Quotes & Sayings About Never Apologizing For Who You Are
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Top Never Apologizing For Who You Are Quotes

Obama likes to quote great men but will never be a great man himself. I can't stand it when our leader goes around apologizing for who we are. — Joe Wurzelbacher

When I was a child and told my mother I didn't felt this was my planet, she thought I was schizophrenic or autistic. When later I finished a college degree and started working in different countries, she called me monster and started threatening me. Nearly 40 years later, when I was making a living from the books I wrote based on what I know, and making 6 times more money than she ever will, she apologized. I'm just not sure why or what she was apologizing for. I had already forgiven her ignorance when realizing nobody would ever believe the truth but myself. I had to go the whole way alone. Nobody was going to come with me on this very long, painful and challenging journey that humans call life but for me was much more than that, it was my mission, of changing their whole future far beyond the time when I'm gone. She was never my mother but merely the human body that gave me birth. In that sense, I am a monster, because I had no love. I had to find that too, on my own. — Robin Sacredfire

Never retract, never explain, never apologize; get things done and let them howl. — Nellie L. McClung

Most people believe the journey they begin with Christ goes forward, but that is not how he works. A spiritual life is not cutting ties with people, in order to walk clean in the future. The journey home isn't running away from obstacles. It is learning to stand where you are now and handle people, assert yourself, set boundaries and never feel your happiness is dependent on another person's approval of your choices, beliefs or spiritual needs. — Shannon L. Alder

Always remember who you are. Know that you are never required to apologize to anyone for being yourself. — Iyanla Vanzant

Sometimes it was like Neil was from an alien planet, where people never asked for or shared anything emotional without deeply apologizing first. He assured me that he was simply British. And that we Americans, with all of our loud oversharing and need for random hugs and free admissions to people we've just met of deep, traumatic childhood wounds looks just as alien to them. — Amanda Palmer

Gossip is the currency of the discourse, so you should shut up about yourself. Never confess, never explain, never apologize, and never complain. — Dave Hickey

Everyone says apologizing works, but it never really does. Not quickly enough anyway. — Sara Barnard

I'm sorry,' I say for what feels like the millionth time. I know, even as my mouth forms the words, that I will say them for the rest of my life. Forever. That there will never be a time when I am not, in some small way, apologizing for the damage my brother has wrought. — Jennifer Banash

Do the things you used to talk about doing but never did. Know when to let go and when to hold on tight. Stop rushing. Don't be intimidated to say it like it is. Stop apologizing all the time. Learn to say no, so your yes has some oomph. Spend time with the friends who lift you up, and cut loose the ones who bring you down. Stop giving your power away. Be more concerned with being interested than being interesting. Be old enough to appreciate your freedom, and young enough to enjoy it. Finally know who you are. — Kristin Armstrong

I wish I could tell you what happened, but I can't. Someday I will, but I can't right now and I need you to accept that. Please. And I'm not apologizing to you,because I don't want you to forget what happened and you should never forgive me for it. EVER. Never make excuses for me, Sky. — Colleen Hoover

The greatest virtue is not in forgiving those who apologize, or in being kind to those who are kind to you. The biggest virtue is in forgiving even those who never apologize, and in being kind to even those who are not kind to you. — Yasmin Mogahed

In our family, being powerful means you never, ever apologize for being a woman. — Georgette Mosbacher

Have either of you seen Sam? Brianna can't find him."
Albert sighed. "He's out of town."
Edilio felt the blood drain out of his face. "He's what?"
Astrid arrived, coldly furious. "I'm not on the council anymore. You have no right - "
"Shut up, Astrid," Edilio said.
Astrid, Albert, and Howard all stared. Edilio was as amazed as any of them. He considered apologizing - he had never spoken to Astrid that way. He'd never spoken to anyone that way.
The truth was he was scared. Sam was out of town? With Drake running loose?
"What makes you think Sam is out of town?" Edilio asked Albert.
"I sent him," Albert said. "Him and Dekka. Taylor and Jack, too. They're looking for water."
"They're what?"
"Looking for water. — Michael Grant

Never go back, never apologize, and never forget we're half the human race. — Bella Abzug

Never apologize for your success because you worked hard for it, — Goldie Hawn

Sometimes I apologize. It started that way and we never did change it. — Douglas Engelbart

Form and content must never apologize for each other. — Scott McCloud

Never apologize for your cooking. — Julia Child

Never apologize for burning too brightly or collapsing into yourself every night. That is how galaxies are made. — Tyler Kent

She'd never mastered the talent for apologizing, but she appreciated it in other people. — Terry Pratchett

It is a good rule in life never to apologize. The right sort of people do not want apologies, and the wrong sort take a mean advantage of them. — P.G. Wodehouse

Never apologize for showing your feelings. When you do, you are apologizing for the truth. — Jose N. Harris

Never believe you're so great or important, so right or proud, that you cannot kneel at the feet of someone you hurt and offer a humble, sincere apology. — Richelle E. Goodrich

The promise of Plath's work was that a woman could de-fang the charges of hysteria by owning them. Unlike Solanas, who seemingly never saw herself as flawed or sick, or Wollstonecraft and Bronte, who swept their flaws under the carpet so as not to compromise themselves, or even Jacobs, who was honest, but played a delicate game of apologizing for "sins" that were not her fault so as to reach her audience, Plath took her own flaws as her subject, and thereby made them the source of her authority. By detailing her own overabundant inner life, no matter how huge and frightening it was -- her sexuality, her suicidality, her broken relationships, her anger at the world or at men -- she could, in some crucial way, own that part of her story, simply because she chose to tell it. And, if she could do this, other women could do it, too. — Sady Doyle

I have come to understand that I have offended you with my honest about your power,' he said. 'I am not accustomed-' He paused and rubbed his chin. 'I mean apart from my father, there has been no one whose opinion I was required to consider. And I've never had to'-his finger traced the edge of the pearl-'pursue a woman.'
Was the emperor apologizing to me?
He took a deep breath. 'I cannot take back those words-we both know they were the truth-but I regret that I caused you hurt.' He reached across and took my hand. 'And they did not take into account the importance I place upon your role as Niaso. Eona, you are the moon balance to my sun. — Alison Goodman

Never apologize for being yourself. — Paulo Coelho

Never contradict. Never explain. Never apologize. (Those are the secrets of a happy life!) — John Arbuthnot

Like the rest of the devout, he was incapable of understanding that the Holy One's face is never turned away but constantly looks down on all creatures with a beneficence that they are too busy apologizing for their unworthiness and performing their good works and assuring Heaven of their unfailing devotion to notice. — Frederick Buechner

I apologize because of the terrible mess the planet is in. But it has always been a mess. There have never been any 'Good Old Days,' there have just been days. And as I say to my grandchildren, 'Don't look at me. I just got here myself.' — Kurt Vonnegut

Never apologize on stage. Most people never notice when you make a mistake or if you are having a bad show. — Tristan Prettyman