Famous Quotes & Sayings

Maxine Work Quotes & Sayings

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Top Maxine Work Quotes

Maxine Work Quotes By Donald Miller

If the abortion issue is important to me, this is how you tackle that issue. — Donald Miller

Maxine Work Quotes By Maxine Hong Kingston

I have found things that I could have done better in 'The Woman Warrior.' But then I thought: Let the work of one's youth just stand. — Maxine Hong Kingston

Maxine Work Quotes By Dalai Lama

Disagreement is something normal. — Dalai Lama

Maxine Work Quotes By Lil' Wayne

A lot of women don't know how to love because there's deep reasons for them not knowing how to love. And what I mean by deep reasons is deep and dark reasons. — Lil' Wayne

Maxine Work Quotes By Gautama Buddha

The man who wears the yellow-dyed robe but is not free from stains himself, without self-restraint and integrity, is unworthy of the robe. — Gautama Buddha

Maxine Work Quotes By Maxine Hong Kingston

The sweat of hard work is not to be displayed. It is much more graceful to appear favored by the gods. — Maxine Hong Kingston

Maxine Work Quotes By John Calvin

There is no golden mean between these two extremes; either this early life must become low in our estimation, or it will have our inordinate love. — John Calvin

Maxine Work Quotes By Nick Vujicic

I found the purpose of my existence, and also the purpose of my circumstance. There's a purpose for why you're in the fire. If God can use a man without arms and legs to be His hands and feet, then He will certainly use any willing heart! — Nick Vujicic

Maxine Work Quotes By Sharon Salzberg

For any marginalized group to change the story that society tells about them takes courage and perseverance. — Sharon Salzberg

Maxine Work Quotes By Maxine Hong Kingston

What are you going to do for a living? Yea, you're going to have to work because you can't be a housewife. Somebody has to marry you before you can be a housewife. And you, you are a plant. Do you know that? That's all you are if you don't talk. If you don't talk, you can't have a personality. You'll have no personality and no hair. You've got to let people know you have a personality and a brain. You think somebody is going to take care of you all your stupid life? You think you'll always have your big sister? You think somebody's going to marry you, is that it? Well you're not the type that gets dates, let alone gets married. Nobody's going to notice you. And you have to talk for interviews, speak right up in front of the boss. Don't you know that? — Maxine Hong Kingston

Maxine Work Quotes By Maxine Hong Kingston

The work of preservation demands that the feelings playing about in one's guts not be turned into action. Just watch their passing like cherry blossoms. — Maxine Hong Kingston

Maxine Work Quotes By Patrick Kane

I think for me, personally, I'm a guy who has watched ESPN ever since I've been growing up. You turn it on, and it's one of the first stories - the Blackhawks and hockey, which you don't really see on that station. That's cool to see. — Patrick Kane

Maxine Work Quotes By Laura Nyro

I don't think you should categorize yourself as an artist. — Laura Nyro

Maxine Work Quotes By Maxine Hong Kingston

To shut the door at the end of the workday, which does not spill over into evening. To throw away books after reading them so theydon't have to be dusted. To go through boxes on New Year's Eve and throw out half of what is inside. Sometimes for extravagance to pick a bunch of flowers for the one table. Other women besides me must have this daydream about a carefree life. — Maxine Hong Kingston

Maxine Work Quotes By Sydney Schanberg

What happened was very sad. Mr. Lacey told the staff that he was disappointed and appalled that the front of the book was all commentary and that he wanted hard news. — Sydney Schanberg

Maxine Work Quotes By Maxine Hong Kingston

Human beings don't work like this in China. Time goes slower there. Here we have to hurry, feed the hungry children before we're too old to work. I feel like a mother cat hunting for its kittens. She has to find them fast because in a few hours she will forget how to count or that she had any kittens at all. I can't sleep in this country because it doesn't shut down for the night. Factories, canneries, restaurants - always somebody somewhere working through the night. It never gets done all at once here. Time was different in China. One year lasted as long as my total time here; one evening so long, you could visit your women friends, drink tea, and play cards at each house, and it would still be twilight. It even got boring, nothing to do but fan ourselves. Here midnight comes and the floor's not swept, the ironing's not ready, the money's not made. I would be still young if we lived in China. (1983: 98) — Maxine Hong Kingston