Famous Quotes & Sayings

Motara Quotes & Sayings

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Top Motara Quotes

Motara Quotes By Vikrmn

With the touch of wisdom, comes the end of fears. — Vikrmn

Motara Quotes By Rusty Schweickart

We're not passengers on Spaceship Earth. We're the crew. — Rusty Schweickart

Motara Quotes By Edgar Allan Poe

I fell in love with melancholy — Edgar Allan Poe

Motara Quotes By Dan Brown

Truth has power. And if we all gravitate toward similar ideas, maybe we do so because those ideas are true ... written deep within us. And when we hear the truth, even if we don't understand it, we feel that truth resonate within us ... vibrating with our unconscious wisdom. Perhaps the truth is not learned by us, but rather, the truth is re-called ... re-membered ... -re-cognized ... as that which is already inside us. — Dan Brown

Motara Quotes By Peter Weir

With more time I like to see the actors find something of their own places, so I can get their own ideas before I put mine in. Given they have a better idea more often enough. — Peter Weir

Motara Quotes By Jacob Wren

People say movies are escapist, just entertainment, but I think that's only an alibi, a way of hiding from ourselves just how effective what we do actually is. When something is in a movie, and especially when something is in a particularly successful film, its language, its grammar, is added into the grammar of possible reality. The banal fact that sharks are terrifying was cemented into our cultural imagination after Jaws. We have no idea how much power we have and absolutely no idea how to use it. It's like we invent people's dreams. — Jacob Wren

Motara Quotes By Robert Jordan

The Shadow shall rise across the world, and darken every land, even to the smallest corner, and there shall be neither Light nor safety. And he who shall be born of the Dawn, born of the Maiden, according to Prophecy, he shall stretch forth his hands to catch the Shadow, and the world shall scream in the pain of salvation. All Glory be to the Creator, and to the Light, and to he sho shall be born again. May the Light save us from him.
-from Commentaries on the Karaethon Cycle Sereine dar Shamelle Motara Counsel-Sister to Comaelle, High Queen of Jaramide (circa 325 AB, the Third Age) — Robert Jordan

Motara Quotes By Charles Dickens

You can only form the minds of reasoning animals upon Facts: nothing else will ever be of any service to them. Stick to Facts, sir! — Charles Dickens

Motara Quotes By Gerrilyn Smith

Women in general are expected to hold less power than men and there are different expectations as to the tasks we will perform and the positions we will subsequently hold. Women tend to be offered less opportunities in life and are generally treated with less respect than men. We tend to receive less reward, tangible and intangible, for the work we do and the roles we play; we are often made to feel less important and our opinions less valid. Women are encouraged to compromise rather than question; to acquiesce rather than agitate. — Gerrilyn Smith

Motara Quotes By Charlie Day

Never trust a man whom you know to have acted like a scoundrel to others, whatever friendliness he may profess to feel towards yourself, however plausible he may be, or however kindly he may behave; be sure that, the moment he has anything to gain by so doing, he will "throw you over." — Charlie Day

Motara Quotes By Bo Burnham

At the time of 'Words, Words, Words,' I'm a 19-year-old getting up feeling like he's entitled to do comedy and tell you what he thinks of the world, so that's inherently a little bit ridiculous. — Bo Burnham

Motara Quotes By Taylor Jenkins Reid

Things happen in your life that you can't possibly imagine. But time goes on and time changes you and the times change and the next thing you know, you're smack in the middle of a life you never saw coming. — Taylor Jenkins Reid

Motara Quotes By Amy A. Bartol

Reece ... Reed ... isn't that a silly coincidence? he asks, his mouth twisting in a grim smile that neither reaches his blue eye nor his green one. — Amy A. Bartol

Motara Quotes By Linus Pauling

I realized that more and more I was saying, 'It seems to me that we have come to the time war ought to be given up. It no longer makes sense to kill 20 million or 40 million people because of a dispute between two nations who are running things, or decisions made by the people who really are running things. It no longer makes sense. Nobody wins. Nobody benefits from destructive war of this sort and there is all of this human suffering.' And Einstein was saying the same thing of course. So that is when we decided - my wife and I - that first, I was pretty effective as a speaker. Second, I better start boning up, studying these other fields so that nobody could stand up and say, 'Well, the authorities say such and such '. — Linus Pauling

Motara Quotes By Piet Mondrian

The desire for freedom and equilibrium (harmony) is inherent in man (due to the universal in him). — Piet Mondrian

Motara Quotes By John Milton

Dark with excessive bright. — John Milton