Famous Quotes & Sayings

Muskhounds Quotes & Sayings

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Top Muskhounds Quotes

Muskhounds Quotes By Eric Samuel Timm

Too many people never catch tomorrow as they let go of today. Capture the precious now instead of holding onto the hope of tomorrow. — Eric Samuel Timm

Muskhounds Quotes By Carl Sandburg

An expert is a damn fool a long way from home. — Carl Sandburg

Muskhounds Quotes By Tennessee Williams

Kenneth Hari does not paint portraits as they are but as he is. I feel he is hiding something from me. To board a train into his mind would give me a ride into dark adventure. — Tennessee Williams

Muskhounds Quotes By Erich Maria Remarque

Modesty and conscientiousness receive their reward only in novels. In life they are exploited and then shoved aside. — Erich Maria Remarque

Muskhounds Quotes By Alexander MacLaren

The never-ceasing boom of the great ocean as it breaks on the beach, drowns all smaller sounds. — Alexander MacLaren

Muskhounds Quotes By Allan Kardec

You are always wanting miracles; but God sows miracles by handfuls under your feet, and yet you still have people who deny their existence. — Allan Kardec