Famous Quotes & Sayings

Quotes & Sayings About Non Interventionism

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Top Non Interventionism Quotes

Non Interventionism Quotes By Ludwig Von Mises

However, all the methods of interventionism are doomed to failure. This means: the interventionist measures must needs result in conditions which from the point of view of their own advocates are more unsatisfactory than the previous state of affairs they were designed to alter. These policies are therefore contrary to purpose. — Ludwig Von Mises

Non Interventionism Quotes By Roger Cohen

Interventionism is inextricable from the American idea. If the United States retreats into isolationism, it ceases to be itself ? a nation dedicated, however much it falls short, to a universalist ideal of freedom. — Roger Cohen

Non Interventionism Quotes By Barney Frank

There was a degree of interventionism in American foreign policy, the notion that we must be the superpower and we have to intervene everywhere, that I think makes no sense. — Barney Frank

Non Interventionism Quotes By Ludwig Von Mises

There is no such thing as a just and fair method of exercising the tremendous power that interventionism puts into the hands of the legislature and the executive. — Ludwig Von Mises

Non Interventionism Quotes By Ludwig Von Mises

Without exception all political parties promise their supporters a higher real income. There is no difference in this respect between nationalists and internationalists and between the supporters of a market economy and the advocates of either socialism or interventionism. If a party asks its supporters to make sacrifices for its cause, it always explains these sacrifices as the necessary temporary means for the attainment of the ultimate goal, the improvement of the material well-being of its members. Each party considers it as an insidious plot against its prestige and its survival if somebody ventures to question the capacity of its projects to make the group members more prosperous. Each party regards with a deadly hatred the economists embarking upon such a critique. — Ludwig Von Mises

Non Interventionism Quotes By Ziad K. Abdelnour

Central planning inevitably leads to economic chaos and failure.
Friedrich Hayek called the delusion that a single person or a group
of government planners could possibly possess the knowledge to plan
an entire economy a "fatal conceit." The overwhelming historical
evidence is that the more freedom a nation has, the more economic
opportunities will exist and the more dynamic that nation's economy
will be. Likewise, the more regulations, controls, taxes, governmentrun
industries, protectionism, and other forms of interventionism that
exists, the poorer the country will become. — Ziad K. Abdelnour

Non Interventionism Quotes By Michael Hureaux-Perez

All the mega corporations on the planet make their obscene profits off the labor and suffering of others, with complete disregard for the effects on the workers, environment, and future generations. As with the banking sector, they play games with the lives of millions, hysterically reject any kind of government intervention when the profits are rolling in, but are quick to pass the bill for the cleanup and the far-reaching consequences of these avoidable tragedies to the public when things go wrong. We have a straightforward proposal: if they want public money, we want public control. It's that simple. — Michael Hureaux-Perez

Non Interventionism Quotes By Olaf Stapledon

It was strange to us that none of these three victims made any attempt to resist the attack. Indeed, not one inhabitant in any of these worlds considered for a moment the possibility of resistance. In every case the attitude to disaster seemed to express itself in such terms as these:
To retaliate would be to wound our communal spirit beyond cure. We choose rather to die. The theme of spirit that we have created must inevitably be broken short, whether by the ruthlessness of the invader or by our own resort to arms. It is better to be destroyed than to triumph in slaying the spirit. Such as it is, the spirit that we have achieved is fair; and it is indestructibly woven into the tissue of the cosmos. We die praising the universe in which at least such an achievement as ours can be. We die knowing that the promise of further glory outlives us in other galaxies. We die praising the Star Maker, the Star Destroyer. — Olaf Stapledon

Non Interventionism Quotes By Jacob G. Hornberger

The many woes that afflict out nation are rooted in the morally bankrupt paradigms of socialism, interventionism, and empire that have held our nation in their grip for decades and that the only real solution to such woes is libertarianism. — Jacob G. Hornberger

Non Interventionism Quotes By Nassim Nicholas Taleb

Interventionism depletes mental and economic resources; it is rarely available when it is needed the most. — Nassim Nicholas Taleb

Non Interventionism Quotes By Ludwig Von Mises

It is indeed one of the principal drawbacks of every kind of interventionism that it is so difficult to reverse the process. — Ludwig Von Mises

Non Interventionism Quotes By Ron Paul

The cost in terms of liberties lost and the unnecessary exposure to terrorism are difficult to determine, but in time it will become apparent to all of us that foreign interventionism is of no benefit to American citizens, but is instead a threat to our liberties. — Ron Paul

Non Interventionism Quotes By Ludwig Von Mises

Interventionism cannot be considered as an economic system destined to stay. It is a method for the transformation of capitalism into socialism by a series of successive steps. — Ludwig Von Mises

Non Interventionism Quotes By Ludwig Von Mises

An essential point in the social philosophy of interventionism is the existence of an inexhaustible fund which can be squeezed forever. The whole system of interventionism collapses when the fountain is drained off: The Santa Clause principle liquidates itself. — Ludwig Von Mises

Non Interventionism Quotes By Douglas Alexander

Kneejerk interventionism or kneejerk isolationism is the wrong course for Britain. — Douglas Alexander

Non Interventionism Quotes By Christopher Hitchens

Some peaceniks clear their throats by saying that, of course, they oppose Saddam Hussein as much as anybody, though not enough to support doing anything about him. — Christopher Hitchens

Non Interventionism Quotes By Leonard Read

We need only take our heads out of the sand to see clearly that interventionism not only has failed to provide the promised something-for-nothing, but has led to all sorts of undesirable consequences. Indeed, many are just beginning to realize that we are moving towards disaster even though we have been on a wrong heading for decades. — Leonard Read

Non Interventionism Quotes By Leonard Read

What precisely is this disease that causes inflation and all these other troubles? It has many popular names, such as socialism, communism, state interventionism, and welfare statism. — Leonard Read

Non Interventionism Quotes By Ron Paul

To condemn free-market capitalism because of anything going on today makes no sense. There is no evidence that capitalism exists today. We are deeply involved in an interventionist-planned economy that allows major benefits to accrue to the politically connected of both political parties. One may condemn the fraud and the current system, but it must be called by its proper names - Keynesian inflationism, interventionism, and corporatism. — Ron Paul

Non Interventionism Quotes By Robert D. Kaplan

The debacle in Iraq has reinforced the realist dictum, disparaged by idealists in the 1990s, that the legacies of geography, history and culture really do set limits on what can be accomplished in any given place. But the experience in the Balkans reinforced an idealist dictum that is equally true: One should always work near the limits of what is possible rather than cynically give up on any place. In this decade idealists went too far; in the previous one, it was realists who did not go far enough. — Robert D. Kaplan

Non Interventionism Quotes By George Orwell

Despotic governments can stand 'moral force' till the cows come home; what they fear is physical force. — George Orwell

Non Interventionism Quotes By Robert Higgs

Until the 1930s, the Constitution served as a major constraint on federal economic interventionism. The government's powers were understood to be just as the framers intended: few and explicitly enumerated in our founding document and its amendments. Search the Constitution as long as you like, and you will find no specific authority conveyed for the government to spend money on global-warming research, urban mass transit, food stamps, unemployment insurance, Medicaid, or countless other items in the stimulus package and, even without it, in the regular federal budget. — Robert Higgs

Non Interventionism Quotes By Ludwig Von Mises

Repression by brute force is always a confession of the inability to make use of the better weapons of the intellect - better because they alone give promise of final success. — Ludwig Von Mises

Non Interventionism Quotes By Margaret Thatcher

The habit of ubiquitous interventionism, combining pinprick strikes by precision weapons with pious invocations of high principle, would lead us into endless difficulties. Interventions must be limited in number and overwhelming in their impact. — Margaret Thatcher

Non Interventionism Quotes By Adam Smith

To attempt to increase the wealth of any country, either by introducing or by detaining in it an unnecessary quantity of gold and silver, is as absurd as it would be to attempt to increase the good cheer of private families by obliging them to keep an unnecessary number of kitchen utensils. — Adam Smith

Non Interventionism Quotes By Ron Paul

For the same reason a disease cannot be cured by more of the germ that caused it, the inflation and debt accumulation of the Obama years will not inflate our way out of it. — Ron Paul

Non Interventionism Quotes By James Ellroy

In the time just before the bombing of Pearl Harbor, when Perfidia opens, we were pre-psychologized. There were no concepts of identity, no politics of victimization. Reparation wasn't in the language. Nobody thought about giving the great grandchildren of black slaves so much as $1.98. And all of a sudden the bombs hit, interventionism versus isolationism became a dead issue, and it was us-versus-them in a heartbeat. — James Ellroy

Non Interventionism Quotes By Ludwig Von Mises

Socialism and interventionism. Both have in common the goal of subordinating the individual unconditionally to the state. — Ludwig Von Mises

Non Interventionism Quotes By Spruille Braden

There is nothing new in state interventionism. It is as old and reactionary as societal organization itself. Always, when it permeates the body politic, it kills the nation. — Spruille Braden

Non Interventionism Quotes By Kai Bird

It is one thing to be against unilateralism and against nonhumanitarian interventionism - but it is quite another thing to be against humanitarian interventionism. — Kai Bird

Non Interventionism Quotes By Ron Paul

Refuting the false promises requires philosophic understanding of economic interventionism, central banking, and the deeply flawed foreign policy of meddling in the affairs of other nations. — Ron Paul

Non Interventionism Quotes By Ludwig Von Mises

In a battle between force and an idea, the latter always prevails. — Ludwig Von Mises