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Mosquito In Room Quotes & Sayings

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Top Mosquito In Room Quotes

Mosquito In Room Quotes By Richard Calder

Awakened by a thousand dogs, a passing truck, the tailspin of a poisoned mosquito (or, perhaps, merely the silence of my dreams), I had, before remembering who and where I was, seen only that green sun suspended in the firmament of my room (her uterus bottled in preserving fluids) and, through seconds that became millennia, millennia aeons, felt the steadfastness of my orbit around that cold glow of love, a marvelous fatal steadfastness, before my pupils dilated and shadows and unease once more defined reality, the steel box naked but for a mattress and insomnious bugs where I had lived, in a coma of heartbreak and drunkenness, the six months since Primavera's death. — Richard Calder

Mosquito In Room Quotes By Zach Braff

I could be one if I wanted to, I'm just way too overqualified for a job that simple. — Zach Braff

Mosquito In Room Quotes By Todd Solondz

What's most insidious about MTV is that it commodifies precisely those things that young people believe are subversive. In other words, subversity itself has become a commodity. It's all a way to trick young people into believing that there's something unique about what they do, but this is all completely a corporately designed maneuver. — Todd Solondz

Mosquito In Room Quotes By Christine Todd Whitman

Anyone who thinks that they are too small to make a difference has never tried to fall asleep with a mosquito in the room. — Christine Todd Whitman

Mosquito In Room Quotes By Dennis Rainey

People who say that small things don't bother them have never slept in a room with a mosquito. — Dennis Rainey

Mosquito In Room Quotes By Lizzie Borden

Believe that you can make a difference; in fact, you do with every single choice you make. Your money is your power and each time you spend it, it's a vote for something, so make it count. I personally live and work by this African Proverb - If you think you're too small to make a difference, try sleeping in a room with a mosquito. — Lizzie Borden

Mosquito In Room Quotes By Blanche Wiesen Cook

Eleanor Roosevelt fights for an anti-lynch law with the NAACP, with Walter White and Mary McLeod Bethune. And she begs FDR to say one word, say one word to prevent a filibuster or to end a filibuster. From '34 to '35 to '36 to '37 to '38, it comes up again and again, and FDR doesn't say one word. And the correspondence between them that we have, I mean, she says, "I cannot believe you're not going to say one word." And she writes to Walter White, "I've asked FDR to say one word. Perhaps he will." But he doesn't. And these become very bitter disagreements. — Blanche Wiesen Cook

Mosquito In Room Quotes By Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie

I sat at my bedroom window after I changed; the cashew tree was so close I could reach out and pluck a leaf if it were not for the silver-colour crisscross of mosquito netting. The bell-shaped yellow fruits hung lazily, drawing buzzing bees that bumped against my window's netting. I heard Papa walk upstairs to his room for his afternoon siesta. I closed my eyes, sat still, waiting to hear him call Jaja, to hear Jaja go into his room. But after long, silent minutes, I opened my eyes and pressed my forehead against the window louvers to look outside.9 — Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie

Mosquito In Room Quotes By Anna Smaill

I want to show an all of us. And I want the story to hold and keep our separate strangeness and the broken pieces of all the human beings that do not fit. — Anna Smaill

Mosquito In Room Quotes By Gabriel Garcia Marquez

After dinner, at five o'clock, the crew distributed folding canvas cots to the passengers, and each person opened his bed wherever he could find room, arranged it with the bedclothes from his petate, and set the mosquito netting over that. Those with hammocks hung them in the salon, and those who had nothing slept on the tablecloths that were not changed more than twice during the trip. — Gabriel Garcia Marquez

Mosquito In Room Quotes By Kenny Chesney

People who can't kiss had everything given to them. — Kenny Chesney

Mosquito In Room Quotes By Rachel Hartman

Nothing was just one thing; there were worlds within worlds. Those of us who trod the line between were blessed and burdened with both. — Rachel Hartman

Mosquito In Room Quotes By Anita Roddick

If you think you're too small to have an impact, try going to bed with a mosquito in the room. — Anita Roddick

Mosquito In Room Quotes By Dan Bejar

I'm not that conscious of my writing, so pacing the lyrics doesn't really enter the picture. — Dan Bejar

Mosquito In Room Quotes By Katherine Chandler

People who tell you never to let little things bother you have never tried sleeping in a room with a mosquito. — Katherine Chandler

Mosquito In Room Quotes By Swami Vivekananda

There are the altars, but here is the greatest of altars, the living, conscious human body, and to worship at this altar is far higher than the worship of any dead symbols. — Swami Vivekananda