Famous Quotes & Sayings

Moments We Share Quotes & Sayings

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Top Moments We Share Quotes

Moments We Share Quotes By Tom Baker

Precious moments are small elements of time, we show and share love and kindness, with those we care about. — Tom Baker

Moments We Share Quotes By Daniel J. Siegel

survive difficult parenting moments, and they want their kids and their family to thrive. As parents ourselves, we share these same goals for our own families. In our nobler, calmer, saner moments, we care about nurturing our kids' minds, increasing their sense of wonder, and helping them reach their — Daniel J. Siegel

Moments We Share Quotes By Ann Brasco

While many of us admire nice things, materialism and suffering may share a connection. When we place a great deal of our happiness in material things, we run the great risk of losing our happiness when our material things become lost, old, or damaged. Toys break. Cars get dents. Clothes get ripped. Jewels get lost or stolen. Riches come and go.
If we collect moments rather than things, these are ours to keep. If we redefine wealth by the amount of love and kindness we afford ourselves to give to others, we can transform our lives. — Ann Brasco

Moments We Share Quotes By Margaret Silf

We stand before a burning bush whenever other human beings share with us something of their relationship with God or something of the movements of their hearts. In such moments may we always realize that we stand on holy ground — Margaret Silf

Moments We Share Quotes By Thomas Keller

Food is such an important part of our lives, and sometimes we tend to diminish the importance of that, because we rely on conveniences or because our lives are so complicated. We forget about those moments that we can actually share around the table with our family, with our friends, with our loved ones. — Thomas Keller

Moments We Share Quotes By Nina Sankovitch

Life is hard, unfair, painful. But life is also guaranteed - one hundred percent, no doubt, no question - to offer unexpected and sudden moments of beauty, joy, love, acceptance, euphoria. The good stuff. It is our ability to recognize and then hold on to the moments of good stuff that allows us to survive, even thrive. And when we can share the beauty, hope is restored. — Nina Sankovitch

Moments We Share Quotes By P.I. Alltraine

This thought, this truth, it highlighted the distance between us. We lived in different timeframes. A reminder that, even right now, we didn't share the same moments. We could never truly be together. — P.I. Alltraine

Moments We Share Quotes By Benoit Lecomte

The moments that you share with a person do not stop when that person is not in your life anymore. The relationship that I had with my father did not stop when he passed away. An example is me doing the Pacific swim. If I didn't have the father that I had I wouldn't be doing this. We had a close connection in life, and I still carry that connection in following my dream. This is because of my parents, the closeness that we had and what we share together. — Benoit Lecomte

Moments We Share Quotes By Sandra Magsamen

So often the most meaningful moments in our lives are those that we share with our families. Treasured memories are created by celebrating, sharing and embracing the moments of life with the people we love. — Sandra Magsamen

Moments We Share Quotes By Jenny Downham

We make patterns, we share moments. Sometimes, I think I'm the only one to see it. — Jenny Downham

Moments We Share Quotes By Robin Martin

I thought about my Willa, about her blind-smiling at me from the hospital bed where she laid and where she died a few hours later, thought about the girl my Willa was in the picture she'd shown me, smiling out from inside the old lady Willa on the night she died. I thought about that wild Willa picture, and about the certain order she'd pulled that picture and others out of her hatbox to share with me on the summer nights when we were doing our secret sharing.

And I thought about people saving certain pictures for a reason, saving and discarding according to the self-told story of themselves, how mainly it had nothing to do with who they were in the everyday, but instead, who they were in their special caught moments. How they held onto those pictures, and they held. — Robin Martin

Moments We Share Quotes By Nicholas Wolterstorff

Why are the photographs of him as a little boy so incredibly hard to look at? Something is over. Now instead of those shiny moments being things we can share together in delighted memories, I, the survivor, have to bear them alone. So it is with all the memories of him. They all lead into blackness. All I can do is remember him, I cannot experience him. Nothing new can happen between us. — Nicholas Wolterstorff

Moments We Share Quotes By Carl Sagan

We live at a moment when our relationships to each other, and to all other beings with whom we share this planet, are up for grabs. — Carl Sagan

Moments We Share Quotes By Sharon Salzberg

The more we identify and acknowledge moments when we're unable to share in someone else's pleasure and ask ourselves whether another person's happiness truly jeopardizes our own, the more we pave the way for experiencing sympathetic joy — Sharon Salzberg

Moments We Share Quotes By Martin Nievera

You and I, we have moments left to share. You and I, we can make it anywhere. You and I, we belong in each other's arms, there can be no other love. Now I know we can have it all ... Forever. — Martin Nievera

Moments We Share Quotes By Gavin Maxwell

In moments of peace such as I experienced that day with Edal there exists some unritual reunion with the rest of creation without which the lives of many are trivial. 'Extinct' applies as much to an essential mental attitude as to the vanished creatures of the earth such as the Dodo. We can no longer await some scientific revelation to avoid the destruction of our species in this context; the evidence is all there, the writing on the wall. The way back cannot be the same for all of us, but for those like myself it means a descent of the rungs until we stand again amid the other creatures of the earth and share to some small extent their vision of it, even though this may be labelled Wordsworthian romanticism. — Gavin Maxwell

Moments We Share Quotes By Richard Bach

Has it ever happened, you've seen a striking film, beautifully written and acted and photographed, that you walk out of the theater glad to be a human being and you say to yourself I hope they make a lot of money from that? I hope the actors, I hope the director earns a million dollars for what they've done, what they've given me tonight? And you go back and see the movie again and you're happy to be a tiny part of the system that is rewarding those people with every ticket ... the actors I see on the screen, they'll get twenty cents of this very dollar I'm paying now; they'll be able to buy an ice cream cone any flavor they want from their share of my ticket alone. Glorious moments in art in books and films and dance, they're delicious because we see ourselves in glory's mirror. — Richard Bach

Moments We Share Quotes By Jason Mraz

I write my miserable songs. I write songs about disgust and self-pity. We're all going to have bummer moments. That's not the stuff I choose to share. — Jason Mraz

Moments We Share Quotes By Alain De Botton

In our more arrogant moments, the sin of pride - or superbia, in Augustine's Latin formulation - takes over our personalities and shuts us off from those around us. We become dull to others when all we seek to do is assert how well things are going for us, just as friendship has a chance to grow only when we fare to share what we are afraid of and regret. The rest is merely showmanship. The flaws whose exposure we so dread, the indiscretions we know we would be mocked for, the secrets that keep our conversations with our so-called friends superficial and inert - all of these emerge as simply part of the human condition. — Alain De Botton

Moments We Share Quotes By Cheryl A. Esplin

The answers to our prayers may not come dramatically, but we must find quiet moments to seek greater light and truth. And when we receive it, it is our responsibility to live it, to share it, and to defend it. — Cheryl A. Esplin

Moments We Share Quotes By Jason Versey

Every great accomplishment has its share of struggle, adversity and pain. Great achievement cannot exist without them. To reap the rewards of success in our marriages, in the lives of our children, and in our professional careers we must be prepared to push through some pretty tough moments. But trust me... on the other side of that struggle awaits an intrinsic reward that is worth more than gold. ~Jason Versey — Jason Versey

Moments We Share Quotes By Tom Walsh

The simple truth is that love is a part of who we are, not something that others "give" to us if we're worthy of it. We're taught that if we just find that right person, and that person "falls in love" with us, everything will be fine. We're not taught about recognizing the love that is a part of our spirits, the love that we radiate when we recognize the beauty and need in all the people that surround us. Love is ours to share, at all moments and in all situations, but for some reason we fear doing so. — Tom Walsh

Moments We Share Quotes By George Eliot

goodness tries to get the upper hand in us whenever it seems to have the slightest chance - on Sunday mornings, perhaps, when we are set free from the grinding hurry of the week, and take the little three-year old on our knee at breakfast to share our egg and muffin; in moments of trouble, when death visits our roof or illness makes us dependent on the tending hand of a slighted wife; in quiet talks with an aged mother, of the days when we stood at her knee with our first picture-book, or wrote her loving letters from school. — George Eliot

Moments We Share Quotes By Frank Herbert

One of the most terrible moments in a boy's life," Paul said, "is when he discovers his father and mother are human beings who share a love that he can never quite taste. It's a loss, an awakening to the fact that the world is there and here and we are in it alone. The moment carries its own truth; you can't evade it. I heard my father when he spoke of my mother. She's not the betrayer, Gurney. — Frank Herbert

Moments We Share Quotes By Debra Sansing Woods

While Motherhood is not perfect, we have the opportunity to share many beautiful and perfect moments with our children everyday. We just need to be awake to those moments and attuned to them so we can more fully enjoy them. ~ Mothering with Spiritual Power by Debra Sansing Woods — Debra Sansing Woods

Moments We Share Quotes By Shaun Hutchinson

People aren't meant to be perfect. We're all imperfect people looking for perfect moments to share with other imperfect people. — Shaun Hutchinson

Moments We Share Quotes By Jenny Downham

We make patterns, we share moments. — Jenny Downham

Moments We Share Quotes By Jan Jansen

We always want to share and cherish our moments from Happiness. — Jan Jansen

Moments We Share Quotes By Santosh Kalwar

The saddest line you scraped in your diary was not that you cried but those moments when we both shared smile. — Santosh Kalwar

Moments We Share Quotes By Bradley Chicho

I delight in the sweet and sour moments we routinely share, together applauded by muppets in leotards. — Bradley Chicho

Moments We Share Quotes By Pope Francis

We proclaim the resurrection of Christ when his light illuminates the dark moments of our existence, and we are able share it with others — Pope Francis

Moments We Share Quotes By Angelica Hopes

As we sail in the voyage of life,
the love and joy we shared count more than anything else.
Let them feel the rhythm of our heart,
share them the music of our soul,
for a meaningful, fulfilling moments of today,
for a hopeful, promising and joyful tomorrow — Angelica Hopes

Moments We Share Quotes By Elizabeth Vaughan

I didn't know what it meant."

"Didn't know what forever meant."

"'Forever' means every day, every breath. Through the mistakes that we make, through the love that we share between our bodies, through illness we suffer, through sorrow, grief, and joy. All of it, Lara."

"It's the total of all our shared moments, good and bad, perfect and ugly."

"What I am trying to say is that now that I do know what it means, it makes it mean so much more."

"Forever. — Elizabeth Vaughan

Moments We Share Quotes By Brene Brown

I want our home to be a place where we can be our bravest selves and our most fearful selves. Where we practice difficult conversations and share our shaming moments from school and work. I want to look at Steve and my kids and say, "I'm with you. In the arena. And when we fail, we'll fail together, while daring greatly." We simply can't learn to be more vulnerable and courageous on our own. Sometimes our first and greatest dare is asking for support. — Brene Brown

Moments We Share Quotes By Shailene Woodley

A quarter of my life has been spent on 'Secret Life.' I'm 20 and I've been doing it for five years, so I think the best moments have been when all the cast members get to work together and we get to collaborate and share experiences. We all grew up together. — Shailene Woodley