Famous Quotes & Sayings

Morey Quotes & Sayings

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Top Morey Quotes

Morey Quotes By Beth Morey

imagine the desert
mothers, with hair tangled
tighter than their theology
and breasts that flowed milk
and mystic wisdom. they
knew how to draw the singing
sigils in the sand, how to dig
rough and bitten fingers
into desiccated dirt for water
to wet the lips of their young.

women of hips and heft, who
learned how to burn
beneath the wild and searing
sun, who made loud love
against the star-flecked threat
of night, who knew that strength
is not always a matter of muscle.

imagine your ancestresses,
the prophetesses of the arid
lands, before these starched
traditions and pews too hard
to pray from, who bled true
ritual and birthed their own fierce
souls at creation's crowning -- — Beth Morey

Morey Quotes By Michael Lewis

A lot of what people did and said when they "predicted" things, Morey now realized, was phony: pretending to know things rather than actually knowing things. There were a great many interesting questions in the world to which the only honest answer was, "It's impossible to know for sure". — Michael Lewis

Morey Quotes By Michael Lewis

Knowledge is literally prediction," said Morey. "Knowledge is anything that increases your ability to predict the outcome. Literally everything you do you're trying to predict the right thing. Most people just do it subconsciously." A — Michael Lewis

Morey Quotes By Michael Lewis

The trait [Morey] looked for was awareness that they were seeking answers to questions with no certain answers--that they were inherently fallible. "I always ask them, 'Who did you miss?'" he said. Which future superstar had they written off, or which future bust had they fallen in love with? "If they don't give me a good one, I'm like, 'Fuck 'em. — Michael Lewis

Morey Quotes By Beth Morey

i feel the spring breeze ruffling
the new-hatched damp of my unfurling
feathers; i see with eyes bleary from egg-dark
the shell clinging sticky to my screaming
beak. — Beth Morey

Morey Quotes By Daryl Morey

I lead verbally, not by example. — Daryl Morey

Morey Quotes By Beth Morey

I hear talk of that slippery slope, and my heart catches for a beat. But there is the musky truth I'm standing in that I can't deny, and it tastes of so much holy. That old way, the narrow line, I see now that was a slippery, saccharine surface where my soul could gain no purchase. For the first time, my feet feel sure beneath me, and that sense is twining its way up from my ankles, racing toward my knees, my thighs, my secret places, my heart. It's in my blood now, and I can't deny it. I can't deny it.

I open my eyes, because I could see even through my clutched-closed lids that the darkness is light, that the blindness has given way to searing vision.

I can't deny it. — Beth Morey

Morey Quotes By Beth Morey

you say
we were never
meant for this vowed life,
golden bands of only us, and death
do us part. you
say love like it's held in quotation marks,
that this union soured before
it started. — Beth Morey

Morey Quotes By Kelly Ana Morey

He curls up on a couple of hay bales with an old horse-cover pulled over him for a few hours' kip. There is still a spring chill in the air and Tommy is grateful when Floss noses in under the rug and, after gnawing away at a flea at the base of her tail for a few minutes, curls up in the small of his back and goes to sleep.
Pg 205 — Kelly Ana Morey

Morey Quotes By Beth Morey

we have forgotten how to press our fingers
to the tilting planet's jugular and measure
her pulse. we have forgotten symbiosis,
that she is our mother.

we have forgotten that when we rape
our world we rape ourselves. — Beth Morey

Morey Quotes By Beth Morey

now I'm blinking in a new gloaming
and all I see as I'm stretched low down here
is a world of women flat on their frozen
faces. we are the ground itself, corporeal
carpet of cells, softness calloused hard
beneath the pebbled soles of the fathers
and husbands and brothers and priests

and it's a horror if you could see it,
a world of women ruined
by man's fear. — Beth Morey

Morey Quotes By Morey Amsterdam

According to the statistics, a man eats a prune every twenty seconds. I don't know who this fellow is, but I know where to find him. — Morey Amsterdam

Morey Quotes By Beth Morey

she prays to feel as powerful
as she might if God sang silent
words into her ear and answered
all the rattling questions
now — Beth Morey

Morey Quotes By Daryl Morey

I have all these opinions about the dancers but they should be kept to myself. No one consults me. I keep asking to be invited to the dance tryouts but no one ever allows me there. I'll just say this: My general philosophy is that you can teach them to dance. — Daryl Morey

Morey Quotes By Clint Morey

in the middle of this God-forsaken desert, the government built an oasis. The designers included rolling hills, a small river, walking trails, two small lakes, and dozens of large one and two story buildings that seemed to be part of the environment. And there was grass, lots of bright green grass right there in the middle of the desert. It was synthetic but it looked real and made the place look like a picture on a travel brochure. — Clint Morey

Morey Quotes By Morey Amsterdam

Our Congress is the finest body of men money can buy. — Morey Amsterdam

Morey Quotes By Beth Morey

I stand in my own power now, the questions of permission that I used to choke on for my every meal now dead in a fallen heap, and when they tell me that I will fall, I nod. I will fall, I reply, and

my words are a whisper
my words are a howl

I will fall , I say, and the tumbling will be all my own. The skinned palms and oozing knees are holy wounds, stigmata of my She.

I will catch my own spilled blood, and not a drop will be wasted. — Beth Morey

Morey Quotes By Beth Morey

I am at the gates of my own destruction.

(Or so I'm told.) — Beth Morey

Morey Quotes By Charles Morey

How clever of you, sir, to be rich rather than smart. — Charles Morey

Morey Quotes By Morey Amsterdam

Even the police have an unlisted number. — Morey Amsterdam

Morey Quotes By Walt Morey

The sight of him did something to me I've never quite been able to explain. He was more than tremendous speed and beauty of motion. He set me dreaming. — Walt Morey

Morey Quotes By Shaun Morey

Now, half an hour later, adrenaline thrust him into overdrive. Storms of shale and spall burst from the ground. Ropes of sweat braided his skin. He swung again and again. The heavy pick shattered earth. Digby was in a rhythm, a digging trance, that rare state of archaeological — Shaun Morey

Morey Quotes By Beth Morey

looks like a lake bed flooded with sky
sounds like cotton howling
tastes like tear-stained pillows
smells like churning bile and burnt hair
feels like screaming agony, my heart dying and dying — Beth Morey

Morey Quotes By Morey Amsterdam

My neighbor has two dogs. One of them says to the other, "Woof!" The other replies, "Moo!" The dog is perplexed. "Moo? Why did you say 'Moo'?" The other dog says, "I'm trying to learn a foreign language." — Morey Amsterdam

Morey Quotes By Beth Morey

we have forgotten what night tastes like,
salted by full moon silver rupturing
the dark. we have forgotten how the skin
sings when the lunar fervor unfurls
across its follicles. — Beth Morey

Morey Quotes By Daryl Morey

Someone created the box score, and he should be shot. — Daryl Morey

Morey Quotes By Morey Amsterdam

A Cannibal is a person who walks into a restaurant and orders a waiter. — Morey Amsterdam

Morey Quotes By Beth Morey

I wonder what freezes
the flurry of hurt on her cold-
flushed cheeks, if his touch is
a salve or the shattering. — Beth Morey

Morey Quotes By Dick Van Dyke

But once we got on the air, everybody except Morey Amsterdam pretty much stuck to the script. — Dick Van Dyke

Morey Quotes By Beth Morey

we have forgotten that we were born
of celestial cataclysm.

we have forgotten how to dance
bare-footed on the earth to the cadence
of our souls. we have forgotten the ritual
fires and the acrid tang of holy smoke
on our tongues. — Beth Morey

Morey Quotes By Walt Morey

Man has to fight for what he wants, any way he can. — Walt Morey

Morey Quotes By Beth Morey

is there no faith left?
He has not told. I
would not know Him if I saw Him. — Beth Morey

Morey Quotes By Beth Morey

the mind is a treasure
trove, an almanac, a tomb. — Beth Morey

Morey Quotes By Daryl Morey

Basketball is sort of an interesting sport that, you know, the top player on your team makes so much more of an impact than the top player in any other sport. — Daryl Morey

Morey Quotes By Daryl Morey

I can't do anything without the ball so when I don't have it I have to go get it! — Daryl Morey

Morey Quotes By Morey Amsterdam

People who live in glasshouses might as well answer the door — Morey Amsterdam

Morey Quotes By Morey Bernstein

us both his first and last name, and even — Morey Bernstein