Famous Quotes & Sayings

Me My Niece Quotes & Sayings

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Top Me My Niece Quotes

Me My Niece Quotes By Solange Knowles

It's really special to have a niece because I have a son, so I get to have a little girl, too. — Solange Knowles

Me My Niece Quotes By Frank Beddor

Redd's face contorted with a sudden realization. "How could I have been so stupid?"
The Cat was trying to decide if this was a rhetorical question when she roared, "It's a construct!"
With a dismiissive swing of Redd's arm, Alyss and her army began to shimmer, the billon points of engery that formed them monentarily visible before exploding apart into nothing. Redd scoped the queendom with her imagination's eye. "Where are you, Alyss? Where is my dear little niece? — Frank Beddor

Me My Niece Quotes By Dan Simmons

Theoretically, I knew, Sholokov's design for the hawking mat allowed it to fly vertically, the incipient containment field keeping the passenger - theoretically, his beloved niece - from tumbling off backward. — Dan Simmons

Me My Niece Quotes By Joseph Fink

LAUREN: You know, Cecil, I was never a Girl Scout myself, but I can say I am thrilled to support your endeavor to help bring your niece...I'm sorry. What was her name again?
CECIL: I don't want to um -
LAUREN: Janice. It was Janice. I love the way you are taking part in Janice's life. You must really care for her.
CECIL: Yes. With all my heart. But - — Joseph Fink

Me My Niece Quotes By Clive James

My niece is - her name is Sasha, is currently learning Russian at Melbourne University and I look forward to the day when I can talk to her about Pushkin. — Clive James

Me My Niece Quotes By Kami Garcia

Let's be honest, Mr. Ravenwood. You have no place in this town. You are not part of it and clearly, neither is your niece. I don't think you are in any position to make demands."
"Mrs. Lincoln, I appreciate your candor, and I will try to be as frank with you as you have been with me. It would be a grave error for you, for anyone in this town, really, to pursue this matter. You see, I have a great deal of means. I'm a bit of a spendthrift, if you will. If you try to prevent my niece from returning to Stonewall Jackson High School, I will be forced to spend some of that money. Who knows, perhaps I'll bring in a Wal-Mart."
There was another gasp from the bleachers.
"Is that a threat?"
"Not at all. — Kami Garcia

Me My Niece Quotes By Georgette Heyer

Wretch! I shan't allow you to take a rise out of me! I want to talk to you about Jane!"
"Who the devil is - Oh, yes, I know! One of your girls!"
"My eldest daughter, and, let me remind you, your niece, Alverstoke!"
"Unjust, Louisa, I needed no reminder!"
"I am bringing the dear child out this season,"[ ... ]
"You'll have to do something about her freckles - if she's the one I think she is," he interrupted. "Have you tried citron-water?"
"I didn't invite you to come here to discuss Jane's appearance!" she snapped.
"Well, why did you invite me?"
"To ask you to hold a ball in her honour - at Alverstoke House!" she disclosed, rushing her fence.
"To do what? — Georgette Heyer

Me My Niece Quotes By Patrick W. Carr

Somebody's been feeding the boy fables. Probably the king's niece. Humph. Nice girl. Too many romantic notions, though. — Patrick W. Carr

Me My Niece Quotes By Jeremy Piven

I'm in the middle of just trying to impress my nieces, who think I work for the bus company because they saw a picture of me on a bus. I did an independent movie with Mark Pellington (I Melt with You), and then tried to impress my nieces again, by starring opposite Miley Cyrus (in So Undercover). So, basically I'm just trying to get some respect from my family. — Jeremy Piven

Me My Niece Quotes By Gina Damico

And speaking of Terms, we need to set a few ground rules here with ... this," he said, clearing his throat and gesturing at the two of them.
"With what?" Lex said.
"That," Uncle Mort replied, pointing to a suspicious-looking mark on her neck.
Lex's hand flew to her throat while Driggs shifted, uneasy.
"Why?" he asked.
"Don't 'why?' me, Romeo. You know I trust you, but Lex is still my niece. In the absence of her father, it's up to me to do everything in my power to complicate and interfere with her budding love life."
Lex frowned. "Hey- — Gina Damico

Me My Niece Quotes By Ellis Peters

There is the matter of the girl, niece and heiress to the dead man. She is of great beauty," said Cadfael plainly, asserting his right to recognise and celebrate even the beauty of women, though their enjoyment he had now voluntarily forsworn, — Ellis Peters

Me My Niece Quotes By Moira Katson

You, Catwin, no longer exist. You no longer have a fate of your own, a will of your own, or indeed a soul of your own. Henceforth, you and Miriel are to be as one, she the light, and you the shadow. You are to cease thinking of yourself as other from my niece - you are to be her shadow, as Temar is mine. You will go where she goes, you will watch instead of being watched, you will hear instead of being heard. Do you understand me? - Eral Celys, Duke of Voltur — Moira Katson

Me My Niece Quotes By Y. C. James Yen

Go to the people
Live among them
Learn from them
Love them
Serve them
Plan with them
Start with what they know
Build on what they have. — Y. C. James Yen

Me My Niece Quotes By G.A. Aiken

Talaith leaned forward, studied her youngest daughter. "You think you're evil?"
"Pure evil," Izzy clarified, which got her a rather vicious glare from Rhi. An expression Dagmar had never thought the young,
perpetually smiling or sobbing girl was capable of.
"Why would you think you're evil?"
"It's a feeling I have."
"No. Someone told her."
Rhi glowered at her sister. "I never said that."
"You didn't have to," Izzy shot back. "I know you."
"Well, who told her that?" Talaith demanded.
And, as one, they all turned and looked at Gwenvael.
He blinked, sat up straight. "I would never say such a thing to my dear sweet niece!"
"You said it to me," Talwyn snapped.
"That's because you're not my dear sweet niece. You're the rude little cow who threw a knife at my head."
"I wasn't aiming for you. I was aiming for Mum."
"She's right," Annwyl admitted. "I just ducked behind you." She shrugged. "Sorry. — G.A. Aiken

Me My Niece Quotes By Queen Latifah

I like to service the full audience of America, so I try to do things that are just real artistic, like when they don't have the most money, but it's a great piece of work. Then, there are big, fun comedies and big animated movies for kids. I want to do things for my nieces and nephews. Ultimately, we're trying to deliver something entertaining to an audience. As long as it can entertain the audience, and it makes me or my niece and nephew laugh or cry, then I think it's good. — Queen Latifah

Me My Niece Quotes By William Shakespeare

Well, niece, I hope to see you one day fitted with a husband.
Not till God make men of some other metal than earth. Would it not grieve a woman to be overmastered with a pierce of valiant dust? to make an account of her life to a clod of wayward marl? No, uncle, I'll none: Adam's sons are my brethren; and, truly, I hold it a sin to match in my kindred. — William Shakespeare

Me My Niece Quotes By Josephine Angelini

I have that one's soul, niece. — Josephine Angelini

Me My Niece Quotes By G.A. Aiken

I'm your uncle?"
Oh. So that's what was bothering him. Izzy could have done a lot of things at this moment to assuage Eibhear's annoyance. A lot of things.
She didn't do any of them.
Instead she said, "Well ... you are my uncle." She brushed a bit of nonexistent dirt off his bare shoulder. "And I was your ward until years later when you finally had your vile, dirty uncle way with me."
"Izzy. — G.A. Aiken

Me My Niece Quotes By Amy Poehler

I don't like it when bratty, privileged old white guys speak to me like I am their mouthy niece. — Amy Poehler

Me My Niece Quotes By Ilona Andrews

I will kill him."
"Erra's eyebrows rose. "You'd have to go through me first."
I shrugged. "I have to do something for a warm-up."
She laughed softly. "That's the spirit. I do think you might be my favorite niece. — Ilona Andrews

Me My Niece Quotes By G.A. Aiken

Someone's a very dirty Uncle." ... "And a very naughty niece — G.A. Aiken

Me My Niece Quotes By Julian Barnes

He loved his mother: doesn't that warm your silly, sentimental, twentieth-century heart? He loved his father. He loved his sister. He loved his niece. He loved his friends. He admired certain individuals. But his affections were always specific; they were not given away to all comers. This seems enough to me. — Julian Barnes

Me My Niece Quotes By Sienna McQuillen

I Sungazed on the beach with my 13-y.o. Niece. Seems she enjoyed it too, just about 15 secs. I explained it all to her, it takes only 5-10 mins to explain, it's so simple. Relax and look at the Sun while standing on the ground with bare feet. The rest is more the wherefores.
I did around 6 mins, which will be my max for awhile.
My feet are getting a little better for the barefoot walking. — Sienna McQuillen

Me My Niece Quotes By Giada De Laurentiis

My family truly believes they are better cooks than I am. They see me as Giada, not as a celebrity chef. To them I'm just me - their granddaughter, niece, etc., and they're older and wiser. I like that because it keeps you grounded. — Giada De Laurentiis

Me My Niece Quotes By E. M. Forster

Riposte of "that old lady in the anecdote who was accused by her nieces of being illogical," Logic! Good gracious! What rubbish! How can I tell what I think till I see what I say? — E. M. Forster

Me My Niece Quotes By Seanan McGuire

Try to be careful, okay? You're the only niece I'm actually speaking to these days. I'm not in the mood to see you dead. — Seanan McGuire

Me My Niece Quotes By Kelley Armstrong

Her niece had the parenting skills of a ... Rose didn't even know how to finish that sentence. Any creature in nature so incapable of caring for its young would have died out centuries ago. — Kelley Armstrong

Me My Niece Quotes By Miguel De Cervantes Saavedra

But tell me, uncle, who is responsible for your being involved in these quarrels? Would it not be better to remain peacefully here at home and not go roaming through the world in search of better bread than is made from wheat, without taking into consideration that many who go for wool come back shorn?"
"My dear niece," replied Don Quixote, "how little you understand of these matters! Before they shear me, I will have plucked and stripped the beards of any who dare to touch the tip of a single hair of mine. — Miguel De Cervantes Saavedra

Me My Niece Quotes By Michelle Kwan

When I feel like I'm in a rut, I remember it's the little things in life that are important, like riding a bike with a friend or eating ice cream with my baby niece. — Michelle Kwan

Me My Niece Quotes By Betty Makoni

That there is a silent genocide of women and girls in the homes, communities and just everywhere is not a new story. That my great grandmother, grandmother, mother, mother-in-law, aunt, sister, cousin, niece, housemaid, co-worker, friend, neighbor and just about every female shares the same pain is not a new story. What is new in this story is how I stood up to say, "Never again." Never again will a girl or woman get raped, killed, drop out of school, be harmed by our culture or be sexually enslaved. That is as long as I know about it. Never Again--not to any woman or girl again is the new story. — Betty Makoni

Me My Niece Quotes By Ella Wheeler Wilcox

Talk not of the river or lake To those who have looked on the sea. — Ella Wheeler Wilcox

Me My Niece Quotes By Unknown

I am, a daughter, a sister, a grand-daughter, a niece, a cousin and a friend. A partner and a student. A young girl and a grown woman. I am confident and scared, terrified and excited. I am loving and caring and thoughtful and hopeful. I am sick and tired. I am shy and friendly and careful and careless. I am broken and whole. I am misunderstood, misguided and mislead. I am hardworking and determined, but a little scared on the inside. I wish on stars and dream my dreams. I pray to God and cry my tears. I smile on the outside while I'm hurting on the inside. I listen to others who won't listen to me. I walk on eggshells and i walk on fire. I believe in passion and true love. I am everything and nothing all at once.
- Unknown — Unknown

Me My Niece Quotes By William Dean Howells

I don't know," said the papa. "We shall just have to keep on and see. Perhaps when they meet the Prince and Princess we shall find out. I don't suppose a boy would fall in love with a boy." "No," said the niece; "but he might want to go off with him and have fun, or something." "That's true," said the papa. "We've got to all watch out. — William Dean Howells

Me My Niece Quotes By Ilona Andrews

Kate Daniels and her deadly attack poodle. Kill me, somebody. Julie, my adopted niece, would have a field day with this. — Ilona Andrews

Me My Niece Quotes By Jessie J.

It's really important to me that my niece and nephews can come and see my show, as can my grandad and nan. I love spending time with my family, and music has always bonded us. — Jessie J.

Me My Niece Quotes By Charles Dickens

I am sorry for him; I couldn't be
angry with him if I tried. Who suffers by his ill whims? Himself always.
Here he takes it into his head to dislike us, and he won't come and dine
with us. What's the consequence? He don't lose much of a dinner."
"Indeed, I think he loses a very good dinner," interrupted Scrooge's
niece. Everybody else said the same, and they must be allowed to have
been competent judges, because they had just had dinner; and, with the
dessert upon the table, were clustered round the fire, by lamp-light. — Charles Dickens

Me My Niece Quotes By Gena Showalter

Marcus: Cherry?
Jillian: My ten-year-old niece.
Marcus: She's named after a piece of fruit?
Jillian nodded.
Jillian: So is her twin sister, Apple.
Marcus: You're kidding me.
Jillian: Unfortunately, I'm serious. Their father is fond of fruit pies and thought it would be cute.
Marcus: And their mother didn't protest?
Jillian: She thinks Steven's cute, so she gives him whatever he wants. — Gena Showalter

Me My Niece Quotes By Ally Carter

Your mother brought a strange man to this house once, Katarina. I had hoped it might be a few years before history repeated itself."
Kat rolled her eyes at the mention of her father. "Uncle Eddie, I brought Hale home ages ago," she reminded him; but her uncle just shook his head.
"I've known my great-niece's friend. A boyfriend, on the other hand ... that is a most different matter."
"Yes, sir," Hale said. He stood up a little straighter, spoke a little louder.
"You have a powerful family, boy."
"Yes, sir," Hale said. "Please don't hold them against me."
Then Eddie gave a wry smile. "Who says I was talking about them? — Ally Carter

Me My Niece Quotes By Karen Chance

My lord ... I can explain-," Louis-Cesare began, looking less than certain that he could do anything of the kind.
Radu held up a hand. "I am sure there is a perfectly good reason why my niece is naked and tied to her bed. I am also equally certain that I do not wish to hear it". — Karen Chance

Me My Niece Quotes By Tori Amos

Tori's my legal name. My niece and nephews, they all call me Aunt Ellen, because I went by my middle name years ago, before I turned 18. — Tori Amos

Me My Niece Quotes By Viola Davis

I'm very committed to its educational institutions, including my alma mater Central Falls High School's drama program, because I know that's what got me my start. I do everything I can to keep it alive since it made me feel like I had something to give to the world. I also support the Segue Institute for Learning, a charter school in Central Falls run by a friend of mine that my niece attends. I'm committed to that because of its proven results. They have the highest math scores of any charter school in Rhode Island. — Viola Davis

Me My Niece Quotes By Lisa Mondello

Hank Promise's niece. But he'd talk to Mandy — Lisa Mondello

Me My Niece Quotes By Allison Tolman

Body-shaming is something I feel really strongly about. I think about my niece, I think about my friends who have daughters being on the Internet and reading these things, and it just makes me furious. It makes me so angry. — Allison Tolman

Me My Niece Quotes By Dorothy L. Sayers

In any case,' I added, 'I don't know that the great-niece is excluded under the Act - I only understand that she may be. In any case, there are still six months before the Act comes into force, and many things may happen before then.' " 'You mean that Auntie may die,' she said, 'but she's — Dorothy L. Sayers

Me My Niece Quotes By Hal Moore

When we step on the battlefield, I will be The First Boots On and the Last Boots Off. — Hal Moore

Me My Niece Quotes By Scott Hutchins

It's important to remember something: California is not a state built on moderation. We invented motion pictures. We made an electric sports car. We're both the brain (Silicon Valley) and the heart (Hollywood, alas) of this great nation, and meanwhile we grow everyone's strawberries. We're open to innovation. We're open to new ideas. We're open to odd couples - and to strays from all parts of the world. Look at our last governor: an Austrian body builder and son of a Nazi married to John F. Kennedy's niece. Anything can happen. — Scott Hutchins

Me My Niece Quotes By George Eliot

Maggie in her crude form, with her hair down her back, and altogether in a state of dubious promise, was a most undesirable niece; but now she was capable of being at once ornamental and useful. — George Eliot

Me My Niece Quotes By J. R. Bourne

My niece was born with cystic fibrosis 15 years ago, and she's incredibly healthy and an incredible competitive dancer, so I'm going to do some events for the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation. — J. R. Bourne

Me My Niece Quotes By Sara Eckel

The Family and Medical Leave Act, for example, only entitles spouses, grown children, and parents to take time off to care for a sick loved one. If a childless single person falls ill, only her parents have the legal right to take off work to care for her. If they're deceased or not up to the task, she's out of luck. Even if she has a sister, niece, or best friend willing to take a leave, they won't be legally entitled to do so. No one has the right to care for her. — Sara Eckel

Me My Niece Quotes By Carlos Ruiz Zafon

I turned to discover the faint smile of the bookseller's
niece. Her voice was pure crystal, transparent and so fragile I feared that her words would break if I interrupted them. — Carlos Ruiz Zafon

Me My Niece Quotes By Amy Poehler

All of my lower-middle-class Boston issues rose to the surface. I don't like it when bratty, privileged old white guys speak to me like I am their mouthy niece. I got that amazing feeling you get when you know you are going to lose it in the best, most self-righteous way. I just leaned back and yelled, "FUUUUUUUUUUUUCK YOU." Then I chased him as he tried to get away from me. — Amy Poehler

Me My Niece Quotes By Komal Kant

Ucky was uncle. Nessie was niece. — Komal Kant

Me My Niece Quotes By Zendaya

I was born an auntie. I have an older niece and nephew and many younger nieces and nephews. — Zendaya

Me My Niece Quotes By Lil' Kim

I love spending time with my dog, my niece and my family. I'm very family-oriented. — Lil' Kim

Me My Niece Quotes By Margaret Peterson Haddix

Jonah wondered what JB could possibly find to say without bringing up some touchy topic: Hey, sorry about kidnapping your niece and taking her four hundred years back in time. Sorry she got stuck there for five years. Sorry we had to count on a thirteen-year-old to rescue her. Oh, wait - you don't know about any of that, do you? — Margaret Peterson Haddix

Me My Niece Quotes By Meg Cabot

No offense, but if you want to be with my niece, you should think about getting a haircut. My mother is very conservative."
"No offense taken," John said mildly. — Meg Cabot

Me My Niece Quotes By L.J.Smith

A bright haze seemed to lie over everything, and she had a feeling of unreality, but the scene itself looked almost unbelievably wholesome, like something out of a commercial. Just your average family sitting down to eat turkey, she thought. One slightly flustered aunt, worried that the peas will be mushy and the rolls burnt, one comfortable uncle-to-be, one golden-haired teenage niece and her baby sister. One blue-eyed boy-next-door type, one spritely girlfriend, one gorgeous vampire passing the vegetables. A typical American household. — L.J.Smith

Me My Niece Quotes By Julia Roberts

I had lunch the other day with my niece, Emma, and she said, 'You're so smart, Aunt Julia.' And I wanted to say, 'I'm not smart - I'm 41! You're 17!' — Julia Roberts

Me My Niece Quotes By Julie Berry

To independence!" added Pocked Louise. "No fussy old widows telling us when not to speak, and how to set the spoons when an earl's niece comes to supper. And telling us to leave scientific experiments to the men. — Julie Berry

Me My Niece Quotes By William Friedkin

I'm not a fan of Star Wars. That is not for me. That is for my nephews and nieces. I don't get it. — William Friedkin

Me My Niece Quotes By Aasif Mandvi

In some ways for many years I was off the hook.When my niece was born after that their attention was focused on that and she did that. You know, that was in our family that's what she did. I went off and chased this dream and this career that very other few people in our, you know, in my family, but even culturally were doing. — Aasif Mandvi

Me My Niece Quotes By Friedrich Von Hugel

You want to grow in virtue, to serve God, to love Christ? Well, you will grow in and attain to these things if you will make them a slow and sure, an utterly real, a mountain step-plod and ascent, willing to have to camp for weeks or months in spiritual desolation, darkness and emptiness at different stages in your march and growth. All demand for constant light, for ever the best - the best to your own feeling, all the attempt at eliminating or minimizing the cross and trial, is so much soft folly and puerile trifling. — Friedrich Von Hugel

Me My Niece Quotes By Lailah Gifty Akita

There are lot of things to be thankful for; the gift of life, the gift of a wife, the gift of a husband, the gift of parent, the gift of grandma, the gift of grandpa, the gift of family, the gift of children, the gift of relations, the gift of nature, the gift of friends, the gift of relatives, the gift of siblings, the gift cousins, the gift of aunties, the gift of niece, the gift of nephews, the gift of in-laws and many more. — Lailah Gifty Akita

Me My Niece Quotes By Philip K. Dick

This problem," Rick said, "stems entirely from your method of operation, Mr. Rosen. Nobody forced your organization to evolve the production of humanoid robots to a point where - "
"We produced what the colonists wanted," Eldon Rosen said. "We followed the time-honored principle underlying every commercial venture. If our firm hadn't made these progressively more human types, other firms in the field would have. We knew the risk we were taking when we developed the Nexus-6 brain unit. But your Voigt-Kampff test was a failure before we released that type of android. If you had failed to classify a Nexus-6 android as an android, if you had checked it out as human - but that's not what happened." His voice had become hard and bitingly penetrating. "Your police department - others as well - may have retired, very probably have retired, authentic humans with underdeveloped empathic ability, such as my innocent niece here. Your position, Mr. Deckard, is extremely bad morally. Ours isn't. — Philip K. Dick

Me My Niece Quotes By Stevie Nicks

I hope that my niece in 20 years is going to say to me, 'Aunt Stevie, what was with your hair?' — Stevie Nicks

Me My Niece Quotes By Marissa Meyer

I must say, the queen does have a flair for the dramatic." Torin cast a sly grin toward Kai. "So, it seems, does her niece."

He smothered a twitch of pride. Cinder did have a knack for making an entrance. — Marissa Meyer

Me My Niece Quotes By Agapi Stassinopoulos

I draw strength from spirit, from the divine light. I draw strength from the love my sister and I have for each other, from my nieces, Christina and Isabella, and the true friendships I have in my life that are based in being real with each other and mutual love and support. — Agapi Stassinopoulos

Me My Niece Quotes By Shirley Jackson

Eleanor Vance was thirty-two years old when she came to Hill House. The only person in the world she genuinely hated, now that her mother was dead, was her sister. She disliked her brother-in-law and her five-year-old niece, and she had no friends. — Shirley Jackson

Me My Niece Quotes By George Orwell

It's a wonderful feeling to have a niece like you
Because you are always so dear
You are so dear no matter the year
But all throughout each day of the year
There could hardly be a town in the South of England where you
could throw a brick without hitting the niece of a bishop. — George Orwell

Me My Niece Quotes By Honore De Balzac

When she lives at his palace, the maiden niece of a bishop can pass for a respectable woman because, if she has a love affair, she is obliged to hoodwink her uncle. — Honore De Balzac

Me My Niece Quotes By Celine Dion

To have your niece die in your arms is the greatest gift from god. — Celine Dion

Me My Niece Quotes By Julia Quinn

I have thoroughly compromised your niece," Alex declared. "Will you plase insist that she marry me?"
Caroline didn't bat an eyelash. "This", she announced, "is most peculiar. — Julia Quinn

Me My Niece Quotes By Jane Lynch

I can still impress my family, yeah. In fact, I always text my family when I meet someone famous. I ran into Anna Faris and I texted my niece, and I said "Just hugged it out with Anna Faris," and she was like, "Oh my God! OMG! OMG!" She got a big kick out of it. — Jane Lynch

Me My Niece Quotes By Siri Hustvedt

The second anniversary opened an internal crack in Sonia, a fissure through which she released the explosive feeling that had horrified her for two years. The conflagration that had burned so many, that had pushed people into the open air, onto the ledges from which they jumped, some of them on fire, had left its unspeakable images inside my niece ... Sonia didn't want a world in which buildings fell down and wars were fought for no reason. — Siri Hustvedt