Famous Quotes & Sayings

Meyers Quotes & Sayings

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Top Meyers Quotes

Meyers Quotes By Robin Meyers

Consider this: there is not a single word in [the Sermon on the Mount] about what to believe, only words about what to do. It is a behavioral manifesto, not a propositional one. Yet three centuries later, when the Nicene Creed became the official oath of Christendom, there was not a single word in it about what to do, only words about what to believe! — Robin Meyers

Meyers Quotes By Elana Meyers

I know that God is working through me within this sport. I know He's put me here for a purpose and it's not just to win medals. Winning is great and hopefully it gives me a platform to spread His love and spread His Word, but at the end of the day, I'm called to do what He wants me to do. — Elana Meyers

Meyers Quotes By Anne Akiko Meyers

Even though I started playing the violin when I was four, my early chamber music experiences helped build a strong foundation for my solo work, as all music is a rich language and dialogue that is shared on stage, no matter what the size of the ensemble. — Anne Akiko Meyers

Meyers Quotes By Jonathan Rhys Meyers

Even though I've had the body of work I've had, and the success I've had, I do not rest on my laurels whatsoever. — Jonathan Rhys Meyers

Meyers Quotes By Marv Albert

If Justin Beiber was 7 feet tall, he'd look like [Meyers Leonard] that. — Marv Albert

Meyers Quotes By Jonathan Rhys Meyers

You know what I like to do on a Sunday morning? Clean my house. I really enjoy it; it's my ritual. I require tidiness, actually. I have to have everything spotless before I can relax. — Jonathan Rhys Meyers

Meyers Quotes By Seth Meyers

I love cheese plates. Though I actually hate cheese plates. Because I can't say no to them. — Seth Meyers

Meyers Quotes By Jen Meyers

he'd reached his car, turned to look at her. "Don't look at me like that, Sera. It's not fair." He looked away and took a breath, shaking his head slightly. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean...It's just too much for me. You're too much. — Jen Meyers

Meyers Quotes By Jonathan Rhys Meyers

I'm a workaholic. I also go to the gym a lot - it's my new thing. Yes, I am a compulsive person. — Jonathan Rhys Meyers

Meyers Quotes By Mike Meyers

You can talk to a dog all day long, but he's just looking at you and thinking, 'Where's the ball? — Mike Meyers

Meyers Quotes By Jonathan Rhys Meyers

I find actors who play nasty guys in movies are the nicest guys in real life, and the opposite then goes for heroes. — Jonathan Rhys Meyers

Meyers Quotes By Scott Meyers

First we crawl. Later we crawl on broken glass. — Scott Meyers

Meyers Quotes By Seth Meyers

It's nice when I get offered small parts. But I really think that 'SNL' is what my skill set is best designed for. — Seth Meyers

Meyers Quotes By Amanda Peet

Nancy has her vision and she's a formidable force to be reckoned with, and that's similar to most of the male directors I've worked with. The only difference is probably inbetween scenes, gossiping with Diane Keaton, Frances McDormand and Nancy Meyers about who's had Botox and who hasn't. — Amanda Peet

Meyers Quotes By Steve McConnell

Implement "is a" through public inheritance. When a programmer decides to create a new class by inheriting from an existing class, that programmer is saying that the new class "is a" more specialized version of the older class. The base class sets expectations about how the derived class will operate and imposes constraints on how the derived class can operate (Meyers 1998). — Steve McConnell

Meyers Quotes By Nancy Meyers

I'm no actor. And I wasn't like George Lucas or Spielberg, making home movies as a teenager, either. But I would go back and watch certain movies again and again. By the time I saw 'The Graduate' I was aware of how these amazing stories could be told. — Nancy Meyers

Meyers Quotes By Robin R. Meyers

Let your children see you kiss. Let them see you embrace. Let them overhear your teasing, your gentle rebukes, even your well-intentioned jealousy. Domestic courtship reinforces the notion that people are together because they want to be together, not because it is the decent, practical thing to do. — Robin R. Meyers

Meyers Quotes By Scott Meyers

Friends, much as in real life, are often more trouble than their worth. — Scott Meyers

Meyers Quotes By Seth Meyers

It's weird to sit as a comedian. Being still drives me crazy. — Seth Meyers

Meyers Quotes By Jonathan Rhys Meyers

When it comes to dreams, one may falter, but the only way to fail is to abandon them. — Jonathan Rhys Meyers

Meyers Quotes By Jonathan Rhys Meyers

If I wasn't so insecure about myself I wouldn't work as hard as I do. I am constantly seeking approval. — Jonathan Rhys Meyers

Meyers Quotes By Tina Fey

Amy Poehler was new to SNL and we were all crowded into the seventeenth-floor writers' room, waiting for the Wednesday night read-through to start. [ ... ] Amy was in the middle of some such nonsense with Seth Meyers across the table, and she did something vulgar as a joke. I can't remember what it was exactly, except it was dirty and loud and "unladylike",
Jimmy Fallon [ ... ] turned to her and in a faux-squeamish voice said, "Stop that! It's not cute! I don't like it."
Amy dropped what she was doing, went black in the eyes for a second, and wheeled around on him. "I don't fucking care if you like it." Jimmy was visibly startled. Amy went right back to enjoying her ridiculous bit.
With that exchange, a cosmic shift took place. Amy made it clear that she wasn't there to be cute. She wasn't there to play wives and girlfriends in the boys' scenes. She was there to do what she wanted to do and she did not fucking care if you like it. — Tina Fey

Meyers Quotes By Elana Meyers

View a stumbling block as a learning opportunity. If you allow it to defeat you, it will. Honestly, if I give everything I have, I can't be disappointed with the outcome. — Elana Meyers

Meyers Quotes By Jonathan Rhys Meyers

Could I imagine myself as king? Of course I could. — Jonathan Rhys Meyers

Meyers Quotes By Nancy Meyers

I really wanted to be a writer. — Nancy Meyers

Meyers Quotes By Robin R. Meyers

Indeed, a quick glance around this broken world makes it painfully obvious that we don't need more arguments on behalf of God; we need more people who live as if they are in covenant with Unconditional Love, which is our best definition of God. (p. 21) — Robin R. Meyers

Meyers Quotes By Nancy Meyers

There's a hardening of the culture. Reality TV has lowered the standards of entertainment. You're left wondering about the legitimacy of relationships. It's probably harder to entertain the same people with a more classic form of writing, and romantic comedies are a classic genre. — Nancy Meyers

Meyers Quotes By Robin R. Meyers

A deep and even paranoid suspicion continues to disparage higher criticism of the Bible, as if someone could publish a paper that would unravel God. (p. 151) — Robin R. Meyers

Meyers Quotes By Seth Meyers

I'm strictly a sugar-free Red Bull guy. I'd rather enjoy my sugar intake elsewhere. — Seth Meyers

Meyers Quotes By Jonathan Rhys Meyers

My life has been sensationalised into a rags to riches story. — Jonathan Rhys Meyers

Meyers Quotes By Anne Akiko Meyers

When I was seven years old, I was leading a quartet and trio, and that really laid the groundwork for me as a musician. — Anne Akiko Meyers

Meyers Quotes By Robin Meyers

In every waking hour a sacred theater is in session, played out before an audience that is largely blind. — Robin Meyers

Meyers Quotes By Sophie Turner

I used to fancy Jonathan Rhys Meyers. I didn't tell him that when we worked together on 'Another Me.' — Sophie Turner

Meyers Quotes By Robin R. Meyers

In the beginning, the call of God was not propositional. It was experiential. (p. 10) — Robin R. Meyers

Meyers Quotes By Lynda Meyers

Sometimes I'm afraid I've got it all wrong ... and then I know I do ... and then I feel small like I'm supposed to. — Lynda Meyers

Meyers Quotes By Jen Meyers

She wondered briefly if perhaps she could leave her broken heart here in the cemetery and just take the rest of her home. — Jen Meyers

Meyers Quotes By Yasmine Galenorn

A rollicking good read-THE HUNTER is steampunk with a Wild West feel. Theresa Meyers is an entertaining and witty writer with a fresh, new voice in the genre. THE HUNTER is a fun-filled ride through a world of demons, vampires, and things that go bump in the night, and kept me turning pages until the very end. — Yasmine Galenorn

Meyers Quotes By Mitchell Symons

My mother is a wonderful, eccentric lady who has no concept whatever of interior monologue. We'll be driving along in the car and she'll suddenly say, 'Ants don't like cucumbers, you know. And roaches don't like cinnamon. Do you want some cheese, Michael? Rembrandt was the Lord of the day.'
-Mike Myers — Mitchell Symons

Meyers Quotes By Randy Susan Meyers

Even in hard times, we should seek to pursue happiness,' — Randy Susan Meyers

Meyers Quotes By Robin R. Meyers

Condemnation feels good and it is now a staple of religion, politics, and the media (both left and right), but it changes nothing. Compassion, on the other hand, changes everything. (p. 121) — Robin R. Meyers

Meyers Quotes By Robin R. Meyers

Contemporary Christians have declared war on individual immorality but seem remarkably silent about the evil of systems, especially corporate greed and malfeasance. (p. 176) — Robin R. Meyers

Meyers Quotes By Elana Meyers

As Christians, we're asked to give. In my sport, if someone needs equipment or help with something, regardless of who they are as a competitor, I'm called to help them for a higher purpose. So it definitely affects everything I do. It's not easy. It's very hard to love everyone. — Elana Meyers

Meyers Quotes By Jen Meyers

You are in my heart for what you did, and you always will be," she said. "I just don't know how to thank you. The words don't begin to cover it."
Jonas stared at her for a moment, then said, "You just did. — Jen Meyers

Meyers Quotes By Steven Key Meyers

Cutest geek i ever saw. — Steven Key Meyers

Meyers Quotes By Anne Akiko Meyers

I remember performing in Russia when I was twenty, and I stayed at this hotel with 3000 rooms. There were sailors knocking on my room door, wanting to barter stuffed animals with Marlboros that I had been instructed to bring! — Anne Akiko Meyers

Meyers Quotes By Elana Meyers

We're talking about the Olympics. We're talking about trying to win the gold medal. All of these things can be overwhelming. But regardless of whether I win a gold medal or never compete again, I just have to trust that God has a plan for my life and I'm called to be His representative through the sport and outside of the sport. — Elana Meyers

Meyers Quotes By Allison Grodner

I think I've actually been saying from the beginning, I think Paulie [Calafiore] has a good shot. That's the only one I'll say right now and on the girls' end, I'd say Michelle [Meyers]. — Allison Grodner

Meyers Quotes By Gerald C. Meyers

In order to promote your own career, you need to promote the careers of others. — Gerald C. Meyers

Meyers Quotes By Jen Meyers

Jonas was at her side. She didn't know why he'd risked his life for her so many times, but she was forever indebted to him. — Jen Meyers

Meyers Quotes By Seth Meyers

The first time I had disposable income, the two things I cared most about were a television and a couch. — Seth Meyers

Meyers Quotes By Bryant A. Meyers

the most sophisticated diagnostic equipment available in the world, which detects and measures energies and frequencies in the body. This diagnostic equipment includes devices you probably heard of like MRIs (Magnetic Resonance Imaging), PET scans (Positron Emission Tomography), CAT scans (Computed Axial Tomography), EEGs (Electro encephalograms), EKGs (Electrocardiography), ultrasound devices and more. Our medical system diagnoses the body energetically with modern physics (Quantum Field Theory), and then treats with drugs and surgery (Newtonian Science). What is wrong with this picture? — Bryant A. Meyers

Meyers Quotes By Stephanie Meyers

The lion fell in love with the lamb. — Stephanie Meyers

Meyers Quotes By Kevin Keck

Of course, I don't mean to imply that all writers are working in the deep waters that border on the divine. Most writers are just trying to pay the bills, like anyone else - Stephanie Meyers is the literary equivalent of a television evangelist. Fork over twenty bucks and she'll help you forget your troubles for a while. I certainly don't fault her for her success, but I hope she has no illusions about the quality of her craft or the longevity of her efforts. — Kevin Keck

Meyers Quotes By Jonathan Rhys Meyers

As a kid, I spent an awful lot of time pretending I was somebody else. I think growing up in the 1980s wasn't very exciting so you kind of create this secret life of an alternate person. You pretend to be whatever you need to be that day, so you live in that dream world. — Jonathan Rhys Meyers

Meyers Quotes By Jonathan Rhys Meyers

Celebrity has lost its value - all you have to do is go on a reality TV show for six weeks and everybody knows your name. — Jonathan Rhys Meyers

Meyers Quotes By Jonathan Rhys Meyers

I could sing and play as well. I've got some brothers; one of them is the drummer in the band. They're good musicians. I play for fun. They play properly. Music in general, I grew up in a house of musicians. Everybody's life has a soundtrack, I'm sitting here talking to you but there are horns beeping outside. I know I'm in New York. That's an element in the film as well. How strong that sense can be. — Jonathan Rhys Meyers

Meyers Quotes By Nancy Meyers

I've always been blessed with confidence. I am a glass-half-full person. My first movie, 'Private Benjamin,' got turned down by every studio until the very last one, but I just kept thinking, 'Why are you people not seeing that this is a hit movie? What is wrong with you?' — Nancy Meyers

Meyers Quotes By Walter Dean Meyers

I'm going into battle, hope I don't get hit. Lord if your listening, get me out of this shit". — Walter Dean Meyers

Meyers Quotes By Nancy Meyers

Sometimes when I'm writing I'll play Cole Porter, just because the rhythms and the lyrics are so perfect that it's like having a smart partner in the room. I have a huge collection of music that I listen to when I'm writing, and I also prepare a lot of music before I start directing. I put it all onto an iPod that I have with me on the set. It's helpful to the actors, because for an emotional scene, I'll play it and say, this is how it feels, to keep us in the zone. — Nancy Meyers

Meyers Quotes By Robin Meyers

The peddling of fear in any form as incentive to faith remains the most egregious sin that can be committed in the name of Jesus. It feels very good to name the enemy and thank God that you are not like "those people." But if Christianity is to survive, someone needs to stand up in the middle of one of these hapless sermons and quote the comic-strip character Pogo: "We have met the enemy, and he is us. — Robin Meyers

Meyers Quotes By Jen Meyers

Wow," Luke said. "I'm amazing!"
Sera smiled. "I think amazing is a bit strong, don't you?" She looked at Jonas.
"A bit," Jonas said, a smile playing on his lips. — Jen Meyers

Meyers Quotes By Jonathan Rhys Meyers

I think all actors have addictive personalities. — Jonathan Rhys Meyers

Meyers Quotes By Jonathan Rhys Meyers

I wouldn't date an actress. There's only room for one actor in my life and I'm it. Too difficult. On the one hand, they understand the job. But on the other hand, it's very competitive within the relationship. Two actors, say one becomes a mega-star and the other doesn't. — Jonathan Rhys Meyers

Meyers Quotes By Jeffrey Meyers

The gift of biblical wisdom, in other words, is not all about getting a privileged seat in God's traffic control tower of the world. We don't get to understand why things happen the way they do. We are mistaken if we think wisdom gives us that sort of insight. — Jeffrey Meyers

Meyers Quotes By Gerald C. Meyers

Humor heals the heckler. — Gerald C. Meyers

Meyers Quotes By Nancy Meyers

Being part of a team helped me so much. I know the fact that there was a man in the room with me all those years made the medicine go down. I had made the companies money. I didn't have to start, like a lot of women, from ground zero. My path was not the same as a woman starting out by herself. — Nancy Meyers

Meyers Quotes By Elana Meyers

I grew up in Douglasville, Georgia. My father played football for the Atlanta Falcons. We lived a bunch of places when I was younger. I was born in California. We lived in Chicago for a little bit and finally we ended up in Georgia. I grew up playing softball and at the age of nine I decided I was going to be an Olympian. — Elana Meyers

Meyers Quotes By Elana Meyers

It's one of the greatest honors I could ever imagine - to be able to represent my country and to be able to wear "USA" on my back. It's an incredible honor. It's an accomplishment of the past four year but of a life of dreaming and working hard and doing everything I can in pursuit of this goal. — Elana Meyers

Meyers Quotes By Jonathan Rhys Meyers

I take care of myself so I don't feel insecure about my body. — Jonathan Rhys Meyers

Meyers Quotes By Jonathan Rhys Meyers

I always think there will be that time that people will find out that I'm crap at what I do. I think they'll figure out I'm crap. Doesn't everybody have that feeling? — Jonathan Rhys Meyers

Meyers Quotes By Nancy Meyers

I wasn't the kind of kid like Spielberg or Lucas who knew to go to film school. I didn't know at 12 what I was going to do; it took me until I was about 23. I studied journalism in college, but after school, I got a job in public television and I never worked as a journalist for one moment. — Nancy Meyers

Meyers Quotes By Joe Hill

We had almost exactly a year together as a couple after that. She wanted to swim the Great Barrier Reef. I wish we had gone. I wish we had read books to each other. We had one weekend of sexy-times in New York City while her father looked after the kids. I wish we'd had more. I wish we'd walked more. I wish we hadn't sat in front of the TV so much. It was nice, we cuddled, we laughed at Stephen Colbert and Seth Meyers, but it didn't make much in the way of memories. We did such ordinary, banal things. Ordered pizza and played Trivial Pursuit with her sister and her dad. Helped the kids with homework. We did dishes together more than we ever made love. What kind of life is that?"
"Real life," Harper said. — Joe Hill

Meyers Quotes By Scott Meyers

Lightstone's Convolution Principle: The concurrent development of multiple features operating on intersecting componentry will take longer to complete than the sum of the schedule estimations for each. — Scott Meyers

Meyers Quotes By Jonathan Rhys Meyers

I like being 30. I wouldn't want to do the twenties again. They are their own entity. — Jonathan Rhys Meyers

Meyers Quotes By Nancy Meyers

I don't shoot movies quickly because I get a lot of coverage and a lot of angles, so we have all the pieces in the editing. I do a lot of takes, but it's because I'm looking for something. — Nancy Meyers

Meyers Quotes By Robin R. Meyers

they come home hot in your hands and then by increments they warm your life, like heated bricks in a New England bed. — Robin R. Meyers

Meyers Quotes By M.J. Rose

I've had a dozen novels published and have made far more than a dozen mistakes. Which is why Randy Susan Meyers and I wrote a guidebook to help authors avoid making our mistakes. — M.J. Rose

Meyers Quotes By Scott Meyers

Do that, and the best you can hope for is that people will ignore you. More realistically, you'd be skinned alive, or possibly sentenced to ten year hard labor writing microcode for waffle irons and toaster ovens. — Scott Meyers

Meyers Quotes By Lynda Meyers

Ashes to ashes, dust to dust, our lives are a mirror, reflection a must ... — Lynda Meyers

Meyers Quotes By Jen Meyers

Hold on." Luke didn't move. "You can do that--take me along with you--and you've let us get in trouble for being late to school?"
"I'm just saying. — Jen Meyers

Meyers Quotes By Robin R. Meyers

Count calories if you like, but go ahead and gorge yourself on books. What have you got to lose but a small mind? — Robin R. Meyers

Meyers Quotes By Susan Laughter Meyers

Anagram of Seeking by Susan Laughter Meyers
Sit, unplanted, with your back to a tree, or sink
to your knees.
If sorrow drowns the hour, let yourself keen,
each hurt recalled, the heart a siege
of old wounds. If startled by joy, let yourself sing.
Light dims, the air cools your skin.
Unclear , what it is you're seeing-
each monotone hoot of the owl, a sign-
less clear what can't be seen:
the soul, a spirit, the king of kings?
This density of leaves and skein
of tenuous moss, yours. here and now, seine
life's good fish. Child, singe
the night, boldly. O lost see, catch fire and seek. — Susan Laughter Meyers

Meyers Quotes By Jeff Foote

The CRAFT approach, developed by Bob Meyers at U of New Mexico, is one set of important tools that DO work, and it feels great to see families using these strategies and getting results, feeling hopeful again, feeling empowered, getting support, learning to trust themselves again, getting their lives and the lives of their children back. — Jeff Foote

Meyers Quotes By Jonathan Rhys Meyers

I don't hang out with movie stars, and you won't see me going to many Hollywood parties. I'm actually quite boring. — Jonathan Rhys Meyers

Meyers Quotes By Anne Akiko Meyers

There are many ways to get involved with lives or communities and enrich the minds of others through music, but you really have to want to do this. — Anne Akiko Meyers

Meyers Quotes By Keanu Reeves

And of course to work with Jack Nicholson and Diane Keaton, and work with a wonderful, beautiful script directed by Nancy Meyers, it was really for me a dream come true. — Keanu Reeves

Meyers Quotes By Jonathan Rhys Meyers

The hardest part about acting is realizing it doesn't matter. — Jonathan Rhys Meyers

Meyers Quotes By Victoria Smurfit

The idea of Jonathan Rhys Meyers as Dracula, all I could think of was, why haven't they done this with him before? It's such a genius idea. 'Dracula' has always been done as film, so it's been an hour and 40 minutes. What we're done is 10 hours of 'Dracula,' so you have a lot of freedom with all the different mythologies and nuances. — Victoria Smurfit

Meyers Quotes By Robin R. Meyers

It is easier and much more satisfying to rail against the Right than to suggest that we go back to Genesis 1 and study together. Liberals can be just as intolerant as fundamentalists, and we have arrived at a moment in human history when intolerance and hope are mutually exclusive. (p. 6) — Robin R. Meyers

Meyers Quotes By Jonathan Rhys Meyers

I can be intolerably jealous and I think that's what's driven me. My ambition knows no end. — Jonathan Rhys Meyers

Meyers Quotes By Robin R. Meyers

As long as Christianity is the dominant belief system in America, we cannot afford to be biblically or theologically illiterate, regardless of our personal beliefs. (p. 8) — Robin R. Meyers

Meyers Quotes By Jen Meyers

He was different from anyone she'd ever known. And after what had almost happened when they'd crossed into the Realm-well, she wasn't quite sure what to make of him. — Jen Meyers

Meyers Quotes By Jan Meyers Proett

Keep your heart alive so the Spirit I send will find you-He'll comfort you, guide you into all truth, and show you when you wander. Let hope prompt your vision of the day of My return. I am out of reach now, but I will give My Spirit to you as a taste of the day when I will consummate My commitment to you. I will find you, no matter how long it takes. — Jan Meyers Proett

Meyers Quotes By Elana Meyers

I like to compare the two to a quarterback and a lineman. Being a brakeman is very physical and success is mostly determined by how fast you can push a sled for about 30 meters. Your position is won or lost by the hundredths of seconds you are faster than another individual. It's like the lineman who is there mostly for their athleticism and physicality. The driver, like the quarterback, possesses a unique skill that takes a lot longer to learn. — Elana Meyers

Meyers Quotes By Nancy Meyers

I don't want to be known as the one who makes movies for older people. — Nancy Meyers

Meyers Quotes By Nancy Meyers

Movies don't look hard, but figuring it out, getting the shape of it, getting everybody's character right and having it be funny, make sense and be romantic, it's creating a puzzle. Yes, having been a writer for so long, I have an awareness of when things are going awry, but it doesn't mean I know how to fix them. — Nancy Meyers

Meyers Quotes By Elana Meyers

I played softball at George Washington University and then I played professionally for the Mid-Michigan Ice. I had a couple of tryouts with the US Olympic Team but I don't know if I have a word to describe how bad one of the tryouts was. It was the worst tryout in the history of tryouts. It was that bad. So I totally bombed it and thought my chances of being an Olympian were over. — Elana Meyers

Meyers Quotes By Jonathan Rhys Meyers

No one picked on me for my lunch money. Probably because it was the 1980s and no one had lunch money. — Jonathan Rhys Meyers

Meyers Quotes By Natalie Dormer

The Tudors") "I walked away thinking, well, if I don't get the job, it doesn't matter - I've kissed Jonathan Rhys Meyers! — Natalie Dormer

Meyers Quotes By Seth Meyers

When my girlfriend and I talk about being happy, I'll get choked up, which I think is the greatest gift you can give a girlfriend. — Seth Meyers