Famous Quotes & Sayings

Oaken's Quotes & Sayings

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Top Oaken's Quotes

Oaken's Quotes By Samuel Woodworth

The old oaken bucket, the iron-bound bucket, The moss-covered bucket, which hung in the well. — Samuel Woodworth

Oaken's Quotes By David Clement-Davies

On his brow a leaf of oaken, Cangeling child shall be his fate. Understanding words strange spoken, Chased by anger, fear, and hate. — David Clement-Davies

Oaken's Quotes By Tessa Dare

He'd been prowling this bedchamber every night, driven wild by the knowledge only two oaken doors and some fifty paces of wainscoted corridor lay between him and the woman he'd crossed a continent to hold.

-Luke's thoughts — Tessa Dare

Oaken's Quotes By Karen Marie Moning

Four tall stories were stacked haphazardly on top of each other, cresting in a black roofline against the cobalt night sky that made no sense, but leapt whimsically from flat to dangerously steep and back again. Trees with skeletal limbs, badly in need of a trim, scraped against slate, like oaken nails on the lid of a coffin. — Karen Marie Moning

Oaken's Quotes By Terri Windling

Robert Jordan, whether he's writing with passion or not, I don't know. — Terri Windling

Oaken's Quotes By Ali Land

More disturbing than hurt is love when it's wrong. — Ali Land

Oaken's Quotes By Jillian Dodd

Just because there's a goalie, doesn't mean you can't score. — Jillian Dodd

Oaken's Quotes By Helen Lawrenson

As soon as an American man loves a girl he wants to marry her. This is not only a blunder but it is rather absurd. It is so typical of American men, always wanting to do the noble thing. — Helen Lawrenson

Oaken's Quotes By Zayn Malik

Get on in life because life will get on without you if you don't keep up. — Zayn Malik

Oaken's Quotes By Claudia Gray

The library would've cheered me up, most days. I loved the heavy oaken tables, the high walls stacked with books to the ceiling, the musty smell of old pages and the heavy brass fixtures that had gone dark with age and wear. — Claudia Gray

Oaken's Quotes By Kenneth Grahame

It [Badger's House] seemed a place where heroes could fitly feast after victory, where weary harvesters could line up in scores along the table and keep their Harvest House with mirth and song, or where two or three friends of simple tastes could sit about as they pleased and eat and smoke and talk in comfort and contentment. The ruddy brick floor smiled up at the smoky ceiling; the oaken settles, shiny with long wear, exchanged cheerful glaces with each other; plates of the dresser grinned at pots on the shelf, and the merry firelight flickered and played over everything without distinction. — Kenneth Grahame

Oaken's Quotes By Scott Lynch

His view of the sky spun first left then right, as though the world were trying on strange new angles for his approval. — Scott Lynch

Oaken's Quotes By El-P

That dark humor has always been a part of what I've done. It's always been somewhat tongue-in-cheek. — El-P

Oaken's Quotes By J.R. Rain

Is that all?" asked the butler. His slightly melodic accent was nearly impossible to place. It could have been British, but it wasn't any British accent I had ever heard. The words Old English came to mind, too. As in old, old English. This, I'm certain, was a psychic hit, but I could have been wrong. Just how old Franklin was remained to be seen. "Thank you, Franklin. That will be all," said Kingsley, waving him off. The butler nodded. "If you and the lady need anything else, please do not hesitate to rouse me from a deep and satisfying sleep." "We won't, Franklin. Now, off you go! — J.R. Rain

Oaken's Quotes By Charlotte Perkins Gilman

Until we see what we are, we cannot take steps to become what we should be. — Charlotte Perkins Gilman

Oaken's Quotes By Levi Miller

Not many people get to play the lead character in a gigantic film and model for Ralph Lauren; it's amazing. — Levi Miller

Oaken's Quotes By Terry Pratchett

Early to rise, early to bed, makes a man healthy, wealthy and dead, — Terry Pratchett

Oaken's Quotes By Alfred Tennyson

=Lost Hope= You cast to ground the hope which once was mine, But did the while your harsh decree deplore, Embalming with sweet tears the vacant shrine, My heart, where Hope had been and was no more. So on an oaken sprout A goodly acorn grew; But winds from heaven shook the acorn out, And filled the cup with dew. — Alfred Tennyson

Oaken's Quotes By Ian Anderson

Bring me a wheel of oaken wood A rein of polished leather A Heavy Horse and a tumbling sky Brewing heavy weather. — Ian Anderson

Oaken's Quotes By Rebecca Wells

The soft aroma of old worn cotton from a linen chest, the lingering smell of tobacco on an angora sweater; Jergen's hand lotion, sauteed green peppers and onions; the sweet, nutty smell of peanut butter and bananas, the oaken smell of good bourbon. A combination of lily of the valley, cedar, vanilla, and somewhere, the lingering of old rose. These smells are older than any thought. Mama, Teensy, Neecie, and Caro, each one of them had an individual scent, to be sure. But this is the Gumbo of their scents. This is the Gumbo Ya-Ya. This is the internal vial of perfume I carry with me everywhere I go. — Rebecca Wells

Oaken's Quotes By Catherine Gilbert Murdock

Bend like the sapling you are. With time we shall find your oaken core. — Catherine Gilbert Murdock

Oaken's Quotes By Stan Lee

Jack [Kirby] and Joe [Simon] wrote and drew the stories themselves in the beginning and I was just, like, the office boy. But after a while they had more writing than they could handle and I was the only guy around, so they said, "Hey Stan, you think you can write this?" When you're seventeen years old, what do you know? I said, "Sure, I can do it!" And that was it. — Stan Lee

Oaken's Quotes By Eleanor Catton

In his mind a protective glaze had been applied to the crystal forms of high abstraction: he loved to regard them, and to wonder at their shine, but he had never thought to take them down from their carved and oaken mantel, so to speak, and feel them, supple in his hands. — Eleanor Catton

Oaken's Quotes By Neil Leckman

Thrice damned she howls like Cerberus to the night
Guarding virtues that lie like forgotten stains
On oaken floors that pave the willow lined paths of the past
That lead to a meadow filled with the detritus of wasted love
Rotting under a forgotten sun that no longer shines
In a heart gone cold therein lies the haste of anger. — Neil Leckman

Oaken's Quotes By Charles Dickens

Smoke lowering down from chimney-pots, making a soft black drizzle, with flakes of soot in it as big as full-grown snowflakes - gone into mourning, one might imagine, for the death of the sun. — Charles Dickens

Oaken's Quotes By Neil Gaiman

There was something sly about his smile,
his eyes so black and sharp, his rufous hair. Something
that sent her early to their trysting place,
beneath the oak, beside the thornbush,
something that made her climb the tree and wait.
Climb a tree, and in her condition.
Her love arrived at dusk, skulking by owl-light,
carrying a bag,
from which he took a mattock, shovel, knife.
He worked with a will, beside the thornbush, beneath the oaken tree,
he whistled gently, and he sang, as he dug her grave,
that old song ...
shall I sing it for you, now, good folk? — Neil Gaiman

Oaken's Quotes By Natalia Marx

My heart was oaken before you set it on fire. It will continue to smolder, long after the flame that ignited it has gone. — Natalia Marx

Oaken's Quotes By Charles Dickens

We came to the house, and it is an old house, full of great chimneys where wood is burnt on ancient dogs upon the hearth, and grim portraits (some of them with grim legends, too) lower distrustfully from the oaken panels of the walls. — Charles Dickens