Famous Quotes & Sayings

Mejorado Sinonimos Quotes & Sayings

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Top Mejorado Sinonimos Quotes

Mejorado Sinonimos Quotes By Stephen King

Do you know the phrase watershed moment, buddy?" I nodded. You didn't have to be an English teacher to know that one; you didn't even have to be literate. It was one of those annoying linguistic shortcuts that show up on cable TV news shows, day in and day out. Others include connect the dots and at this point in time. — Stephen King

Mejorado Sinonimos Quotes By William Gibson

The nature of emergent technology is, as Kevin Kelly once said, right out of control. It's an element of human evolution that's completely out of control. It's sort of driving itself, and I don't see it ceasing to do that. — William Gibson

Mejorado Sinonimos Quotes By George Lakoff

Do we really think that the United States will have the protection of innocent Afghans in mind if it rains terror down on the Afghan infrastructure? We are supposedly fighting them because they immorally killed innocent civilians. That made them evil. If we do the same, are we any less immoral? — George Lakoff

Mejorado Sinonimos Quotes By Henry David Thoreau

Waves of a serene life pass over us from time to time, like flakes of sunlight over the fields in cloudy weather. — Henry David Thoreau

Mejorado Sinonimos Quotes By Gary Snyder

Damn me not I make a better fool. And there is nothing vaster, more beautiful, remote, unthinking (eternal rose-red sunrise on the surf - great rectitude of rocks) than man, inhuman man,
At whom I look for a thousand light years from a seat near Scorpio, amazed and touched by his concern and pity for my plight, a simple star,
Then trading shapes again. My wife is gone, my girl is gone, my books are loaned, my clothes are worn, I gave away a car; and all that happened years ago. Mind & matter, love & space are frail as foam on beer. — Gary Snyder

Mejorado Sinonimos Quotes By William Blake

The world of imagination is the world of eternity. — William Blake

Mejorado Sinonimos Quotes By Robert McCracken

The Sermon on the Mount does not provide humanity with a complete guide to personal, social and economic problems. It sets forth spiritual attitudes, moral principles of universal validity, such as " Love your enemies," "Whatsoever ye would that men should do to you, do ye even so to them," and it leaves to Christians the task-the admittedly difficult task-of applying them in any given situation. — Robert McCracken

Mejorado Sinonimos Quotes By Jay Clark

That, right there, is how not to give a shit, let alone two of them. — Jay Clark

Mejorado Sinonimos Quotes By Frederick Buechner

More than the painting you see or the music you hear, the words you read become in the very act of reading them part of who you are, especially if they are the words of exceptionally promising writers. If there is poison in the words, you are poisoned; if there is nourishment, you are nourished; if there is beauty, you are made a little more beautiful. In Hebrew, the word dabar means both word and also deed. A word doesn't merely say something, it does something. It brings something into being. — Frederick Buechner