neither kindness, nor scorn, nor hatred, nor love. She had never thought of prayer. It was unimaginable that she would ever bend her knees and come crawling along a dusty floor to anybody's altar, weeping for forgiveness. Perhaps her sin was so extreme that it could not be forgiven; perhaps her pride was so great that she did not need forgiveness. She had fallen from that high estate which God had intended for men and women, and she made her fall glorious because it was so complete. — James Baldwin

On Your Knees Prayer Quotes By Amy Welborn

You're here, on your knees, praying as the seconds on your Mickey Mouse clock tick by, but in God's time, you're working with Him at the moment of creation, when there is no time. — Amy Welborn

On Your Knees Prayer Quotes By Quentin R. Bufogle

Stop praying. Get off your knees and do something. There's only one particular need that can be effectively addressed while in the kneeling position. If yours pertains to anything else, then please, seek help elsewhere. 'God helps those who help themselves' is just the Church's way of telling you that it's all a sham. You're really on your own. — Quentin R. Bufogle

On Your Knees Prayer Quotes By Delano Johnson

It's never too late to get down on your knees and pray. — Delano Johnson

On Your Knees Prayer Quotes By Boyd K. Packer

Learn to pray. Pray often. Pray in your mind, in your heart. Pray on your knees. Prayer is your personal key to heaven. The lock is on your side of the veil. And I have learned to conclude all my prayers with 'Thy will be done' (Matthew 6:10; see also Luke 11:2; 3 Nephi 13:10). — Boyd K. Packer

On Your Knees Prayer Quotes By Beth Moore

A man is his tallest when he is down on his knees in prayer. — Beth Moore

On Your Knees Prayer Quotes By Leslie Ludy

But if there was ever a time for us to go to extremes for our God, it is now. The truth of the gospel is being diluted, dumbed down, and trampled upon by the very ones entrusted to keep it sacred and whole. It may seem 'unnecessary' to get on your knees for multiple hours each and every day, but, may I remind you that unless someone rises up and says, 'Lord, I'm willing to travail,' there are lives, promises, and spiritual realities that will not be born into our day and age. Effectual, fervent prayer is how God changes this world and bestows upon it the beauty, grace and power that He purchased at the cross. — Leslie Ludy

On Your Knees Prayer Quotes By Gabrielle Roth

When I am dancing, it feels like my prayer. It's like an offering. I offer my head back to the dance, I offer my shoulders back to the dance, my elbows, my hands, my spine, my knees, my feet, my whole self, my bones, my blood, my experience, my suffering ... I offer it all back to the dance and I say: take it, do whatever you want with me. Release me. — Gabrielle Roth

On Your Knees Prayer Quotes By Lailah Gifty Akita

I pray with my knees bow. — Lailah Gifty Akita

On Your Knees Prayer Quotes By Rabindranath Tagore

Go not to the temple to put flowers upon the feet of God, first fill your own house with the fragrance of love. Go not to the temple to light candles before the altar of God, first remove the darkness of sin from your heart. Go not to the temple to bow down your head in prayer, first learn to bow in humility before your fellow men. Go not to the temple to pray on bended knees, first bend down to lift someone who is down trodden. Go not to the temple to ask for forgiveness for your sins, first forgive from your heart those who have sinned against you. — Rabindranath Tagore

On Your Knees Prayer Quotes By Anita R. Sneed-Carter

Victories are won while on your knees! Keep praying for those who rise up against you. Fear not. The Lord has rectified the problem. Prayer is POWERFUL!! — Anita R. Sneed-Carter

On Your Knees Prayer Quotes By David Brainerd

This morning about nine I withdrew to the woods for prayer. I was in such anguish that when I arose from my knees I felt extremely weak and overcome ... I cared not how or where I lived, or what hardships I went through, so that I could but gain souls for Christ. — David Brainerd

On Your Knees Prayer Quotes By Martin Luther

You must learn to call on the Lord. Don't sit all alone or lie on the couch, shaking your head and letting your thoughts torture you. Don't worry about how to get out of your situation or brood about your terrible life, how miserable you feel, and what a bad person you are. Instead, say, Get a grip on yourself, you lazy bum! Fall on your knees, and raise your hands and eyes toward heaven. Read a psalm. Say the Lord's Prayer, and tearfully tell God what you need. — Martin Luther

On Your Knees Prayer Quotes By Arthur Tappan Pierson

A marble cutter, with chisel and hammer, was changing a stone into a statue. A preacher looking on said: "I wish I could deal such changing blows on stony hearts." The workman answered: "Maybe you could, if you worked like me, upon your knees." — Arthur Tappan Pierson

On Your Knees Prayer Quotes By R.A. Torrey

The reason why many fail in battle is because they wait until the hour of battle. The reason why others succeed is because they have gained their victory on their knees long before the battle came. Anticipate your battles; fight them on your knees before temptation comes, and you will always have victory. — R.A. Torrey

On Your Knees Prayer Quotes By Rick Perry

I want people of faith on my side, not just voting on election day but by hoisting me up by getting down on your knees and lifting me up in prayer. Those who have a different view of things are already organizing ... Will you stand in the gap with those of us who believe there's a God, and a God who is strong? We can stand in the gap together and speak about issues we believe in and we will be victorious. — Rick Perry