Quotes & Sayings About Obi Wan Kenobi
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Top Obi Wan Kenobi Quotes

Fortunately, Luke's unwavering faith in his father's innate goodness had proved to be a stronger force than the power of the dark side. — Ryder Windham

Qui-Gon used to do this. He used to roam around the galaxy picking up strays." "Like me, you mean?" said Anakin tightly. "Useless hangers-on like me? — Karen Miller

One of the lessons Obi-Wan needed to learn was to look beneath the surface. Perhaps this was one way. — Jude Watson

I never claimed to be the Chosen One. That was Qui-Gon. Even the Council doesn't believe it anymore, so why should you?"
"Because I think you believe it," Obi-Wan said calmly.
"I think you know in your heart that you're meant for something extraordinary."
"And you, Master. What does your heart tell you you're meant for?"
"Infinite sadness," Obi-Wan said, even while smiling. — James Luceno

When they'd met, Anakin had been a warmhearted nine-year-old boy with an open nature. He was twelve and a half now, and the years had changed him. He had grown to be a boy who hid his heart. — Jude Watson

Very bad joke," Obi-Wan muttered. "D'you know, there are times when you and Bail Organa are uncannily alike."
Anakin kept a straight face, just. "Thank you."
"That wasn't a compliment," growled Obi-Wan, — Karen Miller

Help us, Juli-wan Kenobi, you're our only hope."
For a moment, that almost, almost made Julius feel like a hero. And then he remembered. "Doesn't Obi-Wan die in that movie? — Rachel Aaron

To sputter and giggle - Baby too. "I followed my piss!" I said between hiccupping laughter. "She followed her piss and her dreams came true!" Rachel screamed. "Follow your piss, Obi-Wan Kenobi," Barbara intoned. — Anne Rivers Siddons

Skill is the child of patience. — Charles Soule

The room fell silent. I frankly didn't know what I was going to do to help Eduardo, but I had the sense that he was right- no one else could help him, and without help, all that he'd done would crumble.
Plus, I like being called his only hope. I felt like Obi-Wan Kenobi. — Tod Goldberg

I am called a great swordsman because I invented a lethal style; but who is greater, the creator of a killing form - or the master of the classic form?"
"I'm very flattered that you would consider me a master but really - "
"Not a master. The master. — Matthew Woodring Stover

Obi-Wan Kenobi opened his eyes to find himself staring at what he strongly suspected was Anakin's butt.
It looked like Anakin's butt - well, his pants, anyway - though it was thoroughly impossible for Obi-Wan to be certain, since he had never before had occasion to examine Anakin's butt upside down, which it currently appeared to be, nor from this rather uncomfortably close range. — Matthew Woodring Stover

Ewan McGregor stars as Jedi Obi-Wan Kenobi, again doing a fine Alec Guinness impersonation but otherwise seeming lost and alone in the galaxy as the one actor attempting to give a real performance in this mess. — Stephanie Zacharek

The ability to destroy a planet is insignificant next to the power of the force. — David Prowse

But you need to cultivate patience, youngling. And you need to listen to my words of wisdom, because as far as you are concerned, I am Obi-Wan fucking Kenobi. Okay? — Paul McAuley

The title is "I am not the sexist pig you are looking for". He is merely attempting to state that he is not a sexist pig right? Until one understands the cultural reference to Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope. Then his insidious plan is revealed! Muahahaha! Just kidding. But it does resemble a striking similarity to a scene on Tatooine.
The scene where Master Obi-wan "Ben" Kenobi uses the force and tells the Stormtroopers "these are the not the droids you are looking for" The odd thing in this scene is that they were the droids that the Empire was looking for. After the comments Mr. Harris made and the obvious lack of scientific credibility in his statements, the writers are betting he wished he had the force and mind trick. — Idav Kelly

We wish we were Obi-Wan Kenobi, and for the most part we are, but there's a little Darth Vader in all of us. — J. Christopher Stevens

Everything casts two shadows.
The suns had determined this at the dawn of creation. Brothers, they were, until the younger sun showed his true face to the tribe. It was a sin. The elder sun attempted to kill his brother, as was only proper.
But he failed.
Burning, bleeding, the younger sun pursued his sibling across the sky. The wily old star fled for the hills and safety, but it was his fate never to rest again. For the younger brother had only exposed his face. The elder had exposed his failure. — John Jackson Miller

True it is,/ That these are not the droids for which thou search'st.
-Obi-Wan "Ben" Kenobi — Ian Doescher

All life is sacred. Even life that comes in forms that we don't understand." - Obi-Wan Kenobi — John Jackson Miller

I like 'Star Wars.' I mean, I don't go to the conventions and dress up like Obi-Wan Kenobi or anything, but I like watching the movies. — Mackenzie Rosman

That's because it is cruel, Obi-Wan," Anakin snapped. "Cruel and unfeeling and unworthy of the Jedi Order." He was so like Qui-Gon. This was like arguing with a ghost. — Karen Miller

Part of me always longed to do just one more film and see what Luke would be like now that he's on the level of Obi-Wan Kenobi, the student having become the master. But it was not meant to be. — Mark Hamill

LEIA - O help Me, Obi-Wan Kenobi, help. Thou art Mine only hope. LUKE - I wonder who she is. Whoever she may be, whatever is Her cause, I shall unto her pleas respond. Not e'en were she my sister could I know A duty of more weight than I feel now. It seemeth she some dreadful trouble hath - Mayhap I should replay the message whole. — Ian Doescher

...you must understand that not even the Jedi know all there is to be known about the Force; no mortal mind can. We speak of the will of the Force as someone ignorant of gravity might say it is the will of a river to flow to the ocean; it is a metaphor that describes our ignorance. The simple truth - if any truth is ever simple - is that we do not truly know what the will of the Force may be. We can never know. It is so far beyond our limited understanding that we can only surrender to its mystery. — Matthew Woodring Stover

Anakin." Obi-Wan's voice had gone soft, and his hand was warm on Anakin's arm. "There is no other Jedi I would rather have at my side right now. No other man."
Anakin turned, and found within Obi-Wan's eyes a depth of feeling he had only rarely glimpsed in all their years together; and the pure uncomplicated love that rose up within him then felt like a promise from the Force itself.
"I ... I wouldn't have it any other way, Master."
"I believe," his onetime Master said with a gently humorous look of astonishment at the words coming out of his mouth, "that you should get used to calling me Obi-Wan. — Matthew Woodring Stover

Mos Eisley spaceport. You will never find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy. We must be cautious. — George Lucas

I'm grateful for my whole family, but my dad is like Obi-Wan Kenobi, Superman, and Evel Knievel all at one time. I can think I have it all figured out, and he'll say, 'But did you look at that side of it?' He shows me just how much more there is than what appears to be. — Guy Fieri

I am stronger as part of the Jedi Order than I could ever be alone. — Charles Soule

In my experience, there's no such thing as luck. — George Lucas

Luke Skywalker, hero of the Battle of Yavin, has cast his lot with the rebels, lending his formidable piloting skills to whatever missions his leaders assign him. But he is haunted by his all-too-brief lessons with Obi-Wan Kenobi and the growing certainty that mastery of the Force will be his path to victory over the Empire. — Kevin Hearne