Famous Quotes & Sayings

Quotes & Sayings About Missing Items

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Top Missing Items Quotes

Missing Items Quotes By Henry James Sumner Maine

Our authorities leave us no doubt that the trust lodged with the oligarchy was sometimes abused, but it certainly ought not to be regarded as a mere usurpation or engine of tyranny. — Henry James Sumner Maine

Missing Items Quotes By Gavin MacLeod

We have nine ships and in the next two years will have ten, eleven and twelve. So things are going very nicely and all because of that program that people thought was mindless and so forth. — Gavin MacLeod

Missing Items Quotes By Stan Kelly-Bootle

Database Management System [Origin: Data + Latin basus "low, mean, vile, menial, degrading, ounterfeit."] A complex set of interrelational data structures allowing data to be lost in many convenient sequences while retaining a complete record of the logical relations between the missing items.
From The Devil's DP Dictionary — Stan Kelly-Bootle

Missing Items Quotes By Sally Ride

I love the John Glenn model ... I may call NASA in 25 years or so, and see if they'd like to send me to Mars. — Sally Ride

Missing Items Quotes By Liza Picard

I am not a properly trained historian. I am a lawyer by trade, and an inquisitive, practical woman by character. — Liza Picard

Missing Items Quotes By Jon Pareles

Artists are perceptive, but they choose to write songs or make movies or paint pictures rather than simply keeping private diaries. — Jon Pareles

Missing Items Quotes By Carol Baldwin


Before she was old, she took canoe trips in the rain

and buried her passions deep within nature poems.

Ten years before she was old, her husband died

and developers paid a mighty price for their dairy farm.

She knew she was getting old, when rest stops in Iowa

changed over to those crazy automated washrooms.

When she was old, God helped with little things (growing tomatoes in her garden)

but was missing on big ticket items (bringing her husband back).

She knew she had lived too long

when her grandson explained extinction to his stuffed polar bear. — Carol Baldwin

Missing Items Quotes By E.J. Wagner

Edmond Locard ordered all the local organ grinders and their simian employees brought to his laboratory. A number of the monkeys, perhaps concerned about an infringement of their civil rights, resisted fingerprinting and had to be restrained. The organ grinders were more cooperative. When the burglarizing beast had been identified, his companion's rooms were searched and there the missing items were found. — E.J. Wagner

Missing Items Quotes By Carol Shields

Whenever I meet anyone new, I don't say, "Tell me about your belief system." I say, "Tell me about your average day". — Carol Shields

Missing Items Quotes By Martha Bolton

So why aren't more marketing companies targeting our age group? Why are there so many youth-oriented programs and advertisements on television today? Why are we being ignored? Don't companies realize they are missing a huge market?

Now granted, a visit to the local mall will show you there are a lot of teenagers hanging out there these days. But are they shopping? Are they spending money? No. They're "hanging." Contrary to what our skin might be doing, we members of the over-forty crowd don't "hang." We shop, and not just window shop either. We're serious buyers. When we pick up an item and turn it over to see the price, we often carry it right on over to the checkout counter and pay for it. Why? Because we know the energy involved with picking up items. We don't do it unless we're committed. — Martha Bolton

Missing Items Quotes By Ruta Sepetys

War had rearranged my priorities. I now clung to memories more than goals or material things. But there were a few irreplaceable items that buoyed my spirit and fight for life. It was at that moment that I realized. Something was missing from my suitcase. — Ruta Sepetys

Missing Items Quotes By Tupelo Hassman

Which statements are true according to the passage?
A) Science, governments, and your doctor should be trusted.
B) 'Comforting her deep into the night' is a euphemism for sneaking candy.
C) The ugliest phrase used in this passage is 'female.'
D) Bad things really do come in threes. — Tupelo Hassman

Missing Items Quotes By Delphine Dryden

Unfortunately, she discovered too late that her unwritten list of desirable attributes was missing a few crucial items. Empathy, for one. A willingness to change his own life plan in order to accommodate somebody else's goals, for another. A sense of humor that extended past joke telling, to encompass an appreciation of life's absurdities. And lastly, but possibly most important of all, a capacity for intimacy. — Delphine Dryden

Missing Items Quotes By Edgar Swamp

Once you go bacterial, you never go back.... — Edgar Swamp

Missing Items Quotes By Robert Wyatt

I only choose musicians who I think will emerge, can emerge, with their own character, while still going along with the tune in question. — Robert Wyatt

Missing Items Quotes By Carl Rogers

The only person who cannot be helped is that person who blames others. — Carl Rogers

Missing Items Quotes By Joseph Conrad

He inspired uneasiness. That was it! Uneasiness. Not a definite mistrust - just uneasiness - nothing more. You have no idea how effective such a ... a ... faculty can be. — Joseph Conrad

Missing Items Quotes By Buddy Valastro

All of my family is so close. We're always over at each other's houses. — Buddy Valastro