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No Slandering Quotes & Sayings

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Top No Slandering Quotes

No Slandering Quotes By Gautama Buddha

What is evil? Killing is evil, lying is evil, slandering is evil, abuse is evil, gossip is evil, envy is evil, hatred is evil, to cling to false doctrine is evil; all these things are evil. And what is the root of evil? Desire is the root of evil, illusion is the root of evil. — Gautama Buddha

No Slandering Quotes By Elder Walter S. Strong III

As men & women of God we should not seek to expose the weaknesses of our brother or sister by gossiping, backbiting or slandering them however, we should cover them in prayer — Elder Walter S. Strong III

No Slandering Quotes By Al-Ghazali

Declare your jihad on thirteen enemies you cannot see - Egoism, Arrogance, Conceit, Selfishness, Greed, Lust, Intolerance, Anger, Lying, Cheating, Gossiping and Slandering. If you can master and destroy them, then will be ready to fight the enemy you can see. — Al-Ghazali

No Slandering Quotes By Thomas Jefferson

I am not afraid of priests. They have tried upon me all their various batteries of pious whining, hypocritical canting, lying and slandering. I have contemplated their order from the Magi of the East to the Saints of the West and I have found no difference of character, but of more or less caution, in proportion to their information or ignorance on whom their interested duperies were to be played off. Their sway in New England is indeed formidable. No mind beyond mediocrity dares there to develop itself. — Thomas Jefferson

No Slandering Quotes By Joe Torre

St. Louis has always been special to me. — Joe Torre

No Slandering Quotes By Pascal Bruckner

We are not afraid of death," the suicide bombers say to show their superiority to ordinary people. But they are afraid of life, constantly trampling on it, slandering it, destroying it, and training children still in their cradles for martyrdom. Observers have noted that the photos of terrorists taken a few hours before they made their attacks show people who are serene and at peace. They have eliminated doubt: they know. It is the paradox of open societies that they seem to be disordered, unjust, threatened by crime, loneliness, and drugs because they display their indignity before the whole world, never ceasing to admit their defects, whereas other, more oppressive societies seem harmonious because the press and the opposition are muzzled.
"Where there are no visible conflicts, there is no freedom," Montesquieu said. — Pascal Bruckner

No Slandering Quotes By Dada Bhagwan

To talk [negatively] about someone specific is considered slander. You need to have a general understanding about things. Slandering someone is a sign of going to a lower life form in the next birth. — Dada Bhagwan

No Slandering Quotes By Sharon Jones

I don't know why I keep saying this, and I don't know why I keep using their names ... And I'm not dogging them. I'm not slandering them. I'm not saying they are bad musicians. But how can Taylor Swift or Justin Timberlake win for R&B and funk? They are pop singers. — Sharon Jones

No Slandering Quotes By Thomas Harris

It's indignity you can't stand, Hannibal, you're like a cat that way. — Thomas Harris

No Slandering Quotes By Thomas Jefferson

I am not afraid of the priests. They have tried upon me all their various batteries, of pious whining, hypocritical canting, lying and slandering, without being able to give me one moment of pain. — Thomas Jefferson

No Slandering Quotes By Robert Rain

It's very possible that if you are very jealous, you are not being treated with love and respect. — Robert Rain

No Slandering Quotes By Randy Quaid

I am being embezzled by a monstrous ring of accountants, estate planners and lawyers who are mercilessly slandering me and trying to kill my career and, I believe, murder me in order to gain control of my royalties. — Randy Quaid

No Slandering Quotes By Addison Moore

There will be no slandering of celestial beings. I've warned you on countless occasions."
"If said celestial beings weren't spreading celestial rumors, perhaps I wouldn't be moved to wrench celestial balls. — Addison Moore

No Slandering Quotes By Christine De Pizan

Does a rake deserve to possess anything of worth, since he chases everything in skirts and then imagines he can successfully hide his shame by slandering [women in general]? — Christine De Pizan

No Slandering Quotes By Herodotus

Calumny is a monstrous vice: for, where parties indulge in it, there are always two that are actively engaged in doing wrong, and one who is subject to injury. The calumniator inflicts wrong by slandering the absent; he who gives credit to the calumny before he has investigated the truth is equally implicated. The person traduced is doubly injured
first by him who propagates, and secondly by him who credits the calumny. — Herodotus

No Slandering Quotes By Jessica Raine

My first acting experience was a non-speaking role as a robot. My costume was a cardboard box covered in tinfoil, but I was so shy I refused to go on stage. — Jessica Raine

No Slandering Quotes By W.C. Vetsch

Anyone can visit the Astral plane by the mechanism of Astral projection. As a citizen of the universe, you
have the absolute right to go anywhere within the Creation for the purpose of personal enlightenment. The
point here is "look, don't touch". In order to successfully visit the Astral plane in an alert state you must have
no desires and total emotional control. Any desires would be immediately fulfilled and so trap you. And,
since you navigate with emotion, you will need to be able to precisely direct it. — W.C. Vetsch

No Slandering Quotes By Val McDermid

The hardest thing about being a grown up is realizing there are no magic formulas to release the ones we love from pain. Maybe that's why I enjoy computer games so much; you get to be God. — Val McDermid

No Slandering Quotes By R. Alan Woods

But by the grace of God I am what I am."

~1 Corinthians 15:10

"Paul was alluding here to his honest response to those who were constantly criticizing, slandering, and defaming him and his character. This was the 'thorn' in his side!!! — R. Alan Woods

No Slandering Quotes By Joel Madden

I don't see the necessity to be friends with anyone you've dated, but definitely out of respect of the time, you have to be kind of respectful, and that's what I try to do. — Joel Madden

No Slandering Quotes By Poemen

God has given this way of life to Israel: to abstain from everything which is contrary to nature, that is to say, anger, fits of passion, jealousy, hatred and slandering the brethren; in short, everything that is characteristic of the old man. — Poemen

No Slandering Quotes By Moliere

Folk whose own behavior is most ridiculous are always to the fore in slandering others. — Moliere

No Slandering Quotes By Zbigniew Brzezinski

I have no patience for those in the American Jewish community who just go around slandering people as anti-Semites without realizing that what they're doing is really trivializing anti-Semitism. — Zbigniew Brzezinski

No Slandering Quotes By Ayn Rand

She stood at the window, her arms spread wide, holding on to each side of the frame, it was as if she held a piece of the city. — Ayn Rand

No Slandering Quotes By Anonymous

18Hiding hatred makes you a liar; slandering others makes you a fool. — Anonymous

No Slandering Quotes By Kilburn Hall

Shit happens. Doesn't mean you have to step in it. But if you do I would buy a new pair of shoes. — Kilburn Hall

No Slandering Quotes By Torii Nagomu

People who look good in glasses mustn't die. And you look wonderful in glasses. — Torii Nagomu

No Slandering Quotes By Richard Dawkins

Science is but one form of rationalism, while religion is the most common form of superstition. — Richard Dawkins

No Slandering Quotes By Nalini Singh

Where's the lace? — Nalini Singh

No Slandering Quotes By Swami Vivekananda

I could not for my soul distinguish ever the distinction between "religious anger" and "commonplace anger", "religious killing" and "commonplace killing", "religious slandering and irreligious", and so forth. — Swami Vivekananda

No Slandering Quotes By Loretta Lynn

If I found out some gal was trying to steal my guy, I'd want to give her a black eye! Instead, I wrote this song. At the time I was writing each song [on this album], you could figure out the frame of mind I was in by listening closely. With every song I've ever recorded, I'm in it. I wouldn't write about it if I wasn't in it. — Loretta Lynn

No Slandering Quotes By Barbra Streisand

I'm tired of malicious articles slandering me. — Barbra Streisand