Famous Quotes & Sayings

Motivational One Liner Quotes & Sayings

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Top Motivational One Liner Quotes

Motivational One Liner Quotes By Johnny Weissmuller

I have always been vitally interested in physical conditioning. I have long believed that athletic competition among people and nations should replace violence and wars. — Johnny Weissmuller

Motivational One Liner Quotes By Ibn Qayyim Al-Jawziyya

Yearning for Allah and His meeting is like the gentle breeze blowing upon the heart, extinguishing the blaze of the Dunya. Whosoever caused his heart to settle with his Lord shall be in a state, calm and tranquility, and whosoever sent it amongst the people shall be disturbed and excessively perturbed. — Ibn Qayyim Al-Jawziyya

Motivational One Liner Quotes By Vikrmn

We both were there, but alone. "Bye," she said and left; I was alone; again, one more time. — Vikrmn

Motivational One Liner Quotes By Andrew Solomon

One of the things that frequently gets lost in descriptions of depression is that the depressed person often knows that it is a ludicrous condition to feel so disabled by the ordinary business of quotidian life. — Andrew Solomon

Motivational One Liner Quotes By Ian Anderson

I kind of like the idea of living a rather ordinary life as a shopkeeper, and I examine that possibility as one of the outcomes of the young Gerald Bostock growing older. — Ian Anderson

Motivational One Liner Quotes By Phyllis Diller

All mothers are working mothers. — Phyllis Diller

Motivational One Liner Quotes By Jeannette Walls

Some people who've read my story think I had a terrible childhood and that I was neglected or even abused, while others feel that my parents, while certainly flawed, also had truly wonderful qualities. And that's the way it should be, because in real life two people can look at the same president and one will see a hero and the other a villain. — Jeannette Walls

Motivational One Liner Quotes By Richie Norton

If you're in business, all the content in the world will do you no good unless it leads to a sale. — Richie Norton

Motivational One Liner Quotes By T.P. Rajeevan

How much
I want you,
I don't know. — T.P. Rajeevan

Motivational One Liner Quotes By James Hilton

When you are getting on in years it is nice to sit by the fire and drink a cup of tea and listen to the school bell sounding dinner, call-over, prep., and lights out. Chips always wound up the clock after that last bell; then he put the wire guard in front of the fire, turned out the gas, and carried a detective novel to bed. Rarely did he read more than a page of it before sleep came swiftly and peacefully, more like a mystic intensifying of perception than any changeful entrance into another world. For his days and nights were equally full of dreaming. — James Hilton

Motivational One Liner Quotes By Thomas Hardy

Clare had studied the curves of those lips so many times that he could reproduce them mentally with ease: and now, as they again confronted him, clothed with colour and life, they sent an aura over his flesh, a breeze through his nerves, which wellnigh produced a qualm; and actually produced, by some mysterious physiological process, a prosaic sneeze. — Thomas Hardy

Motivational One Liner Quotes By Donna Grant

Nat," he whispered and lowered his head.
Her heart missed a beat as his soft mouth brushed against hers. Then his lips were atop hers, firmly, his tongue sliding against them. — Donna Grant

Motivational One Liner Quotes By Malcolm Muggeridge

I hate government. I hate power. I think that man's existence, insofar as he achieves anything, is to resist power, to minimize power, to devise systems of society in which power is the least exerted. — Malcolm Muggeridge

Motivational One Liner Quotes By Antoine R. Ivins

The law of chastity is not a negative proposition, but a positive one because in its observance there are spiritual values that far outweigh the physical dangers that we often emphasize. I believe the chances are that our children will respond to the positive attitude quicker and more thoroughly than they do to the negative. Let's show them the values that there are in that law. — Antoine R. Ivins

Motivational One Liner Quotes By Nick O'Donohoe

If I've learned anything this trip, it's that you have to take responsibility for what you don't do, as well as what you do. — Nick O'Donohoe

Motivational One Liner Quotes By Vikrmn

Wow! So beautiful. Which star? Planet, not star; It WAS called Earth. — Vikrmn

Motivational One Liner Quotes By Rick Riordan

So Aphrodite married Hephaestus and the celebrity ship Aphrophaestus completely dominated Olympian tabloid news for like a thousand years. Did they live happily ever after? HAHAHAHAHA. No. — Rick Riordan

Motivational One Liner Quotes By Vikrmn

I'll always wait for you. Bye! Gotta go. — Vikrmn