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More Bigger Than Any Mountain Quotes & Sayings

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Top More Bigger Than Any Mountain Quotes

More Bigger Than Any Mountain Quotes By Dirk Benedict

In many ways I wish I wasn't an actor dragging around the baggage from being one so that I could just devote my energies to encouraging people to find their true selves. — Dirk Benedict

More Bigger Than Any Mountain Quotes By Marcus Tullius Cicero

We do not destroy religion by destroying superstition. — Marcus Tullius Cicero

More Bigger Than Any Mountain Quotes By Anonymous

A truly wise person uses few words; a person with understanding is even-tempered. 28 Even fools are thought wise when they keep silent; with their mouths shut, they seem intelligent. — Anonymous

More Bigger Than Any Mountain Quotes By James Rebanks

Working up these mountains is as good as it gets, at least as long as you are not freezing or sodden (though even then you feel alive in ways that I don't in modern life behind glass). There is a thrill in the timelessness up there. I have always liked the feeling of carrying on something bigger than me, something that stretches back through other hands and other eyes into the depths of time. To work there is a humbling thing, the opposite of conquering a mountain, if you like; it liberates you from any illusion of self-importance. — James Rebanks

More Bigger Than Any Mountain Quotes By Ben Okri

It is more difficult to love than to die. It is not death that human beings are most afraid of, it is love. The heart is bigger than a mountain. One human life is deeper than the ocean. Strange fishes and sea-monsters and mightly plants live in the rock-bed of our spirits. The whole of human history is an undiscovered continent deep in our souls. — Ben Okri

More Bigger Than Any Mountain Quotes By Jeremy Jones

First and foremost, I've realized that I've been snowboarding for many years, and the biggest high that I get is when I really cut myself off from society, to really know the mountain. The high that I get from hiking up these mountains is a much bigger challenge than taking a helicopter to the top. I have to put more into it, but I get a lot more excitement out of it. — Jeremy Jones

More Bigger Than Any Mountain Quotes By Tullian Tchividjian

Spiritual growth is not about climbing a mountain, getting better, and therefore needing Christ less and less. Spiritual growth is about discovering more and bigger caverns of need into which more and more of Christ's grace can flow. — Tullian Tchividjian

More Bigger Than Any Mountain Quotes By Gary Keller

It's important to realize that on the journey to achieving big, you get bigger. Big requires growth, and by the time you arrive, you're big too! What seemed an insurmountable mountain from a distance is just a small hill when you arrive - at least in proportion to the person you've become. Your thinking, your skills, your relationships, your sense of what is possible and what it takes all grow on the journey to big. As you experience big, you become big. — Gary Keller

More Bigger Than Any Mountain Quotes By Tami Hoag

They don't have to be big goals. A small one each day. They're like handholds and toeholds as you climb the bigger mountain. Ultimately, you will get to the top of the mountain, but in the moment you only need to focus on the next ledge. — Tami Hoag

More Bigger Than Any Mountain Quotes By Jean De La Fontaine

A mountain in labour shouted so loud that everyone, summoned by the noise, ran up expecting that she would be delivered of a city bigger than Paris; she brought forth a mouse. — Jean De La Fontaine

More Bigger Than Any Mountain Quotes By Teresa Tsimmu Martino

Writing about the futility of trying to force a wolf into a vehicle, Martino describes the final stage of the conflict. The italics are hers:

"But if I continue, perhaps muttering 'Get up you lazy old dusty thing,' The wolf grabs my arm in his teeth, snarling, as if to say, Look, move me where I don't want to go, and we're going to have problems. Your problems will be bigger than mine. He then looks at me with a frank arresting stare, the strength of the mountain rumbling in his eyes. — Teresa Tsimmu Martino

More Bigger Than Any Mountain Quotes By Terry Pratchett

I wonder if it's like this for mountain climbers, he thought. You climb bigger and bigger mountains and you know that one day one of them is going to be just that bit too steep. But you go on doing it, because it's so-o good when you breathe the air up there. And you know you'll die falling. — Terry Pratchett

More Bigger Than Any Mountain Quotes By Rae Carson

See that mountain up ahead?" Jefferson points to a low, rounded mound on the horizon. "I think that's it."
"It's called Independence Rock, not Independence Mountain," I say.
"Everything is bigger out here. Just look at me." He straightens in his saddle and puffs out his chest and fails to keep a straight face.
"Your head is bigger, that's for sure — Rae Carson

More Bigger Than Any Mountain Quotes By Jeremy Lin

Sometimes you come up against a mountain and you end up making the mountain seem bigger than God. — Jeremy Lin

More Bigger Than Any Mountain Quotes By Mikhail Lomonosov

In general, the bigger a mountain the older it is. The biggest mountains were built before any others, because when they were built there was incomparably more flammable material within the Earth. Over the many thousands of years that have passed, the quantity of flammable material has doubtless decreased. — Mikhail Lomonosov

More Bigger Than Any Mountain Quotes By Matthew Modine

They don't have the news media set up in Africa that we do in the United States, where televisions are so accessible and newspapers and magazines are able to educate people. — Matthew Modine

More Bigger Than Any Mountain Quotes By Haruki Murakami

There is some risk, of course. But risk is the spice of life. — Haruki Murakami

More Bigger Than Any Mountain Quotes By Chris Hadfield

I've raised three kids: my wife and I have three kids. I've observed through direct contact the adults they are now is partially the product of where they came from and what we did. With them growing up, but partially how they were wired at birth. — Chris Hadfield

More Bigger Than Any Mountain Quotes By Vilayanur S. Ramachandran

My views as an individual ought not to be confused with my views as a scientist - the minute you try to mingle God and science, you get into trouble. Metaphysics has its place, and science has its place; don't mix the two. — Vilayanur S. Ramachandran

More Bigger Than Any Mountain Quotes By Jennifer Coolidge

When people ask me what my dream role would be, I tell them that it's to play someone very dark. Very dark - like someone involved in the drug world or some other criminal venture. Maybe someone who's delusional or not all there or just not well. I really hope I can do that one day. — Jennifer Coolidge

More Bigger Than Any Mountain Quotes By Paris Hilton

I don't like people who sit on computers all day long and write about people they don't know anything about. — Paris Hilton

More Bigger Than Any Mountain Quotes By Will Rogers

I was just thinking, if it is really religion with these nudist colonies, they sure must turn atheists in the wintertime. — Will Rogers