Namaste And Other Quotes & Sayings
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Top Namaste And Other Quotes

namaste - it means, roughly translated, "I honor the Deity within you." that is precisely what we do when we open our hearts to another; we honor the fact that he or she, like us, is a child or the same loving Father, worthy of all respect and careful attention. — Virginia H. Pearce

Jonathan's voice was quiet now. "Thank you for sharing this evening with me. In yoga, we say 'Namaste,' which means 'I bow to the divine in you.'" He bowed his dork-knobbed head and said, "Namaste." We bowed back and mumbled, "Namaste." On my tongue, the new word felt as though it contained its own foreign spice. — Claire Dederer

Do not repay evil for evil or return the insults of your fellow men. Benjamin, you have been called to this, and the pathway is open for you to receive blessings beyond your own understanding. May the Lord bless and keep you. May the good Lord shine His face upon you and be gracious to you. And may the Lord lift up the expression of His face on you and give you peace. — Dale Cox

To shut yourself from history is to shut yourself off from say music or painting or the theatre, literature for the rest of your life. It would be to cheat yourself of the pleasures of life. — David McCullough

The entire path of the Vitraag Lords (the enlightened one) is one of humility (vinaya). The practice of humility (vinaya dharma) begins from Hindustan (India). There are endless practices of humility, starting from putting two hands together (in the gesture of Namaste) to prostrating. And ultimately when one attains absolute humility (param vinaya), he attains moksha (ultimate liberation). — Dada Bhagwan

To All That Work So Hard To Enrich Lives And Help Make A Better Humanity,
I Have Just One Word To You ... NAMASTE! — Timothy Pina

Affirmations: "I love & respect my mind, body, spirit." & "I do what best nurtures all parts of myself." & "I thrive on wholeness." Namaste! — Jay Woodman

Before I had a name I existed in the world as breath as the wind as a star. For a moment if I could be the breath & the wind & the nameless star I'd meet the sky that holds them as it holds me, & I'd say joyfully, namaste. — Leza Lowitz

Let the light within me salute the light that is within you. Namaste. — William Kuhn

Namaste. It was a Nepalese greeting. It meant: The light within me bows to the light within you. — Jennifer Donnelly

If you have a lesion in the hippocampus in both sides, you have short term memory, but you can convert that short term memory into long term memory. — Eric Kandel

Acting is the most communicative thing I can imagine doing. — Amy Carlson

Not worried about yesterday. No sense worrying about tomorrow. Today, I conquer. Join me. #Namaste #CarpeDiem #Push — Ace Antonio Hall

Namaste means that whatever is precious and beautiful in me honors whatever is precious and beautiful in you. — Debasish Mridha

Other than hitting the ball ... there's nothing else I have ever done or know how to do. How to live on the outside, how to earn a living, how to take of my family, I'm a stupid idiot who doesn't know how to do any of that. Therefore ... Please let me play baseball. — Kim Young-kwang

That's all you get," said Alpharius, and split him in half.
Alpharius sheathed his gladius, and dragged the sabre out of his torso. He tossed it away, and walked through the liter of bodies to where Namatjira was kneeling on the deck.
"Please! My lord primarch! Please, I beg you!" Namtjira pleaded, his hands making a desperate namaste.
Alpharius drew his boltgun.
"Why?" shrieked Namatjira. "Why are you doing this?
"For the Emperor," said Alpharius, and pulled the trigger. — Dan Abnett

Namaste, Prince of Naga-loka. I'm grateful. You're a fine fellow." He stuck out his tongue and grinned wickedly. "For a royal wriggler."
"Namaste, O flea-ridden tree-climber," Shesha replied, with a fond glint in his eyes. "May your life be as long as you insolence is great. — Lloyd Alexander

The Sanskrit word namaste means 'The spirit in me honors the spirit in you.' Whenever you first make eye contact with another person, say 'Namaste' silently to yourself. This is a way of acknowledging that the being there is the same as the being here. — Deepak Chopra

Namaste is a term that finds its origin in India means the God in me salutes the God in you. This means that every human being has a God in her or him. I wonder where in time we forgot this wisdom and started treating fellow human beings as untouchables and backward classes. — Jeroninio Almeida

Peace begins with a kind gesture and Namaste. — Debasish Mridha

She put her hands together and Saul hoped she wasn't about to say -
'Namaste,' said CC, bowing. 'He taught me that. Very spiritual.'
She said 'spiritual' so often it had become meaningless to Saul.
'He said, CC Das, you have a great spiritual gift. You must leave this place and share it with the world. You must tell people to be calm.'
As she spoke Saul mouthed the words, lip-synching to the familiar tune.
'CC Das, he said, you above all others know that when the chakras are in alignment all is white. And when all is white, all is right.'
Saul wondered whether she was confusing an Indian mystic with a KKK member. Ironic, really, if she was. — Louise Penny

We never stopped being each other. — Alicen Grey