Nietzsche Abyss Quotes & Sayings
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Top Nietzsche Abyss Quotes

He who fights with monsters should be careful lest he thereby become a monster. And if thou gaze long into an abyss, the abyss will also gaze into thee. — Friedrich Nietzsche

The philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche once wrote that when you look into the darkness of the abyss the abyss looks into you. Probably no other line or thought more inspires or informs my work. — Michael Connelly

Battle not with monsters
lest you become a monster
and if you gaze into the abyss
the abyss gazes into you — Friedrich Nietzsche

One puts to one's lips what drives one faster into the abyss. — Friedrich Nietzsche

Whoever fights monsters should see to it that in the process he does not become a monster. And if you gaze long enough into an abyss, the abyss will gaze back into you. — Friedrich Nietzsche

Who art thou then, O my soul!" (and here [Zarathustra] became frightened, for a sunbeam shot down from heaven upon his face."
"O heaven above me," said he sighing, and sat upright, "thou gazest at me? Thou hearkenest unto my strange soul?
When wilt thou drink this drop of dew that fell down upon all earthly things - when wilt thou drink this strange soul -
- When, thou well of eternity! thou joyous, awful, noontide abyss! when wilt thou drink my soul back into thee? — Friedrich Nietzsche

Man is a rope stretched between beast and Overman - a rope over an abyss.
A dangerous crossing, a dangerous wayfaring, a dangerous looking-back, a dangerous shuddering and stopping.
What is great in man is that he is a bridge and not an end: what is lovable in man is that he is an overture and a going-under. — Friedrich Nietzsche

He who fights too long against dragons becomes a dragon himself; and if you gaze too long into the abyss, the abyss will gaze into you. - Nietzsche — Robert Kirkman

This saintly anarchist, who aroused the people of the abyss, the outcasts and "sinners," the Chandala of Judaism, to rise in revolt against the established order of things - and in language which, if the Gospels are to be credited, would get him sent to Siberia today - this man was certainly a political criminal, at least in so far as it was possible to be one in so absurdly unpolitical a community. This is what brought him to the cross: the proof thereof is to be found in the inscription that was put upon the cross. He died for his own sins - there is not the slightest ground for believing, no matter how often it is asserted, that he died for the sins of others. — Friedrich Nietzsche

And when you look long into an abyss, the abyss also looks into you. Ahh . . . an educated man. Well, you're not as stupid as you look. Don't quote Nietzsche at me, kid. That German crackpot wouldn't know a real monster if it bit him on the ass. — Larry Correia

Alas, I have begun my loneliest walk. But whoever is of my kind, cannot escape such an hour, the hour which says to him, 'Only now are you going your way to greatness. Peak and abyss, they are now joined together, for all things are baptized in a well of eternity, and lie beyond good and evil. — Friedrich Nietzsche

And if you are not a bird, then beware of coming to rest above an abyss. — Friedrich Nietzsche

He has heart who knows fear, but vanquishes it; who sees the abyss, but with pride.
He who sees the abyss, but with eagle's eyes,- he who with eagle's talons grasps the abyss: he has courage. — Friedrich Nietzsche

When you gaze long into the Abyss of Sustainability, the Abyss of Sustainability also gazes into you. — Friedrich Nietzsche

For the first time, he truly understood what Nietzsche had meant when he had yammered about looking into abysses. Not only had the abyss looked into him, it had noted his name, address and shoe size. — Jonathan L. Howard

Battle not with Hello Kitty lest ye become Hello Kitty; and if you gaze into the abyss the abyss gazes into you with huge eyes and a helpless disposition. — Friedrich Nietzsche

Man is a rope, tied between beast and Superman
a rope over an abyss. — Friedrich Nietzsche

When you look into an abyss, the abyss also looks into you. — Friedrich Nietzsche

When you stare into the abyss the abyss stares back at you. — Friedrich Nietzsche

... if you gaze for long into an abyss, the abyss gazes also into you. - Friedrich Nietzsche, Beyond Good and Evil — Clive Barker

Always look on the bright side of the abyss — Friedrich Nietzsche

Nietzsche said: When you look into the abyss, it also looks into you. — Patricia Cornwell

The person who fights monsters should make sure that in the process, he does not become a monster himself. Because when you stare down at an abyss, the abyss stares back at you. — Friedrich Nietzsche

Man is something that shall be overcome.Man is a rope,tied between beast and overman - a rope over an abyss.What is great in man is that he is a bridge and not an end. — Friedrich Nietzsche

Nietzsche, who you don't spend too much time with after the age of seventeen, did have that one great line about "he who stares into the abyss must know that the abyss also stares into him" and I never really understood that until my friend got killed and you really get your head around the idea of what horror means. It's a truly awful thing, to really, kind of have that understanding of things and when you really peer into that. — Henry Rollins

Throw roses into the abyss and say: 'here is my thanks to the monster who didn't succeed in swallowing me alive. — Friedrich Nietzsche

He who fights with monsters should look to it that he himself does not become a monster ... when you gaze long into the abyss the abyss also gazes into you — Friedrich Nietzsche