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Never Forget Where You Come From Quotes & Sayings

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Top Never Forget Where You Come From Quotes

Never Forget Where You Come From Quotes By Jessica Day George

Love you always, miss you always ... running day and night, leaving the place of sun and moon, of ice and snow.
Never look back, never forget. — Jessica Day George

Never Forget Where You Come From Quotes By Luke Bryan

I'll never forget when me and Jason Matthews wrote the line, 'Don't be a tape player hater,' in 'Country Man,' I don't think I ever laughed harder. We didn't know where we were gonna put that in a song, but we knew we had to make it into a song. I just remember laughing and being so proud of such a goofy little line. — Luke Bryan

Never Forget Where You Come From Quotes By John Eppler

Never forget a man who holds a secret holds power. A Chinese proverb says: "If women want to keep a secret, one of them must die." What a splendid prospect, I thought! So far I have not heard one single encouraging word about this job. — John Eppler

Never Forget Where You Come From Quotes By Anthony Carmona

Do not let where you come from define you, but never forget the values you learned from your close community. — Anthony Carmona

Never Forget Where You Come From Quotes By Tawni O'Dell

Maybe over time I'll forget the feel and smell and sound of him, the same way I am starting to forget Mom, but I'll never be able to forget that he should've been here. — Tawni O'Dell

Never Forget Where You Come From Quotes By Barack Obama

Iran has agreed to deepen our coordination as we work to locate Robert Levinson, missing from Iran for more than eight years. Even as we rejoice in the safe return of others, we will never forget about Bob. Each and every day our hearts are with the Levinson family, and we will not rest until their family is whole again. — Barack Obama

Never Forget Where You Come From Quotes By Cristin Terrill

Let me look at you." I pull away and put my hands on his cheeks, examining his face. Blue eyes, of course. And how could I forget that mouth? Thin pink lips with one crooked corner always suggesting a mocking smile. My God, how had I never noticed before how handsome he is? "You need a haircut."
He rubs the side of his thumb over my cheekbone. "You're beautiful. — Cristin Terrill

Never Forget Where You Come From Quotes By John McCormick

The significant difference between Proust and Faulkner, for Sartre, is that where Proust discovers salvation in time, in the recovery of time past, for Faulkner time is never lost, however much he may want, like a mystic, to forget time. Both writers emphasize the transitoriness of emotion, of the condition of love or misery, or whatever passes because it is transitory in time. "Proust really should have employed a technique like Faulkner's," Sartre legislates, "that was the logical outcome of his metaphysic. Faulkner, however, is a lost man, and because he knows that he is lost he risks pushing his thoughts to its conclusion. Proust is a classicist and a Frenchman; and the French lose themselves with caution and always end by finding themselves. — John McCormick

Never Forget Where You Come From Quotes By Alex Grey

The many faces of Collective Vision united by the mandalic eye-field suggest both expansion of consciousness and sharing of consciousness with other beings. The painting was based on a profoundly ego dissolving entheogenic mystical trance where I heard the words, 'Infinite Oneness ... the Oneness should never forget the Infinitude and the Infinitude should never forget the Oneness ... ' — Alex Grey

Never Forget Where You Come From Quotes By Elizabeth Hoyt

Maximus," she whispered, all moonlight and strength. "I love you. Never forget that. — Elizabeth Hoyt

Never Forget Where You Come From Quotes By Bathsheba Dailey

Never forget who you are or where you have come from while being found by others — Bathsheba Dailey

Never Forget Where You Come From Quotes By Andre Brink

Ouma Nella's quotes p 144 -146
"Man, if you don't know where you going, any road will bring you there."
"It don't matter how far a river run. It never forget where it come from. That is all that is important."
"No matter if it's wet or dry," she grunt. "As long as you keep a green branch in your heart, there will always be a bird that come to sing in it."
"It's no use crying in the rain, my child, because no one will see your tears.
"Don't think you can climb two trees at the same time just because you got two legs."
"Ouma Nella, where am I not?"
"But you're right here with me, Philida. So there's many places where you're not."
"Tell me where those places are. I got to know. So I can go and look for myself. — Andre Brink

Never Forget Where You Come From Quotes By Adolf Hitler

Let us never forget the duty, which we have taken upon us — Adolf Hitler

Never Forget Where You Come From Quotes By Raymond Chandler

Above all never forget that a marriage is in one way very much like a newspaper. It has to be made fresh every damn day of every damn year. — Raymond Chandler

Never Forget Where You Come From Quotes By Timothy Pina

Everything will usually get worse before it gets better, but when it does get better ... remember all who put you down and all who helped you up. Forgive but never forget. Let Karma take care of all the rest. — Timothy Pina

Never Forget Where You Come From Quotes By Julie Kagawa

I'm your enemy, meghan. never forget that. if Mab tells me to kill you in front of the entire court, it's my duty to obey. — Julie Kagawa

Never Forget Where You Come From Quotes By Rajneesh

Greed arises only because your present moment is empty, and to live in an empty moment hurts very much. To forget it you project greed into the future, thinking that tomorrow things are going to be better, a lottery is going to open in your name. But of course you have to wait for tomorrow, it cannot be just now - and tomorrow never comes. All that comes is always the present moment, which is empty. Greed is because we don't know how to live the present moment in its total richness. — Rajneesh

Never Forget Where You Come From Quotes By Colleen Hoover

Never forget that I was your first real kiss. Never forget that you'll be my last. And never stop loving me between all of them. — Colleen Hoover

Never Forget Where You Come From Quotes By Mary Kay Ash

Never forget, your family should always have priority over your work. — Mary Kay Ash

Never Forget Where You Come From Quotes By Machado De Assis

,,,we forget our good actions only slowly, and in fact never truly forget them. — Machado De Assis

Never Forget Where You Come From Quotes By Jacinta Maree

The worst feeling is being forgotten by someone you could never forget... — Jacinta Maree

Never Forget Where You Come From Quotes By Katja Millay

I have a black-belt in self-pity. I was an expert in the field. Still am. It's a skill you never forget. — Katja Millay

Never Forget Where You Come From Quotes By Nancy Ring

You should never forget where you come from, never forget the struggle, never forget the lives that were lost. — Nancy Ring

Never Forget Where You Come From Quotes By Trebor Healey

How many of these children would one day be queer? How many would be felled by the acronym? How many by something else? How many would forget the circus? How many would never see it at all? How many would join? — Trebor Healey

Never Forget Where You Come From Quotes By Dick Lehr & Gerard O'Neill

For decades Southie had been immigrant Irish against the world, fighting first a losing battle againsnt shameful discrimination from the Yankee merchhants who had run Boston for centuries and then another one against mindless bureaucrats and an obdurate federal judge who imposed school busing on the "town" that hated outsiders to begin with. Both clashes were the kind of righteous fight that left residents the way they liked to be: bloodied but unbowed. The shared battles reaffirmed a view of life: never trust outsiders and never forget where you come from. — Dick Lehr & Gerard O'Neill

Never Forget Where You Come From Quotes By Cornelia Funke

This world,' she said. 'Do you really like it?'
What a question! Farid never asked himself such things. He was glad to be with Dustfinger again and didn't mind where that was.
It's a cruel world, don't you think?' Meggie went on. 'Mo often told me I forget how cruel it is too easily.'
With his burned fingers, Farid stroke her fair hair. It shone even in the dark. 'They're all cruel,' he said. 'The world I come from, the world you come from, and this one, too. Maybe the people don't see the cruelty in your world right away, it's better hidden, but it's there all the same. — Cornelia Funke

Never Forget Where You Come From Quotes By Ne-Yo

There wasn't a lot of R&B cats doing songs at 120 beats per minute before 'Closer,' which I take full credit and responsibility for. That's all good, but it was an experiment. You experiment with something, if it goes good, cool, but you never forget where you come from and R&B is where I come from. — Ne-Yo

Never Forget Where You Come From Quotes By Joyce Meyer

I never will forget this. I went and threw myself across my daughter's bed, and I cried and I cried and I cried and I cried, because I felt like that I had been so faithful and that there was no financial breakthrough for us. You ever have one of those days where you are tired of hearing everybody else's testimony? But, I made a decision that day, and I think we all have to come to this point in many different areas of our life. And, as I lay across that bed and cried, when I finally got done crying I said this out loud, it was like my declaration, "God, I am going to tithe and give offerings until the day I die whether I ever see anything from it or not!" And, you know what, from that day forward we began to prosper and increase. And, I believe with all of my heart that was a test for me. — Joyce Meyer

Never Forget Where You Come From Quotes By Zlatan Ibrahimovic

You never forget where you come from. — Zlatan Ibrahimovic

Never Forget Where You Come From Quotes By Leah LaBelle

You've got to make your mark. I just want some hank-panky. You never forget who you are sexy vs Skanky. — Leah LaBelle

Never Forget Where You Come From Quotes By Kalup Linzy

People say if you keep making work and keep putting it out, better things will come. I think artists should never forget that. I think that's what you have to be committed to if you're an artist, that's where the good feelings come from. It's so easy to get caught up in other stuff, like the business part of it. If you just have to be aware, just keep putting it out there. — Kalup Linzy

Never Forget Where You Come From Quotes By Kinley MacGregor

They travel through the night on the wings of heavenly stallions bringing hope and new faith to those left behind. Even though they are free, they never forget their past and spend their lives trying to bring peace to others. (Brotherhood Chanson) — Kinley MacGregor

Never Forget Where You Come From Quotes By John Fowles

I know what it's like when people go away. It's agony for a week, then painful for a week, then you begin to forget, and then it seems as it never happened, it happened to someone else, and you start shrugging. You say, dingo, it's life, that's the way the things are. Stupid things like that. As if you haven't really lost something for ever. — John Fowles

Never Forget Where You Come From Quotes By Henry David Thoreau

The imagination never forgets; it is a re-membering. It is not foundationless, but most reasonable, and it alone uses all the knowledge of the intellect. — Henry David Thoreau

Never Forget Where You Come From Quotes By Dean Koontz

That is, Jack thought, the way of life. The horror changes us, because we can never forget. Cursed with memory. It starts when we're old enough to know what death is and realize that sooner or later we'll lose everyone we love. We're never the same. But somehow we're all right. We go on. — Dean Koontz

Never Forget Where You Come From Quotes By Terry Tempest Williams

What was it like when your mother passed away?" I asked Mimi. "I was twenty-eight years old. I had just given birth to John when I found out Mother had died from a stomach ulcer. A sudden infection. She had just made plans to come from Washington, D.C. to see him." She paused. "I'll never forget the telegram my sister Marion sent. I couldn't believe it. It was so final. Suddenly, the world seemed very dark. I couldn't imagine how I was going to live without her and I grieved deeply that she was never able to see her first grandchild. But I will tell you, Terry, you do get along. It isn't easy. The void is always with you. But you will get by without your mother just fine and I promise you, you will become stronger and stronger each day. — Terry Tempest Williams

Never Forget Where You Come From Quotes By Tony Visconti

I am flying back to New York as I write this. I will never forget these wonderful 35 days and I would go back to Copenhagen in a heartbeat to work there again. — Tony Visconti

Never Forget Where You Come From Quotes By Debasish Mridha

Like the ocean, never forget to be generous with your love. — Debasish Mridha

Never Forget Where You Come From Quotes By Diana Lynn

I will know how to hold you just by the look in your eye, I will never forget - not even on the day that I die. This is a promise of my passion for you, smile at me and make it true. — Diana Lynn

Never Forget Where You Come From Quotes By Lori Wick

I can think of God as my savior and even my friend, but I must never forget that He is God, and after He saves me, I must put myself in subjection to Him and His will. — Lori Wick

Never Forget Where You Come From Quotes By Rudyard Kipling

was seven o'clock of a very warm evening in the Seeonee hills when Father Wolf woke up from his day's rest, scratched himself, yawned, and spread out his paws one after the other to get rid of the sleepy feeling in their tips. Mother Wolf lay with her big gray nose dropped across her four tumbling, squealing cubs, and the moon shone into the mouth of the cave where they all lived. "Augrh!" said Father Wolf. "It is time to hunt again." He was going to spring down hill when a little shadow with a bushy tail crossed the threshold and whined: "Good luck go with you, O Chief of the Wolves. And good luck and strong white teeth go with noble children that they may never forget the hungry in this world." It was the jackal - Tabaqui, the Dish-licker - and the wolves of India — Rudyard Kipling

Never Forget Where You Come From Quotes By Lia Habel

Love's like a cigarette..
You know you had my heart aglow, Between you fingertips.
And, just like a cigarette, I never knew the thrill of life
Until you touched my lips.
Then just like a cigarette, Love seemed to fade away and Leave behind ashes of regret..
And, with a flick of your fingertips, It was easy for you to forget ... — Lia Habel

Never Forget Where You Come From Quotes By James Gates Percival

There are moments of life that we never forget, which brighten and brighten as time steals away. — James Gates Percival

Never Forget Where You Come From Quotes By Debasish Mridha

Be simple; it is beautiful. Never forget to be kind; it is essential. — Debasish Mridha

Never Forget Where You Come From Quotes By A. Lee Martinez

To worry is to acknowledge that the world is unpredictable, and there is power in understanding one's own powerlessness at times. But too often worry takes on life of its own. Men are quite prone to this. They'll plague themselves with so many 'what if's and 'if only's that they soon forget to ponder the true possibilities before them. Which inevitably lead to poor decisions. Whatever happens will happen. Sometimes we have say over the future. Sometimes we don't. Either way, worrying alone never accomplishes anything. — A. Lee Martinez

Never Forget Where You Come From Quotes By John Burnham Schwartz

Certain experiences you never forget, no matter how old you become. — John Burnham Schwartz

Never Forget Where You Come From Quotes By Doris Lessing

And thinking about this, which I have done so much, I discover that I come around, by a back door, to another of the things that obsess me. I mean, of course, this question of 'personality'. Heaven knows we are never allowed to forget that the 'personality' doesn't exist any more. It's the theme of half the novels written, the theme of the sociologists and all the other -ologists. We're told so often that human personality has disintegrated into nothing under pressure of all our knowledge that I've even been believing it. — Doris Lessing

Never Forget Where You Come From Quotes By Cassandra Clare

If you never tell anyone the truth about yourself, eventually you start to forget. The love, the heartbreak, the joy, the despair, the things I did that were good, the things I did that were shameful
if I kept them all inside, my memories of them would start to disappear. And then I would disappear. — Cassandra Clare

Never Forget Where You Come From Quotes By Trevor Noah

I was blessed with another trait I inherited from my mother, her ability to forget the pain in life. I remember the thing that caused the trauma, but I don't hold onto the trauma. I never let the memory of something painful prevent me from trying something new. If you think too much about the ass kicking your mom gave you or the ass kicking that life gave you, you'll stop pushing the boundaries and breaking the rules. It's better to take it, spend some time crying, then wake up the next day and move on. You'll have a few bruises and they'll remind you of what happened and that's ok. But after a while, the bruises fade and they fade for a reason. Because now, it's time to get up to some shit again. — Trevor Noah

Never Forget Where You Come From Quotes By Kiera Cass

I will never forget your fire. I can't wait to see what you do. — Kiera Cass